OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

Seventh Heaven
4 Users 13 2 A
Clothing is optional here at Club Paradise. You may see semi nude, full nude, swim wear No child avatars. We even have a store and a game room even fishing and Jet Skis come on down and chill .
Very much apprciated having 25 HG Safari group members visiting WesLorien at ViBel Grid & joining them to visit Hobbiton @ Fred Bekhusen's Outworldz grid.
We had a great time, made a few new connections with the Seconde Vie French community and enthousiatically talked about animesh scripting for wandering animals with the help and a gentle push in the back of a friend who provided the core functionality here

Read the full article by Thirza Ember on the HGSafari blog here:
A mini roundup of opensim happenings on the Inworld Review.
Always on the lookout for news and new guests, join the Discord group or send me a message if you'd like to be part of the show.
Hypergrid Explorers & Creators

Thirza Ember: Have an upcoming event? Got a poster? Drop it on me, with a short explanation of your event and we will do our best to include it in the show 2 years ago

Bakes On Mesh Arkham Grid
#meshbodys #heads

The band "THE WOLFTONES" (an orig. creation by Kimm Starr) seem to have taken the hearts of the audience and visitors of the sim by storm. They play every full moon (and every night is full moon!!) for your enjoyment!!

falene hawks: like the horror show yes youpi bravo 2 years ago
causing some drama.... look, Opensim is based on avatars whether that be dog, dragon, dinke, or anime , "who you want to be"... so my question to you ... does that mean family, significate others or what??? Me. myself, I want a family ... we are a "G" grid, so far I have an older sister and a twin brother.... IDK, i think it's kewl... what are your thoughts?

Misty_Falls: quoted from the SL wiki page There are a great many reasons to play a child within Second Life, and it is plenty likely that every person playing a child might have their own reasons. Here are six. 1... 2 years ago

La Nube
#newregion #arkhamgrid #2022

1. Keeps posting the same crap
2. Insists on unpopular or false statements just to trigger you.
3. Craves negative attention, while pretending to be a victim.
Starvation. Resist the urge to feed it!
- from "Troll Removal 101" in 'Internet for Dummies', 1983

Han_Held: The 2016 elections proved that not all trolls are motivated by attention. This is equally true outside of the U.S. ...especially here on opensimworld, where a fair amount of trolling is done for the s... 2 years ago

Hello friends and fans of Stark Islands!

We are glad to tell you after 9 months of absence that we are back and will be releasing a new and optimized version of Stark Islands in the near future!

We have had some time to think through the concept and the technical foundation. The huge (server-)workload of Stark Islands was one of the biggest issues we had to fight with in the past. To offer you a better experience, we've made some important changes and are working on other important details. New Stark is the same size as before (though it may expand in time) but split in 4 different regions on different servers to reduce the workload per server.
The region will have a new footprint, based on the old main island, and the best of old Stark you will find in the new version too. We reduce prims, meshes and scripts as much as possible without changing the soul of Stark Islands. This all means a lot of work and we will need some time, though as you all know, a sim will never be finished.
When we think, the sim is in an acceptable state, we will open the gates!

We're thrilled to bring you this announcement today and hope you're as excited as we are, so stay tuned for further updates!

Wishing you a happy Easter 2022!

With love, pride and respect and all the values that make Stark great.

Mathilda and Niki


Hallo Freunde und Fans von Stark Islands!

Wir freuen uns, euch nach 9 Monaten Abwesenheit mitteilen zu können, dass wir zurück sind und in naher Zukunft eine neue und optimierte Version von Stark Islands veröffentlichen werden!

Wir hatten Zeit, um das Konzept und die technischen Grundlagen zu überdenken. Die enorme (Server-)Arbeitsbelastung von Stark Islands war eines der größten Probleme, mit denen wir in der Vergangenheit zu kämpfen hatten. Um euch ein besseres Erlebnis zu bieten, haben wir einige wichtige Änderungen vorgenommen und arbeiten an weiteren wichtigen Details. Das neue Stark hat die gleiche Größe wie zuvor (es könnte sich mit der Zeit aber auch erweitern), ist jedoch in 4 verschiedene Regionen auf verschiedenen Servern aufgeteilt, um die Arbeitslast pro Server zu reduzieren.
Die Region wird einen neuen Grundriss haben, basierend auf der alten Hauptinsel, aber das Beste von Alt-Stark werdet ihr auch in der neuen Version finden. Wir reduzieren Prims, Meshes und Skripte so weit wie möglich, ohne die Seele von Stark Islands zu verändern. Das alles bedeutet viel Arbeit und wir werden einige Zeit brauchen und wie ihr alle wisst, wird eine Sim niemals fertig sein.
Aber wenn wir denken, dass die Sim in einem akzeptablen Zustand ist, öffnen wir die Tore!

