Stark Adult

Added by :
Mathilda Stark
Created :
6 years ago
Traffic Rank:
Avatars in Region:

STARK, an adult themed event sim with a magnificent BDSM Palace, sexual content, and homes for free.

The Stark Islands regions are a place under the rainbow of LOVE, PEACE, PRIDE and RESPECT. A region for all openminded adults, LGBTQIA+ people and friends. The main island has various venues, the other islands are mainly residential areas. Free houses available at our residential sims, but you need a ZetaWorlds avatar to become a resident.
Register here:

Home of Stark! (magazines). Fixed mags with updated scripts for the latest OpenSim version are now available. The current vendor version is 5/22.

Visit the Stark NORTH DISTRICT too! A lovely shopping and RP area with lots to explore.

We are sad to hear some get auto-ejected. If this happens to you please get in touch with the ZetaWorlds administration. Stark does not prohibit a grid. But for its own protection and that of its customers, the Zetaworlds Grid blocks hypergrid visitors from grids without their own domain, grids with DynDNS addresses and grids without contact details. We ask for your understanding!
Further information can be found here:
If you still think, it is wrong, please contact the ZetaWorlds admins and stop complaining here! This is the wrong place. We are only customers and can't change the grids rules.


Well, here are 3 of many reasons (quoted from website):

ZetaWorlds builds almost everything we use on top of OpenSimulator ourselves. Our custom version of OpenSimulator, called ZetaSim, brings many new features and enhancements. Keeping a close eye on OpenSimulator development and actively contributing advancements and bugfixes as well.

ZetaWorlds is load balanced for heavy loads. We run multiple instances of the grid services behind load balancers. We use our own custom asset server to manage all load traffic. You will notice the difference.

ZetaWorlds is based in Germany and subject to strict privacy rules, these ensure we will not share any data with others and keep your data secure from prying eyes.



The current event dates can be found at the landing point.

- Always be respectful.
- Stark is an adult sim with adult content. Your avatar and real age has to be 18+. No child bodies like SMB, Tweenster, KJ, etc. If you are in any doubt whatsoever about your avatar being acceptable on Stark, please ask Mathilda or Niki, thank you. All such decisions must be accepted and abided by.
- Nudity allowed and preferred everywhere.
- Free houses available for ZetaWorlds avatars only.
- You also agree to the grid’s rules and conduct. (

Our residents own their parcels and have the right to protect their homes. That creates ban lines. Having this decision is a part of freedom for our residents.
The best way to not crash onto the ban lines is by walking or using our teleporters. Having privacy if you need it is part of the concept of Stark, whilst allowing residents the freedom to do as they wish.

are based on real numbers and not avatars that are active 24/7 to increase the rank.

No money needed at any time.

Have a lot of fun!

Stark Islands - Free your mind!

Finally! After a very long break, a new Stark! magazine has been published.

This issue was again photographed by Nice Minik. This time Nice deals with the thought of what it would be like to be able to see the fantasies of others. A very exciting topic, in my opinion.

You can get this and all other issues published so far from our vending machines in front of the Stark! shop, directly behind and below our Studio 54.

Come and pick up a copy, even of the complete vending machines!

Nice Minik: Thank you Mattie, for the opportunity to publish some of my ideas again, for finishing the layout and for the patience for projects that take a little longer :) 1 years ago
Mattie will bring you safely into the New Year, which hopefully will be a more peaceful one than this year. So, if you're not busy with real life, Mattie would be happy to meet you at the party location, specially made temporarily for this event to have a good time with friends!

To everyone else who can't be there, we wish you a Happy New Year in advance and see you next year!

Your Stark Islands family

Jerralyn Franzic: Happy 2024! =) 1 years ago

niki stuart: have a great festive season everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 years ago
We are proud to open our version of the famous Studio 54 on Stark Islands, right on the landing point. Special thanks to Ernest Moncrieff for letting us use his creation on which this club is based.

So come along and let's have some fun to groovy Nu-Disco beats.

Nekotomoyo: Let's go :3 !!!! 1 years ago

We collectively raised $206 for charity with $108 going to UNICEF as 36 visitors attended out charity event! We decided to triple our donation for such a great turnout. Attendees at the event pitched in another $98 towards charities. Thanks to Posy Potts, Mathilda Stark, Niki Stark and Edison Rex!

If you can, please continue to support a charity of your choice or donate to one of these. Thank you all so much for this great event and the donations!

Here is the original post:


To celebrate World Peace Day we are holding a charity event on the 21st of September. You can visit the events region during that day and find some links to charities if you wish to donate and for every visitor during that day we will donate $1 to UNICEF.

