Happy Hour!

Happy Hour!A
9 Users 12 0 153rd
A place for events, having fun and picnicing. Take the trams from the welcome area to our cool club with 2 events a week - Tues and Sat 12-2 grid. Or to the the...
Red Moon Beach
Happy Hour!A
0 Users 6 0 155th
French région Beach, relax, love, cuddie, sex, BDSM, Dance, Fries, Bar, Camping, Thalassa, Motel, (Legacy Body NEW ARRIVAL), Full Avatar, Skin-EVOX-2025, Scub...

GRPG Welcome Center
0 Users | 5 likes 0 comments

This is the place where you can find any and all information about the Genesis Roleplay Grid as well as tutorials for new grid members and any other new arrivals to Open Sim. We're here to help you have a great experience in Open Sim, to this end we have provided tutorials for movement and viewing...