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Seventh Heaven
4 Users 13 2 A
Clothing is optional here at Club Paradise. You may see semi nude, full nude, swim wear No child avatars. We even have a store and a game room even fishing and Jet Skis come on down and chill .
Who is the band in the new show truck?

Needful Things has been enriched by a small attraction: every visitor can start the small show themselves by clicking on the writing on the floor (sounds must be activated in the viewer!).
For all those who get carried away by the little concert, there is a free HUD with audience animations to take away in the boxes in front of the truck....

YouTube Video:

Wer ist die Band im neuen Show Truck?

Needful Things ist um eine kleine Attraktion reicher: jeder Besucher kann die kleine Show durch Anklicken der Schrift am Boden selbst starten (Klänge müssen im Viewer aktiviert sein!).
Für alle, die sich von dem kleinen Konzert mitreißen lassen, gibt es einen HUD mit Publikumsanimationen kostenlos zum Mitnehmen in den Kartons vor dem Truck....

Chelsea Louloudi: Another work of art!! I love and am in awe of these shows :D 2 months ago

Right, I 'threatened' I've decided to bring some body stuff, focusing on males - watch this space for new cool skins!

Blake Hayvenhurst: We do! Hair, skins and proper clothing (not the bad boy type). 2 months ago
Hey there, did you seen allready our new Park Train? It was lot of work to mesh and program it. It finaly drives from the Mall to the Central Station of Riverdale. It can handle up to 24 Passengers. If you want to explore Riverdale, why not with Train? All Signals, Announcements, Signal Box & lot more is working. I will release it Public soon in our Mall when everything is done and working 100% Enjoy :)

Suzi_Avonside: Great train, and will definitely be in the queue when it's released to the public. What I now want to know is, where is Aldi? 3 months ago
Calling all artists, both seasoned and emerging! Join us for an exciting opportunity to showcase your creativity. We can't wait to see the amazing works you produce under this captivating theme. Ladies, start planning your outfits for the ball—it's going to be a fantastic event with a touch of magic!

We're thrilled to announce a new region to the gallery dedicated to special projects. The first installation will be a collaborative masterpiece by beloved visual and audio artists. Witness how they transform the space into something extraordinary!
Additionally, we've opened another region connected to the gallery, designed for creating art, networking, and collaboration. Simply reach out to me to join this vibrant community and bring your artistic visions to life. Both regions are accessible by raft from the Art Gallery grounds.

Please note, the Gallery is now on a new grid. Old landmarks won't work, so discard them and pick up a new one. At the landing point and within the gallery, you'll find a sign you can click for this ad and a new landmark. You will also need to rejoin the group. Please see Star to be put in the appropriate role.
Many heartfelt thanks for the continued support for Le Beau Retrouve.

So, what are you dreaming of?

Harry Hopto: have some AI generated artwork I could supply 3 months ago
We have decided to set up our mall on Riverdale. Riverdale is still a work in progress Project. You will find allready a beautiful handmade German styled city. Lot of Stuff is custom made with Blender. It got a working Tram System, Train Station, Harbour, Supermarkets, Libaries, Shops, etc. Right now im working on a narrow gauge train system to reach the central station. Have fun exploring! :) Btw. i always telling to people that no need to copybot something ... Just feel free to ask if you want something for your Region ;)

Sodasullivan: So excited to hear that you are going to be Riverdale! There is a lot of talent there and I think they are going to be doing some great things and I am very excited to see it grow! 3 months ago

LeonitasLionheart: We already have a holy grail! Oh yessss itsa verreh niiice! 3 months ago

Have a nice weekend and furthermore a happy pride month!

GeromeHandrick: Happy weekend for you too Thomas 3 months ago
After a decidedly NOT fun couple of weeks, I'm working on something fun. We're making a big 6x6 surf island. Just M-rated. The design (other than the rollercoaster park) will be kind of in the style of Martinique. A tropical island, but with more like french colonial style villages and houses. We don't need bamboo everything everywhere... :) I'd really love to have LGBT meetup dance parties for fellowship and support. Get something positive and non-confrontational going...

Sam's working on the villages today and tomorrow, and I'll make some roads through the forest and have little 3-wheeler island cab tours. It will be fun.
The railroad line goes about 70 kilometers all the way to the Welcome region. It's fun to ride, and we have about 300km of continuous track running so far. Stay tuned!

Hyacinth: We tried out Lilly's surfboards tonight. She definitely has the best surfboards! Thank god! I am so sick of working on mine. I am free! haha 3 months ago
Whales for Sale!!!!

That's right, I am selling whales!

