OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

Marigold Bay
0 Users 10 0 A
In Marigold Bay, where dreams set sail, An island haven, a wondrous tale. Created by Justin, with love and care, A yacht club retreat, beyond compare. Sailing through waters, so crystal clear, ...
Corner and Row stores (you can see the row one next to the corner), scripted the doors, which thanks to the axis, rotate beautifully.
Uber: hop:// Boutiques/390/351/23
Or for those from HG:

TheMetaverse: RLion has his own Rules for most sims, i bet your blocked from getting into RLION watersplash grid. good luck 6 months ago
A 100% original BOM mesh, 100% legal , bento responsive head with skin, shape, eyes, and a recent version of Ruth sans it's usual head as a courtesy. It's SLUV so you can use any skin or eyes you want- no mesh eyes are included, system ones do work fine. There is a PG flat chested and not PG boob versions of the skin.
Don't sell, don't put on SL, don't tell people you made it (and tell them who made it if asked).

Not copy botted! Artist-made.

Jupiter Rowland: I hope you're ready to match it to Maxine in a few months. In the meantime, I'll see if I've got some room on the third-party shelves at my stores... 7 months ago
Heute Abend im Tosca!
der euch jede Menge an Geschenken mitgebracht hat
und die gibt es "nur" heute !!!!!!

Tonight at Tosca!
Santa Clause-Party,
who's bringing you all-time goodies,
just available today.

☻☺ !i! TOSCA !i! ☺☻

:*★*:. .:*☆*:. .:*★*:. .:*☆*:. .:*★*:. .:*☆*:. .:*★
┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ❤ ☑ Nasti on Air
┊ ┊ ┊ ☆ ☑ When: 19 Uhr/ 7 p.m
┊ ┊ ❤ ☑Where: ♫ !i! TOSCA!i! ♫
✎... This is gonna be an amazing party!!!
.:*★*:. .:*☆*:. .:*★*:. .:*☆*:. .:*★*:..:*☆*:. .:*★

Wir freuen uns auf euch
Were awaiting you

AleksanderDesousa: Advent, Advent, ein Lichtlein brennt Advent, Advent, Ein Lichtlein brennt! Erst eins, dann zwei, dann drei, dann vier, Dann steht das Christkind vor der Tür. Und wenn das fünfte Lichtlein brennt, Da... 7 months ago

📝 How to configure landing points on your sims

An explanation for the landing point controls and how to make landing points act the way you want them to

For those who still aren't sure. (And if you don't mind, don't publish your region)

Second Life and OpenSim are not traditionally classified as "games" in the way titles like World of Warcraft or Fortnite are. Instead, they are often described as virtual worlds or metaverses. Here's an explanation:

Lack of Predetermined Objectives: Unlike many games that have specific objectives, missions, or end goals, Second Life and OpenSim don't offer specific tasks for players. Users decide what they want to do, whether it's socializing, building, trading, or exploring.

Creation and Customization: In both platforms, users can create almost anything, from virtual structures to clothing and art. This level of creative freedom is broader than in most traditional games.

Real Economy: Both Second Life (with its Linden Dollar, L$) and certain OpenSim grids have their own economies and currencies, which in some cases can be exchanged for real money.

Social Interaction: A major draw for many users of both platforms is social interaction, similar to a chat room or social media platform, but in a 3D environment.

Diverse Uses: There are various reasons why people use these platforms, from simple social interaction to business, education, training, simulations, and other purposes unrelated to gaming.

However, although they aren't games in the traditional sense, some users might participate in game-like activities within these virtual worlds or set up regions and environments with game-like objectives.

In essence, both Second Life and OpenSim are more like expansive 3D social platforms or metaverses than traditional games.


Second Life y OpenSim no se clasifican tradicionalmente como "juegos" de la manera que lo hacen títulos como World of Warcraft o Fortnite. En su lugar, a menudo se describen como mundos virtuales o metaversos. A continuación, una explicación:

Falta de Objetivos Predeterminados: A diferencia de muchos juegos que tienen objetivos específicos, misiones o metas finales, Second Life y OpenSim no ofrecen tareas específicas para los jugadores. Los usuarios deciden qué quieren hacer, ya sea socializar, construir, comerciar o explorar.

Creación y Personalización: En ambas plataformas, los usuarios pueden crear casi cualquier cosa, desde estructuras virtuales hasta ropa y arte. Este nivel de libertad creativa es más amplio que en la mayoría de los juegos tradicionales.

Economía Real: Tanto Second Life (con su Linden Dollar, L$) como ciertas redes de OpenSim tienen sus propias economías y monedas, que en algunos casos pueden ser intercambiadas por dinero real.

