OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

Gentle Fire Grid
1 Users 55 6
Exploration: Wander through beautifully crafted virtual regions. Discover hidden gems, scenic landscapes, and interactive spaces. Whether you’re into serene forests, bustling cities, or futuristic re...

Here begins Cap'n Kelso Underwater Tour
Be ready for a very IMMERSIVE experience

Cherry Manga: Excellent! ♥ 2 years ago

Sunflower Solitaire with a pretty Citrine gemstone. Free/Full Perms Jewelry

River: Mari, its beautiful! Thank you! 2 years ago
Those sinfully red vinyl pants. Oh my! Those dangerously spiked heels. Oh my! That provocatively lifted top. Oh my! That barely there bra... OH MY!

oh HELLO. Oh my.

Andromeda: Congratulations, sensational, the size of the good taste! island without lag this is very good. 2 years ago
I am sorry my grid was down so long. I broke an ankle, almost died from gangrene, and lost a leg. I simply wasn't home for awhile, months in hospital. But I am back, and Rebelworld, and it's lands, including the 3 posted here live. lol ;) hugs n high 5's, good karma. and prayers for everyone.

(update) experiencing some bumps, but it WILL be back up as fast as I can fix the loopback, and address mess from where my internet provider has been changed. :)

(update 2) On hold with my ISP. Having [port-forward issues. Can't get in my router. I am waiting to get the info currently to access to manually port forward. I am sorry if you cannot access my world for a little while.

(update 3) A friend who has land, and an avatar on my server got on! :D If anyone not on my server gets on? PLEASE let me know? hugs n high 5's :)
Upate. This address should work for everyone:

Goodmorning, it seems not everyone is able to visit my region Avia at Virtual Worlds Zone Grid. Would you pls let me know? It should be opened to everyone. Alternative is to hop to and there choose region Avia. Hope it will be solved soon.
Hi Everyone!

After a 2 week break, installation of a shiny new server and a few tweaks here and there, Mike and I are happy to announce that Raven's Peak is back up and running! **Old landmarks to our store's won't work so please take the hop**

We wanted to extend the BIGGEST EVER THANK YOU @Wolf Territories Grid . Lone and the team from Dream Hosting are superstar's and Mike and I cannot thank you all enough for your fantastic advice, referral and help. I'm not sure we have anything to offer, however if you ever need help with anything, we are here! You are all amazing people! ** THANK YOU! **

Mike & Zoey ♥

Sodasullivan: Yay, glad you are back! 8 days ago
The Auto Sentry Gun. Just touch it to turn it on or off. Only the owner can switch it on. It will say "ON" to the owner or "OFF" if you click it a second time. Hehehehe. It will shoot a bullet that will send someone far into the air once they get to close to it. Have fun! Enjoy the game! Available for 0$ at On The Moon [whooops! access fixed]

NoraCola: I tried it in my ubode region and couldn't get it to work so for now it's a nice prop. If only I weren't script illiterate T_T 18 days ago
I am so happy to be part of Wolf Territories! Lone Wolf is doing truly cutting edge things in OpenSim! Hyperconverge servers migration, bulk region opportunities, complimentary regions for 501s and edu's - and more to come! Well done, Lone!

Thorben Goerssen: Wolf ist der ein sehr guter hat wenn man ein Problem hat immer Zeit und kümmert sofort darum. Auch ich bin sehr stolz ein Mitglied vom Wolf Ter. zu sein und kann es nur weiterempfehlen. 2 months ago
Veröffentlichung im Auftrag für Smaili Me, als Mitglied unserer Peaceisland Gruppe

Einige Mitglieder des Soul Grid sind wohl Gehirnlos und agieren beleidigend, sie können nicht eine Meinung gegenüber einer Auseinandersetzung oder einem Streit unterscheiden. Liebe Nasti eine Streitverursachung ist dies was du letztes Jahr gemacht hast, du weißt wo (Phil Collins Live) hier hast du eine hinterlästige Aufhetzung gegenüber Personen betrieben, was ich nun im Nachhinein erfahren habe, nachdem der Tommy und Crazy nicht mehr zur Party von Sylvia ins GWG gehen wollten.
Letztes Jahr wiederum, bei einer Party von Genie (Offworld) hast du Nasti und Karin als Sylvia zur Party kam und noch nicht einmal gerezzt war, Sylvia entwürdigt und angegriffen, das sie sofort weg ging und dies öffentlich, hier hat sich keiner eingemischt obwohl das unter aller Würde war, wenn ihr euch nicht mehr daran erinnert kann ich mit Offenlegung nachhelfen.

Und was ich am vergangenen Freitag am 23.Februar 2024 bei der Party vom Genie (Offworld) wo ich sachlich der AnaKathy.Rosenburg meine Meinung geäussert hatte
und hierzu über das Verhalten von sich einmischenden anwesenden Soul Mitgliedern und speziell über Karin feststellen musste in ihrer IM Nachricht dazu an mich, das diese Person weder eine Erziehung noch ein Ausbildung genossen haben kann, sie schreibt mir unter anderem im Wortlaut: du dreckige du kannst doch nicht unsere Souler die Ana angreifen
Jetzt verstehe ich auch liebe Nasti warum du nie alleine zu einer Party gehst und deine gehirnlosen Bodyguards dabei sein müssen.

Ich würde mich riesig über eine Äusserung von euch freuen, aber ich würde vorschlagen uns an neutralem Platz am besten nicht in Schriftform sondern zum Reden zu treffen mit Chill entspannender Musik im Hintergrund damit euere Gehirnzellen vielleicht beruhigt werden und wenn euer Still wieder auf assoziale Sprüche überschlägt und die Leute die euch noch nicht kennen kann man dies ja mit härterem Musiktönen übertönen und danach PARTYTIME !
Dieser neutrale Ort kann in Sandbox oder auch bei Micky im GWG sein, nicht zu vergessen, wozu er vorher befragt werden muss.

