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The hypergrid never ceases to amaze me. I went shopping over at Nutella tonight on a shopping avie. My main avie has over 120k items in my inventory, so I use other avies to shop. It has become more and more common that when I jump to other grids, all my mesh gets ripped off. I am then a lumpy nekkid system avie with a hairy face. It's not fun for anyone, trust me. To avoid this, I will strip down to a system avie, then use a full body alpha and be invisible. This prevents the embarrassment, potential maturity rating violations, excessive shopping lag, and having to tp home, log, clear cache, log back in, sometimes 2x to get things to act right again. It's efficient and effective.

I haven't filled out the profile of this shopping avie's a SHOPPING AVIE. I guess I could put "I'm just here to shop" on the profile. But honestly...she is 1/10k avies running around without anything in their profile.

Apparently, a resident there took exception with me and sent me some rather rude messages. I didn't see them because I was engrossed in shopping and had the chat window closed. I saw them when I returned to my home grid. I then reached out to her and explained 1) why I was invisible, and 2) why there was nothing in my profile. She promptly told me she was reporting me to the grid owner for "not acting right."

I popped back over there and spoke to her in genchat, once again explaining myself. I told her to be well and left. I am interested to see if that avie or even this one gets banned because a resident didn't like that I was invisible and shopping. It's always an adventure.