Interacción Social: Un gran atractivo para muchos usuarios de ambas plataformas es la interacción social, similar a una sala de chat o plataforma de redes sociales, pero en un entorno 3D.

Usos Diversos: Hay diversas razones por las que la gente usa estas plataformas, desde la simple interacción social hasta negocios, educación, capacitación, simulaciones y otros propósitos no relacionados con los juegos.

Sin embargo, aunque no son juegos en el sentido tradicional, algunos usuarios pueden participar en actividades tipo juego dentro de estos mundos virtuales, o establecer regiones y entornos con objetivos similares a los de un juego.

En esencia, tanto Second Life como OpenSim son más como plataformas sociales 3D expansivas o metaversos que juegos tradicionales.

CyberGlo CyberStar: cocoa fluff 10 months ago
what do you think is the "standard" height for an avatar? I've noticed that in SL the basic avatars, the ones they give you when you first register, are about 1.75 meters tall or a little taller or a little shorter.

Even the Shapes of the various body and head creators provide shapes of about 1.90 maximum if I remember correctly.

Many users raise their avatars even beyond 2 meters in height reaching even up to 2.40 meters which is really a lot.

Tall avatars, always look slimmer and more defined, but they are often "bulky," not properly seated for example on a chair because they pierce the coffee table for example, or even in vehicles a foot comes out of the helicopter another example.

so what is the average and correct height for a vatar, regardless of what you may like personally, because then rightly everyone makes the shape as they prefer, but the standard heights the ones that should be corect, in your opinion what are they?

KatKakoola: I Just wanted to mention Lock Martin who played Gort in the 1950s SciFi classic The day the earth stood still - No, not the Keano one :) Lock was 7 feet 7 inches tall! Wikipedia if you want... Go Gort... 11 months ago

No comments here... 3D sign says all lololol
Available for FREE and FULL PERM. Enjoy )

Emily Sear: O M G! Too funny ..Famous last words should be posted on all grids.. shut up and just take it! 1 years ago

Wow! That's a lot of visitors for 3 days.

SheaButter: That's three days, and a lot of Avitron. 1 years ago

More storefronts

DebzFox: Got in finally on 3rd attempt 1 years ago
A store for Ruth outfits I have put together using Linda Kellie, Damien Fate, Fleep grid layers and some Remake shoes. During war time and the depression there was a push for people to make do with what they had, reuse it or remake it. This store is based on that philosophy and is my Os version. Some items are original form and others I have textured myself and so I have called the store MAKE DO AND MEND! hop://

Thirza Ember: Go for the clothes, stay for the interesting sim 2 years ago

bonjour hello
voila mon petit port
little port
merci de liker le terrain pas l'image
please like land, not picture, thank

Zoe: The region is down for now, but wil be back soon, Pirate Falene turns around... Its magick what a Pirate can do, disappear and come back. Unfathomable Pirates Voyages ☺☻☺ 2 years ago

📝 SecondLife introduces and opensources Puppetry , a webcam-to-avatar animation feature

Puppetry accepts target transforms for avatar skeleton bones and uses inverse kinematics (IK) to place the connecting bones in order for the specified bones to reach their targets

Here begins Cap'n Kelso Underwater Tour
Be ready for a very IMMERSIVE experience

Cherry Manga: Excellent! ♥ 2 years ago

Sunflower Solitaire with a pretty Citrine gemstone. Free/Full Perms Jewelry

River: Mari, its beautiful! Thank you! 2 years ago
Those sinfully red vinyl pants. Oh my! Those dangerously spiked heels. Oh my! That provocatively lifted top. Oh my! That barely there bra... OH MY!

oh HELLO. Oh my.

Andromeda: Congratulations, sensational, the size of the good taste! island without lag this is very good. 2 years ago
I am sorry my grid was down so long. I broke an ankle, almost died from gangrene, and lost a leg. I simply wasn't home for awhile, months in hospital. But I am back, and Rebelworld, and it's lands, including the 3 posted here live. lol ;) hugs n high 5's, good karma. and prayers for everyone.

(update) experiencing some bumps, but it WILL be back up as fast as I can fix the loopback, and address mess from where my internet provider has been changed. :)

(update 2) On hold with my ISP. Having [port-forward issues. Can't get in my router. I am waiting to get the info currently to access to manually port forward. I am sorry if you cannot access my world for a little while.

(update 3) A friend who has land, and an avatar on my server got on! :D If anyone not on my server gets on? PLEASE let me know? hugs n high 5's :)
Upate. This address should work for everyone:

Goodmorning, it seems not everyone is able to visit my region Avia at Virtual Worlds Zone Grid. Would you pls let me know? It should be opened to everyone. Alternative is to hop to and there choose region Avia. Hope it will be solved soon.