Noch etwas zu Ana Kathy, liebe Ana du weißt ab und an nicht was du redest und von dir gibst, ich will dir nicht zu nahe treten aber der Anschein erweckt es wie wenn du Persönlichkeitsstörungen hättest, ich kann dir einen Ratschlag geben, lass dir helfen.

Noch eine Bemerkung von mir Tommy und Crazy mischen sich in meine Belange nicht ein, sie verhalten sich nicht wie Souler. Ich bezahle auch kein Schutzgeld für mein virtuelles Dasein und Zuhause.

Ich schenke euch ein schönes Lächeln, was ich vorläufig in mein Profil real als Bild eingestellt habe, es ist zwar nicht mein wunderschönes Lächeln aber für die Souler reicht dies aus.

Smaili Me :)))))

P.S. ich bedanke mich recht herzlich bei dir Crazy das ich dies hier auf diesem Forum einstellen durfte.

Published on behalf of Smaili Me, as a member of our Peaceisland group

Some members of the Soul Grid appear to be brainless and abusive, unable to distinguish an opinion from an argument or argument.
Dear Nasti, what caused an argument is what you did last year, you know where (Phil Collins Live) here you were insidiously inciting people, which I now found out afterwards after Tommy and Crazy stopped going to Sylvia's party wanted to go to the GWG.

Last year again, at a Genie (Offworld) party, when Sylvia came to the party and wasn't even rezzed, you degraded and attacked Sylvia, so she immediately left and did so publicly. Nobody interfered here, even though that was the case was beneath all dignity, if you don't remember it, I can help by disclosing it.

And what I said last Friday on February 23, 2024 at the Genie (Offworld) party, where I objectively expressed my opinion to AnaKathy.Rosenburg and about the behavior of soul members present who were interfering and especially about Karin, she had to realize in her IM message to me that this person could not have had any upbringing or training. Among other things, she wrote to me verbatim: you dirty, you can´t attack our Soulers, here the Ana.

Now I understand, dear Nasti, why you never go to a party alone and your mindless bodyguards have to be there.

I would be very happy to hear from you, but I would suggest meeting in a neutral place, ideally not in writing form but in talking, with chill, relaxing music in the background so that your brain cells might be calmed down and if your silence turns back to anti-social sayings and the people who don't know you yet, you can drown this out with harder music and then PARTYTIME!

This neutral location can be in Sandbox or with Mickey in the GWG, not forgetting what he needs to be asked about beforehand.

One more thing about Ana Kathy, dear Ana, you sometimes don't know what you're saying and what you're saying, I don't want to offend you, but it seems like you have personality disorders, I can give you some advice, let me help you .

Another comment from me Tommy and Crazy don't interfere in my concerns, they don't behave like Soulers.
I also don't pay protection money for my virtual existence and home.

I'll give you a beautiful smile, which I've temporarily put up as a picture in my profile. It's not my most beautiful smile, but it's enough for the Soulers.

Smaili Me :)))))

P.S. I would like to thank you very much, Crazy, for allowing me to post this here on this forum.

Smaili Me: Marty das was du als Mist definierst wollte ich privat abklären aber war nicht machbar um die Sache abschliessen zu können. Ein Disput war nie mein Ziel. 3 months ago
A new attraction on Stark Straits, a gallery of AI art that does not take itself too seriously, being created from fantasy and desires by a complete novice!!! You will love it or hate it, it is the marmite gallery!!!!!! It it is called Niki's Checkerboard Museum of AI Art.

Sodasullivan: Woosh! a very fun and wild experience. I recommend a visit 3 months ago
This Grid has followed suit with other grids in banning Darkheartsos grid from accessing Trianon-World. Im sure the reasoning behind it will be clear to some of you who run adult grids, it's over run with children and adults who abuse them. Over the past few months, I have banned some adults based on profile pictures and wording. I'm not saying everyone from there was bad, but I don't want them on my grid. If you are from there and wish to dispute your access being denied, write to me here in private and plead your case

Aurora Starchild: If that makes you feel better, and you feel like smaller avis (not children, but avis) from the grid are safer if they don't go to Trianon - that's your choice and one to be respected! All I have to s... 5 months ago
Bonjour à tous. Cela fait quelques temps aujourd'hui que je traine sur cette petite planète qu'est OSGRID. J'ai un peu de mal avec certaines choses comme beaucoup de gens j'imagine. Je lis parfois vos posts, vos écrits et je suis horrifiée de voir avec quel malin plaisir vous salissez ou pire vous dénigrez les gens ou les choses. C'est affolant. Aucune âme, aucune face. Alors bien sur j'ai comme tout le monde eu mes coups de colère mais heureusement pour ma santé mentale ca ne dure pas.
Nous avons la chance d'être sur une planète ou tout est gratuit bon sang! Avec les mêmes avantages que sur SL et manifestement ce que j'en lis, et hélas, constate les mêmes inconvénients! Expliquez moi : quel est ce démon qui vous rends jaloux parce que XX a fait un plus joli décor, ou plus grand, ou plus complets?? Quelle importance vraiment??? Est ce votre égo surdimensionné qui vous pousse à dire je veux plus de trafic que lui/elle? Quel intérêt?
Et la encore pire : en quoi la façon de s'habiller ou d'être d'une personne vous regarde?? Cela vous choque les nus? cela vous choque qu'elle ne mette pas de culotte? houlà !!! Mais faut consulter la!! ca relève de la psychiatrie en fait.
Après, bien sur que la personne qui l'anime est vraie. Mais on s en fou de savoir si son avatar est petit, grand, gros, vert, jaune, ou s'il met des culottes de grands mères ou rien! Ca change la personne que vous êtes de mettre un jeans ou un jogging? Vous vous habillez comme sur le jeu en RL ? Nan parce que la chapeau bas vous devez avoir de sacrés jolies gambettes mesdames et des sacrés corps d'athlètes messieurs! Vu la longueur des jupes et les chemises ouvertes que vous mettez sur os!! Arrêtons L'hypocrisie collective s'il vous plait!
La vie est courte l'avez vous aussi oublié? Votre RL ne vous suffit pas pour le coté sombre? la maladie les factures ?
Je pensais que sur SL le problème venait des Français hé bien non pas du tout. Dans tous les pays manifestement il y a un lot d'abrutis. Et fort heureusement aussi de très belles personnes.
Alors je vais rester dans ma petite grotte avec mon mari et quelques personnes charmantes que j'ai peu rencontrer. Je vais continuer à rêver... je rêvais d'un autre mooonde.....

