OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

Francos Place
0 Users 7 3
Help wanted: Hosts and DJ wanted for this new region! Beautiful romantic sim- photo ops all over. Bring your sweetie here or find someone to love here. Large dancefloor - this open air ballroom ...

Friday 2.8.2024
with DJ Anachron
Thank you for the lovely evening at the Rockhouse.

Dorena Verne: Due to trolling by a constantly trolling asshole, I had to deactivate the comment option. 2 months ago
"Our virtual spaces are built on passion, authenticity, and a deep love for community. We pour our hearts into creating environments where everyone can thrive, collaborate, and feel at home. To everyone who has supported us, thank you for being part of this journey. Your encouragement and involvement mean the world to us.

Let’s continue to build, create, and uplift one another, extending our support beyond our own grids to embrace the entire OpenSim community. Together, we can achieve incredible things. 💛 #CommunityStrength #CreativeIntegrity #SupportEachOther #LoveShinesBrighter #Thankyou

Kal: Thank you, sis, for sharing this and for your unwavering strength and talent. 🌟 In OpenSims, we know the power of creativity and community. Despite any negativity, our focus remains on building and su... 2 months ago

The tiny cars you receive are smaller than the vendor and can be found in the Yin Yang Town Backup Region in the store area.

Bebe: so adorable :) 2 months ago
The HG Safari group tours are on break for August (we begin again on September 4) but in the meantime, here are a few recent posts on the HG Safari blog:
Bink Draconia on Pangea *fabulous*
Digital art by film maker Saskia Boddeke, preserved in opensim
A bit of opensim history, revisited - see if you can find yourself in any of these vids
There's a RL/opensim crossover event today on Neverworld
Dereos is having an art show, details here
Also, thanks again to Satyr for removing The Box and its prolix vapidity out of the immediate line of sight of opensimworld users.

Thirza Ember: I'm not sure why Cyb thinks 'nothing is going on' in opensim... I've never been busier, covering upcoming events, refurbished grids, and preparations for anniversaries. 2 months ago

Gundahar Bravin: I love floating things!!! 2 months ago
HG Fireside Chat is moving this week while the new grid for IMA projects gets built. Please join us for a new setting.
HG Fireside Chat Details:
* When: 31 July 2024 17:00 SLT
* Where: Il Ha

A fun way to share your events, voice your thoughts, and help others in the HG community! Q&A Session (reverse webinar) hosted by Infinite Metaverse Alliance (IMA) weekly.
Video, audio, and chat may be captured for those who cannot attend.
To learn more about IMA and participate in various projects

Jupiter Rowland: And I was wondering what had happened to Metaverse Depot. 2 months ago

Steampunk. :-)