Introduction to PBR WIth OpenSim NGC/Firestorm 7 on Wolf Territories Grid

Chelsea Louloudi: Wow, thanks for doing this video! I was looking for workflows in blender to make these (eek) this is wonderful! 2 days ago

To all my piggy friends I created this in your honor! Piglets in the Mud cake, a cute decoration for your table! Jewelry

Marianna: Here is the recipe 5 days ago
Hi Everyone!

After a 2 week break, installation of a shiny new server and a few tweaks here and there, Mike and I are happy to announce that Raven's Peak is back up and running! **Old landmarks to our store's won't work so please take the hop**

We wanted to extend the BIGGEST EVER THANK YOU @Wolf Territories Grid . Lone and the team from Dream Hosting are superstar's and Mike and I cannot thank you all enough for your fantastic advice, referral and help. I'm not sure we have anything to offer, however if you ever need help with anything, we are here! You are all amazing people! ** THANK YOU! **

Mike & Zoey ♥

Sodasullivan: Yay, glad you are back! 1 month ago
The Auto Sentry Gun. Just touch it to turn it on or off. Only the owner can switch it on. It will say "ON" to the owner or "OFF" if you click it a second time. Hehehehe. It will shoot a bullet that will send someone far into the air once they get to close to it. Have fun! Enjoy the game! Available for 0$ at On The Moon [whooops! access fixed]

NoraCola: I tried it in my ubode region and couldn't get it to work so for now it's a nice prop. If only I weren't script illiterate T_T 1 month ago
I am so happy to be part of Wolf Territories! Lone Wolf is doing truly cutting edge things in OpenSim! Hyperconverge servers migration, bulk region opportunities, complimentary regions for 501s and edu's - and more to come! Well done, Lone!

Thorben Goerssen: Wolf ist der ein sehr guter hat wenn man ein Problem hat immer Zeit und kümmert sofort darum. Auch ich bin sehr stolz ein Mitglied vom Wolf Ter. zu sein und kann es nur weiterempfehlen. 3 months ago
Veröffentlichung im Auftrag für Smaili Me, als Mitglied unserer Peaceisland Gruppe

Einige Mitglieder des Soul Grid sind wohl Gehirnlos und agieren beleidigend, sie können nicht eine Meinung gegenüber einer Auseinandersetzung oder einem Streit unterscheiden. Liebe Nasti eine Streitverursachung ist dies was du letztes Jahr gemacht hast, du weißt wo (Phil Collins Live) hier hast du eine hinterlästige Aufhetzung gegenüber Personen betrieben, was ich nun im Nachhinein erfahren habe, nachdem der Tommy und Crazy nicht mehr zur Party von Sylvia ins GWG gehen wollten.
Letztes Jahr wiederum, bei einer Party von Genie (Offworld) hast du Nasti und Karin als Sylvia zur Party kam und noch nicht einmal gerezzt war, Sylvia entwürdigt und angegriffen, das sie sofort weg ging und dies öffentlich, hier hat sich keiner eingemischt obwohl das unter aller Würde war, wenn ihr euch nicht mehr daran erinnert kann ich mit Offenlegung nachhelfen.

Und was ich am vergangenen Freitag am 23.Februar 2024 bei der Party vom Genie (Offworld) wo ich sachlich der AnaKathy.Rosenburg meine Meinung geäussert hatte
und hierzu über das Verhalten von sich einmischenden anwesenden Soul Mitgliedern und speziell über Karin feststellen musste in ihrer IM Nachricht dazu an mich, das diese Person weder eine Erziehung noch ein Ausbildung genossen haben kann, sie schreibt mir unter anderem im Wortlaut: du dreckige du kannst doch nicht unsere Souler die Ana angreifen
Jetzt verstehe ich auch liebe Nasti warum du nie alleine zu einer Party gehst und deine gehirnlosen Bodyguards dabei sein müssen.

Ich würde mich riesig über eine Äusserung von euch freuen, aber ich würde vorschlagen uns an neutralem Platz am besten nicht in Schriftform sondern zum Reden zu treffen mit Chill entspannender Musik im Hintergrund damit euere Gehirnzellen vielleicht beruhigt werden und wenn euer Still wieder auf assoziale Sprüche überschlägt und die Leute die euch noch nicht kennen kann man dies ja mit härterem Musiktönen übertönen und danach PARTYTIME !
Dieser neutrale Ort kann in Sandbox oder auch bei Micky im GWG sein, nicht zu vergessen, wozu er vorher befragt werden muss.