Caribia Zsun: Opensim devrait être un endroit où tout le monde peut créer et être de bonne humeur... Le monde réel est difficile pour beaucoup de gens et le monde virtuel est un répit, ne pouvons-nous pas garder ce... 5 months ago
OSgrid has announced a scheduled downtime from Wednesday, January 10th, to Saturday, January 13th.

Given OSgrid's track record, I could impossibly not meme it.

Jamie Wright: This is the perfect meme for this:) 5 months ago
Hallo ihr Lieben,
das Jahr ist fast zu Ende. Und wieder haben wir die Hälfte aller Vorsätze vom letzten Silvester nicht eingehalten. Ein guter Vorsatz wäre, dass wird das Ende des Jahres ordentlich feiern. Daher steigt im Soul-Grid eine Silvesterparty. Um 20 Uhr geht es los .
Wir freuen uns auf euch

KarinBecker: ☆。¸ `•.¸ `•. ★ӇƛƤƤƳ★ ♫`¸.•* ¸。☆ ♬ ☆。¸ `•.¸ ` • ƝЄƜ *´.•´`¸ ✫ ♭ ☆。¸ . •´ ƳЄƛƦ! °° * .•*´ ♫ ♥*.*`.•´ * °¸.•❤ ♪ ☆。¸¸*•. ❤ ✫ °♩` •`°`¸.• ... 5 months ago
It was exceedingly annoying to me that a Linda Kellie dress I really liked had something like a MILLION triangles and shot your avatar complexity to 500K.
I reduced the tri count significantly, until I could do no more without destroying the original mesh. Then I rigged for Ruth RC3 and wore it around my lonely little dreamgrid (my internet sucks, in those days I could see myself but nobody could see, talk to or visit me)(this is why I moved to OSgrid). More recently, I also rigged for Athena with my legal copy of the maitreya dev kit. It's common and there's people that prefer it-who am I to judge?

It's in Mythos now. Has pre made variants with the texture, all my textures included (all black dresses with a different type of tartan on each). Old doesn't equal ugly and usually in opensim if you don't like the "out of style" texture on something you can change can use any LK ruffle bottom texture, any one someone else made with the AO, etc. The original AO map is in the box.
It's a shorter skirt so I put some old bloomers I made, and some stockings from Shinobar Annex in the box as a courtesy.

Jupiter Rowland: Good thing you've added all your textures. That way, they can be applied to Linda's original meshes, complex as they may be. That said, would you consider rigging for two more bodies? One would be M... 5 months ago
The newest break on the hypergrid . Must see/surf. It is truly a new and unique surfing experience. Please enjoy the waves at Aquarius ( Board rezzer has a beta board for all to try . ) and Monterey too. Let's go!

Mistressdalgato: fyi region could use a landing point, i landed in the water. :) 7 months ago

New Mesh Concert Stage "BEATS LIVE" available for all free scripted commands turn on and off lights, headlights that follow you! Smoke machine included! Media streaming included!

Great: I saw the post about this stage and went to see it. I did not expect to find myself in entertainment heaven. A region complete with everything you need to organise events. The owner is a very humble a... 10 months ago

Advanced Lighting usage

  • I have it turned on all the time.
  • I only turn it on occasion for certain things.
  • I never turn it on.
  • If i tried to use advanced lighting my computer would die.
Vote (28)

Morphed to a legacy AV, now to go get killed at Spax's SIM

Jerralyn Franzic: By the looks of it, must be easier to get killed at the park now. Hmmm... I gotta come back soon then lol, maybe I'll try it tonight. 1 years ago is a great way to promote all the wonderful creations we can find in different grids and I think this is the purpose of this website. Promoting creativity, giving people the ability to explore and see what others create. This is why Im sponsoring this website with advertisements and announcements. Lately I observe this place is filled with comments of personal kind , ( some would call it drama ). I am sure the majority here visiting this website for the same reason as I do are not happy with the continuously posted remarks of personal kind ( and disrespectful) . I wish to ask all who use this wonderful website to consider , where it was built for. If this website will become a gathering place for people who wish to display their frustrations, it will chase away others who are willing to invest in this medium. Please take this in consideration before you post ( and please use English if you can, this is an international community)

Trouble Ahead : "It’s lack of accountability, especially when combined with in-group favoritism, that turns the internet into a l... 1 years ago

The Inflatable Traffic Inflating Bot! Powered by patented AFK technology! Big enough to crush your competition. The Inflatable Traffic Inflating Bot is legit decor!

