OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

Gentle Fire Grid
1 Users 58 6
Joining the Gentle Fire Grid offers a unique and welcoming virtual experience. Here are some reasons why you might want to join: Friendly Community: The grid is designed to be a friendly and caring en...
I don't understand why there are rosicons who as soon as they see something much more beautiful than theirs tell you that you copy things or you copied the objects in their sim while many others leave the opportunity to have the objects in the shop without breaking the maroni .... .this is called ROSICARE FOR INABILITY TO DO!!!!!!
directly to R_Lion from dominique toretto

Star Ravenhurst: When I first joined Open Sim there was not a lot available except a lot of Linda Kelly and for furniture, WIckenshire had (and still does) the most beautiful prim-built furnishings and decor I have ev... 2 years ago

ChuBelz Grid ist ab sofort geöffnet
ChuBelz Grid is now open

KikiBaily: Herzlichen Glückwunsch zur Eröffnung Euch Beiden :-) 2 years ago
We are now open for Christmas and you can come to experience the parade any day. Be patient logging in as it is a big build. There is a big underwater sim and much more. Merry Christmas!! The entry problem is now fixed. My apologies.
This event was built by: Michael McHugh, Kimm Starr, Koshari Mahna, Ruby Odegee & Tony Gill with special help from Kayaker Magic and Webby Merlin from Clan Band. And includes many elements and objects created and built and offered for sale on the Kitely Market by high-quality creative builders.

Dabici132: I tried again and this time I arrived directly at the Parade Place without facing a box underwater. WOW, what a fantastic and dynamic creation. It is very impressive, beautiful and immersive ! Kudo 2 years ago
Upgraded the horse rezzer script from the popular NPC horse rezzer to an "All-in-One" Animesh Horse Rezzer, with a load of features in the animesh horse.
Tip: to avoid the horse from dying, remove the "animesh horse rez" script, and have it roam around an area of your region or parcel, follow other horses, and other options.

One of the major benefits of the animesh horse is that it can cross regions (if allowed by the sim owner).
When you own the animesh horse, you can wear it an teleport around.

ThundergodThor: Positively awesome, I love it! The horses are so realistic looking. Awesome job Roland! 2 years ago
Vous ne verrez plus çà, vous ne verrez plus jamais cela.
Le marché de Noël est mort, et ce n'est pas moi qui l'ai cassé !
Merci à tous ceux et toutes celles qui furent présents pendant ces 10 années, merci de votre soutient.
Maintenant c'est fini merci et au revoir.
N.B.: ce marché est l'oeuvre de Freddy Wright sur Francogrid vers 2010, et de personne d'autre.

This year you won't see that, you won't see that anymore.
The christmas market is dead.
I don't break it.
Thank you to all those who where there during ten years.
Thank you for your support.
Sorry Isn't my fault

Tristan Dehaie: @Dabici132, @Marianna, @MelodyStar, @ScarlettEarp, @monika, @thedeeferry, @Roleplayed, @Lampithaler, @Kelso.Uxlay, @elorift, @MoonroseGrid, @JeromFranzic, @soabad Il serait bon de cesser de raconter ... 2 years ago
Many stores where you can buy NOTHING (after all, everything is free!) are waiting for you here. To make your stay as pleasant as possible, there are 4 frozen yogurt stores in the small town - number 5 will open eventually. Or not^^.
Furthermore, there are 2 clothing stores with fashion for men and women, although something has gone wrong with the textures here - but come and see for yourself!
Brand new addition is the hairdressing salon with no less than 3 hairstyles - I can already betray that they are really the latest craze ;)
* * *
Viele Geschäfte, in denen ihr NICHTS kaufen könnt (schließlich ist alles kostenlos!), warten hier auf euch. Um euren Aufenthalt so angenehm wie möglich zu gestalten, gibt es 4 Frozen-Yoghurt-Läden in der kleinen Stadt- Nummer 5 wird irgendwann eröffnen. Oder auch nicht^^.
Ferner gibt es noch 2 Kleidungsgeschäfte mit Mode für Damen und Herren, wobei hier irgendwas mit den Texturen durcheinander gekommen sein - aber kommt und seht selbst!
Ganz neu dazugekommen ist der Friseursalon mit sage und schreibe 3 Frisuren - ich kann schon verraten, dass die echt der letzte Schrei sind ;)

Symphony: Super Fun! Omg ! I spent an hour there exploring and found it so interesting, easy on the eye, and an excelent example of how to make an environment with simple pieces. Excellent. ... 2 years ago
I think the next AV i make will be a Gypsy, for the last three years on OS, i have had to change accounts and such three times for grid closings or other such non-sense... just getting tired of packing all my stuff and moving... so i need a good Gypsy outfit and a Caravan for sure.... special Thanx to Kashi of Virtual Zone Grid, one of the metaverse's constants.