Noch etwas zu Ana Kathy, liebe Ana du weißt ab und an nicht was du redest und von dir gibst, ich will dir nicht zu nahe treten aber der Anschein erweckt es wie wenn du Persönlichkeitsstörungen hättest, ich kann dir einen Ratschlag geben, lass dir helfen.

Noch eine Bemerkung von mir Tommy und Crazy mischen sich in meine Belange nicht ein, sie verhalten sich nicht wie Souler. Ich bezahle auch kein Schutzgeld für mein virtuelles Dasein und Zuhause.

Ich schenke euch ein schönes Lächeln, was ich vorläufig in mein Profil real als Bild eingestellt habe, es ist zwar nicht mein wunderschönes Lächeln aber für die Souler reicht dies aus.

Smaili Me :)))))

P.S. ich bedanke mich recht herzlich bei dir Crazy das ich dies hier auf diesem Forum einstellen durfte.

Published on behalf of Smaili Me, as a member of our Peaceisland group

Some members of the Soul Grid appear to be brainless and abusive, unable to distinguish an opinion from an argument or argument.
Dear Nasti, what caused an argument is what you did last year, you know where (Phil Collins Live) here you were insidiously inciting people, which I now found out afterwards after Tommy and Crazy stopped going to Sylvia's party wanted to go to the GWG.

Last year again, at a Genie (Offworld) party, when Sylvia came to the party and wasn't even rezzed, you degraded and attacked Sylvia, so she immediately left and did so publicly. Nobody interfered here, even though that was the case was beneath all dignity, if you don't remember it, I can help by disclosing it.

And what I said last Friday on February 23, 2024 at the Genie (Offworld) party, where I objectively expressed my opinion to AnaKathy.Rosenburg and about the behavior of soul members present who were interfering and especially about Karin, she had to realize in her IM message to me that this person could not have had any upbringing or training. Among other things, she wrote to me verbatim: you dirty, you can´t attack our Soulers, here the Ana.

Now I understand, dear Nasti, why you never go to a party alone and your mindless bodyguards have to be there.

I would be very happy to hear from you, but I would suggest meeting in a neutral place, ideally not in writing form but in talking, with chill, relaxing music in the background so that your brain cells might be calmed down and if your silence turns back to anti-social sayings and the people who don't know you yet, you can drown this out with harder music and then PARTYTIME!

This neutral location can be in Sandbox or with Mickey in the GWG, not forgetting what he needs to be asked about beforehand.

One more thing about Ana Kathy, dear Ana, you sometimes don't know what you're saying and what you're saying, I don't want to offend you, but it seems like you have personality disorders, I can give you some advice, let me help you .

Another comment from me Tommy and Crazy don't interfere in my concerns, they don't behave like Soulers.
I also don't pay protection money for my virtual existence and home.

I'll give you a beautiful smile, which I've temporarily put up as a picture in my profile. It's not my most beautiful smile, but it's enough for the Soulers.

Smaili Me :)))))

P.S. I would like to thank you very much, Crazy, for allowing me to post this here on this forum.

Smaili Me: Marty das was du als Mist definierst wollte ich privat abklären aber war nicht machbar um die Sache abschliessen zu können. Ein Disput war nie mein Ziel. 4 months ago
A new attraction on Stark Straits, a gallery of AI art that does not take itself too seriously, being created from fantasy and desires by a complete novice!!! You will love it or hate it, it is the marmite gallery!!!!!! It it is called Niki's Checkerboard Museum of AI Art.

Sodasullivan: Woosh! a very fun and wild experience. I recommend a visit 4 months ago
This Grid has followed suit with other grids in banning Darkheartsos grid from accessing Trianon-World. Im sure the reasoning behind it will be clear to some of you who run adult grids, it's over run with children and adults who abuse them. Over the past few months, I have banned some adults based on profile pictures and wording. I'm not saying everyone from there was bad, but I don't want them on my grid. If you are from there and wish to dispute your access being denied, write to me here in private and plead your case