Oni Kiri: well is nice but can it dance? 1 years ago
Region and Grid Owners: Do you have a lot of rental properties? How do you manage them? Are your tenants also tenants of other grids and do they hardly ever visit the regions that they rent from you? The rental dilemna is real. To rent or not to rent? That is the question......Visit our blog section for more details. I can't paste a link here as it comes up blank but if you visit the blog section of our website it should work. I would be interested to hear from other grid owners or region owners with regard to rentals.

Paula: No question trying to manage a region is a challenging and thankless labour of love. * Kinda like raising children. Tropicana is a gorgeous region, beautifully designed, well run and very friendly tha... 1 years ago
Thinking of those of you who have marine worlds, I have left copies of a jellyfish, an octopus, a giant squid, a loggerhead turtle, a Beluga whale, a Yubarta whale and a whale shark at the base of Subnautica (and the whale skeleton can also be copied).
There are also 5 new NPS in the class that you can copy.
Enjoy them

Pensando en los que tenéis mundos marinos, he dejado copias de una medusa, un pulpo, un calamar gigante, una tortuga boba, una ballena Beluga, una ballena Yubarta y un tiburón ballena en la base de Subnautica (y el esqueleto de la ballena también se puede copiar).
También hay 5 nuevos NPS en la clase que puedes copiar.

Chad Deischer: I used that trick by wearing item at your region come home and drop item and open into my inventory. Then had to go back to your region wear the opened folder content . Then go home an assets were ok ... 1 years ago

SheaButter: Nicely done! Well organized. 2 years ago

Misty_Falls: Very lovely SIM to visit, a lot of hard work went into making it, i'm sure .... GREAT JOB !!! 2 years ago

New Animated Bento Penis by Dark Wolf
Available at: Island Shopping Men Shop

JonSun: It would seem the texture HUD doesn't respond, even though the animations etc. are all working well. Like others said, it's effectively free as you get a credit of $3000 OS$ when you start the buy pr... 2 years ago
The other day I walked past a fitness place named The Beast. That makes sense. They are going to pump you up into some kind of muscle-bound monster. What didn't make sense was their logo. It was...a unicorn. Ah yes, who doesn't associate unicorns with buffed beasts? Why, when I was a child, my favorite movie was "Beauty and the Unicorn." Or something. In any case, I made this outfit. It's got horns. Wear it and prowl around, searching for what? Unicorns?

oh HELLO: Outfits With Options. And now, a baby unicorn in every box!

Nico Kailani: This outfit has been replaced by Beast 2, which has a more out-door forest-living Beast look. Come get it, and the special baby unicorn gift as well. hop:// 2 years ago

Rigged 3D models for use as avatars or animesh. Open to commissions, send me a notecard inworld with your request.

Antonia Ling: Wonderful stuff! Love it... 2 years ago
Data transfer status.

Do you remember a post I made some time ago, about assets missing due a day transfer?

Let me tell you the full story because I got a post that's a bit too angry and a bit too misinformed for my taste.

Originally OSG was mostly on a datacentre on Texas, at first it was good, but it got progressively more and more inadequate for the grid, do you remember two years ago that we had a weekly outage? Or sudden grid downs that used to last 24 hours?

It was time to move the whole grid to new pastures and they did! The total data was transferred to a better datacetre, the transference was brutal though, we're talking about millions upon millions of tiny files, it took months to transfer all that and they managed to do it with the grid running. Of course there was side effects, slowness to rez, extended times to see the textures appear, etc. A small price to pay compared to the alternative: shut down the grid for a couple of months.

Some days ago I was told the current status of the last server move, the one with oldest assets, most notably 1+ year old textures and notecards.

The good news: the transfer is done, it took about a month.
I was told not once, not twice but several times: No data was lost.

"So where are my textures?"

This is the current situation: While the data is already transferred it's the equivalent of moving, we have all the boxes into the new house, now it's time to unbox and arrange our stuff in the empty space.

That last server had about 168 million assets.

The program that the guys wrote specifically to ingest the data into the new server process about 1.6 million assets per day, plus they're verifying the integrity of each bit (thanks to that they had corrected/recover 4854 assets so far), the whole process assuming 1.3 million assets processed and ingested per day will take between 90 to 120 days from today.

I asked if this will cause lag or poor performance: No, this process happens on a separate server, and it's independent of the rest of the grid, so it won't impact performance.

No data has been lost, but many is still in the box, waiting to be put in the proper place.

Is it a bummer? of course it is, all my profile pictures (all of them are 1+ year old) are gone, white. I won't delete them because they will be back.

Finally this process is progressive, it means that as the data gets processed it becomes available, my pic today is white but tomorrow may be back, as it reaches its's turn in the queue.

So don't despair, we're in the final stretch.
New Release: Arcadia's Panda Hoodie.

This took me a while to make, it's a release for girls: a Panda Hoodie.

It comes in two versions: with the hoodie and down.

It comes in three models: Flat chested, regular chest and big breasts.
But it's also fitted mesh so it will vary according to your shape sliders too.

It comes for two kind of avatars: System avatar and Ruth 2 v.4.

While I don't support athena I've seen it wore and it fits too, but I can't guarantee a perfect match.

It includes all the textures for the hoodie and the alpha layer inside each hoodie object.

After hearing of the sad news that Gertie Bumbtious left us on June 5th, we, Niki Stark (ex-wife of Gertie) and I decided to make a tribute edition of Stark! with some nice photos of Gertie. We will miss Gertie very much with her happy, positive manner and her legendary music sets!

You can get copies of the magazine and the vendors at the Stark landing point as always.