Later that day at 10am grid time we will kick off a little event for everyone with your favorite DJs.

10am - Hazel Ito QUIRKY ECLECTIC
noon - Mattie Stark LIVE!
and at 2pm Vincent Sylvester will just play music until you keel over....


niki stuart: A great party fro a great cause thanks to all concerned 1 years ago
We at Stark Islands were proud to be part of this amazing event! We had a lot of fun.

Many thanks to the DJs Niki, Mattie, Vanilla, Vincent and Edison for the wonderful music. Also big thanks to Vincent who created The Vault including all the tech stuff like light show and interruption free streaming system.

We are already looking forward to next official event!

Nekotomoyo: :3 It was fun ! the lights and smokes and the DJs and the peoples of course :3 2 years ago
Part of the ZetaWorlds Events region will be opening on the 16th of July.

The Vault is going to host official events and will be available for any ZetaWorlds resident to host their own as well.

The opening will feature several DJs which will be a blast. Hours of good music and a unique light show await, so mark it on your calendar, 16th of July!

--- LINEUP ---

10am - Warm Up
11am - 1pm POP & DANCE LIVE MIX by Mattie
1pm - BLUES DANCE MIX by Vanilla Beans
2pm - 80s ROCK MIX by Vincent
3pm - CLASSIC ROCK by Edison Rex


niki stuart: it will be a great evening, come on over and say hi 2 years ago
Welcome to Stark North District!

The Stark North District is more than just an extension to Stark Islands. It's a full new region with the main sim North District plus 2 nice residential sims Archipelago and Causeway and an impressive nature sim called Straits. The main sim North District holds a bunch of shops. There are also some possibilities for nice roleplays.

The North District region is connected directly to Stark Islands, means you can even walk from the Stark Islands main sim to North District by crossing the whole region. Well, if you dont have the time or you are too lazy, you can go by boat or teleporter.

But why I am writing this all? Better you make your own experience and come over to Stark North District.

Grand Opening SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12.

If you are interessted to have your own store there please contact Niki Stark, the region owner.

MandaStark: And in the new Stark North shopping region there is tons of clothes too , for women as well as men :) 2 years ago

Happy New Year to all of you around the world!

MandaStark: Wishing a wonderfull happy and fun 2023 to you all :) 2 years ago
Stark Islands is proud to present our new location:


Come experience this elegant sinful club, furnished to see to all of your desires, with many many places to live your couple, threesome or foursome erotic dreams.
18+ only.

Premiere Opening Sunday, November 6, at 11 am grid time with Mattie as your DJ.

It is already open to the public as of today.

niki stuart: awesome club, thanks so much to mattie and manda for all the work done on it 2 years ago
Another word on ZetaWorlds due to a recent discussion on OSW.

I decided to move Stark to ZetaWorlds some time ago for a couple of reasons.
Firstly, I wanted a professional grid hosted by IT professionals who know what they're doing, because I don't want to mess around with all the technical stuff. I just want to build and have fun. So I'm willing to pay for a sim if I get a stable and reliable service in return.
Secondly, if I have to pay for the service, I want to know who is behind the grid. I would never transfer money to an anonymous person. I have no problem with transferring my real data so that the company, which is registered in the commercial register, can issue flawless invoices.
Thirdly, I live in Germany. As a German, I feel better if I can use a German service like ZetaWorlds, which has to adhere to the legal requirements of my country.

In the discussions about grids and how this is handled with hypergrid access, I think they are comparing apples with oranges. A commercial, professionally operated grid has higher challenges to overcome and is obliged to guarantee a flawless service to its paying customers. In contrast, the operator of a private grid, often hosted on his own PC, can do whatever he wants. If it breaks down at some point, that's just the way it is. The tenants are simply out of luck. With a commercial grid, I can demand the service by law. These are two completely different things that are often forgotten.

Kylie Brimmer: Another SL here in opensim??? 3 years ago
Where: Stark
When: 3 years ago [21 May 2022 11:00 SLT]

Hey everyone, we are at last on the final details of the sims, but on Saturday 21st May 2022 Stark is back, we back!!!!!

There is a Grand Opening Party starting at 11am SLT through to whenever, and sometime prior to 11am Stark will be opened to the masses!!! ;-) There will be another announcement on Saturday when the veils are finally lifted.

As always Stark will roll out the rainbow, Love, Pride and Respect to all and Mattie will be playing the tunes, a great mix of favourites to get Stark back up and grooving!!!

Join us if you can and let's have a great time!