Jupiter Rowland: Sean Heavy has plenty of Gypsy outfits at Wright Plaza now. Just saying. 2 years ago
Thank you to welcome me in Art Factory, and all the team, great artists communauty, I am honored to be part of it with a gallery.
Some photos of my virtual worlds, animals, dance and emotion are the themes.
ART Factory grid : Art Factory
my gallery is not far the tour Eiffel

hicks adder: bravo ! :) 2 years ago

Karima Hoisan: The world is media enriched so please have media set to auto-play and music on:) 2 years ago
The Land of DragonFyre... This oar available on outworldz (just type outworldz and oar into google), is a 15 story castle, with a wizards house, a church, a beautiful forest, a lake, a micro beach, automatic npc's, massive dungeon, and even flying dragons that never stop flying. It has 2 caves, a light house, a unicorn, and a cappucino machine. This is the one to get. Make it so #1. If you are anybody that wants a land that is already premodulated in the dureum this is the place for you... A masterpiece of virtual artistry! And there's even boats and a submarine. :O OMG! If you don't git a copy of DragonFyre, you ain't got it! >:( The #1 First Place oar winner in the 2021 grid region competition for best in overall design and use of space. Don't be left out! Git ya sum!

Hyacinth: I just loaded it on GroovyVerse. It looks really great Cyber! :) 2 years ago
CopyKat Life Boat: Alt Island
CK Alt Island is a 2x2 region made available by Apollo Star. I'm still setting up the estate as a short-term hang-out/dance venue. Other uses, such as having shops, are possible if it looks like we need to use this region longer.

CK Alt Island is open to the public. CK residents can sign in with an alt account on another grid. Then come to the Island and set it as your home location if you like. We can use the region until November if we need to.

Thanks to everyone for your help and offers of land.

Antonia Ling: Much luck for the CopyKats and Nico! BTW: The surrealistic image is so cool - love it. 2 years ago

CopyKat Grid, the home of my regions (and oh HELLO!), is off-line for database maintenance. I've been told that the expected return is 2+ days.

Destiny257Seranade: Hope you have it up and running in no time! 2 years ago
just a reminder.. this is an ADULT GRID, and an ADULT REGION.. that means no child avatars or children allowed.. it you think you have been wrongfully ejected and banned message me here and plead your case.. but if you look 12 you are a child avatar

Leeloo: look the woman sizes in the world and realise 1m55 is for lots country a adult sizes woman , NOT A CHILD I not see any woman with 2 meter ;) enjoy ... 2 years ago
Are You Now, Or Have You Ever Been, A Member Of The Communist Party?
It's the 1950's and the peak of anticommunist hysteria in the USA. I'm called before the House Un-American Activities Committee, a foci of fear, distrust and repression in American life. The committee is engaged in a campaign against supposed subversives. They ask, ‘Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Communist Party?" I look in the mirror and see my lipstick. It's red and displays the characteristic yellow hammer and sickle of the Communist Party. "Hell", I thought. "I'm screwed".

It's all a dream of course. I'm wearing a ball gown, converse sneakers, and a blindfold, which I would never wear to a congressional hearing. I'm saving the outfit for my dream wedding.

In case you wonder, yes, there is lipstick like I describe--two versions in fact! It's in the box. Wear it if you dare.

RediOverland: Hum, I want be invite for your wedding. The lipstick is the must. Gugu Dada, maybe? Congrats, dear friend. 2 years ago
Faith, Hope, No Charity.
The hair is named Faith. The skirt is named Hope. And Charity? There is no item named Charity in this outfit. I couldn't find anything with that name in my inventory or in the shops I visited. I even asked a few friends. No luck. I was tempted to change the name of the boots to Charity. But look at them. I'd never get away with the ruse. Faith. Hope. No Charity. Sorry. It's the best I can do. However, the outfit has a gothic studded bra and an off-shoulder fur coat! Yippee, I guess. This trashy classy outfit is found at oh HELLO.