Rest in peace, Gertie!
Niki & Mattie

LIGHT MUSEUM opening! All FREE and FULL PERM for LAMPs, STREET LAMPS and LIGHT related..
In STORE 01 u will find: Lamps decor stuffs. Enjoy :)

I found this cool looking funky retro couch but alas it had no animation in it. I found the perfect fix with the "Pineapple Engine" from @AuroraAsteria located at her Starchild Shoppe at Darkharts. With barely two clicks I now have a couch with dozens of great animations in it. It is easy to use, even an idiot like me can do it!
Highly recommend!

hop:// Boutiques/398/395/23

Rhowin Blackwell: A huge thank you for the heads up about Starchild Shoppe! I was very pleasantly surprised to find items I hadn't yet seen, as well as the plethora of adult time fun options that are available. 4 days ago

shop free
cock and pussy

Sturmie: this Region is called AFK Sex LoooL sorry but who want have sex with any ugly NPCs and the best is u landing there and get asking for Friendship without any Words or an Hello !! I think the Owers ther... 18 days ago
After a wait of almost 18 months newcomer Cindy Masters has finally been able to move from the Metropolis to Redlight City. Her business Bimbo's and Blondes Introduction Agency is now open for business. With her business comes her very lucrative mansion on Fantasy Avenue.

Copper: To the NPC topic. I use NPC at my sim (grid OS version, that were coded under OS 0.7.6 and purr like a kitten. So this cant be the NPC "tech". Those NPC have features I also never saw in "new... 1 month ago
In the 7th grade, in physical science class, I got a hard paddling with a wooden paddle with holes in it. Our physical science teacher had just explained that the universe was created by a big bang. I asked if God created the big bang. I was the only one in class with a question weighing heavily on my heart as my parents had raised me in church, and my belief was in direct conflict with what the teacher was saying. I was not rude, I didn't ask with a smirk on my face, or with ill intent. I asked as a question of curiosity. I was beaten so hard that I cried - in the 7th grade. I still wonder and marvel at the origin of the universe, often reflecting about it in my mind. Scientists thought all the stars in the universe would be pulled back together into a ball every so often, and tremendous forces would cause it to explode apart again. This way the universe was forever a constantly repeating explosion and contraction that had always been this way. Around 2017 the greatest minds in the world decided after analyzing their collected data that the universe does not go back together in a "big crunch" after the "big bang" but that it is expanding forever. Scientists then decided that to explain the big bang that the universe was empty, but b/c it was so empty the possibility for matter to exist was very high, so all the matter in the universe created itself out of nothing... That's the current theory of the creation of the universe. It just appeared out of "thin air" so to speak... I call that magic, and I am aware of the famous saying that "All significantly advanced technology will appear as magic to primitive people". In some ways the bible and science are similiar. Science says in the beginning was a tiny spark of light that exploded into all matter and all things. The bible says in the beginning God said "Let there be light..." Religion is often the way of primitive people to explain the world around them, and where you are born in the world can largely determine what you believe. I have a book that lists over 4,327 Gods and Goddesses in the world, each bound to the geographic area of their worshippers, except where the boundaries move due to war, or evangelism. That's not counting the over 2,000,000 hindu indian gods, they have a new one every so many months, e.g. a person born with a long tail. We are biological entities in a physical universe. Lifeforms, but we are also very special, we are gifted with knowledge & wisdom, and with knowledge comes the knowing of right & wrong. It's the same in most all religions, but here again opinions vary, and that's ok. We are all entitled to our own opinion. Because nobody knows for sure, if there's a God, if there's a krishna, ra, zeus, odin, big bang theory, etc. It's ALL a belief. The evidence seems to favor a big bang theory, and scientists looking up say everything is flying apart which supports the explosion idea. When I look up at night, I see stars that swirl imperceptibly slowly in the celestial realm. I know that more people have been killed in religious wars, than in all world wars combined. I know earth is a small blue ball of water, precariously suspended near a giant fireball. Last night I didn't sleep. I had been sick for days with a cold, and was literally up all night scripting things to help people as many people come to me all the time asking for help scripting something. At 5:30 am eastern standard time, I woke my partner and drove him to the hospital in the dark for colon cancer surgery. It was raining, the windows fogged up. The hospital was more like a sprawling university campus of buildings. There were no signs, and finding the right building involved parking in various parking lots walking a quarter mile to a building in the pouring rain, only to find we were at the wrong building yet again. My glasses were covered on the inside by rain, as I had forgotten my umbrella. I could not see clearly, and had nothing dry to wipe them with. Frustrations ran high as we had made it to the hospital at 6:30 am after a long drive on the interstate. We walked around the hospital in the cold rain for 50 minutes. It was 7:20 am and his surgery was supposed to start at 6:45. Headlights cutting us off on the campus and cars blocking the path to the next building. My partner started yelling and cursing at me. I started yelling and cursing back. Finally I just stopped and said "God please help me."

Arcfury: Years ago, after just a few weeks of study I was able to notice that there was never a "big bang". It is just difficult for some to admit that they were wrong, and so the big bang theory is stuck wit... 3 months ago
Feeling empty today. Monkey sits still and quietly and looks worried. Not a normal morning in Caribou.

My partnership ended last night. I want to tell openly about it as it brings some changes to Caribougrid. And I hope that it can help others who have gone through the same.

I am so happy that Andron remains in Caribou. He will be less here because of other obligations and responsibilities. And yes, we will stay close friends. Andron will continue to help me with the difficult tech issues. We share our home here and I see that there are always fresh flowers and something to eat in the kitchen.

But our partnership? It did not get a real chance, for many reasons. And the future? We see what it brings.

There are some changes in Caribou. Three 2x2 large regions are now away or empty. Monkey and me are starting to repair them and we hope to have Caribou back in shape soon.

Friends are welcome to help of course.

