Lampithaler Artist @Lampithaler Offline


Joined 6 years ago

About Myself

I am me and I remain me, so and not otherwise you get me ... a creative whirlwind and as a real artist I am interested in everything creative. From time to time I make machinimas and I am also active in webdesingn.
At Pangea Grid, I organize live performances and the Festival of Arts and Culture and continue to build my fairy tale sim, Cloudshead Worldheart 1 + 2.
PS: I am neither interested stupid gossip, because that is often the breeding ground or basis of envy and ill will.

Favorite Quote

"The real essence of the human being is goodness. There are other qualities that come from education, knowledge, but if you want to truly become a human being and give meaning to your existence, it is essential to have a good heart."

My Heroes

My grandmother

My Regions

Torben Asp Memorial
8 0 Asp Memorial 0 Users
In loving memory of a gifted musician and wonderful person, we are hosting a special event on June 28, 2024, in honor of Torben Asp. His music touched and inspired us all, and his legacy will live on in our hearts. We miss him deeply and want to use this day to celebrate his life and extraordinary t...
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6 0 0 Users
Dear art lovers, as part of our Pangea Art and Culture Festival, we cordially invite you to the opening of the art installation Hands by FeliX Ringtail (in OpenSim alt / Alpha Auer in SL). The evening will be musically accompanied by DJ Marlon, who will provide selected sounds and wonderful music. ...
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Immersive 4
6 0 4 0 Users
Opening 31.08.2023
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Cloudshead Worldheart 2
6 2 Worldheart 2 0 Users
Cloudshead Worldheart 2 A fairy tale by Lampithaler Opening Elf Light Garden
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Immersive 3
2 0 3 0 Users
Opening 6/29/23 - 11:00 SLT Nyx Breen 3D Artscapes - DJ Marlon Virtual Worlds most unique experience.
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6 0 0 Users
On January 24, 2024, we look forward to Terra Merhyem's ART OPENING and CONCERT: "CATURANGA", a cultural highlight and grandiose prelude to the Pangea Art and Culture Festival 2024. Dresscode = chess character NB : 1 PM SLT is : * - New-York, Argentina : 16 h * - Brasil : 17 h * - France, Deuts...
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Immersive 2
12 0 2 0 Users
The opening " BUBBLELAND Veri's Dream IMMERSIVE 2" is on 28. January 2023, 11 Am SLT. Dear friends, we hope you all started the New Year well. And we wish you all health and joy. In the frame of Pangea Art and Culture Festival Nyx Breen will open Bubbleland, Veri's Dream IMMERSIVE 2" on January ...
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11 1 0 Users
Dear friends of art and culture. as part of our Pangea Art and Culture Festival, on November 11, 2022, we will once again present a very special artist, many of you already know him, Nyx Been. You can expect an incredibly fascinating art installation called: Suenos de Muertos Dreams of the Dead ...
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End of Days
7 0 of Days 0 Users
YOU ARE INVITED to Terra Merhyem's ART INSTALLATION & CONCERT : ------>> " The 4 HORSERIDERS of APOCALYPSE " Thursday October 13th at 1 PM SLT (22 h Paris time) at Pangea Grid Dress code : Epic, Dramatic :) :) :) .... Pls, come to share my Opening and Concert with me/us... I, Rage, Marl...
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Lollymasters Pangea
5 0 Pangea 0 Users
The Lollymasters Are Back Comedy Look forward to an Open SIM premiere , on 19.08.2022 the Lollymasters present their show " The Lollymasters in the House" more information coming soon :-)
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Rage Darkstone's Atlantis
5 0 Darkstone's Atlantis 0 Users
My dear friends, you are invited to my opening of my build, Mirrored, on the Pangea grid. The opening is on: Wednesday, May 31st, at 1:00 PM PST Taxi: To be announced Dress code: Bright and Flashy :) Please, come to share my performance with me... I, Terra, Lampithaler and the Pangea crew...
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Cloudshead Worldheart
21 0 Worldheart 0 Users
The fairyland Cloudshead Worldheart invites you to dream, dance, relax, photograph, discover and read, because Cloudshead Worldheart is based on the fairy tale of the same name that I wrote a long time ago. Over the next year, I will open the entire book to you, chapter by chapter, on the SIM Cloud...
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Dear Friends,
We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who joined us yesterday to honor our dear friend, brilliant musician, and wonderful person, Torben Asp. Your presence and compassion made this moment truly special.
For those who wish, you can continue to visit the Torben Asp Memorial on Pangea to pay your respects. More information will follow.
Liebe Freunde,
von Herzen danken wir allen, die gestern dabei waren, um unseren lieben Freund, genialen Musiker und wunderbaren Menschen Torben Asp zu ehren. Eure Anwesenheit und euer Mitgefühl haben diesen Moment zu etwas ganz Besonderem gemacht.
Für alle, die möchten, besteht weiterhin die Möglichkeit, das Torben Asp Memorial auf Pangea zu besuchen und seiner zu gedenken. Weitere Informationen dazu werden folgen.