Symphony: cute. great hair too. 2 years ago
Upate. This address should work for everyone:

Goodmorning, it seems not everyone is able to visit my region Avia at Virtual Worlds Zone Grid. Would you pls let me know? It should be opened to everyone. Alternative is to hop to and there choose region Avia. Hope it will be solved soon.

Beware COVID's attack near the Halloween Curiosity Shoppe this morning


Jerralyn Franzic: Another sim I must visit soon... :) 3 years ago
LIGHT MUSEUM is now known as LIGHT and SOUND MUSEUM *** Available for FREE and FULL PERM (store number 07), SOUND BOXES (environment sounds) for ur sim/place:
Choose different environements such as:

NATURE SOUNDS: Boreal Forest, Australian Outback, Pine Forest, Desert,Rain Forest, Swamp, Beach, River, Waterfall, Rain, Thunderstorm, Wind, Tornado, Underwater, Whales & Dolphins ,Volcano Eruption, Earthquake, Wet Water Cave and African Savannah.

URBAN SOUNDS: Bar, Harbor, Amusement Park (Machinery, Merry go round, Haunted Mansion and Zombies), Construction,Subway, Factory, Military Base, City Traffic, Airport, Stadium, Garden Party, French Cafe, Irish Pub, Buddhist Temple, Bazaar (Oriental Market), Mosque, Chinese Market, Cooking, Office, Volleyball, Hospital, Night Club ,City Battle WW2, Swimming Pool, Traffic Jam, Gregorian Chant, Grocery, Police Department, Coffee Shop, Mantra OM and Hockey.

FARM SOUNDS: Farm Ambiance, Ducks, Cattle Yard, Turkeys, Backyard Geese, Horse Stable, Goats, Pigs, Fire (Campire and fireplace) and even an Old West Saloon Ambiance.

BIRDS SOUNDS: Amazon Parrots, Black Capped Chickadees, Budgies, Cockatiels, Crows, Eagles, Nightingales, Northern Cardinals, Owl, Pigeons, Robins and Thrushes.

MEDIEVAL and FANTASY SOUNDS: Medieval Tavern, Space Station, STARWARS (Cantina, Duel of Fates, Imperial March), Yggdrasil Viking, Cosmic Melody, Enchanted Forest, Dinosaurs Jungle and Spiders Cave.

P.S. When boxes are rezed for the 1st time it might happen the sounds break a little bit. Normal at Opensim when more than 1 wav file is played. But after loop is completed ,sounds will go smooth :)

Don't usually do drama politics lol but i recieved more than the usual Hate Mail since posting here. 1. This is no Second Life 2. 70% of the items i see for sale in Second Life are free downloadable objects and clothes modified and then resold for quite alot of money (i do game graphics in RL) 3. OS Grid came to us as a free open source and is especially valuable to those who are handicapped and on low incomes who can never never never afford SL to create their dreams 4. No other grid would be around if not for the FREE tech service from OS grid staff and developers 5. If you tweeked your copy of OS Grid sofware for YOUR GRID and it runs better GREAT that is what we want! YOUR HAPPINESS 6. When attending someones event try to have manners if possible, I know these are hard times and everyone is on edge but lets all just step back for a moment and take a breath. Im happy to help anyone or discuss or listen Hugsss and have a great day HAPPY HOLIDAYS

Opening at Christmas

I want to clarify something there is someone going around spreading rumors about Club Equinox closing down~! Let me set the record straight! Club Equinox was started 3 years ago on the Kinky Grid by me and my Sister Chynna those that been to the old Equinox know her! There were not that many clubs around then and alot of them that were are gone today. We work hard to make Equinox a drama free no issues place to come party and anyone who ever came knows that we are a fun place to party! Xaria is and has always been a great partner in the club, We have seen a decline in people coming but we will be here for a very long time in the future we have many plans and improvements ! WE HAVE NO PLANS TO CLOSE~!~~~ so with that i want to stop the rumor mill that people have started about Xaria and Me many times before if anyone wants to find out whats going on your all more than happy to ask me or Xaria we be more than happy to tell you!
21st September is WORLD PEACE DAY!

Whilst it may seem slightly frivolous, ZetaWorlds is having an event/party, We can't end the wars, the assault on Ukraine by Putin's Russia, the conflict in Gaza made worse by Israel's tamper tantrum, the military junta terrorizing Myanmar, but we can raise awareness and we can make a difference!