Caribou will remain open for all 18+ Avatars from all regions and grids. There will be no changes.

I hope that you will all continue to respect this so that we can serve as a meeting point for everyone, outside any grid conflicts.

My younger sister Christina Lion is 19+ and will help me in Caribou. Yanny who is a wee bit older likes to be a fairy so better that Christina takes the responsibility.

'Little Lion' Christina cried, but was happy that Andron and her cousins will stay, even if they can come more seldom.

So, at the end it did not turn out to be as bad a day as I had expected. But yes, an empty and lonely feeling came over me, which Monkey understood.

I still suffer from the exclusion that I wrote about earlier, and am always here to lend a listening ear if someone wants to talk about these things.

Looking at Monkey, I smile. I love you and need you.


AVs from all Grids Welcome

Shemale Ladyboy TG 18+ M F Women Men Neko Furry Others

Best Shops - new mesh bodies, outfits, animations - Petite Reborn Legacy Athena. GRIMM

18+. Short or tall. Ask Jeanne. No groups.

Be safe as 18+.

Free Private Homes, Islands, Hideaways for Caribou Grid Avatars. Others Ask Jeanne. Full Owner Rights.


Lilly Pond: Dear Jeanne I just can give you a hug! “Keep a little fire burning; however small, however hidden.” 3 months ago
Millions of stars lit up Caribou when I took Monkey on my shoulder for a little break from my landscaping. I sent a loving thought to my friend Veri McMaster who taught me so much. She is now with the angels, and I miss her badly.

Veri knew that our experiences in OS can have a healing effect on our brains. She went out to prove this by taking many people to adult environments and experiences. We talked much about her project, and she inspired me to read more and follow up on what she was doing.

Veri was right. Environment, architecture, experiences, good relations, can all improve our neurological health. But there is also a dark side of adult life in OS which has opposite effects.

I know it myself. For almost a year I lived through a period of exclusion and harassment. My friends were lost and lies were circulated. I was excluded from all adult events and groups all over OS. If I asked something I was told that these are only my own sick fantasies. My friends were told to ignore me or they would get excluded themselves.

I was as alone as can be, night after night, week after week. And no. I was not feeling well.

My few remaining friends saved me. But I still suffer from what happened.

This is a dangerous game. I don’t think that most people understand how dangerous it is. Lonely people who maybe have other health problems may fare much worse than I did.

I now own a major region and grid, I am happily partnered and have many new friends. Some have apologized for their treatment of me which I do appreciate.

I still suffer from the old lies that were circulated. I am not allowed into most adult events and sites. This does not hurt me anymore. I go where I am welcome and wonder about the others.

I wanted to tell this to explain my approach to Caribou. We will never exclude anyone, and we will never accept any harassment on these islands. There will never be groups that exclude others. Everyone will be welcome on these adult islands where there are as few rules as we can have.

If you have similar experiences please talk with me. We don't offer professional advice but it may help to talk, and to know that there are others as well. Such as I myself.

Caribou is Adult rated and we hope that our friends come as 18+ Avatars, at any size small or large, so we can keep these islands open, advanced and safe for all. Ask me, Jeanne, if you are not sure how we see you.

Ask me also for private homes, hideaways and second homes. From villages and tropical islands to countryside and winter snow. From your own island to a village condo. Caribou Avatars have the right built in.

Avatars from other Grids please contact me and we see what and how we can arrange. We will always find solutions.

A Avatar can be created at - and life here will be easy. Please note that our server checks automatically that your e-mail address is a real one.

All is free in Caribou.

A warm hug to you all. Jeanne

IndigoQueen King: I am new to OS so I don't know about all of the past BS those ppl put you through. I hope that you continue to heal and thrive..when I came to visit your grid you and your friends greeted me with warm... 3 months ago
Weiter geht es mit guter Laune aus dem Soul Grid!

Nachdem der Winter sehr kalt war, wollen wir wieder ein wenig die Sonne ins unsere Herzen lassen.
Heute Abend
Um 19 Uhr geht´s im Tosca los.
Heiße Rhythmen, die uns in die Welt von Sonne, Strand und Meer entführen.
Und natürlich , wie immer, Eure Wünsche.

Wir freuen uns auf Euch !

Linda_Luo: party alarm yay 3 months ago

Thanksgiving has arrived at the Holiday Region. Turkey races, Potato sack runs, hayride and more.

SheaButter: I think the potato sack needs an ao to work. Otherwise it doesn't work to potato sack race. 7 months ago

What do you think of this logo?

  • Very Cool.
  • Cool.
  • Whatever.
  • Dislike it.
  • Hate it.
Vote (39)

New Release:
15 Top & Skirt - Box

Ellen: Hmmm wear to LBSA? 12 months ago
Can anyone spot the error in my code, OR is llRequestSimulatorData not working properly? i.e. unable to get true sim status of other sims like in sL ?
key gKyStatusQuery;
list gLstRegionNames = [];
integer gIntRegionNameIndex;
integer gIntLstLenRegionName;

on_rez(integer Setting)

llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(),"Sim Status Reporter RESET ****");
gLstRegionNames = ["Elf Beach", "Wizardry", "Matrix", "DragonFyre", "SandBox", "The Secret Lab", "CyberCity", "Welcome", "Elfmore Castle"];
gIntLstLenRegionName = llGetListLength(gLstRegionNames);
llSetText("Sim Status Reporter",,1.0);

gKyStatusQuery = llRequestSimulatorData( llList2String(gLstRegionNames,gIntRegionNameIndex), DATA_SIM_STATUS );
if (gIntRegionNameIndex == gIntLstLenRegionName) {gIntRegionNameIndex = 0; }

dataserver(key query_id, string data)
if (query_id == gKyStatusQuery)
if (data == "up")
llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(), llList2String(gLstRegionNames,gIntRegionNameIndex) + " is up and running fine.");
else if (data != "up")
llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(), llList2String(gLstRegionNames,gIntRegionNameIndex) + " is " + data);
data = "";

Lone Wolf: Works fine on Wolf Territories Grid correctly reporting unknown sims and regions there are up down. Except this line llSetText("Sim Status Reporter",,1.0) Should be llSetText("Sim Status Reporter",... 12 months ago
As many of you wonderful peeps out there know Diva, who created this region, sadly passed away in December 2020. We have kept the region live by request from her family and from the many users who frequently visit this region. We continue to update the region and have done a little cleanup as our wonderful Diva passed in the middle of part of the build. Dynamic Worldz will continue to sponsor this region as so many of you find it so valuable.