Luna Lunaria: I'm so sorry I was unable to attend. We've been out of town all week for a family funeral 4 months ago
Dear fairy tale fans,
Cloudshead Worldheart 2
opens again
on Sunday, May 5th.
We look forward to seeing you :-)

Liebe Märchenfreunde,
Cloudshead Worldheart 2
öffnet wieder
am Sonntag, den 5. Mai.
Wir freuen uns auf euch :-)

Margie: tried going there but says I'm denied access 6 months ago
Dear fairy tale fans,
Cloudshead Worldheart 1
opens again
on Thursday, May 9th.
We look forward to seeing you :-)

Liebe Märchenfreunde,
Cloudshead Worldheart 1
öffnet wieder
am Donnerstag , den 9. Mai.
Wir freuen uns auf euch :-)

Dear friends of fairy tales
Cloudshead Worldheart
will be closed for a few days,
due to a major grid update
As soon as all work is completed,
we will let you know!
Thank you for your understanding!
Warm greetings
Liebe Märchenfreunde,
Cloudshead Worldheart
wird für ein paar Tage geschlossen sein,
wegen einem großen Grid Update.
Sobald alle Arbeiten abgeschlossen sind,
werden wir es euch wissen lassen!
Vielen Dank für euer Verständnis!
Herzliche Grüße
Dear friends of fairy tales
Cloudshead Worldheart 2
will be closed for a few days,
due to a major grid update
As soon as all work is completed,
we will let you know!
Thank you for your understanding!
Warm greetings
Liebe Märchenfreunde,
Cloudshead Worldheart 2
wird für ein paar Tage geschlossen sein,
wegen einem großen Grid Update.
Sobald alle Arbeiten abgeschlossen sind,
werden wir es euch wissen lassen!
Vielen Dank für euer Verständnis!
Herzliche Grüße

Warm invitation to the opening of the Elven Light Garden on the enchanting Sim Cloudshead Worldheart 2!

Bebe: Congrats Lampithaler I know how long have been working on this projects :) 6 months ago

On January 24, 2024, we look forward to Terra Merhyem's ART OPENING and CONCERT: "CATURANGA", a cultural highlight and grandiose prelude to the Pangea Art and Culture Festival 2024.
NB : 1 PM SLT is :
* - New-York, Argentina : 16 h
* - Brasil : 17 h
* - France, Deutschland, Espana, Italia : 22 h
* - GB, Portugal : 21 h

May your holidays be filled with joy, and may the New Year bring you prosperity, love, and exciting adventures from all around the world!

AnKaBi: vom ganzen herzen wünschen wir ein schönes weihnachtsfest 10 months ago
My fairytale sim Cloudshead Worldheart 1 will be open to everyone again at the beginning of January. Until then, I wish you a happy and fulfilling Christmas, and may the New Year bring you all much joy!
Nyx Breen invites
Louis Armstrong - Duke Ellington - Bessie Smith - Benny Goodman - Charlie Parker
Ella Fitzgerald - Count Basie - Dizzy Gillespie - Billie Holiday - Fats Waller.
Movie Stars - Celebrities - "The Swells & The Who's Who Crowd"
Experience the Jazz Age at Pangea with HG Safari on 4/26/26 @ 2:00 SLT.
It's the Cats Pajamas
Jazz Age inspired 3D Artscape Experience come be Immersed.