Anyone that buys a region that day, any package really, all proceeds will be given to Angel of Life aid for Ukraine! Let's raise some money!
The charity is linked here:
(additional information: [added by Mathilda Stark])

The day starts of with a Q&A session again with Edison and Vincent answering burning issues, questions, and talking us through planned upgrades etc. Please direct your questions and anything you might want to discuss here:

So the timetable for the day:
8am: Q&A Session
10am: Quirkessential DJane HAZEL ITO plays one of her unique mixes
11am: Sees the return of live singer ROGUE GALAXY to center stage
12 noon: High noon, for our live DJ MATTIE
1pm: It's the normally naked DJ RUUD, but this time at least partly clothed, don't miss this!
2pm: Our lovely ELLEMIR takes over the decks before handing over at
3pm: to the next live DJ NORA COLA

So please come and join us, donate to great charities one way on another, and make it a night to show support for the wronged and a world living in peace and harmony!

If that somehow offends you: Attacking fellow humans is abhorrent whether it be punching your neighbor or invading a whole country for no reason.

(Original source:

Caribia: Most of the russian people are against this war and world peace should show in virtual too 3 days ago

Anachron und Dorena in Steampunk. :-)

HarperHeld: Avatars in steampunk too? Or did you tell it to dress you in steampunk? 25 days ago
🚀 Mark Your Calendars 🚀

Join us on August 23rd at 10:00 AM Grid Time for an exclusive sneak peek of the OpenSim World’s Fair, opening March 1st, 2025!

Get a look at what’s coming from all the incredible talented people from all over the hypergrid.

🌐 Why the World’s Fair?

Our mission is to unite grids across OpenSim, celebrating community spirit and showcasing the achievements, innovations, and culture that make our virtual worlds thrive. OpenSim is vast—let's bridge the gaps and show everyone just how expansive and exciting this metaverse truly is!

🔗 Be Part of the Adventure!

We can’t wait to have you on this VWEC Hypergrid Tour. You might even be inspired to exhibit at the fair!

🗺️ Location:

The tour kicks off at the Kitely Hub, please come about 9:50 AM so we can meet the others at the fair : hop:// II/122/130/25

Or join us directly at the OpenSim World’s Fair landmark: worlds fair

Kimm Starr: oh Indigo, thank You so much for the kind words! We are doing our best to inspire people to bring their originality and you my girl have so much of it, it would be a shame not to share it with everyo... 1 month ago
Roz Carr, born Rosamond Halsey Carr, was an American humanitarian and author who became widely known for her work in Rwanda. Born in 1912, she spent much of her early life as a fashion illustrator and model in New York before marrying British explorer Kenneth Carr.

In 1949, Roz Carr moved to Rwanda with her husband, where they managed a pyrethrum (a type of chrysanthemum used in insecticide) plantation. After her marriage ended, she remained in Rwanda, which became her home for the rest of her life. During the Rwandan Genocide in 1994, she witnessed the horrors of the conflict firsthand. Following the genocide, Roz Carr dedicated herself to helping orphaned children, founding the Imbabazi Orphanage on her plantation to provide care and education to children who had lost their families.

Carr authored a memoir titled Land of a Thousand Hills: My Life in Rwanda, which recounts her experiences in the country, from the time she arrived in the 1940s to the years following the genocide. Her work earned her recognition as a significant humanitarian figure, and she continued to live in Rwanda until her death in 2006 at the age of 94.

Roz Carr's legacy lives on through the orphanage and the lives of the 400 children she helped.

Fred and Deb created Virunga with Roz Carr's plantation featured here, that you can visit and leave flowers and notes in a little mailbox at the house. Outworldz Virunga 701, 194, 24 - Virunga Thank you for all the magic you share with us Deb and Fred 💗🌷💗

I love coming here to reflect and leave flowers 🌸🌸🌸

Star Ravenhurst: Love this story!! Thank you for sharing. 1 month ago
News!!! Animated Snake Tongue, this tongue will slither out of your mouth between every 12 and 24 seconds, for a fraction of a second, vigorously wiggling, just like with snakes or other reptiles.
Thank you very much Leo, this teamwork makes me very happy

LeonitasLionheart: Pssssssssssst....teamwork makes the dream work! 🤗 I lava everyone! 2 months ago

News! hop:// new area FEEDME!!!