Arcfury: Jules Verne's cousin, or sister, maybe? 2 months ago
Ankündigung und Infos: 4. Geburtstag des Pangea Grids
Liebe Pangea Grid & Opensim Freunde,
Wir freuen uns, ab Oktober den 4. Geburtstag des Pangea Grids zu feiern! Bis zum Jahresende erwarten euch viele überraschende Events und interaktive Erlebnisse, an denen alle teilnehmen können. Unsere Feierlichkeiten umfassen außergewöhnliche Veranstaltungen und Themenwochen, die die Vielfalt und den einzigartigen Charme der Sims würdigen, die in den letzten vier Jahren entstanden sind.
Erste Eventankündigungen und Infos:
6. Oktober: Blues, Rock & Reggae Event an der Bourbon Beach
Adriana Darkheart präsentiert:
Livemusic Evan Williams: Ein unvergessliches Pink Floyd Konzert.
Livemusic PutriSolo: Mitreißende Blues- und Rock-Performance.
DJane Adriana Darkheart: Aftershowparty mit Reggae-Rhythmen.
11.-13. Oktober: Jubiläumswochenende
11. Oktober: Mega-Party in Köln
DJ Marlon Wayne: Heizt mit einem fantastischen Musik-Set ein. Ein unvergesslicher Abend voller Musik und Tanz, gekrönt von einem unglaublichen Live-Act.
12. Oktober: Pangea Regenbogenparade
Motto: "Vielfalt ist unsere Freude: Respekt verbindet uns"
Teilnahme: Jedes Grid kann teilnehmen, bunte Wagen bauen oder sich als Jurymitglied bewerben, um die besten Kreationen auszuzeichnen. Zu gewinnen gibt es u.a. kleine Geldbeträge.
Shows: Bink Draconia präsentiert ein Männerballet, und Lampithaler mit einer Regenbogenshow zur Musik von Reyno Parx.
Aftershow-Party: Mit erstklassigen DJs.
Anmeldung: Bitte meldet euch bis spätestens 15. September. Weitere Infos findet ihr in der Regenbogenparade-Infobox Inworld.
13. Oktober: Geburtstags-Go-Kart-Rennen
Teilnahme: Jedes Grid kann zwei Fahrer ins Rennen schicken. Die Strecke kann im freien Training kennengelernt werden.
Event: Nach der Siegerehrung gibt es ein Konzert von SarahMarie Phillis und eine Go-Kart-Race-Party mit DJ Marlon.
Infoabend: Am 9. August veranstaltet Karsten Runningbear einen Infoabend zum bevorstehenden Go-Kart-Rennen. Die Einladung und weitere Details findet ihr Inworld in der Infobox: Pangea Go-Kart-Rennen.
Weitere Informationen und Updates werden auch auf unserer Webseite, weiter hier auf Facebook und in Opensimworld veröffentlicht. Für Fragen steht euch unser Pangea Team jederzeit zur Verfügung.Wir danken allen, die das Pangea Grid zu einem lebendigen und einzigartigen Ort gemacht haben: Ein Ort, an dem Kunst und Kultur florieren, wo Menschen gemeinsam lachen und einander unterstützen, und wo Kreativität in jedem Winkel sprüht. Hier verzaubern uns Live-Konzerte, beeindruckende Showaufführungen, farbenfrohe Karnevalsfeiern und inspirierende Kunstausstellungen, die viele Menschen begeistern und zahlreiche Partys unvergesslich gemacht haben.
Unser besonderer Dank gilt allen Künstlern, Sängern, Performern, Besuchern und Erbauern, die das Pangea Grid mit Leben gefüllt haben. Ebenfalls geht ein großes Dankeschön an die HG Safari, an Thirza Ember, Mal Burns und sein Team für ihre Berichterstattungen und Unterstützung. Ein besonderer Dank geht auch an Kitty Sarrasine, unsere Serveradministratorin und Programmiererin , sowie an unseren Scripter Karsten Runningbear und alle, die Teil unseres wunderbaren Pangea Grids sind.
Wir freuen uns darauf, mit euch allen zu feiern!
Euer Pangea Team

AdrianaDarkheart: Rogue Galaxy wird am 6 Oktober auch dabei sein und singt Reggae :) 2 months ago
I build this for a friend, a tree hut with a deck and a log bridge in between. It is not yet available at the mall but will be soon enough. It is small though the tree is big and the deck is a good size for dances and such. Access from the ground is via a teleporter. Once my friend gets their copy first, I will make it available to all at the mall. Blessings and much love, Lavia

RemmyRavenhurst: And its perfect thank you thank you!! 2 months ago
What will you create with your free sim and 10,000 prim?

The beauty of virtual worlds lies in their limitless potential for creativity and imagination.

In essence, virtual worlds empower you to transform your wildest dreams and ideas into tangible digital experiences. Whether you seek to inspire, entertain, educate, or simply explore, the virtual realm offers endless possibilities for creativity and self-expression.

We are looking for people who want to be creative while making friends-grid their main home and becoming a part of our Multi Cultural Community! Contact @zuzubahro or @safinemahoe2 for details.

Parcel design by Zuzu Bahro

Zuzu Bahro: Thanks for featuring my island! 2 months ago
hey hey hey we have an awesome night ahead starting at 5 we have ouie with the most beautiful voice then at 6 we have aint who will make you swoon then at 7 we have evan who will rock your world!!!!!

SheaButter: Not allowed access sadly! 2 months ago
This old farmhouse started with a door. I loved the door texture but noticed it had no knobs, so I crafted cut crystal door knobs. I was so pleased with the result that I built the house around the door. If you’re looking for a home to add to your farm, this might be perfect. The property also includes several outbuildings, a corral, a pumpkin patch, and a charming outhouse.

All the architecture was created for Land Of Xzar and is featured in my build. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. More are on the way!

Stepping on my soapbox for a moment: Spread love, not hate! Gossip is often made of half-truths or outright lies, and negativity doesn’t help our planet. We have a beautiful community—let’s support one another. We are all connected by our humanity. Love and compassion will help us find peace in our personal lives. Be good to each other. Hug your loved ones and hold them close. Appreciate your friendships, and always be honest and true. Integrity is everything.