Hey everyone, we are at last on the final details of the sims, but on Saturday 21st May 2022 Stark is back, we back!!!!!

There is a Grand Opening Party starting at 11am SLT through to whenever, and sometime prior to 11am Stark will be opened to the masses!!! ;-) There will be another announcement on Saturday when the veils are finally lifted.

As always Stark will roll out the rainbow, Love, Pride and Respect to all and Mattie will be playing the tunes, a great mix of favourites to get Stark back up and grooving!!!

Join us if you can and let's have a great time!

StevieZee: welcome back 3 years ago

What can it be?


Kashi Takeshi: YaY We missed you :o) 3 years ago

Hello friends and fans of Stark Islands!

We are glad to tell you after 9 months of absence that we are back and will be releasing a new and optimized version of Stark Islands in the near future!

We have had some time to think through the concept and the technical foundation. The huge (server-)workload of Stark Islands was one of the biggest issues we had to fight with in the past. To offer you a better experience, we've made some important changes and are working on other important details. New Stark is the same size as before (though it may expand in time) but split in 4 different regions on different servers to reduce the workload per server.
The region will have a new footprint, based on the old main island, and the best of old Stark you will find in the new version too. We reduce prims, meshes and scripts as much as possible without changing the soul of Stark Islands. This all means a lot of work and we will need some time, though as you all know, a sim will never be finished.
When we think, the sim is in an acceptable state, we will open the gates!

We're thrilled to bring you this announcement today and hope you're as excited as we are, so stay tuned for further updates!

Wishing you a happy Easter 2022!

With love, pride and respect and all the values that make Stark great.

Mathilda and Niki


Hallo Freunde und Fans von Stark Islands!

Wir freuen uns, euch nach 9 Monaten Abwesenheit mitteilen zu können, dass wir zurück sind und in naher Zukunft eine neue und optimierte Version von Stark Islands veröffentlichen werden!

Wir hatten Zeit, um das Konzept und die technischen Grundlagen zu überdenken. Die enorme (Server-)Arbeitsbelastung von Stark Islands war eines der größten Probleme, mit denen wir in der Vergangenheit zu kämpfen hatten. Um euch ein besseres Erlebnis zu bieten, haben wir einige wichtige Änderungen vorgenommen und arbeiten an weiteren wichtigen Details. Das neue Stark hat die gleiche Größe wie zuvor (es könnte sich mit der Zeit aber auch erweitern), ist jedoch in 4 verschiedene Regionen auf verschiedenen Servern aufgeteilt, um die Arbeitslast pro Server zu reduzieren.
Die Region wird einen neuen Grundriss haben, basierend auf der alten Hauptinsel, aber das Beste von Alt-Stark werdet ihr auch in der neuen Version finden. Wir reduzieren Prims, Meshes und Skripte so weit wie möglich, ohne die Seele von Stark Islands zu verändern. Das alles bedeutet viel Arbeit und wir werden einige Zeit brauchen und wie ihr alle wisst, wird eine Sim niemals fertig sein.
Aber wenn wir denken, dass die Sim in einem akzeptablen Zustand ist, öffnen wir die Tore!

Wir freuen uns sehr, euch heute diese Ankündigung machen zu können und hoffen, dass ihr genauso aufgeregt seid wie wir!

Also seid gespannt für weitere Updates!

Wir wünschen euch frohe Ostern 2022!

Mit Liebe, Stolz und Respekt und all den Werten, die Stark so großartig machen.

Mathilda und Niki


Liebe Freunde and Starkies,

was wir heute ankündigen werden, fällt uns nicht leicht. Niki und ich, Mathilda, haben beschlossen, den Betrieb von Stark Islands nach dem 30. Juni 2021 einzustellen.
Wir haben uns viele Gedanken darüber gemacht, unter welchen Voraussetzungen wir Stark hätten weiterlaufen lassen könnten. Aber letztendlich hätte es zu viele Änderungen geben müssen und Stark wäre nicht mehr das gleiche gewesen. Außerdem haben wir uns außerhalb von OpenSim eine neue Aufgabe gestellt. Einerseits bedauern wir, Stark zu schließen, nach all der harten Arbeit, die wir in dieses Paradies investiert haben. Aber wir sind auch sehr stolz darauf, dass wir es bis nach ganz weit oben auf der Liste der beliebtesten Regionen von OSW geschafft zu haben. Das wäre ohne euch, unsere wunderbare Gemeinschaft, nicht möglich gewesen.
Deshalb möchten Niki und ich uns an dieser Stelle bedanken. Danke an alle Starkies für eure Unterstützung und Treue. Danke an unsere DJ’s! Jeder einzelne von Euch hat mit seinen mittlerweile legendären Sets zum Erfolg von Stark beigetragen. Danke an das Zeta Worlds Team, ohne dessen Unterstützung der stabile Betrieb einer solch leistungshungrigen Region wie Stark nicht möglich gewesen wäre. Danke auch an alle Besucher, die jederzeit herzlich willkommen waren und viele nette Kommentare und Likes hinterlassen haben. Wir wünschen euch allen von ganzem Herzen alles, alles Gute!
Für OpenSim wünsche ich mir, dass die Leute, die Grids, viel stärker zusammenarbeiten und nicht gegeneinander. Ihr seid ein Grid! Das Hypergrid! Nur gemeinsam hat OpenSim eine Chance.
Wir werden euch im Auge behalten und vielleicht, irgendwann, sehen wir uns wieder.