Aurora Starchild: If that makes you feel better, and you feel like smaller avis (not children, but avis) from the grid are safer if they don't go to Trianon - that's your choice and one to be respected! All I have to s... 5 months ago
Bonjour à tous. Cela fait quelques temps aujourd'hui que je traine sur cette petite planète qu'est OSGRID. J'ai un peu de mal avec certaines choses comme beaucoup de gens j'imagine. Je lis parfois vos posts, vos écrits et je suis horrifiée de voir avec quel malin plaisir vous salissez ou pire vous dénigrez les gens ou les choses. C'est affolant. Aucune âme, aucune face. Alors bien sur j'ai comme tout le monde eu mes coups de colère mais heureusement pour ma santé mentale ca ne dure pas.
Nous avons la chance d'être sur une planète ou tout est gratuit bon sang! Avec les mêmes avantages que sur SL et manifestement ce que j'en lis, et hélas, constate les mêmes inconvénients! Expliquez moi : quel est ce démon qui vous rends jaloux parce que XX a fait un plus joli décor, ou plus grand, ou plus complets?? Quelle importance vraiment??? Est ce votre égo surdimensionné qui vous pousse à dire je veux plus de trafic que lui/elle? Quel intérêt?
Et la encore pire : en quoi la façon de s'habiller ou d'être d'une personne vous regarde?? Cela vous choque les nus? cela vous choque qu'elle ne mette pas de culotte? houlà !!! Mais faut consulter la!! ca relève de la psychiatrie en fait.
Après, bien sur que la personne qui l'anime est vraie. Mais on s en fou de savoir si son avatar est petit, grand, gros, vert, jaune, ou s'il met des culottes de grands mères ou rien! Ca change la personne que vous êtes de mettre un jeans ou un jogging? Vous vous habillez comme sur le jeu en RL ? Nan parce que la chapeau bas vous devez avoir de sacrés jolies gambettes mesdames et des sacrés corps d'athlètes messieurs! Vu la longueur des jupes et les chemises ouvertes que vous mettez sur os!! Arrêtons L'hypocrisie collective s'il vous plait!
La vie est courte l'avez vous aussi oublié? Votre RL ne vous suffit pas pour le coté sombre? la maladie les factures ?
Je pensais que sur SL le problème venait des Français hé bien non pas du tout. Dans tous les pays manifestement il y a un lot d'abrutis. Et fort heureusement aussi de très belles personnes.
Alors je vais rester dans ma petite grotte avec mon mari et quelques personnes charmantes que j'ai peu rencontrer. Je vais continuer à rêver... je rêvais d'un autre mooonde.....

Caribia Zsun: Opensim devrait être un endroit où tout le monde peut créer et être de bonne humeur... Le monde réel est difficile pour beaucoup de gens et le monde virtuel est un répit, ne pouvons-nous pas garder ce... 6 months ago
OSgrid has announced a scheduled downtime from Wednesday, January 10th, to Saturday, January 13th.

Given OSgrid's track record, I could impossibly not meme it.

Jamie Wright: This is the perfect meme for this:) 6 months ago
Hallo ihr Lieben,
das Jahr ist fast zu Ende. Und wieder haben wir die Hälfte aller Vorsätze vom letzten Silvester nicht eingehalten. Ein guter Vorsatz wäre, dass wird das Ende des Jahres ordentlich feiern. Daher steigt im Soul-Grid eine Silvesterparty. Um 20 Uhr geht es los .
Wir freuen uns auf euch

KarinBecker: ☆。¸ `•.¸ `•. ★ӇƛƤƤƳ★ ♫`¸.•* ¸。☆ ♬ ☆。¸ `•.¸ ` • ƝЄƜ *´.•´`¸ ✫ ♭ ☆。¸ . •´ ƳЄƛƦ! °° * .•*´ ♫ ♥*.*`.•´ * °¸.•❤ ♪ ☆。¸¸*•. ❤ ✫ °♩` •`°`¸.• ... 6 months ago
It was exceedingly annoying to me that a Linda Kellie dress I really liked had something like a MILLION triangles and shot your avatar complexity to 500K.
I reduced the tri count significantly, until I could do no more without destroying the original mesh. Then I rigged for Ruth RC3 and wore it around my lonely little dreamgrid (my internet sucks, in those days I could see myself but nobody could see, talk to or visit me)(this is why I moved to OSgrid). More recently, I also rigged for Athena with my legal copy of the maitreya dev kit. It's common and there's people that prefer it-who am I to judge?

It's in Mythos now. Has pre made variants with the texture, all my textures included (all black dresses with a different type of tartan on each). Old doesn't equal ugly and usually in opensim if you don't like the "out of style" texture on something you can change can use any LK ruffle bottom texture, any one someone else made with the AO, etc. The original AO map is in the box.
It's a shorter skirt so I put some old bloomers I made, and some stockings from Shinobar Annex in the box as a courtesy.

Jupiter Rowland: Good thing you've added all your textures. That way, they can be applied to Linda's original meshes, complex as they may be. That said, would you consider rigging for two more bodies? One would be M... 6 months ago
The newest break on the hypergrid . Must see/surf. It is truly a new and unique surfing experience. Please enjoy the waves at Aquarius ( Board rezzer has a beta board for all to try . ) and Monterey too. Let's go!

