Live Regions

Alternate Metaverse
19 Users 33 0 3rd
Landing Point for Alternate Metaverse Grid - Home of the Late Night Parties & Morning Shows. At Alternate Metaverse™ that has always been our true goal, to mak...
Wolf Territories Grid Welcome Area
11 Users 24 0 2nd
Welcome to Wolf Territories Grid, the ultimate destination in the OpenSim metaverse! As the largest grid running on OpenSim, we offer over 32000 256x256 equival...

Goliath Gardens
0 Users | 17 likes 6 comments

Welcome to the enchanting Goliath Gardens, a realm where you can shrink down to the size of a bug and experience the wonders of nature up close. Be the bug!! We have bug Avatars! Gardens

Hypergrid Games
8 Users 11 5 5th
*** TRY OUR GAMES ON THE FREEPLAY MACHINES *** All the best Video- & Vegas Stop-Slots - High quality industry standard skillbased slotmachines for your gamin...
Valeria's Avatars 2
8 Users 76 16 57th
Avatar Personalizzati da Valera Rossi Avatar umani, Avatar di fantasia, Avatar Sci-fi Avatar draghi ecc Si realizzano anche Avatar su richiesta e poi a...
Lbsa Plaza
5 Users 190 38 1st Social lounge - Check the New Users Panel in the SouthWest corner to get started, if you have any questions just shout them out. Freebie starter ava...
Shopping FUN
4 Users 11 0 8th
Die Welt in einer futuristischen Zukunft. Die Menschheit ist in den Weltraum gezogen. Die Shopping FUN ist der Anlaufpunkt für eine vielzahl von Bekleidungen f...
NakedWorldz Family Area
4 Users 7 0 12th
A Naturist Recreational Grid For Families & Friends This is For Families. Our Adults Only Side: Our Main Entrance: h...
4 Users 18 0 14th
Deine Adresse für Einkaufen und Live Events an jedem Blue Monday. - Your address for shopping and live events every Blue Monday.
Trianon Complex
3 Users 95 23 6th
The Trianon Complex is a dynamic venue featuring 4 distinct clubs! The Ballroom hosts a Group Access Only FORMAL Event every Thursday at 1 pm PST. Zoree Jupiter...
Shinobar Annex
3 Users 66 19 11th
Outfits for Ruth2v4 bakes on mesh(BoM) and classic avatars. Scripts for vehicles, tour ride. NPC dance balls, animated mesh, bar equipment. Enjoy shopping by...
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