Stark North District Adult

Stark North District
Added by :
niki stuart
Created :
2 years ago
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0 this is the main STARK page, please read it for explanations and rules, thanks.

STARK North District. • Shopping • Meeting point • Sex • Adult Role Play. All in a beautiful Caribbean setting. Free your mind!

This area has been formed primarily to assist start up avatars find all they need to get moving in Opensim, but there is so much more for all to browse and find something new, with shops containing all manner of goodies, from bodies, complete avatars, clothing, shoes, animesh, pets, scripts etc etc etc. SELECTIONS by HAZEL ITO and VANESSA'S are two of our shops with unique experiences in both. There are some mini shops with more unique items from MATHILDA, BLUE KITTY and NICO.

We have an HOTEL in the CITY CENTRE where you can relax with a friend or lover, and various other hidden spots for discreet liaisons. There are a few residential parcels here for those that like the cosmopolitan lifestyle (for Zetaworlds residents only).

A new attraction is a small funfair along the seafront promenade, best to see it in midnight setting!!!

The new Stark! 2/24 or 24/2 magazine is now available, by Nice Minik about.....................Secrtes, get your copy from the Stark! Magazine shop at Stark Main, just down the hill near Aqua Club

niki stuart: there is also now a mag vendor on Stark North District welcome, and i apologise for typos!!! 1 years ago

Mattie has now opened her new shop on Stark North with some of the items she has created or repaired, so please feel free to pop over and see!!

NEW TO STARK SHOPS!!!! Windlight settings as imported by Mattie, a must have for all!!!!!

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Reviews (2)
Overall Rating:
Allie Dawson Stark North District offers a very nice shopping experience. There's many unique (to me) items here. I even found a few petit clothing items I hadn't seen elsewhere (woohoo!!). A very beautifully designed region , it's a real pleasure exploring the shops here. It seems to be a hallmark of all ...
Leandro Asterix Stardust Really nice place well done. Some stuff never seen before at other places. Thank you! PS.: Frl. Stark, musst aber nicht gleich weglaufen wenn ich komme ;)

Region Comments

i love stark islands,sadly you get to see max 2 people everyday,unless is some kind of event going on.
i dont really know how to reply to that except to say that stark is 13 separate sims and that the avatars you do meet are really there and not botty types placed to boost ratings. thanks for visiting.
I am really concern because every time I try to visit any of Zetaworld region I crash and get this message
[15:02] Bebe Li: is banned due to: Suspicious Activity and you will now be removed. Read more:
hi bebe please read the response i sent you by im, thanks and hugs
it does not work Windlight, says assets not loading
hiya, we just tested them again with other people, they seem to work fine, maybe there is an issue with asset transfer to your grid??
usually everything works, I don't know.