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JFlame @JFlame


Love to comment. ; D

Joined 3 years ago

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blues jazz funk steampunk swing and everything else

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Question: Does anyone know the address or the name of the Region that had stuff made by R. Lion ? I needed a copy of a skybox I got there and went to get another but could not find the store listed any more, at least as best as I could search for it. He had really amazing stuff...It was there a couple of months ago. Any help would be soooo apreciated. xoxox
Just a note about "Whispering Oaks". As I do I was looking for new destinations and chose "Whispering Oaks".. I landed there and was not able to move around the area much... I started looking online for another destination on to go to and had trouble connecting to the next place. I came back to my awareness of where I was and found these remarks. 'This is the beginning of the conversation. I had never been there before and didn't know the person who was IM ing me. "[21:59] KrisTina Resident: welcome :)
[22:01] KrisTina Resident: erm?
[22:01] KrisTina Resident: may I help you?
[22:01] KrisTina Resident: LOL!
[22:02] KrisTina Resident: finally get a clue?
[22:02] J Flame: pardon?
[22:02] KrisTina Resident: did you need something?
[22:02] J Flame: get a clue about waht?
[22:02] J Flame: what
[22:02] KrisTina Resident: ?
[22:03] J Flame: I came to look at the place for a moment...what do you mean by finally get a clue?
[22:03] J Flame: about what?
[22:03] KrisTina Resident: I am joking :)
[22:03] J Flame: no you were not
[22:04] KrisTina Resident: yep :)
[22:04] J Flame: are you the welcoming committee
[22:04] J Flame: ?
[22:04] KrisTina Resident: the point being you was there silent for a peroid of time
[22:04] KrisTina Resident: i own this place!
[22:04] KrisTina Resident: welcoming???
[22:04] KrisTina Resident: I own it!
[22:04] J Flame: and its open to the public ?
[22:05] KrisTina Resident: yes?!
[22:05] J Flame: or is there a mistake in the listing?
[22:05] KrisTina Resident: 99% of OS people come to copy shit
[22:05] KrisTina Resident: sorry not a store
[22:05] J Flame: No idea what people do
[22:06] J Flame: well its been an experience
[22:07] KrisTina Resident: it's rather odd how people "oddly" bob up and down in silence when they land is all LOL
[22:07] J Flame: I was tryihng to connecdt to another gird
[22:07] J Flame: connect
[22:07] KrisTina Resident: what one was you have issues with?
[22:08] J Flame: I don't have issues
[22:08] J Flame: nite
[22:08] KrisTina Resident: LOL!
[22:08] KrisTina Resident: yes you do and rang ip banned
[22:08] J Flame: no idea
[22:08] J Flame: have fun
[22:08] J Flame: maybe change your ad
[22:08] KrisTina Resident: nope!
[22:08] KrisTina Resident: why? lol
[22:09] KrisTina Resident: because you land and creep?
[22:09] KrisTina Resident: creeper"
and that is my experience at Whispering Oaks. THe worst experience I have had on OS since the day I arrived. I do not recommend this place ...obviously. I couldnt review it because this angry avatar actually banned me for bobbing up and down ..the place is public so no idea what the issue was. I had been alone in the area and had done nothing except look around. Hope things get better than this tomorrow

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Building Emporium

When I try to go there it says NO ACCESS TO PRIVATE REGION. Perhaps you could remove it from the pages here auntil it is open for people to visit?


WOW I went to find one item lol and left about 2 1/2 hrs later AFTER finding what I was originally there for. What am AMAZING place!!!! EVERYTHING STEAM PUNK that you can think of...most of it either BUY or TAKE COPY. Thank you for your generosity. A thousand kudos to the creator of this place. ; D

Fabrica dos Sonhos

Can't get there. Says Firestorm is not allowed.


This is a spacious clean attractive environment. It appears that the "architect" knows how to lay out a grid in a methodical way...which lends itself to a comfortable visit. Also, you can fly there. I hate when people forbid visitors to fly and force us to drag along from place to place. Nice place~~~


WOW just paid a visit and so many unusual attractive things.Lots of houses of a certain era that I am particularly fond of and that I had not seen before. A variety of lavender plants in different containers. Those 2 things alone make me a fan. Firestorm crashed after I had been there quite awhile...still I will go back another day to see the Easter things that another reviewer has mentioned. Than...


This is my favourite place about these parts...The detail that the creator has put into is stunning. I spent a couple of hours there just roaming about happily. I confess I have read Gone WIth the WInd several times in its entirety and used to watch it with my beloved late auntie. For many years I watched it yearly. The first strains of Tara's Theme immediately bring tears to my eyes... a rar...


Free houses!!! It is what it says it is. Someone worked very hard to do this for everyone. Very kind. Well done. ; D


I have been studying Ancient Sumer and Babylon etc for the past year and this location is SO exciting!!!! I think it is just perfect. Lovely atmosphere and objects here. Great work and kudos to the person who set this up !!!!!


WOW! HUGE place with so many choices...very nicely decorated with a sophisticated atmosphere. There is a men's section too!

Christmas Town

Wonderful place where you can do all of your Christmas decos shopping. I had nothing Now I have everything except what I went there for..which was a Christmas stocking! LOL but I think "everything" is great!!! Thank you for sharing the Christmas spirit xoxox

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