
Added by :
Jadwiga Abremović
Created :
1 years ago
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One corner of the sim is finished- all ghost prims are cleared.
The essential and the unforgettable original inventory, on a swimmable island with black sand beaches and fantastical creatures.

Shop items are made up of original creations and alterations of previous content. Everything in shops is 100% legal. Some decor is from well loved hypergrid freebie sims-many items around are click copiable.

Original MYTHOS items can be used however you want- as long as you give them away for free, credit me, and don't put on SL. Thank you.

(LGBTIA Friendly Sim owned by even evil left winger- you have been warned).

Wanted to make an alt girl.

So, you have a messy shorter rigged hair style with the usual hud (thanks, Suzi Von Otto!). I have a bento mesh head I made with it. I put a halloween skin I did with it, halloween lips I made with it. Eyeliner is probably dodgy, everything else is legal with the ruth2 body that works best with "athena" /legal maitreya outfits included in package. Have fun, don't put on SL/sell the hairs and head for money/ tell people you made the hairs and mesh head.

Hi guys!
I said I'd be gone for a couple weeks and then LIFE happened!
I'm back, uploading more legal original creations soon....

Bad news: work has been keeping me away form making new clothes and hairs/ or even uploading my stuff from SL.
Good news: I put new, "100% Rat Free" beach changing rooms, and a real swim balls. Not the static ones that just move you around in one animation, the ones that are scripted as vehicles and you can control yourself!
I'm hoping, in spite of being busy, to finish all of the beaches that wrap around the whole region in these next two weeks!
Have fun with them.

Jupiter Rowland: Now I'm waiting for the first to take one of these to a race track. 1 years ago

Progress on the "blue" section of the Rainbow Road so far.

Jamie Wright: You make the coolest stuff:) 1 years ago
Something new, simple and fun.
Mushrooms that move, make a noise, and bounce you when you bump them! Big fantasy size and glow- my meshes and textures, all legal to use for free. The bounce physics seem to vary from grid to grid, and depend a little on your AO. I can get a good trampoline tall bounce into the sky with no AO. You might have a different experience. They're all there up front, each with textures inside- but they're also set up inside the sim a few places for ideas on how to arrange them.

IndigoQueen King: Wow!! What a beautiful place you have. I love the mushrooms what fun!! I know exactly where to put them in my garden. I will be back for sure when it's not 1AM LOL. Oh and the sunflower people and the... 1 years ago
Welcome back...

Sometime soon there will be spring. I put in some sunflower people that are similar to my tree people. Right now yellow, but soon other colours and all the poses. These were originally a Ukraine Doctors Without Borders related charity item on SL, so my "please don't sell these for money" rule is extra strong here. All legal, original of course.


I have a sudden illness and am dismantling Christmas things in RL and also on SL/"the big grid", be back with new releases after the OS grid maintenance

Been focusing a bit more on working on the land itself while I consider what the first freebies of 2024. Mixed Arcadia Asylum things with modern meshes, materials and particles and it still looks accurate for very deep water. When I'm done I may put all of my mods and new land things in a box for people to get the look for the sim. Happy new year to all friends of Mythos!
New release....long flowy maxi skirt.
We've got Ruth RC3, Ruth2V4(experimental), Athena, and Decadence HG sizes(I have a legal slink devkit, slink closing in SL makes me sad and nostalgic).

I made it as easy to texture as possible, put a bunch of boho patchwork seamless textures in with it. You can play with the tiling manually. It's got materials to look a bit tweed-ish.
Have fun with it and textures....don't sell, don't put it on SL, don't say you're original creator.

Jupiter Rowland: Needless to say that Juno was excited and went and picked that skirt up. For such a long skirt, even the Ruth2 v4 variant has surprisingly little clipping. We haven't observed any when she was standi... 1 years ago
It was exceedingly annoying to me that a Linda Kellie dress I really liked had something like a MILLION triangles and shot your avatar complexity to 500K.
I reduced the tri count significantly, until I could do no more without destroying the original mesh. Then I rigged for Ruth RC3 and wore it around my lonely little dreamgrid (my internet sucks, in those days I could see myself but nobody could see, talk to or visit me)(this is why I moved to OSgrid). More recently, I also rigged for Athena with my legal copy of the maitreya dev kit. It's common and there's people that prefer it-who am I to judge?

It's in Mythos now. Has pre made variants with the texture, all my textures included (all black dresses with a different type of tartan on each). Old doesn't equal ugly and usually in opensim if you don't like the "out of style" texture on something you can change can use any LK ruffle bottom texture, any one someone else made with the AO, etc. The original AO map is in the box.
It's a shorter skirt so I put some old bloomers I made, and some stockings from Shinobar Annex in the box as a courtesy.

Jupiter Rowland: Good thing you've added all your textures. That way, they can be applied to Linda's original meshes, complex as they may be. That said, would you consider rigging for two more bodies? One would be M... 1 years ago
More hair. This is non rigged because it's short enough to not need rigging...messy double buns with loose strands on the side. It has Suzan Von Otto's very generous hud, but for one face texture only to keep this style simple. 100% legal, original and not pirated mesh. Don't sell, don't put on SL, don't run around telling folks these are your creations.

News and Updates 2:

Suzan from Klamotto scripted a hud overnight, so now the hairs have hud control for the rigged version. Nonrigged can still be used with menu. It's all packaged up, so come grab.