Why am I selling whales? Because I want to help you make an amazing Underwater area. You see, we have whales, many species of stingrays, sharks, jelly fish, hundreds of fish, hermit crabs, dolphins, mermaids, corals, ruins shipwrecks and more!

I spent 6 months finding things in opensim to build my underwater worlds...and now I want to help you build your underwater area.

Textures Trees & Scripts (and Whales)

the little store that is loved by builders and landscapers!

Ankhsenaton: So much things to get :) Thank you Safinemahoe2 ! 4 months ago

Avatar Fantasy, Pleiadiano su richiesta

GeoPerez: Grazie mille Valeria e Gruppo di Lavoro di Creazione Avatar Personalizzati, sono grato e favorito da Dio per questo lavoro spettacolare, Valeria ci ha creato, Pleiadiano, un essere angelico che è venu... 4 months ago
Pictured above......typical product from Friends mall

I have tried to tell people that our mall is a little different; but tonight I want to show you one of our best selling products - the amazing horses from my friend Roland Francis.

Most of you know about Roland and his horses....but I am going to brag anyways. I used to raise horses in SL. You dont even want to know how much I spent on food.....and then the horses were not naturally grazing. If you found ones that could not ride them. I have tried every horse I found in Second Life and Opensim, and I honestly believe Roland's horses offer the best ride and most realistic animations. might ask...what does this have to do with a mall? We are honored to be able to offer Rolands horses to you here at Friends Mall and I have built a special path to let you try them. Ride over the mountains...past the pond...and the long oceanside trail....and I am sure you will fall in love with these horses.

Go to the Equitacion Store at Friends Mall.

Then walk out the back of the store to take a horse for a ride. When you arrive back at the building, you can get your own horse is called HHorse rezzer v2.0 and is inside the stable building at the Mall.

These horses are wonderful! Thank you Roland!

Lillysparks: Awesome. Love it!! Can't wait to see these! 4 months ago

Alle Avatare komplett wie abgebildet erhältlich!
All avatars available complete as shown!

Cosa: Toll!! :-) 5 months ago

*** LIGHT BEAM COLLECTION *** From traditional to odd shapes & colors. Available at BOX 09 (LIGHTBEAM box). All for FREE and FULLPERM. Enjoy :)

Sodasullivan: Let there be light! 5 months ago


A Valeria's avatars 2 sono arrivati gli ANDORIANI

Our Region is opened for everyone!
Come and find all 30 Eggs!
Teleporter is at Welcome Easter Poster!
Happy hunting

KarinBecker: euch frohe ostern wünsche 6 months ago

AnKaBi: dir auch einen schönen karfreitag :)) 6 months ago

You may have noticed several troublemakers missing from Don't let it bother you.

KrisTina: Nope, still here. 6 months ago
Hi Everyone , just a post for new people. I run a few free malls within Neverworld Advantis , All Free Shopping Spree , Free Port and have a hand in many more places . We try to keep alot of our items full perm . Plase on any sim you are visiting remember when you click on a vender that item has to be sent from the grids server you are on to your home server. If you click to fast walking around hitting everything like machine gun kelly all that will happen is scripts will stop working and servers will stop communicating . All we ask as sim owners is take your time you do not want to crash sims or just not receive items.

SheaButter: Those network cables are like a freeway, with cars travelling that road. Some are going north, south, east and west. If your in Canada and item is in Europe, it has to travel over that water. lol. I a... 6 months ago

Legacy Body only

Tarot V3. This is a new version that I just made on 3/16/2024. It now can do reversed cards, and ill dignified cards. Now it automatically chooses whether the card is up right or reversed, and shows the appropriate meaning. I took the seed from the random number generator built into the computer, which is run by a crystal on the mother board of your computer. This crystal vibrates at a frequency and produces the number out of the vibrations. Amazing! Anyway, This new tarot table can show normal and reversed cards as a result, making the entire process much easier to read, and it now more closely follows the laws of chance just like shuffling a real life deck of tarot cards. Whether a card is ill dignified or well dignified is determined by looking to the cards to the left and right of the card. If one is reversed and one is normal they cancel each other out so the card stands as is. If both are normal it is positive reinforcement and strengthens the card in the middle. If both are negative then they weaken the center card substantially. So now it works like real tarot and the real celtic cross! Come get yours at

----- NEW -----

Jerralyn Franzic: Love the outfits there! :) :) 6 months ago

thedeeferry: Working now, Chubby! Thank you! Teleported using Arielle's suggestion (that worked) and then tried direct teleport to Chubelz Ostermarkt (that worked). Yay! ´(人❛ᴗ❛)♪ тнайк чоц♪(❛ᴗ❛*人) 6 months ago