LeonitasLionheart: I need to make some of these soon in rl... But with cannabis butter🍪🦁👍 2 months ago
We are sad to announce The Roleplay Grid is shutting down as of August 5th, and at this time we do not anticipate a return.

The E Grid will remain running and is stable and very much still alive!

For us it was a situation of changed circumstances and cost of running TRG.

The E Grid is a grid running on our own 64 Gig Server, and so the cost is still not an issue.

Tenants on Paradise have been messaged, but if you did not receive, you have till August 5th to find a new home. We are sorry for this, and have tried to give some notice instead of just suddenly being gone ...

LaviaLavine: I'm very sorry to hear this Milly and if your folks need homes we have free homes (houses) should they join this grid and we have regions available at very reasonable prices and if there is anything ... 2 months ago
I am pleased to announce the opening of the Selea Core Store, located in the southeast corner of the Star Ravenhurst Designs region. This project, which I dedicated over two weeks to last November, aims to preserve the body of work created by Selea Core, who left Open Sim unexpectedly around 2016-17.

At that time, Victor DeAngelo, Ms. Kal, and I gathered all the available Selea Core products. Victor also sourced additional items, re-boxing and labeling them since many were originally stored in folders rather than their original packaging. These items were subsequently offered at his shop.

Years later, I observed that many of these boxes had migrated to different locations, and several had become corrupted, containing duplicates or broken items. Consequently, I undertook the task of meticulously cleaning, repairing, and reboxing them with new labels to distinguish my collection from others. Additionally, I included rare Elven items from my collection that are not widely distributed elsewhere.

While I strive for perfection, I acknowledge that some boxes may not be flawless. However, I assure you that the Selea Core boxes available at this shop are clean, up-to-date, and ready for you to take home.

Please note that Selea Core often used Rezzers for her houses and many of her scenes, typically designed for a single 1x1 SIM. You will need to adjust the script to match the size of your region for the rez box to function correctly. If you require assistance, please feel free to reach out.
Special thanks to Victor DeAngelo for helping to preserve the work, Jupiter Rowland for sharing his SC collection with me, and Ms. Kal for leaving my boxes in her sandbox all this time so I didn't lose the collection.

Safinemahoe2: Great shopping place, love the homes! 2 months ago

Summer storms here in the desert southwest ...

E Grid shutting down till they pass, for security sake.

Should be back up tonight or in the morning at the latest!

LaviaLavine: Hope things are back up and running for you! 2 months ago
Still checking out the Smart Start.

Seems at times to be trying to work correctly, but FS keeps crashing on tp -- and updated to the latest FS and same thing.

Is this something that happens a lot with teleporting to a Smart Start region? Also, noticing my Dream grid tp boards are often not resetting to be active at all once the regions start. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't.

I have my delay set to 30 seconds. Have tried 45 seconds too, and same thing. The time for a region to close down in 2 minutes. Have tried less and more, no change.

Any ideas on what I am doing wrong? Or does this just often glitch out?

Mistressdalgato: Roll back versions of fs and that will solve your crashing problem, a note has been sent to fred a week ago regarding that issue. As far as tp board goes are you saying it doesn't work at all? if that... 2 months ago
Hello Friends!

I am thrilled to announce that I have my own grid! It was time to expand my horizons, and for Le Beau Retrouvé to truly flourish, it needed the resources to bring my vision to life. My mission is to showcase the incredible talents of artists from all genres and media, along with our amazing DJs and singers in OpenSim during our events.

The gallery is a beautiful, peaceful place, a neutral territory open to all grids and all people. I hope it becomes a hub where artists and anyone else can meet, collaborate, and build a community of friends from all grids and countries. Perhaps our dream of world peace starts with us and our virtual worlds.

Land Of Xzar is also on the new grid for you to visit, and some exciting new regions will soon be open to the public. Please stop by and refriend me if you wish, as this is a new account and I will no longer be on the Genesis Roleplay Grid. Though I am no longer on Genesis, I support them as I do all grids in our community. I am thankful for the time I had and wish them well.

I am also deeply grateful for the overwhelming support I have received from my friends and the community. Your support has meant so much to me and has been an integral part of my journey.

So, what are you dreaming of?

Land Of Xzar:
Welcome Region Under Construction. I will list it once it is done.

Marianna: This is such excellent news!! Best wishes to you Star 💕💗💕 3 months ago
Looking for a script? Need some kind of script functionality modified?