Building and maintenance continues... the "Rainbow Road" from the freebies area into the heart of the sim is now up to the colour green, starting at purple. Mass underwater structures are spreading through and I expect half of the sim's oceans to be done this week- swimmable, and interesting to dive in or walk on the sea bottom. Fresh water will have underwater stuff as well. Currently there is a functional watermill with jumping salmon...but that's way on the other side and there's no pathway built! Bring bear spray and mosquito repellent, is what I'm saying. ;)
News and updates...
Suzan Von Otto of Klamotto( messaged me last night to inform me she rigged my hair and made it two material faces, to be distributed freely with the nonrigged version. I will do this- but want to make a good hair hud for it first. Thinking of adding compatibility also with the "Decadence Hair Huds" I see floating around so people have even more choices.

2. I am making the main shops inside more cozy and finished looking. The idea is the newest or most popular things will stay right at the front outside but everything else goes inside eventually. Avatar stuff and hairs will go in "avatar magic" which is shaping into an "alternative sci/fantasy" beauty shop.

3. Just a few months away from new open source bodies and I finally fixed some errors I had with the Ruth2 V3 devkits...I have also legal copies of old maitreya devkit, among others from when I did things in SL. I have a few things I never put on the big grid and can, even for Athena users, because legal stuff for nonlegal bodies can be a "Gateway drug" to more legal content. And the problem isn't just going to go away cold turkey. So I can put my huge supply of "I made this, rigged it, it looks nice, never wore it in SL" on opensim. We'll see how it goes.
100% original mesh hair that is menu-driven with 47 colours. Non rigged- adjust size and fit as needed. Fantasy-style opulent updo. Don't sell, don't say its your creation, don't put on SL.
Have fun!
A fully legal mesh radio with 48 minutes of real content from the 1920s and 30s, inter spaced with the station call-sign and various audio ephemera. It is based on the first consumer/everyday use radios available in the era.
Unavoidable: you may hear an audio skip or repeat- this depends on your internet, your viewer, and how laggy of a place in your sim you put it. Long audio sets do this in OS.

Have fun- don't put it on SL, sell it, or tell people it's your creation from scratch.

Big flowers. 100% original, nothing stolen. Don't sell, give credit, don't put on SL.
Easy way to add a little magic to a driven, click to change textures.
If you rez a lot of them, consider taking the textures and script out of each flower once it is the colour you want. I have pre-sized three versions, but it's all fully mod so you can make it normal flower pot sized or skyscraper sized. Up to you!
A 100% legal, non copybotted , creator made mesh head. Boxed as an avatar base...shape, skin, eyes, head, courtesy Ruth RC3 made BOM. The skins I used a template for in part, according to the creator's license it cannot be transfer-sorry about that. You can of course use any skin or shape you want. Responds to bento animations such as smiling and blinking. No mesh eyes or AO included.
These heads I made from 2019 to 2021- I put a couple up an SL. They were intended as a low ARC, "Wear and go" solution without huds and scripts. I made them first for my partner who just HATES most huds. I sold them for about 400L each. People liked them but I got a lot of bizarre comments like "yeah it's really beautiful and good but I have to stay loyal to Catwa even though I like them a lot"... since opensim people seem more capable of not letting brand loyalty totally dictate their interests, they are better fitted here.

Don't sell, don't tell people you made the mesh, don't put it on SL . Please don't god mod the skin, I legitimately cannot give it transfer, if you need it for your alts bring them all in or message me and I'll just give it to you.

Harper Held: I think they're cute, I have to come see them ingame. As far as this specific thread goes? Moderate, rip and tear -delete mercilessly. It's kind of what you have to do here. Anyway -thanks for adding ... 1 years ago
100% legal artist mesh giant moths. Wings are animesh. They are the size of an avatar and for you Japanese movie fans one in the box has Mothra's original wings.
It hovers and flaps it's wanderer script doesn't play nice with animesh. If you want it to wander around feel free to find a script or make one yourself!
Don't put it on SL, don't tell people you're the creator, don't sell for money.
A 100% original BOM mesh, 100% legal , bento responsive head with skin, shape, eyes, and a recent version of Ruth sans it's usual head as a courtesy. It's SLUV so you can use any skin or eyes you want- no mesh eyes are included, system ones do work fine. There is a PG flat chested and not PG boob versions of the skin.
Don't sell, don't put on SL, don't tell people you made it (and tell them who made it if asked).

Not copy botted! Artist-made.

Jupiter Rowland: I hope you're ready to match it to Maxine in a few months. In the meantime, I'll see if I've got some room on the third-party shelves at my stores... 1 years ago
The first tree avatar is ready. Size 1- she is about 12 feet tall. A statue is rezzed next to the box that shows her approximate size. Mesh that is bento animation responsive- some appearance sliders are disabled. Shape, alpha layer, prim branches, all can be squashed, stretched, tinted, etc. Upcoming sizes: small enough to be wifey for Groot, and more like a normal avatar size.

License is here
Have fun with her.

Other updates: front beaches have seating and the new sand is installed.
Progress: front beaches are now swimmable and have vast underwater scenes with hundreds of fishes. Ghost prims linger, unfortunately. A floatie can be rezzed, or a static "Swim ball" in some choice underwater photography spots. No new products, but uploading and work continues.

Lillysparks: Looks awesome. Regarding the ghosts or artifacts - a sim restart helps with ghost objects for me. 1 years ago

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Reviews (1)
Overall Rating:
Passion Jumanji What a delightfully pleasant region you have here! ;) I am enjoying myself immensely! Thank You for offering such a lovely & lively place to visit! & THANK YOU EVER SO MUCH FOR ALL THE GOODIES THAT YOU PROVIDED FOR EVERYONE! Keep up the great work! ;)

Region Comments

Good advice for light roleplayers/character players: Come in swimwear and bring replacement in something water-tight. You currently land in the water. Also, you might feel like going swimming or taking a ride on a floatie while you're already there.

And don't think about using the shed by the pier near the landing-point as a changeroom unless you love rats.
It's always nice when someone notices the little details, glad you appreciated it)