Mistressdalgato: fyi region could use a landing point, i landed in the water. :) 8 months ago

New Mesh Concert Stage "BEATS LIVE" available for all free scripted commands turn on and off lights, headlights that follow you! Smoke machine included! Media streaming included!

Great: I saw the post about this stage and went to see it. I did not expect to find myself in entertainment heaven. A region complete with everything you need to organise events. The owner is a very humble a... 11 months ago

Advanced Lighting usage

  • I have it turned on all the time.
  • I only turn it on occasion for certain things.
  • I never turn it on.
  • If i tried to use advanced lighting my computer would die.
Vote (28)

Morphed to a legacy AV, now to go get killed at Spax's SIM

Jerralyn Franzic: By the looks of it, must be easier to get killed at the park now. Hmmm... I gotta come back soon then lol, maybe I'll try it tonight. 1 years ago is a great way to promote all the wonderful creations we can find in different grids and I think this is the purpose of this website. Promoting creativity, giving people the ability to explore and see what others create. This is why Im sponsoring this website with advertisements and announcements. Lately I observe this place is filled with comments of personal kind , ( some would call it drama ). I am sure the majority here visiting this website for the same reason as I do are not happy with the continuously posted remarks of personal kind ( and disrespectful) . I wish to ask all who use this wonderful website to consider , where it was built for. If this website will become a gathering place for people who wish to display their frustrations, it will chase away others who are willing to invest in this medium. Please take this in consideration before you post ( and please use English if you can, this is an international community)

Trouble Ahead : "It’s lack of accountability, especially when combined with in-group favoritism, that turns the internet into a l... 1 years ago

The Inflatable Traffic Inflating Bot! Powered by patented AFK technology! Big enough to crush your competition. The Inflatable Traffic Inflating Bot is legit decor!

Oni Kiri: well is nice but can it dance? 1 years ago
Region and Grid Owners: Do you have a lot of rental properties? How do you manage them? Are your tenants also tenants of other grids and do they hardly ever visit the regions that they rent from you? The rental dilemna is real. To rent or not to rent? That is the question......Visit our blog section for more details. I can't paste a link here as it comes up blank but if you visit the blog section of our website it should work. I would be interested to hear from other grid owners or region owners with regard to rentals.

Paula: No question trying to manage a region is a challenging and thankless labour of love. * Kinda like raising children. Tropicana is a gorgeous region, beautifully designed, well run and very friendly tha... 1 years ago
Thinking of those of you who have marine worlds, I have left copies of a jellyfish, an octopus, a giant squid, a loggerhead turtle, a Beluga whale, a Yubarta whale and a whale shark at the base of Subnautica (and the whale skeleton can also be copied).
There are also 5 new NPS in the class that you can copy.
Enjoy them

Pensando en los que tenéis mundos marinos, he dejado copias de una medusa, un pulpo, un calamar gigante, una tortuga boba, una ballena Beluga, una ballena Yubarta y un tiburón ballena en la base de Subnautica (y el esqueleto de la ballena también se puede copiar).
También hay 5 nuevos NPS en la clase que puedes copiar.

Chad Deischer: I used that trick by wearing item at your region come home and drop item and open into my inventory. Then had to go back to your region wear the opened folder content . Then go home an assets were ok ... 1 years ago

SheaButter: Nicely done! Well organized. 2 years ago

Misty_Falls: Very lovely SIM to visit, a lot of hard work went into making it, i'm sure .... GREAT JOB !!! 2 years ago

New Animated Bento Penis by Dark Wolf
Available at: Island Shopping Men Shop

JonSun: It would seem the texture HUD doesn't respond, even though the animations etc. are all working well. Like others said, it's effectively free as you get a credit of $3000 OS$ when you start the buy pr... 2 years ago
The other day I walked past a fitness place named The Beast. That makes sense. They are going to pump you up into some kind of muscle-bound monster. What didn't make sense was their logo. It was...a unicorn. Ah yes, who doesn't associate unicorns with buffed beasts? Why, when I was a child, my favorite movie was "Beauty and the Unicorn." Or something. In any case, I made this outfit. It's got horns. Wear it and prowl around, searching for what? Unicorns?

oh HELLO: Outfits With Options. And now, a baby unicorn in every box!

Nico Kailani: This outfit has been replaced by Beast 2, which has a more out-door forest-living Beast look. Come get it, and the special baby unicorn gift as well. hop:// 2 years ago

Rigged 3D models for use as avatars or animesh. Open to commissions, send me a notecard inworld with your request.