At this time I'm not looking to take on huge projects, as I'm working on a few of my own, but I welcome any small to medium scripting needs that you may have.

Feel free to drop me a message! I'm happy to help in any way that I can.

(To ensure I receive your message, please use OSW's messaging feature!)

Joe Builder: How about some weapons, Example a Tank firing a explosive that has damage.. 3 months ago
After a decidedly NOT fun couple of weeks, I'm working on something fun. We're making a big 6x6 surf island. Just M-rated. The design (other than the rollercoaster park) will be kind of in the style of Martinique. A tropical island, but with more like french colonial style villages and houses. We don't need bamboo everything everywhere... :) I'd really love to have LGBT meetup dance parties for fellowship and support. Get something positive and non-confrontational going...

Sam's working on the villages today and tomorrow, and I'll make some roads through the forest and have little 3-wheeler island cab tours. It will be fun.
The railroad line goes about 70 kilometers all the way to the Welcome region. It's fun to ride, and we have about 300km of continuous track running so far. Stay tuned!

Hyacinth: We tried out Lilly's surfboards tonight. She definitely has the best surfboards! Thank god! I am so sick of working on mine. I am free! haha 3 months ago
ARACNO AIRWAYS office at SPACEPORT (*) in EUROPA. Humans NOT ALLOWED... If you enter, well... take a look for yourself and never complain about the sentence "The curiosity killed the cat" lolol

(*) At welcome area or at MAGABAGA Mall, there is a big tp board to that destination.

Jimmy Olsen: My apologies. Aracno Airways was not offering properly its "service". had to redo script little bit, guess people they came today havent seen all of it. its working now. 4 months ago
*** UPDATED RELEASE MAY 29th 2024 ***
OPENSIM FIREWORKS V9 (VERSION 9) - All in mesh fireworks (*) with lower complexity- V9 now is even better than previous version - it summons flashing lights on different colors and has more sounds, all to make the effect even more real! Available for FREE and FULLPERM at PARTY BOX.
Here is an example how it looks like now:
Enjoy :)

(*) An old particles firework available as well inside the box!

Safinemahoe2: These fireworks are fantastic! They look amazing but do not cause lag. I put about 20 of these on a one sim island as a test. OMG that was pretty.....but no lag! These are the best fire... 4 months ago

Foggy mornings are so sweet.

Lillysparks: Also- duh - I should say - I cannot take sole credit for any of it. So many minds have melted together in the creation of what is now truly the coolest surf experience OS has seen yet. Yay. Shoutout... 4 months ago
===Starchild Kin: A prologue===
The story above is prologue to the background story of the Starchild family at Darkheart’s Playground grid in OpenSimulator, and the future development of a HUD (aking to Bloodlines in Second Life) that will foster a roleplay of vampires, demons, angels and other races.

Sodasullivan: This is a great idea Aurora. I do not really RP very much, and one more HUD is usually one too many for me, but i have found having the "history" of Avedon Park laid out helps me as a map of sorts as ... 4 months ago

NETZFUND über Gridleitung in Open Sim !!!!!

Suzan_vonOtter: ich muss schon sagen , mir hats die sprache verschlagen ( öffendlich zugänglich übrigens , ihr müsst nicht facebook nutzen . würde auch vorschlagen es... 5 months ago
I have scripted an absolutely gorgeous vendor board. I've left it in my sandbox, where you can take a copy, right in the center. It's very low cpu usage. It works perfectly. You must put at least 6 items in it. You also put the pictures in it. Name the pictures the same thing as the items, but put a period in front of the picture texture name. That's all there is to it. It's very smooth, sleek, and sharp. Definitely the way to modernize a lot of these old dated vendors you see in so many malls these days. :)

ZoeyRavenheart: Exactly what I needed! Thanks Cyberglo! xD 5 months ago
Allow us to invite you to join our Friends of The Genesis Roleplay Grid HUD. Here we'll place a walk through (collision) teleporter with your logo and grid address so that when people walk through they will be teleported to your grid and the region you select. At Genesis Roleplay Grid we are working to create a more positive and cooperative atmosphere in Open Sim and we're doing it by networking grids and sharing anything that we can to help our "Friends'" grids succeed. The process is easy, contact me, Lavia Lavine, and send me your logo and the address and rezz point for your grid's chosen destination, and that's it. It's just that simple. Why do we do this? Because we want to and we can. I will also be forming a group for this for all "Friends of GRPG" to join so I can send notices and other information to those who join. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

Milly Money: we are very proud to be included as a fellow Masala Estates member with Una, for The Roleplay Grid! Thank you Lavia! :) 5 months ago

News! hop://

AbdulDada: I love your Sim! Very well put together! 5 months ago
I have often considered my underwater worlds
to be my best build ever. It took 6 months to find things, build
destroy, build, adjust and redo. Much of the time was spent searching.