In diesem Sinne, lebt wohl!
Niki & Mathilda Stark
Where: Stark
When: 4 years ago [25 Jun 2021 12:00 SLT]

Mattie created Stark, this small piece of heaven in virtual life which so many of you have enjoyed over the years.
Tonight is your chance to say thank you and goodbye as she djs in OpenSim for the last time before Stark closes next week for the last time.

So do please come on over and enjoy her amazing set with us all, dress code optional, naked preferred, hehehehehe

Niki Stark

Why there are people they give their avatars names like "Nazi German" and "Adolf Hitler"?
Why they visit a sim like Stark and say they hate gays and threaden people to find them in real and kill them?
Why are people so full of hate?
Why can't they stay away from Stark and let live people their (virtual) life in the way they want?
Lots of questions that I don't have an answer to!

But one thing is absolutely clear for me:


So please stay away and spread your hate somewhere else. Or better: Don't spread it anywhere!

And stop crying in the Stark OSW review section because we banned you several times. We would do it anytime again!
The current issue of Stark Magazine is another wonderful piece of work by our talented photographer Nice Minik. Strong photos in black and white are based on the theme of the cinema genre "Film Noir".

Pick up your copy of this ornate edition directly from the Stark landing point, or take the entire vendors with you.
The first time ever in open sim, a magazine dedicated to Hentai in all its glory. This magazine will have you all racing to the store to get many copies. Hehehehehehehe!
It is rude and it is fun so please dont take offence. It is A rated but not malicious or ill meaning.

You can get old or new style vendors containing the whole range of Stark! magazines from the welcome area at Stark Islands.

The new Stark! magazine is out now!

Nice Minik from Stark Islands ZetaWorlds did another great edition as photographer with the beautiful Vanessa Mondar, her model and muse.

You can get your copy of the magazine and vendors at the Stark landing point.



Great party with Viktor!

OUT NOW! The new Stark! magazine with the famous Nice Minik as photographer and model! I can promise, you'll see new sides of OSGrid's most popular photographer. Definately worth a closer look!

Get your copy of the magazine and vendors at the Stark landing point.

Our new official advertising.

This is the repost of the Stark! magazine with the submissive Mina Sato and the famous Ernest Moncrieff, well knows as singer and curator of The Art Factory (OSGrid), with a kids-friendly-cover. ;-)

Get your copy of the magazine and vendors from the Stark landing point.
We are proud to present you the new Stark! magazine with the famous Nice Minik as photographer and the stunning model Bobbi Coulter. This issue is definately worth coming by at Stark to grab your copy.

You can get your copy of the magazine and vendors at the Stark landing point as usual.
Comment to the review of MarkZyn at Stark:
Beeing unfriendly to our visitors is not the nature of either me or Niki. You can ask whoever you want, so I guess you never got in contact with us. Child avatars aren't allowed at Stark, but we can't be there the whole time to see who is on. So if you have a problem with something or someone it would be nice if you would have get in contact with me BEFORE you write such an unfair and defamatory review. But I guess that was all you wanted. Your account is brand new and empty, seems to be created just for that reason.
The new Stark! magazine with Miranda Djannovic from Virtual Dream Grid and Niki Stark is out now! Be careful! It is HOT!

Get your copy of the magazine and/or vendor from the new Stark landing point.
After hearing of the sad news that Gertie Bumbtious left us on June 5th, we, Niki Stark (ex-wife of Gertie) and I decided to make a tribute edition of Stark! with some nice photos of Gertie. We will miss Gertie very much with her happy, positive manner and her legendary music sets!

You can get copies of the magazine and the vendors at the Stark landing point as always.