Cloudshead Worldheart will continue its story 2023. The elves have been busy and Cloudshead Worldheart 2 will join them then.

Hypergrid Safari Four Region Tour
A whirlwind tour of four art venues in Opensim, this year’s HG Safari Tour for the OSCC is a Special Event taking you to OSgrid, Pangea, Kitely and Craft.
You will see the work of Ellen Tiratzo and Ernest Moncreiff, Karima Hoisan and Dale Innes, Tosha Tyran, and Nyx Breen. 12/13/22 at OSCC. Visit the largest 3D Art in all of the Virtual Worlds. Immersive at Pangea.

nyxbreen: Make sure you view Lampithaler Artist video great job thanks. See you all at the conference and visit Pangea an awesome art-based grid. 2 years ago
10.00 PDT 19.00h Europe Time
Liebe Freunde,
wir präsentieren am 30. September die SIM FLUXANTIS als Teil des Pangea Kunst- und Kulturfestivals . Diese SIM ist ein wunderbares Kunstwerk und wurde vollständig von Jason und Finja Flux in Blender erstellt.
Musikalisch wird uns der wunderbare DJ Marlon durch den Abend begleiten. An dieser Stelle wünschen wir Katia-Kaja Portugal Gute Besserung, und wir freuen uns schon, wenn sie bald wieder singen kann.
Das Konzert wird dann auch auf Fluxantis stattfinden. Infos dazu werden wir rechtzeitig bekannt geben.
Dear friends,
we present on September 30th the SIM FLUXANTIS as part of the Pangea Art and Culture Festival . This SIM is a wonderful work of art and was created entirely by Jason and Finja Flux in Blender.
Musically, the wonderful DJ Marlon will accompany us through the evening. At this point we wish Katia-Kaja Portugal a speedy recovery, and we look forward to seeing her singing again soon.
The concert will also take place at Fluxantis. Info about this will be announced in time.
Chers amis ,
Nous présentons le 30 septembre le SIM FLUXANTIS dans le cadre du festival d'art et de culture Pangea . Cette SIM est une magnifique œuvre d'art, entièrement créée par Jason et Finja Flux dans Blender.
Côté musique, le merveilleux DJ Marlon nous accompagnera tout au long de la soirée. Nous souhaitons à Katia-Kaja Portugal un bon rétablissement et nous nous réjouissons de la voir bientôt chanter à nouveau.
Le concert aura également lieu sur Fluxantis. Nous vous donnerons des informations à ce sujet en temps voulu.
Cari amici,
presentiamo il SIM FLUXANTIS il 30 settembre nell'ambito del Festival d'Arte e Cultura Pangea. Questo SIM è una meravigliosa opera d'arte ed è stato creato interamente da Jason e Finja Flux in Blender.
La serata sarà accompagnata dalla musica del meraviglioso DJ Marlon. Cogliamo l'occasione per augurare a Katia-Kaja Portugal una pronta guarigione e ci auguriamo di vederla presto cantare di nuovo.
Il concerto si terrà anche al Fluxantis. Annunceremo i dettagli a tempo debito.
Queridos amigos,
presentamos el SIM FLUXANTIS el 30 de septiembre en el marco del Festival de Arte y Cultura Pangea . Esta SIM es una maravillosa pieza de arte y fue creada enteramente por Jason y Finja Flux en Blender.
Musicalmente, el maravilloso DJ Marlon nos acompañará durante la velada. Aprovechamos la ocasión para desear a Katia-Kaja Portugal una pronta recuperación, y esperamos verla cantar de nuevo pronto.
El concierto también tendrá lugar en Fluxantis. Anunciaremos los detalles a su debido tiempo.
Dear friends,
Welcome to the Pangea Arts and Culture Festival in July.
"The Imaginals", will present for the first time in the Open Sim their dreamlike show "Summer of Love". It will be magically beautiful!
The choreographers of "Summer of Love", Medora Chevalier. Zimp Rexie and Alazi Sautereau invite you to sing, dance and be happy.
TP ->
You will land on Pangea Welcome, from there you will teleport directly to the Pangea Festival Visitor SIM, where you will land on the nose of the Yellow Submarine :-)
Set designer and stage construction - Zimp Rexi
Liebe Freunde,
herzlich willkommen zum Pangea Kunst- und Kulturfestival im Juli.
"The Imaginals", werden zum ersten Mal im Open Sim ihre traumhafte Show "Summer of Love" präsentieren. Es wird magisch schön sein!
Die Choreographen von "Summer of Love", Medora Chevalier. Zimp Rexie und Alazi Sautereau laden euch zum Singen, Tanzen und Glücklichsein ein.
TP -> Sie landen auf Pangea Welcome, von dort teleportieren Sie direkt zur Pangea Festival Visitor SIM, wo Sie dann auf der Nase des Yellow Submarine landen.
Porky Party Pangea
"Pangea Porky-Freakout!
Friday, May 20. 2022
☆ Live and in color present: Pangea Porky Famliy.
☆ 11 PDT / 20.00 European time
☆ On the music desk Grid Sow :-) Marlon Wayne
☆Taxi Porky Party Pangea
☆Pangea Info:
"Pangea lässt die Sau raus"
Freitag, 20. Mai 2022
☆ Live und in Farbe anwesend: Ponky Pangea Famlie
☆ 11 PDT/ 20.00 Uhr europäischer Zeit
☆ Am Musikpult Gridsau :-) Marlon Wayne
Das Pangea Grid feiert am 6. November 2021 seinen 1. Geburtstag und wir laden euch alle recht herzlich dazu ein.
Musikalisch begrüßen wir die zauberhafte Zoree Jupiter um 11 AM - 19.00h Europäischer Zeit. und den wunderbaren Torben Asp um 1 PM - 21.00h Europäischer Zeit.
Wir freuen uns auf euch! :-)
The Pangea Grid celebrates its 1st birthday on November 6, 2021 and we invite you all to join us.
Musically, we welcome the enchanting Zoree Jupiter at 11 AM - 7 PM European time and the wonderful Torben Asp at 1 PM - 9 PM European time.
We are looking forward to seeing you! :-)
Wir feiern den Geburtstag von Marlon Wayne! Komm und gratuliere auch ihm! DJ ist der wunderbare Kashi
We celebrate the birthday of Marlon Wayne! Come and congratulate him too! DJ is the wonderful Kashi