Antonia Ling: Wonderful stuff! Love it... 2 years ago
Data transfer status.

Do you remember a post I made some time ago, about assets missing due a day transfer?

Let me tell you the full story because I got a post that's a bit too angry and a bit too misinformed for my taste.

Originally OSG was mostly on a datacentre on Texas, at first it was good, but it got progressively more and more inadequate for the grid, do you remember two years ago that we had a weekly outage? Or sudden grid downs that used to last 24 hours?

It was time to move the whole grid to new pastures and they did! The total data was transferred to a better datacetre, the transference was brutal though, we're talking about millions upon millions of tiny files, it took months to transfer all that and they managed to do it with the grid running. Of course there was side effects, slowness to rez, extended times to see the textures appear, etc. A small price to pay compared to the alternative: shut down the grid for a couple of months.

Some days ago I was told the current status of the last server move, the one with oldest assets, most notably 1+ year old textures and notecards.

The good news: the transfer is done, it took about a month.
I was told not once, not twice but several times: No data was lost.

"So where are my textures?"

This is the current situation: While the data is already transferred it's the equivalent of moving, we have all the boxes into the new house, now it's time to unbox and arrange our stuff in the empty space.

That last server had about 168 million assets.

The program that the guys wrote specifically to ingest the data into the new server process about 1.6 million assets per day, plus they're verifying the integrity of each bit (thanks to that they had corrected/recover 4854 assets so far), the whole process assuming 1.3 million assets processed and ingested per day will take between 90 to 120 days from today.

I asked if this will cause lag or poor performance: No, this process happens on a separate server, and it's independent of the rest of the grid, so it won't impact performance.

No data has been lost, but many is still in the box, waiting to be put in the proper place.

Is it a bummer? of course it is, all my profile pictures (all of them are 1+ year old) are gone, white. I won't delete them because they will be back.

Finally this process is progressive, it means that as the data gets processed it becomes available, my pic today is white but tomorrow may be back, as it reaches its's turn in the queue.

So don't despair, we're in the final stretch.
New Release: Arcadia's Panda Hoodie.

This took me a while to make, it's a release for girls: a Panda Hoodie.

It comes in two versions: with the hoodie and down.

It comes in three models: Flat chested, regular chest and big breasts.
But it's also fitted mesh so it will vary according to your shape sliders too.

It comes for two kind of avatars: System avatar and Ruth 2 v.4.

While I don't support athena I've seen it wore and it fits too, but I can't guarantee a perfect match.

It includes all the textures for the hoodie and the alpha layer inside each hoodie object.

After hearing of the sad news that Gertie Bumbtious left us on June 5th, we, Niki Stark (ex-wife of Gertie) and I decided to make a tribute edition of Stark! with some nice photos of Gertie. We will miss Gertie very much with her happy, positive manner and her legendary music sets!

You can get copies of the magazine and the vendors at the Stark landing point as always.

Rest in peace, Gertie!
Niki & Mattie

LIGHT MUSEUM opening! All FREE and FULL PERM for LAMPs, STREET LAMPS and LIGHT related..
In STORE 01 u will find: Lamps decor stuffs. Enjoy :)

Welcome to Harvest Church your sate of the art church experience :))

CyberGlo CyberStar: 1st Corinthians ch 14 v 34: Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. 35And if the... 15 days ago

Shops and stall are filling up!!!!

Jared Seda: I tried going again but can't get there either. 17 days ago
I found this cool looking funky retro couch but alas it had no animation in it. I found the perfect fix with the "Pineapple Engine" from @AuroraAsteria located at her Starchild Shoppe at Darkharts. With barely two clicks I now have a couch with dozens of great animations in it. It is easy to use, even an idiot like me can do it!
Highly recommend!

hop:// Boutiques/398/395/23

Rhowin Blackwell: A huge thank you for the heads up about Starchild Shoppe! I was very pleasantly surprised to find items I hadn't yet seen, as well as the plethora of adult time fun options that are available. 1 month ago