Wir freuen uns sehr, euch heute diese Ankündigung machen zu können und hoffen, dass ihr genauso aufgeregt seid wie wir!

Also seid gespannt für weitere Updates!

Wir wünschen euch frohe Ostern 2022!

Mit Liebe, Stolz und Respekt und all den Werten, die Stark so großartig machen.

Mathilda und Niki

my "pièce de résistance ", so far: animated peacock with unfolding tail!

Peter: lol, thanks sweety! damm, thats been ages we had a chat:)) 2 years ago

St. Patrick's Day
Carnival Land
Special freebie items inside!

Ukraine shines bright

xishi: ok It's time we cleared up some of this. Those flags on the wall are all there for a reason. From the left - Ruritania might be only a little place but it never left the EU. Hence the blue and gold s... 3 years ago
Close to both Tokyo and Mount Fuji the small town of Hakone holds something of a revelation. However, unless you are from Japan, you may well not have heard of it. The town plays host to a large open air museum where the works of many famous artists are held - outdoors. It balances art and nature in harmony. The artworks, combined with the beautiful views of the surrounding mountains give the visitor an unforgettable experience. Now recreated in OpenSim for all those missing travelling in Real Life.

SamAdama: Original from Kanagawa 3 years ago
Hi everyone!

Heads up 1: We are changing our instant message system, and your messages will now be integrated with it.

In case there are any unread messages of the old instant-chat system, you can find them in this page:

Heads Up 2: The friends system is changing, from followers to friends. People who follow each other will now become friends, otherwise you have to accept their friend requests. Check your friends requests here:

Thank you!

Misty_Falls: Followers are just friends we have not met yet... Thanx OSW. 3 years ago

Carnival Land
vote for your favorite wagon

New release today. Something for the garden, at least we can have virtual spring ;)

This one is a victorian-ish garden gazebo.
It has several versions that's aren't all on display at the shop since the gazebo is pretty large. There are 2 metal choices, 2 clematis colors, and 2 vine configurations. Textures are inside a version in the box and an enclosed notecard has all the info.
The vines and the chandeliers are separate objects so they are optional for those who just want the structure.

Have a lovely day!

Rakis Heron: WB and good luck ♥ 3 years ago
** PETUNIAS LOG PLANTER ** New release - Available for FREE and FULL PERM at FLORA, GARDEN SECTOR, BOX 01.
- 5 different flowers and seasons included.
- Scripted version also available - use a single script to change colors/seasons using one single script! Even if rezing a hundred of these log planters!
Enjoy :)

Free Ginger Dinkie included sweet full Butterfly outfit, now available at Dinkietown.

ATTENTION: Needful Things is currently being revised!

Planned are:
- Reduction of (rezzed) meshes & scripts
- Extension of the store buildings by 2 floors
- Revision of the interiors

Most freebies (even the older ones, e.g. clothing for standard avatars, Selea Core Stuff, etc.) will remain. The location of the stores will also remain largely the same, only the buildings itselves will be redeveloped.

The rebuild is a longer-term project (120 houses to modify!), so Needful Things will remain open to visitors. It is expressly warned against construction lag and falling prims during this time ;)
* * *
ACHTUNG: Needful Things wird zur Zeit überarbeitet!

Geplant sind:
- Reduzierung von (gerezzten) Meshes & Skripten
- Erweiterung der Shop-Gebäude um 2 Etagen
- Überarbeitung der Inneneinrichtungen

Die meisten Freebies (auch die älteren, z.B. Kleidung für Standardavatare, Selea Core Stuff, etc.) bleiben erhalten. Auch die Lage der Shops bleibt weitgehenst erhalten, nur die Gebäude werden kernsaniert.

Bei 120 Häusern auf der Sim ist der Umbau ein längerfristiges Projekt, daher bleibt die Region durchgehend für Besucher offen. Vor Bau-Lag und herunterfallenden Prims in dieser Zeit wird ausdrücklich gewarnt ;)

Merry Xmas everyone!

merry christmas
happy new year

New in the Store, Join :)

Hello Folks! I just wanted to say thank you for your great comments and support towards Autumnville. I close the sim for public end of week. Thank you all ,stay safe and a Happy Halloween weekend!

New in the Store, Join :)

New in the Store, Join :)

HG Houses with Snow Control - NEW @ Needful Things

I added to all my HG Winter Prefabs a Snow Control Panel, so you can switch between summer / winter with just one click.
Most of these houses got a Light Control Panel, too.

p.s.: More modificated HG prefabs will coming soon in "Need a new Home?" store - opposite to the Bank of Needful Things.