Mystic Moonlight: kool i can get here now! 7 months ago

Prop Facade hop://

Omy2024: Beautiful thank you so much Marpil ♥ 7 months ago

***news at Camballa***
Prom Dress With Gems in Black and Black red
for E-Body-Maitreya-FitMesh
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

*** Camballa News***
Valentine's Day is coming soon and here's a dress
Camilla comes in several colors
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

A bit on erratum (?). Recently uploaded the corner and row store and today, shopping at R. Lion for something else, I realised they are there? *sigh*
Anyway, just a good excuse to remind you folks of this GO-TO store: hop://

Harleyjannys: Just the time and creativity that he puts into each creation calls for all of us to be thankful, for having new and yes, original stuffs in opensim. Because is not only export/import like some people ... 8 months ago
Through the grapevine (thanks Jimmy) I am hearing of a script that is going around destroying assets and killing grids. I think it's at least attacked 2 grids that I know of, one of which we managed to rescue.

If you have this set to true in your Robust.ini you are vulnerable to it I think. I'm guessing as I've not seen the script itself.

; Allow all assets to be remotely deleted.
; Only set this to true if you are operating a grid where you control all calls to the asset service
; (where a necessary condition is that you control all simulators) and you need this for admin purposes.
; If set to true, AllowRemoteDelete = true is required as well.
; Default is false.
AllowRemoteDeleteAllTypes = false

This is in your Robust.ini

I know I'll probably get shouted down - this is just a hunch that this is what is causing this issue.

ZoeyRavenheart: Thanks for posting this. We are setting up the new grid now and I will check these things before we go public. I feel like I'm going crazy trying to make sure everything is secured lol 8 months ago

London Complete avatar!! Noel -Reborn

QueenTitanium: ohh que lindo... ire por el !! nada que envidiarle a SL jijij 9 months ago
Geburtstagsparty für Nasti
Unsere Gridmudda hatte Geburtstag
Die Soulis schmeissen eine Party für Sie.
Alle sind herzlich eingeladen bei cooler Oldiemusik mit ihr abzufeiern.
Wann? Montag 18.12.2023, 20.00 Uhr CET/MEZ
Warm up ab 19.00 Uhr

Birthday party for Nasti
It was our Grid mother's birthday
The Soulis are throwing a party for her.
Everyone is warmly invited to party with her to cool oldies music.
When? Monday 18.12.2023, 20.00 CET/MEZ
Warm up from 19.00 hrs

Thirza Ember: Best wishes to the beautiful Nasti 9 months ago
oh HELLO and beyond
This well-known shop is part of the perhaps lesser known Xinashi Region. Let's fix that.

The Xinashi Region is home to...
.:Aether:. An airborne art project. Make sure to sit on the rotating cube. It's synchronized dancing to the 3rd power!
.:The Club:. A dancing and hangout spot on the Collective Hub sim.
.:The Eros Yoga Center:. Animations for singles and couples. You know what I'm talking about.
.:Marche Noir.: AKA the Black Market. Classic imports that are so old, they are new again.
.:oh HELLO | Outfits With Options:.
Curated outfits for the Athena body. Each vendor has all the items pictured. PLUS, if the item is part of a fat-pack, you get the entire pack!
.:Rocket Club:. Featuring the Dancing Stan Hologram
.:Sol Et Luna Dance Club:. The Sun. The Moon. And dancing.
.:Tree House Park:. Logger AVs are banned.

We aren't competing for traffic. We prefer to be judged by your likes and comments. You will do that, yes? Thanks

Nico Kalani: Such lovely people. Thanks all for your likes. 9 months ago


BELZE: Die beiden sind zum anbeissen 10 months ago

New complete avatar at Mexico Lindo!! Noelia !!

Jerralyn Franzic: I picked up a few avatars yesterday. A few of them are perfect for role playing, thanks for putting them up. 10 months ago

Moonrose Winter Shopping is open most of the items are copyable on 01.12 2023 there is again an Advent calendar .I wish you a nice time


----- NEW -----

"When black cats prowl and pumpkins gleam may luck be yours on halloween"

The shadows are getting longer again, the heat of summer is slowly fading. Slowly but surely, a melancholic mood is spreading. Autumn puts out its feelers. (at least in the northern hemisphere). Urgent time to open


I think that this year a lot of nice things have reached the region again, which have been distributed all over the sim. So it gives you something to do finding all the new stuff.