The Box
Augure 46 minutes ago
de rien c est normale .
Hella 1 hour ago
Thank you very much !!
Augure 2 hours ago
you ll find olders release :p
Augure 2 hours ago
Hella 2 hours ago
Hello, I don't know if this works for you, but since I updated my firestorm, I have an error message and I crash, I can no longer find the old versions, can someone help me help privately please?
KrisTina 2 hours ago @Xenon
Star Ravenhurst 3 hours ago
I just renewed it for a year after letting it lapse a bit. I hope it is worth it. I saw no value in it the year that I had it before, but maybe as a grid owner now, I will.
Ankhsenaton 11 hours ago
I see 1 year OSW Pro for 500 Gold Coins and you can buy 600 coins for US$10
Xenon Darrow 16 hours ago
Can anyone remember what Satyr is charging for extra regions to add to your profile? I paid forit and now I cannot remember. Someone is asking me.
CyberGlo CyberStar 18 hours ago
just uninstall all the old usb devices thatt aree not pluggeed inttoo the system, soometimes they cause interference. it's weird, i know.
CyberGlo CyberStar 19 hours ago
use this program. it helped me fix the same problem.
Mistressdalgato yesterday
will have ot try more next week on it
Mistressdalgato yesterday
I agree with ariel, its only happened in the last versions/current version i am on
Rhowin Blackwell yesterday
As a suggestion to narrow it down: Use a virtual mouse button clicker, head to your viewer, point the mouse far off, and have it virtually click every 2 seconds. If you TP, it's the settings, if you don't, it's the mouse.
MrSnoodle yesterday
Really sounds like a mouse issue to me. I have several mice with false double click issues. My current mouse has random double right click issues. Context menus will flash up then vanish. My left click is solid, so I don't have random TP on single click. Its quite a common but annoying problem.
Arielle yesterday
@Mistressdalgato, Mika and I have experienced the same issue and are both sure it is not the mouse. Either an undocumented keyboard shortcut or maybe a hud that allows a clickthrough to the LM Favourites bar.
Xenon Darrow yesterday
If it is only happening inworld, it must be a setting. If it is happening other times, it is the mouse. Is it b/t? Those can be hinky if you don't have great sight on the adapter.
MrSnoodle yesterday
Bad button from the factory. When the button is pressed, the contacts can bounce at an incredibly high speed and will register as a double click. Software has a debounce filter to prevent this, but if the button is really bad, then the software cant filter it out. Look up switch debounce.
Live Traffic
Trianon Complex A
67 12
Xenotown A
11 0
13 17
Event Plaza
121 18
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63 18
East Coast 80s
11 0
Catronian Archipelago
11 0
Yin Yang Town A
48 3
46 5
13 1
Bachata A
16 2
17 1
Stark A
131 74
Event Jungle
6 1
Lbsa Plaza
187 38
Regions Online: 1,742
Active: 355 avatars in 165 regions

New Comments

Star Ravenhurst 3 hours ago
I can't wait to see the finished region! Beautiful work Sis! Your regions are so real-looking that you feel like you are there! Congratulations!
Hugabug 9 hours ago
ooo thank you for that recipe & I didn't know you had a cake shop I decorated cakes for a living long long time ago :)
Wolf Territories Grid 9 hours ago
What could possibly go wrong.... I thought it would never end.
Ankhsenaton 12 hours ago
Great track ! bravo! Now I need even more "my" SL Mario's motorbikes.... ;-)
Cherry Manga 13 hours ago
Texture Queen! ❤️
Xenon Darrow 16 hours ago
Putting this on the calendar!
Gundahar Bravin 18 hours ago
A MUST Visit region, simply breathtaking! Amazing adventures await,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, What are you waiting for???
Star Ravenhurst 18 hours ago
I hope I remember to come as I have a spot already and my perspective and need for the space has changed and I have no idea what to do. This meeting may help me figure it out or inspire me. I am so ex...
Suzi_Avonside 18 hours ago
Great train, and will definitely be in the queue when it's released to the public. What I now want to know is, where is Aldi?


Moonlight Myst
Love the club and what it offers good music and a good DJ Great Place Just to Hang out love it come on down to Moonlight Myts
Adore 12 hours ago
Wild Kingdom
What an amazing park. The animals are so awesome!! I loved exploring here, and will return in the future!
Gundahar Bravin 18 hours ago
Yin Yang Town
Beautiful region I was very impressed
Moonrose Grid yesterday
really nice thankyou
KaydiRose yesterday
Lunaria Emporium - Main Store
One of the 7 wonders of OpenSim!
Wolf Territories Grid 2 days ago
@JoanneFurlough - The 'thing' was a cock you had hanging out and as one of the OWNERS (not an admin) who pay good money to host our grid, we are more than entitled to expect a little class from our vi...
ZoeyRavenheart 2 days ago
Terrible admins. I was in sim for nearly an hour before I was contacted by someone who asked me to take something off my avatar. I saw no rule saying I can't have this thing, and there were no signs t...
JoanneFurlough 2 days ago
The Village
If you haven't been here before, you are missing out! The Village is a quaint & very eclectic place to explore and find lost items you thought you'd never find again, and items you didn't know you wa...
Derry Arabello 2 days ago

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