Star Ravenhurst: Thank you for keeping her region open. She was a dear, close friend of mine and I still miss her. I joined the Dynamic grid because of her and still have an Avatar there. She did a lot for the Open Si... 1 years ago

We are making a change for regions that are closed to group access only. While it is allowed to list your region here (if it is hypergrid-accessible), your region must be assigned to the category "Group Access/Private". You can go to your region's page to change that category.

The regions that are group-only will be marked with a [G] in the beacon and in the website listings

KrisTina: Thanks! 1 years ago
Oggi scrivo perche sono veramente arrabbiata e ritengo che non sia questo il modo in cui si dovrebbe "giocare" nel metaverso .
Troppe invidie , troppe paranoie ...appena entri in una land subito che ti vengono in I.M. per dirti che non si può copiare non vi sembra di essere tutti un po troppo ridicoli?
Capisco i quelli che gia copiano roba degli altri che vogliono???
E poi diciamocelo quasi tutto quello in open sim è stato "rubato " da second life con programmi non proprio leciti e legali!
Quindi dico uno lascia il "copia" non vedo perche non copiare....diverso è se come detto prima si usano programmi non leciti e allora è giusto protestare .
Poi a volte vi dimenticate che questa NON E' LA REALTA'!
Qui non ci si sposa davvero...non ci si fidanza davvero non si va a letto a dormire davvero......VIVETE LA VITA REALE CHE E' MEGLIO!

TrisTH: more of the same from my post today.... 1 years ago
LOST DATA in Opensim.

Hello everyone, I recently decided to move my regions back into a mini-grid application (linked in my profile) due to issues I was experiencing with OSgrid. One of which was the problem with losing MESH assets. It was a well known fact that some 'textures' would go missing but eventually return again. My biggest issue was mesh assets being worn on NPCs while rezzed inworld. One NPC had his head missing, the maid had a missing foot. Console errors would warn me that my NPCs were not going to be fully drawn. I keep boxes of all assets for NPCs and the backups also had the same missing content problem. It does not end there, boxes with mesh items rezzed on land inworld (not in inventory folders) were also affected. It was my understanding (from online articles) that storing items on land was generally regarded as being safer than keeping items in your inventory.

What do you do?

When attempting to load an old oar to OSgrid, I discovered that it will ignore assets which are already in their database, even if the osgrid entry is damaged or missing. So the only way to get those items back is to load this oar on another grid. Maybe a Standalone, Dreamgrid or any other server which has it's own database. Here is how my recovery procedure worked:

1. I loaded an oar backup (from a hidden INVENTORY REGION) I made LAST NIGHT which had several thousand missing items. During the creation process, RED console errors gave warnings of items that would not be included in the archive.

2. I created a separate region to load oars (made last year and the year before) of that SAME sim. As the oars were loading I noticed it was skipping assets and only loading the missing content. I had one old oar load 15 assets and skip the 25k+ which were already in the database. In this experiment, I used several oars in the "recovery" region. I emptied the sim after each oar load. I figured It would not necessary to keep the content live.

3. When all was said and done, this produced an interesting side effect. Since missing assets are now in my new database, I could go into the region which once had asset loading errors and rez mesh content which was previously missing. This tells me that the damaged oar had mention of the missing assets written into it and all that was needed is to load the missing items into the database for retrieval. The way Oar archives work is nothing short of genius!

4. Once the procedure is complete a NEW OAR can be made (with noticeably less content errors) and the Wizardry & Steamworks database cleanup procedure ( can be used to discard database bloat.

Anyway, I wanted to share my findings on this topic and I hope it will help someone who has lost assets. As a content creator, I can tell you it is devastating to lose things you spent a great deal of personal time making. An old saying comes to mind: "Never keep all of your eggs in one basket". Having a hypergrid enabled standalone region on the side will let you get those lost items back. If you wish to stay on OSgrid, you can have your alt bring recovered data to your OSgrid region with NEW asset IDs.

I cannot stress enough... BACKUP BACKUP BACKUP your DATA.

-Peace & Love

Jerralyn Franzic: Curious... I'm basically a user in Open Sim. I don't have any land that I rent/own and I don't run a sim. Is it possible for me to back up my inventory in OSgrid using the OAR method? I'm looking to... 1 years ago
When I think of Rudi and Nasti the first memories I have of them have always been incredibly supportive and encouraging from the moment I met them. With the news of Rudi's passing, I felt an immediate loss to our community, I cannot imagine how difficult this is for Nasti. It is with sincere condolences to Nasti and the family, I created a pendant in his memory. For those that were touched by Rudi and his kind spirit, this is for you to remember that spirit.