This week I realized.....the best thing I can do for Opensim
is help all of you build underwater worlds if you wish.

Textures Trees & Scripts

now offers a massive Underwater section!

Hundreds of fish, coral, 5 types of rays, sharks, octopus, anemones, kelp and much more!

Enjoy making your dreams come alive!

Safinemahoe2: Just a quick note here.....The response to the Underwater building has been I decided to Double the size and add ruins for you! Shout out to Misty Falls for custom creating 5 animes... 6 months ago
I felt the earth move under my feet in NYC today. Thank goodness my Brownstones in Indigo Industries are still standing.

We are so not used to earthquakes on the east coast but this is the second one this year. The one we had in January however I didn't feel at all but people up in the Bronx did. The one today I felt it. And it lasted too long to me.
Did any of you feel the quake today in NYC or NJ or PA or anywhere in the NorthEast of the United States?

Well it is definitely safe here at Indigo Industries in Indigo Blue Realm on Wolf Territories.
We have furnished apartments.Transitory housing, free for new residents of Wolf Territories for 10 days while you decide where you would like to call home. 300 personal prims, parcel security, radio, welcoming community. Come take a look. If you want to stay with us after 10 days. Take a look at our Amethyst or Lapis Lazuli Villages.

Hyacinth: We get quite a few 2.0 - 3.0 magnitude earthquakes in New Hampshire per year, and all around New England. There was a 5.6 in 1940.. and in the past there were several 6.5 earthquakes. The Pilgrims ... 6 months ago

Complete Rental System v 1.13 is out
Some bug fix, Some enhancement.

Come check it out !


Aurora Starchild: I honestly can't than you enough for this and all the support you have provided. Everyone: I keep spamming poor Val with small things and even requirements, and she keeps updating this in like 1 day :... 6 months ago
In der Nacht, wenn der Himmel sich verneigt,
Und die Elfen und Märchengestalten aus ihren Verstecken treten,
Da erwacht die Magie, die im Dunkeln liegt,
Lass uns den Zauber der Nacht umarmen,
Die Melodie der Sterne in unseren Herzen tragen,
Denn in diesem Augenblick, zwischen Traum und Wirklichkeit,
Erblüht die Magie – und wir sind Teil des Märchens.
⊰♥⊱ : WER : DJ Nasti
⊰♥⊱: WAS : Fantasy
⊰♥⊱: WO : ⊰♥⊱ Clandestine ⊰♥⊱
⊰♥⊱ :WANN : Sonntag 19 Uhr !!!

Fantasy Party
At night, when the sky bows,
And the elves and fairytales come out of their hiding places,
Then the magic that lies in the dark awakens,
Let's embrace the magic of the night
Carrying the melody of the stars in our hearts,
For this moment, between dream and reality,
The magic blossoms – and we are part of the fairy tale.
⊰♥⊱ : WHO : DJ Nasti
⊰♥⊱: WHAT : Fantasy
⊰♥⊱: WHERE : ⊰♥⊱ Clandestine ⊰♥⊱
⊰♥⊱ : WHEN : Sunday 10 SLT !!!!!

Taliya: hop:// 6 months ago
Hello non-virtual people,
I come to ask for advice.
I have my grid's homepage set up with Joomla, which is old and outdated because the Jopensim module hasn't been updated again (a pity, because the work this person did was wonderful).
I've tried with Wordpress, and it's not going very well either.
I would like it if you could suggest alternatives for the registration and the grid's website. I am already discouraged, thinking I am a dinosaur on the verge of extinction.

Another thing, the other day I made a web viewer for the grid, a shame, it goes too slow and the new generations are about pressing buttons, not following a huge tutorial to be able to download, set up, and enter a Grid (I know it seems easy to you), but they look at me with eyes of "what???"
Has anyone ever tried this before?
Well, I hope for your advice, especially opinions, and I deeply appreciate it.