The visitors' favorites, the unbeatable Wolftones and the Sanderson Sisters, will also be there again..and brandnew "Dancing with the mon - stars" another awesome creation by Kimm Star.

Remember..Most items,( and meanwhile tons of !) but not everything is for sale. Please remember and RESPECT that please. You can see beautiful things "made in open sim- for open sim" for example made by Kimm Starr, Cloee Heslop, Luna Lunaria ,Bibiana Bombinate and many more. Thank you!!

I wish you a lot of fun ,exploring, laughing, crying , getting scared, collecting beautiful autumn decoration and and and.. the Gates are open now !!!

(hints...the sim is fully loaded, so give it time to rez and if it is not rezzing please relog that often helps
- Please make sure to have a good balance between Music and Sounds, otherwise you would miss half of the fun)

NineZero: The highlight, for me, was The Wolftones and the crowd dancing to Monster Mash. You rock, Thomas! Great sim! 1 years ago
What I always kept missing, was a good dark shade of an upcoming wave.
so, time for a game changer. Made it a double,one in blending alpha, second on masking and dark....oh well, u gotta see em!
After 14 years of trying, I'm finally happy with this one:)
Think I'm gonna throw em in ZZHOP on the next Expo round.
I'm reading a lot of whining about "banning" oh how dare they?? ::gasp:: Listen, sweetheart, people have the right to ban whomever they wish for whatever reason they wish whether we like it or not - their grid or region, their rules their choice. I think it's a bit extreme, however, I have on occasions for personal reasons banned certain individuals because they have done their best to destroy my work or reputation, and we all know that people are generally inclined to believe the bad stories about someone rather than the good. I do not, as a rule, ban anybody who doesn't truly have it coming or who has not "requested" that I ban them, which has happened because I would not run my grid they way they wanted me to. I'd like to believe that everyone in open sim is adult, however that's a little like believing ice won't melt over a fire. I have met very few people in open sim that I dislike and then it is not the person I dislike so much as what they have done or said, but they are not banned nor will they be unless they earn it. I'm not going to name names and point fingers as that is "high school kid" stuff done by immature tattle tales who will go out of their way to make other's look days, I think they call them "Karens". So why don't we all just put on our "grown up" pants and panties and act like adults? Build, roleplay, dance, sing, create, design and develop and quit bitching about stuff that doesn't mean a hill of beans in the long run because the truth is, nobody cares if you've been banned. I do my best not to give anyone a reason to ban me but if you feel it's necessary for your own sanity, then by all means...have at it, I assure you it will not diminish me to the people who matter. You see the people who matter won't mind and the people who mind.....don't matter. Have a lovely day.

CyberGlo CyberStar: "never feed the pigs in the middle of a lightning storm..." - wise cowboy sayings 1 years ago
The underlying message of too many big social media sites these days is "stop talking and start buying." The community these sites have fostered are being exploited for profit. Fortunately that isn't happening in OS. In fact, in contrast to big social media, we have a place in OS where the message is "stop buying but keep up the conversation."

That place is the Oni Kiri Tribute Region. There is nothing to buy there. But there is the opportunity to hang out with people from the community of Adachi fans and ex-residents of the CopyKat Grid. They are pretty much all like Oni. Helpful. Kind. Sharing. If you feel yourself to be part of that community, here is a HG Safari blog post written by Thirza Ember about Oni, Adachi, CopyKat and the Collective you might like:

The Oni Kiri Tribute Region is at Adachi on BlackSwan.
hop:// CopyKat in Blackswan

The community is all over OS. :)

Join the CopyKat Collective Discord Channel if you'd like:

I wish you all a happy pride month! Let´s celebrate the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Pride Month. Celebrate the difference!!!

CyberGlo CyberStar: Come June 28th to my house and have a slice of RaInBoW CaKe.... :) 1 years ago

new...coccole al tuo bimbo prima di trova nel nuovo negozio

these children everyone knows I did it I'm at a construction site in Astralia I wrote it only for personal use no resale everyone knows it and everyone respects the rules instead this grid newlife italy doesn't care about the rules and respect for the work of others .. too much comfortable so they take everything and put it on sale to attract people .. but the others know it anyway you make a bad impression ... you came here .... learn to do it yourself and remove my things

The Etheria Network: Its a wonderful family offering, I have several friends with virtual families and all this means a great deal to them :) Moving, fun babies and kids, amazing!! One note, some of the items - many act... 1 years ago
UPDATE: The oh HELLO region, and Xinashi is part of the CopyKat Collective, and are open. However, the Adachi shopping regions will not be reopening. Visit the Tribute Club at the CopyKat Collective Center to hang out and dance with old and new friends. Central

*oh HELLO reopening*
Adachi will be open soon to shoppers, visitors and, as always, odd characters [like me?]. So, can you stand even more good news? Can you? Well, here is is. A CopyKat Collective affiliated oh HELLO region will be opening soon.