* * *

HG Häuser mit Schnee-Menü - NEU @ Needful Things

Ich habe meinen Winterhäusern mit Schneedach, die ich über die Jahre im HG aingesammelt habe, einen Schnee-Kontroll-Schalter hinzugefügt, so dass man mit nur einem Klick zwischen Sommer- / Winterstyle wechseln kann.
Ebenso haben die meisten der Häuser einen Lichtschalter zum Kontrollieren der Lampen bekommen.

p.s.: Mehr modifizierte HG Häuser (ohne Schnee^^) folgen nach und nach in den neuen Shop "Need a new Home?" - gegenüber der Bank von Needful Things.

I wish you all a good start into the week. I found this on Internet, eastern canada
, so peace and colorful..

YAY Region

New release today. I was intending to make these flowers for a while and finally did them. Day Lilies and "Tiger" Lilies. In my garden, the flowers I call Tiger Lilies are really just larger Day Lilies. The real Tiger Lilies are different, I know, but I named them as I knew them :).

A more Tolkien-esque upgrade to WesLorien: new waterfalls and some housing mods. Enjoy. (Edit on 2021Oct31: swapped the picture with a better composed one)

Holkham Beach

réouverture du petit bar
on y sert un trés bon café
Re-open the little bar whit super coffee

- hello, where are you ? I'm near kiosk, and you ?
- One second, I search on map !

"The New & Improved Arkham Grid is now re-open, we are locked and loaded back and better than ever! Welcome to all friends!"
grid hop

LIGHT MUSEUM is now known as LIGHT and SOUND MUSEUM *** Available for FREE and FULL PERM (store number 07), SOUND BOXES (environment sounds) for ur sim/place:
Choose different environements such as:

NATURE SOUNDS: Boreal Forest, Australian Outback, Pine Forest, Desert,Rain Forest, Swamp, Beach, River, Waterfall, Rain, Thunderstorm, Wind, Tornado, Underwater, Whales & Dolphins ,Volcano Eruption, Earthquake, Wet Water Cave and African Savannah.

URBAN SOUNDS: Bar, Harbor, Amusement Park (Machinery, Merry go round, Haunted Mansion and Zombies), Construction,Subway, Factory, Military Base, City Traffic, Airport, Stadium, Garden Party, French Cafe, Irish Pub, Buddhist Temple, Bazaar (Oriental Market), Mosque, Chinese Market, Cooking, Office, Volleyball, Hospital, Night Club ,City Battle WW2, Swimming Pool, Traffic Jam, Gregorian Chant, Grocery, Police Department, Coffee Shop, Mantra OM and Hockey.

FARM SOUNDS: Farm Ambiance, Ducks, Cattle Yard, Turkeys, Backyard Geese, Horse Stable, Goats, Pigs, Fire (Campire and fireplace) and even an Old West Saloon Ambiance.

BIRDS SOUNDS: Amazon Parrots, Black Capped Chickadees, Budgies, Cockatiels, Crows, Eagles, Nightingales, Northern Cardinals, Owl, Pigeons, Robins and Thrushes.

MEDIEVAL and FANTASY SOUNDS: Medieval Tavern, Space Station, STARWARS (Cantina, Duel of Fates, Imperial March), Yggdrasil Viking, Cosmic Melody, Enchanted Forest, Dinosaurs Jungle and Spiders Cave.

P.S. When boxes are rezed for the 1st time it might happen the sounds break a little bit. Normal at Opensim when more than 1 wav file is played. But after loop is completed ,sounds will go smooth :)

Arkham Grid was born without an internal community project, players can't register, so I knew the difference. Not knowing and not having friends. This has not happened, I have more friendships now than in many years of Opensim, many come to greet, to talk, or to listen to me. I am very happy, there is a lot to do in this grid, my next project is to open land for residents "Arda", I am ready to host friends in my house.
I thank all the people who have always chosen Arkham, thank you for your friendship, and for creating a great community in the grid.
Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year!
*** NEW RELEASE ** A good collection of snow, cloud, mist ,fog in mesh or sculpted for covering houses or streets to the close winter. Available at WEATHER AREA for FREE and FULL PERM.
PS. I updated also the FALLEN LEAVES and PETALs box at BOX 08 , GARDEN AREA.
Enjoy :)
*** GREEK OLIVE ANIMATED TREES PACK *** FREE and FULL PERM different models. Seasonal textures (spring with flowers, summer with green and black olives and winter) included. Animated leaves (script included when needed). Available at FOREST AREA (ground) at BOX 05. Enjoy :)
The new Stark! magazine with Miranda Djannovic from Virtual Dream Grid and Niki Stark is out now! Be careful! It is HOT!

Get your copy of the magazine and/or vendor from the new Stark landing point.