I miss you Rudi, much love to Nasti Jewelry

Jamie Wright: Beautiful tribute:) 1 years ago

The Box
Susanna_Heller 4 hours ago
Source code directly from NVidia I mean of course
Susanna_Heller 4 hours ago
I always thought Nvidia cards run a little worse under Linux because there is no source code available ... but I like to learn something new
Arielle 4 hours ago
Did say she was using an ATI card which has a reputation for not being good with linux drivers.
Susanna_Heller 4 hours ago
i am sure on your System the FS works very well ... but a system as sensitive as the OpenSimulator can quickly become a test of patience..... a wrong entry in a config can make the system unstable.....
Susanna_Heller 5 hours ago
why didn't you stay on the professional level... the word nonsense was unnecessary (stop talking crap)
Suzi_Avonside 5 hours ago
Pagane, stop talking crap, FS works fine on the latest versions of Linux, and with NVIDIA graphics cards too.
Arielle 5 hours ago
Yes it is a very closed opensource project it seems, being micromanaged into oblivion. Could be so more then SL :(
Susanna_Heller 6 hours ago
But that's more because the OpenSimulator developers aren't really interested in further development. I'm wondering if there's only one developer developing it (okay, a German programmer would like to give his comments now and then, but most of the code was probably more for his own benefit :( )
KrisTina 6 hours ago
hmm good point
Arielle 6 hours ago
SL viewer code has been the driving force for advancement of Opensim. If we had our own viewer, we likely wouldn;t have had animesh BoM and few other recent features.
Pagane 8 hours ago
Linux version of FS work only on ancient version of Ubuntu and with 2-3 ATI videocard available only in Egypt museum. On any modern (last 5 year) Debian or RHEL last 3 versions of FS simple crash your SQL DB on every appearance save. About speed..... will say comedy, but this is tragedy!
Susanna_Heller 8 hours ago
FS and PBR is a Mess ... Linden Code in a good looking Gift Cube (the FS-Code) the Issue OpenSimulator have after so many Years not a own Viewer ...
Arielle 11 hours ago
I haven't seen that Pagane. Wonder if it is the Opensim Version used. I stay with an older release
Pagane 11 hours ago
every next FS version is 2 times slow than previous and have 3 times more bug..... Linux version is comedy!
Arielle 11 hours ago
Changes coming soon of the grid selector for FS.
Ankhsenaton 12 hours ago
@Cyberglo 24 years old?? how terrible it must have been to lose him :'( caresses for the new babies
CyberGlo CyberStar 13 hours ago
I saved these sweet little babies from the pound. :) I'm so glad I did it. I had my last cat for 24 years and when she died it broke my heart. But I am ready for the joy these two kittens will bring. They make me so happy already! It is worth it guys! Adopt a Pet today! :)
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1 0
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5 5
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9 0
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9 0
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25 2
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8 1
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0 0
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12 0
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Regions Online: 1,757
Active: 211 avatars in 126 regions

New Comments

Jimmy Olsen 5 hours ago
My apologies. Aracno Airways was not offering properly its "service". had to redo script little bit, guess people they came today havent seen all of it. its working now.
Mattt McGregor 6 hours ago
Cogita / Ankhasenaton, I can actually see everything you're saying ;-) But seeing as you're a liar, cheating on your husband and were quite rude to people on our region, I've chosen to ignore you. B...
FreshVirtualWorld 8 hours ago
there's so many open source messenger systems and u pick the most shady one to write this for lol no thanks.
Sodasullivan 9 hours ago
This pretty much sums up how I feel about flying in general.
Ankhsenaton 11 hours ago
It doesn't matter to me, I have nothing to sell or recruit and everyone already knows that I'm a bitch ;-) but it is a charity to warn my sisters against a sick sex addict who hates women
Cogita Doe 12 hours ago
well... the return to normal two avatars'land was not long in coming... no new fresh flesh for Mr. Mattt?... the poor darling... lol !!!
FallenAngel Absent 13 hours ago :-D
CyberGlo CyberStar 13 hours ago
im here an hour late guys, i got held up at the vet with my babies. soorry
FallenAngel Absent 14 hours ago
Nobody was there :-(


Super Nova Beach Resort
Really nicely laid out sim, when I read you sell bikinis I went bonkers. =O I have been looking for some forever, but only found 2 for reborn. Saw all the ones for Athena, really nice, please, pleas...
Dallas Dastardly 7 hours ago
Chances are this sim doesn't even exist anymore. I vaguely remember what it was actually named, it was definitely not named Corsica, and OSgrid has no sim under any name like what I remember anymore. ...
Jupiter Rowland 21 hours ago
Wet Dreams
no access to the mall... [18:50] Grid: You do not have access to the parcel how do i get access?
Annah Gestaga yesterday
Très bien fait, les italiens qui refont Paris, un grand merci pour votre magnifique région, et oui l'esprit de Paris est présent, beaucoup de détails et un agencement très bien calculé, bravo !
Hella yesterday
Yin Yang Town
I didn't think much about the Tai Chi...until I used it alone. It calmed my energy and allowed me to think and center myself. A pretty Amazing place :)
JamieSmith yesterday
Whether you need lighting, party supplies, fireworks or sky items......this is an amazing place! Deserves more than 5 stars!
Safinemahoe2 2 days ago
Arkham Grid
Only positive things to say about Arkham! The decor/furniture and fashion are absolutely beautiful. Very large mall so make time lol. To those who say they have been banned for "no reason", surely y...
IvyEdenflower 2 days ago
Beautiful Place to shop, really admired the unique set up of the shops, nice quality and neatly organized and labeled. It is worth a trip over here.
LunastarPhoenix 2 days ago
Builds Ahoy
A huge selection of buildings, from houses to tiki huts, businesses to fake buildings. You're sure to find something here you'll want! Tip: Start with your draw distance down low before TPing in. The...
Rhowin Blackwell 3 days ago

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