Now, that's a plethora of good news! I say that because I love the word "plethora". Keep on the watch for more lovable words announcing the place and date of the multitudinous reopenings.

[multitudinous -- another great word!].

Verna Avril: nice to know someone else can express themselves in words longer that 5 letters 1 years ago


Live Traffic
28 0
Seventh Heaven A
13 2
Trianon Complex A
85 15
7 3
Event Plaza
122 18
25 4
Isola Gregorian
7 6
NyAlfheim A
25 0
Manderley A
7 1
Lbsa Plaza
190 38
Fabrica dos Sonhos
5 0
Friends A
29 10
J&J Farm A
3 0
GOR Sardar Fair A
66 14
Valeria's Avatars 2
65 12
Regions Online: 1,824
Active: 319 avatars in 149 regions
The Box
Yana Dakota yesterday
DJ Yana is performing her music today from 6am to 8am... At AMV Welcome. hop://
Yana Dakota yesterday
DJ Yana is performing her music today from 6am to 8am... At AMV Welcome.
OpenSimUser 2 days ago
So needless to say, once again i went back to older version because it just doesnt work right
OpenSimUser 2 days ago
But as is, there are no textures found, everything is grey scale only
OpenSimUser 2 days ago
Firestorm PBR would probably make a nice viewer if it worked correctly

New Comments

Hicks 2 hours ago
very nice fashion show! bravo :p
ZenRieko 3 hours ago
If you aren't here, get here. If you are here, stay :) Pin's rocking the grid.
Safinemahoe2 4 hours ago
the music is starting and Pin is Rocking !
Hicks 5 hours ago
who is the most handsome? it's me!! XD ok ok I'm joking some will say that I'm narcissistic
Badr_Norseman 8 hours ago
Thank you for making these nice photo's, portraying people in OS, nice to be a part of it. Great project!
SilviaFrey 13 hours ago
Peter me encantan tus animalitos. Tengo un problema porque me gustan tanto tus animalitos que ya no se cual ponerme hahaha. El dragoncito es realmente hermoso. Muchas gracias.
Phleur 14 hours ago
C'est ce soir le grand jour !!!
CandorsRPWorld 15 hours ago
Nicht verpassen :) Mabon Fest am 24.09. mit Ritual um 19.00 Uhr und Tanz mit Musik ab 20.00 Uhr. Wir freuen uns auf Euch!!
OSFest 23 hours ago
Some of the exhibits and stores surround large pool water. Some are on the region border of water. Some surround an inland lake. If you need navigable water we can accommodate you. Staff will be at th...


Trianon Complex
sorry ESSE not enough stars to rate u deserve a billion for all the work u put into your grid . the most amzing clothes . your nice parties ... SUBJECT 1 FINDING THE...
KennethMacShane 8 hours ago
WOW I went to find one item lol and left about 2 1/2 hrs later AFTER finding what I was originally there for. What am AMAZING place!!!! EVERYTHING STEAM PUNK that you can think of...most of it either...
JFlame 9 hours ago
very sweet and beautiful region owner. so talented and giving. come by and check out her offerings.
Wendie Blackthorn 20 hours ago
Magical Fairies Pass 4
Thank You So Much for your comment, Ripple! & Yes I am making it huge :D I want to have the largest farm in open sim. :D I'm adding many goodies to my farm that no one else has that I've seen so fa...
Passion Jumanji yesterday
Valeria's Avatars 2
Siamo sempre alle solite ogni tanto qualcuno izzato da qualche venditore che non puo più prendere i miei avatar e metterli in vendita nel suo negozio, critica insulta e offende, dicono che faccio un b...
ValeriaRossi 2 days ago
Miami's Fashions
Trés beau magasin 5 étoiles
Sorcha 3 days ago
SilverFox Designs Mall
Great Mall in very Nice Style
TailorNova 3 days ago
Well of course i would give Ruritania 10 stars! A virtual storybook world. Every detail is perfect and perfectly thought out. There is so much to learn and explore. Xi Shi is a gracious host and a bri...
Belavar 3 days ago
Valeria's Avatars 2
hahaha You are so pathetic that you have to evaluate yourself with your own acc's just to push out those who have seen through you and rated you poorly! Sure your work is good but it doesn't change th...
Alex Nova 4 days ago

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