An old picture that I came across. This was my first region, years and years ago, shortly after OSgrid first opened. I arrived here from SL with like 5 textures, and some sculptie palm trees I created. :)

edited: They didn't even have mesh back then. :)

LeonitasLionheart: Like many, I took the inworldz path, around starting 2009 or so, til they closed in 2017. Most of us are also consumers, even if we also build. What I love most is when we pool and share knowledge an... 3 days ago
NEWS!!!!! "Eye Lava You!" mesh eyes, with applier HUD, 28 colors, 13 textures, have 4 sclera options each, compatible applier HUDs
will arrive in future releases! Stay tuned!
We Lava U!!! ♥

RemmyRavenhurst: A ton of effort to do this! 6 days ago
We have created a new sidewalk and made the textures for it, as fall claims us. 6 different textures and leaves as well, and a board to make your signs in your path. We have added some streetlights our not our
creations. They are 3 pieces sidewalk/90 degree/bridge

OpenSimUser: You might want to actually add the grid address so people can visit. 10 days ago

Live Traffic
Valeria's Avatars 2
65 12
Stark A
133 77
Isola Gregorian
7 6
Old Western A
8 2
6 0
Friends A
29 10
28 0
17 1
Club Escotia
51 3
Happy Hour!
Barefoot Ballroom
5 1
4 2
Lbsa Plaza
190 38
Xenotown A
13 0
4 0
Event Plaza
122 18
Regions Online: 1,837
Active: 383 avatars in 164 regions
The Box
Yana Dakota yesterday
DJ Yana is performing her music today from 6am to 8am... At AMV Welcome. hop://
Yana Dakota yesterday
DJ Yana is performing her music today from 6am to 8am... At AMV Welcome.
OpenSimUser yesterday
So needless to say, once again i went back to older version because it just doesnt work right
OpenSimUser yesterday
But as is, there are no textures found, everything is grey scale only
OpenSimUser yesterday
Firestorm PBR would probably make a nice viewer if it worked correctly

New Comments

Safinemahoe2 2 minutes ago
the music is starting and Pin is Rocking !
Hicks 2 hours ago
who is the most handsome? it's me!! XD ok ok I'm joking some will say that I'm narcissistic
Badr_Norseman 5 hours ago
Thank you for making these nice photo's, portraying people in OS, nice to be a part of it. Great project!
SilviaFrey 9 hours ago
Peter me encantan tus animalitos. Tengo un problema porque me gustan tanto tus animalitos que ya no se cual ponerme hahaha. El dragoncito es realmente hermoso. Muchas gracias.
Phleur 10 hours ago
C'est ce soir le grand jour !!!
CandorsRPWorld 11 hours ago
Nicht verpassen :) Mabon Fest am 24.09. mit Ritual um 19.00 Uhr und Tanz mit Musik ab 20.00 Uhr. Wir freuen uns auf Euch!!
OSFest 20 hours ago
Some of the exhibits and stores surround large pool water. Some are on the region border of water. Some surround an inland lake. If you need navigable water we can accommodate you. Staff will be at th...
Lillysparks 21 hours ago
I hope I can still grab a space to showcase some stuff. Is there any ocean space available or all inland ?
XaviersWife01 yesterday
Such a beautiful place. I loooveeee the forest. So peaceful!!!


Trianon Complex
sorry ESSE not enough stars to rate u deserve a billion for all the work u put into your grid . the most amzing clothes . your nice parties ... SUBJECT 1 FINDING THE...
KennethMacShane 4 hours ago
WOW I went to find one item lol and left about 2 1/2 hrs later AFTER finding what I was originally there for. What am AMAZING place!!!! EVERYTHING STEAM PUNK that you can think of...most of it either...
JFlame 6 hours ago
very sweet and beautiful region owner. so talented and giving. come by and check out her offerings.
Wendie Blackthorn 17 hours ago
Magical Fairies Pass 4
Thank You So Much for your comment, Ripple! & Yes I am making it huge :D I want to have the largest farm in open sim. :D I'm adding many goodies to my farm that no one else has that I've seen so fa...
Passion Jumanji yesterday
Valeria's Avatars 2
Siamo sempre alle solite ogni tanto qualcuno izzato da qualche venditore che non puo più prendere i miei avatar e metterli in vendita nel suo negozio, critica insulta e offende, dicono che faccio un b...
ValeriaRossi 2 days ago
Miami's Fashions
Trés beau magasin 5 étoiles
Sorcha 2 days ago
SilverFox Mall
Great Mall in very Nice Style
TailorNova 3 days ago
Well of course i would give Ruritania 10 stars! A virtual storybook world. Every detail is perfect and perfectly thought out. There is so much to learn and explore. Xi Shi is a gracious host and a bri...
Belavar 3 days ago
Valeria's Avatars 2
hahaha You are so pathetic that you have to evaluate yourself with your own acc's just to push out those who have seen through you and rated you poorly! Sure your work is good but it doesn't change th...
Alex Nova 3 days ago

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