Stark Temple
7 0 Temple 0 Users this is the main STARK page, please read it for explanations and rules, thanks.
The TEMPLE is a lavish, huge and ornate building and is the only part of the once magnificent CITY that is...
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Stark Causeway
6 5 Causeway 0 Users this is the main STARK page, please read it for explanations and rules, thanks.
STARK CAUSEWAY is a mainly residential (for Zetaworlds residents only) sim on a tropical islands theme.
There is also a superscuba diving exoerience available to explore the sunk...
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Stark Straits
7 1 Straits 0 Users this is the main STARK page, please read it for explanations and rules, thanks.
STARK STRAITS is still a work in progress, with a new hotel, a castle and some new shops all to be completed, but there are nice scenic paths to ride or walk, and there are a few p...
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Stark Archipelago
6 0 Archipelago 0 Users this is the main STARK page, please read it for explanations and rules, thanks.
STARK ARCHIPELAGO is a totally residential sim (for Zetaworlds avatars only) on a tropical island theme.
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Stark North District
24 7 North District 0 Users this is the main STARK page, please read it for explanations and rules, thanks.
STARK North District. • Shopping • Meeting point • Sex • Adult Role Play. All in a beautiful Caribbean setting. Free your mind!
This area has been formed primarily to assist start...
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Mathilda Stark: Very nice to see what Niki does when I'm not online ;-) Imaginative porn magazines of a special kind. Well done, love! 10 months ago |
Sodasullivan: Woosh! a very fun and wild experience. I recommend a visit 11 months ago |
niki stuart: there is also now a mag vendor on Stark North District welcome, and i apologise for typos!!! 11 months ago |
Fantastic creation by Manda and Mattie for role play fun, go visit and see for yourself
Banarniagreat creation by nora. well worth a visit and make sure ya give it plenty of time, lots to see!!!!! big yay
Lanii tried to get to lani, wearing a sweater and long skirt, underclothes, the works, but could not gain access because the region does not support the outfit i am wearing. i had heard osgrid had gone puritanical, and now i beleieve the stories
Starkexcellent in every respect. many comments are made about child avs all over os, the thing is that not everyone wants to be 2 metres tall as that is unrealistic, so the perception of what is and what isnt a child av is a subjective matter but all the people i have talked to on stark are adult and some choose to play an elder teen. i have no argument with such so long as all rules are obeyed
Greenland 2a lovely sim with lots to see, lots of activities and greta live music, the host is a truly nice guy too
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