Rest in peace, Gertie!
Niki & Mattie

The new Stark! magazine with Typhaine Artez from Sacrarium is out now!

Get your copy of the magazine and/or vendor from the new Stark landing point.

The new Stark! magazine is out now!

Get your copy of the magazine and/or vendor from the Stark landing point.

The new vendors now have magazines with a new script version without OSSL modified by the wonderful Typhaine Artez. Thank you very much, Typhaine!

Get your updated vendor on the landing point at Stark!

Due to the move from Kitely to Zeta Worlds, I am a little late with the March edition. However, it will be delivered shortly. Promised!

See you!

The new Stark! magazine is out now!

The first Stark! magazine is out now!

Galleries can be rented free of charge by artists.

Region Status:
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Last checked:
17 minutes ago

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Upcoming Events

DJ Tanya @ The Birdcage
in 5 hours - 0 likes - 0 comments

Progressive Trance & Techno Mix by Mattie @ The Birdcage
in 6 hours - 0 likes - 0 comments

Progressive Trance & Techno Mix by Mattie @ The Birdcage
in 7 hours - 0 likes - 0 comments

Hazel Ito @ Angel Wings Events
in 1 days - 0 likes - 0 comments

Hazel Ito @ Angel Wings Events
in 1 days - 0 likes - 0 comments

Reviews (46)
Overall Rating:
Jan Ingalls Probably the friendliest place outside of Disneyland. everyone is focused on making the best experiences possible. Go often and stay forever.
Brassypolo regarding the comment from MarkZyn. This is totally against the fairness of osw, the markzyn account was created solely to leave a damaging comment about stark. it is a faceless, anonymous attack and as sych shoul be reomoved as purely malicious
sweet illusion you honestly couldnt find a nicer group of people! i'm so blessed to have found it

Region Comments

stark is always a great place to have a good night out
Thank you, Hicks! Nice to see that you like it with us.
For the first time my Wolf territories avatar was not able to get in. A shame since this is one of my favorite places on the hypergrid
There is no ban on Wolf Territories. Neither on the sim side, nor on the grid side. So maybe just tp problems?
A pity I didn't get access because my impressum is not acceptable for zeta. I don't want to mention my RL-Adress in the impressum. I don't have to, my grid is private and non commercial. Not only zetaworld has the right to protect their privacy, me too. Have fun, folks. I will survive it :-)
Contact the ZetaWorlds Admins. I guess an e-mail-address is enough.
Thank you very much :-)
You're welcome! :-)
again: avoid zeta and that "burns out". Easy as that
Yes, Copper, "burn us out!" If that's the correct course of action for you simply because you have a personal dislike of ZetaWorlds, then please do. But don't forget that this grid is the chosen home of many OpenSim users for good reasons, who have deliberately chosen a professionally run grid, backed by a company duly registered in Germany, with appropriate legal regulations. In addition, the location Germany offers data protection and privacy, which you will not find in other countries. For all the users of ZetaWorls, "burning out", if only for lack of alternatives, is not very helpful.
The technical justifications for dealing with access restrictions can be read here:
But you also have to do it and understand it!
i got kicked twice without any conversation, looking into conversation log i found an IM, they banned me because i am a dynDNS visitor.
they have to mention that very clearly in their region description!!
It wasn't Mattie and Niki who threw you out of Stark.

It was the whole grid, ZetaWorlds, that threw you out at grid owner Vincent Sylvester's behest.

ZetaWorlds doesn't let anyone in from a DreamGrid, it doesn't let anyone in from any grid that uses dynamic DNS (all home-hosted DreamGrids do), it doesn't let anyone in from a grid without a valid imprint that provides some out-of-world admin contact (DreamGrids don't have that).

If you don't believe me, try going elsewhere on ZetaWorlds, and watch your avatar being logged out by force, no matter where on ZetaWorlds you are.
Sorry but because of zeta access policy region is not accessible from all grids and you must change to "Group Access/Private"
You are absolutely right Pagane, they should only set for the Stark group. However Pagane, you haven't lost anything by not visiting this region. Their fun is banning visitors.. lol
The sim Stark has no access restrictions! I will not change anything just because some german grid administartors are not able to contact the ZetaWorlds administration and clear the reasons for the grid ban. Others have done it too!
I connect to them. They restrict ALL dyndns because for zeta pseudo experts all dyndns users is Priscilas and hackers..... It is imposible to explain nothing to someone who not understand you.
This is not my decision and therefore not a discussion I need to have.
Come to the Aqua Club at Stark, party NOW with DJ Mattie