OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

News and Updates 2:

Suzan from Klamotto scripted a hud overnight, so now the hairs have hud control for the rigged version. Nonrigged can still be used with menu. It's all packaged up, so come grab.

Building and maintenance continues... the "Rainbow Road" from the freebies area into the heart of the sim is now up to the colour green, starting at purple. Mass underwater structures are spreading through and I expect half of the sim's oceans to be done this week- swimmable, and interesting to dive in or walk on the sea bottom. Fresh water will have underwater stuff as well. Currently there is a functional watermill with jumping salmon...but that's way on the other side and there's no pathway built! Bring bear spray and mosquito repellent, is what I'm saying. ;)