Mistressdalgato: Hi, i use jOpenSimRegister module for new member registration. Also do not upgrade to 4 or 5 as it will crash your website. Foto does not have an exact date on when his update will come out. https... 7 months ago

How people think I code DreamGrid.

KatKakoola: I'm surprised your desk is so tidy! TY Super-Fred :) 7 months ago
I made a tarot board for card readers. You click the board and it deals the cards, then as you turn over each card, it tells you the meaning in local chat. All tarot cards from the original deck with their original meanings are included. I FORGOT TO PUT IT OUT AT THE STORE. IT IS AT WIZARDRY ON THE RIGHT AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS. :Þ

Sodasullivan: Found them! Such great item! thanks for all your magic! 7 months ago

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The Box
Yana Dakota 24 hours ago
DJ Yana is performing her music today from 6am to 8am... At AMV Welcome. hop://
Yana Dakota 24 hours ago
DJ Yana is performing her music today from 6am to 8am... At AMV Welcome.
OpenSimUser yesterday
So needless to say, once again i went back to older version because it just doesnt work right
OpenSimUser yesterday
But as is, there are no textures found, everything is grey scale only
OpenSimUser yesterday
Firestorm PBR would probably make a nice viewer if it worked correctly

New Comments

SilviaFrey 57 minutes ago
Peter me encantan tus animalitos. Tengo un problema porque me gustan tanto tus animalitos que ya no se cual ponerme hahaha. El dragoncito es realmente hermoso. Muchas gracias.
Phleur 2 hours ago
C'est ce soir le grand jour !!!
CandorsRPWorld 3 hours ago
Nicht verpassen :) Mabon Fest am 24.09. mit Ritual um 19.00 Uhr und Tanz mit Musik ab 20.00 Uhr. Wir freuen uns auf Euch!!
Thorben Goerssen 7 hours ago
nein...lach die Löwen gibt es macht Werbung für sich....-)))
OSFest 12 hours ago
Some of the exhibits and stores surround large pool water. Some are on the region border of water. Some surround an inland lake. If you need navigable water we can accommodate you. Staff will be at th...
Lillysparks 13 hours ago
I hope I can still grab a space to showcase some stuff. Is there any ocean space available or all inland ?
Ellen 15 hours ago
Nice look but I never know what you are advertising? Are these for sale somewhere? Thank you!
XaviersWife01 16 hours ago
Such a beautiful place. I loooveeee the forest. So peaceful!!!
harthelie 18 hours ago
J'adore votre travail


very sweet and beautiful region owner. so talented and giving. come by and check out her offerings.
Wendie Blackthorn 9 hours ago
Magical Fairies Pass 4
Thank You So Much for your comment, Ripple! & Yes I am making it huge :D I want to have the largest farm in open sim. :D I'm adding many goodies to my farm that no one else has that I've seen so fa...
Passion Jumanji 23 hours ago
Valeria's Custom Avatars
Siamo sempre alle solite ogni tanto qualcuno izzato da qualche venditore che non puo più prendere i miei avatar e metterli in vendita nel suo negozio, critica insulta e offende, dicono che faccio un b...
ValeriaRossi 2 days ago
Miami's Fashions
Trés beau magasin 5 étoiles
Sorcha 2 days ago
SilverFox Mall
Great Mall in very Nice Style
TailorNova 3 days ago
Well of course i would give Ruritania 10 stars! A virtual storybook world. Every detail is perfect and perfectly thought out. There is so much to learn and explore. Xi Shi is a gracious host and a bri...
Belavar 3 days ago
Valeria's Custom Avatars
hahaha You are so pathetic that you have to evaluate yourself with your own acc's just to push out those who have seen through you and rated you poorly! Sure your work is good but it doesn't change th...
Alex Nova 3 days ago
Valeria's Custom Avatars
Ho visitato la tua regione, sono rimasto veramente colpito dai tuoi lavori sia di avatar che di fantasia di arredo, a Valerian's acatar 2 troverete avatar inediti uomo donna e fantasia unici , molto l...
SergioCortesi 4 days ago
Valeria's Custom Avatars
Una parola a questi due la devo proprio dire, sia Alex Nova che KimTenuto, Siete solo dei poveretti perchè l' invidia è marciume alle ossa. Alex non ti ha detto di no per le tue esibizioni come DJ, ma...
EraCostante 4 days ago

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