Joined 6 years ago

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Immersive 5
10 0 5 0 Users
8x8 VAR - EEP-created art scapes of sky and sea. Fly Swim Cam Immersive Experience by Nyx Breen.
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4 0 0 Users
3D Art scape immersive sim.
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3 0 0 Users
Highly visual immersive interactive experiences. It all happens in the Midnight setting. A dozen unique awe-inspiring art environments. Take the tour and expand your virtual eperiences.
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5 1 0 Users
Beach Oceanfront sim Arts, Clubs, Immersive Interactive Experiences.
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Sunset Beach
1 0 Beach 0 Users
Detailed builds themed events for Rocking The Blues. Voodoo Theater - Tropical Beach Theme - 1950's/60's themed city - 50th Anniversary Moonlanding Party 7/20/2019
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experience it shared environments

Bespoke on Immersive 3 at Pangea

nyxbreen: There are no prims or scripts used on the 4x4 sim; it uses only EEP and terraforming. That's it, people. It will blow your way, guaranteed. 19 days ago

Check out the unique, the different, the magic of EEP at the Worlds Fair this March.
No prims or scripts were used, experience a sims in the raw state.

Bespoke at Immersive 3
4x4 zero prims and zero scripts are used on it, yet it will amaze you.
Make sure to use Shared Environment.

Jerralyn Franzic: Don't forget, this is best viewed with a non PBR viewer. I keep a couple handy from Firestorm, and Cool VL Viewer. Cool VL has ALM and PBR switches. 27 days ago

Happy not so xmasy celebration over on Pangea yesterday. Great time, awesome tunes and guitar by Wolem Wabit. Killer vocals and insane fretwork! Fun time put together by Thirza.

ZelleMist: Great Live singer, Wolem Wabit was such a pleasure to listen to. Beautiful venue inside the club and out. Looking forward to another event there. ♥☺♥☺ 2 months ago
Blues / Rock Xmas @ Crossroads on Immersive 1 on the Pangea Grid.
Wollem Wabbit plays live from the Crossroads, a Nyx Breen creation.
12/18/24 @ 12 SLT
Thirza hooked this combination up the holidays a little differently.

EEP Mesh art


Immersive 5 Pangea

things I see and places I go

just up to more crazy shit

Jared Seda: Stunning fireworks 7 months ago

Boom Boom Bang full graphics enjoy

Inworld Review Mal, Thirza and James came for a visit today, give a look.

Turn on your Shared Environment, max your graphics settings, and max that draw—oh, and turn up the music. Experience the possibilities of EEP art like never before in any virtual world.
May 8th 11 AM SLT
DJ Marlon Wayne and the unique EEP Art of Nyx Breen

nyxbreen: YOU have never seen anything like this before in any virtual world! Guaranteed 8x8 VAR size viewing area. 9 months ago
3 min video Atraxia on Pangea. Demonstrating EEP sky water effects and cam angles to view the impact above and below water level.
Find the beacon and visit. All viewers shaders on, and the slider to ULTRA. Find boats to drive and use teleporters. FLY FLY FLY.

Atraxia on Pangea, EEP Experience a new level of immersive in OS Worlds.

The future
beacon on full graphics shared environment on.

Wolf Territories Grid: Brilliant as usual! 10 months ago

Immersive 5 1601

Orphic EEP immersive exploration to expand your virtual world's mind.
Largest EEP Art Immersive Experience in OS.

Things Happen

dreams Pangea / Aedifex

Something new is coming - Orphic at Ataraxia on Pangea 8x8 VAR size experience.

Funkeln - Be Amazed - 3DArtscapes
8/31/23 @ 11SLT - Party DJ Marlon - Ride the Globes - Dance - Explore and stare in amazement.

Funkeln - Be Amazed - 3DArtscapes
8/31/23 @ 11SLT - Party DJ Marlon - Ride the Globes - Dance - Explore and stare in amazement.

Crossroads @ Pangea, experience it soon.

nyxbreen: coming soon 2 years ago

Crossroads at Pangea

Hugabug: Amazing & beautifully done! 2 years ago
Thanks for the post-Thirza. Are you looking for something different? Check out what's been done, new possibilities, and a way to expand your grid's experiences. Reach out to Nyx Breen

nyxbreen: Please go to link. 2 years ago

6/29/23 - 11:00 SLT
Nyx Breen 3D Artscapes - DJ Marlon
Virtual Worlds most unique experience.
Coming soon to Immersive @ Pangea.

Forest Azure @ Jazzland on Immersive I Sunday 6/4/230 @ 2:00 SLT

Thirza Ember: unmissable! 2 years ago

Immersive IV @ Pangea grid

It is coming soon to Immersive IV @ Pangea Grid.
Using 20 prims or less and one texture, will you be amazed? That is my challenge and your experience. 3D Art Experiences by Nyx Breen

Zahlensymbolik @ Immersive IV on Pangea Grid. Coming Soon -

Across the sky I fly like a cloud.

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