Montag, 23.08.21 – 19.30 Uhr
Monday August 23 - 10.30 AM

More Info:
Location: Worldheart

Find the marketplace and the story begins.

Finde den Marktplatz und die Geschichte beginnt.

Trouvez le marché et l'histoire commence.

Sim opening
Cloudshead Worldheart
Presentation 1st chapter
with Franz Hofmann and Lampithaler
➩ Saturday, June 12 - 8.00 PM PST
➩ Saturday, June 12 - 11.00 AM PST

Followed by concert with
✰Andremus Miklos
➩ Saturday, June 12.21 - 9.30 p.m.
➩ Saturday, June 12 - 12.30 PM PST
More Info:
Location: Worldheart

The Pangea Grid presents
✰ Torben Asp
Electronic ambient chillout music
More Info:
The Pangea Grid presents
✰ Torben Asp
Electronic ambient chillout music
More Info:
➩ Samstag, 22.05.21 – 21.00 Uhr
➩ Saturday, May 22 – 12.00 PM PST
Picture & Photo Art Exhibition , Poesy and JAZZ Music 27 March 2021
Start: 12 AM - Open End
Opening of the art exhibition in the large art hall in Cologne.
Followed by art and jazz in the large art and event hall on the Flora .

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I am part of this wonderful grid. :-)


It is very impressive and designed with great attention to detail! I love this place!

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