Kal: If someone is weak enough to believe gossip, you don't need that negative energy around you.... The person spreading lies will have it boomerang back to them.... Just keep being yourself, sis....your ... 2 months ago

Jolly: Stupenda Land dove passare qualche ora con amici in tranquillità 10+++ 2 months ago

LeonitasLionheart: I'm actually at this venue right now, on my own region, poolside, sipping a pink lemonade out behind the theater, chatting with a dear friend. Thank you for your lovely creations, Luna! I am so exci... 2 months ago
Anlässlich des 17. Geburtstags von OS Grid gibt es auf unserer Gothic Nacht heute abend Masken für alle Besucher.
On the occasion of OS Grid's 17th birthday there will be masks for all visitors at our Gothic Night tonight.

Sunday / Sonntag 28 July 2024
◕ starts 11:00 OS grid time – startet ab 20:00 Uhr

▶▷▶ At OS Grid Birthday SIM 1

Taxi: hop://

░░▒▓◙█◙█◙ CC – CLUB ◙█◙█◙▓▒░░

Carmen Jewel: NB :: note the event is at the BD Sim Taxi :: hop:// 2 months ago
Splash Party with DJ Macy at Mermaid's Cove!
Region: Mermaid's Cove
Friday, August 2, 2024 6:00PMslt
We are back and its party time with the fabulous DJ Macy and sexy hostie Pixey! We are at the Blue Grotto Bar on Mermaid's Cove and Macy, in her incredible way is going to bring you the best of the best of...welllll...EVERYTHING!! She's mixing it up, many awesome tunes, many awesome genres! Something for everyone! Wear your summer shorts, swimwear, jeans.... covered bits is all we care! Come as you are and have a blast with us at the Blue Grotto!!'s Cove
▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ OSG – 17. SPECIAL EVENT ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ ▁

On the occasion of OS Grid's 17th birthday, we are presenting the Club Night on the OSG birthday sim number 1 in the area of the mobile CC - CLUB

Anlässlich des 17. Geburtstags von OS Grid präsentieren wir euch auf der OSG Geburtstag Sim Nummer 1 die Clubnight auf dem Areal des mobilen CC – CLUB.

Saturday / Samstag 27 July 2024
◕ starts 11:00 OS grid time – startet ab 20:00 Uhr Warmup Livemix
12:00 OS grid time – started ab 21:00 Uhr in Livesession with DJ CRAZY

▶▷▶ At OS Grid Birthday SIM 1

Taxi: hop://

░░▒▓◙█◙█◙ CC – CLUB ◙█◙█◙▓▒░░

Crazyposeidon: HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAY OS - GRID , warmup mix ATM 2 months ago

Cute little Kitten Clingers at the MAIN Yin Yang Town (Clothing Store) ..
- 7 Different Colors via click the Kitten
- with and no meow Sound
- for left and right Leg

Jared Seda: omg these are sooooooooo cuuuuuute! 2 months ago

wicked: Beautiful and creative location...! 2 months ago
ıllılıllı ║【◉】║𝆱 HEREDEROS GRID 𝆲 ║【◉】║ lıllılıllı
║𝆔✇𝆕║lıllı★ ROGUE GALAXY ★║𝆔✇𝆕║lıllı
║𝆔✇𝆕║lıllı HG MAINSTORE║𝆔✇𝆕║
║𝆔✇𝆕║DAY: WEDNESDAY 07/24/2024 ║𝆔✇𝆕║lıllı
║𝆔✇𝆕║TIME:10:00 GRID║𝆔✇𝆕║

HerederosGrid: Os esperamos a todos para disfrutar de un espectáculo sin igual! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ We are waiting for you all to en... 2 months ago
Hey Everyone 🙂 I'm performing at Stark Islands at 11:AM
Come join me, request a few tunes and have some fun!
Time: 11:00am/1100hr Grid Time (2pmEST) (1pm Central)
Place: Stark Islands Beach
MAP: hop://

niki stuart: yay get over to stark, rogue is about to begin her awesome set!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 months ago

entrance to the mutlilevel cybermall

OSG – Birthday 17
▶ our Venues the Mobile Club and Expo there
at Birthday Sim 1

free OSG B T-shirts - Athena – Legacy – Gian

▶ various Gifts at Expo and Mobile Club

▶▷▶ TAXI: hop://

Visit our region Flores Sea / open during the OSGRID birthday week
Almost 7 million square meter Island Paradise

Emma Florido: you did an amazing Job Crazy and i looking forward to visit it! 2 months ago
Join us for a Double Feature at the Worlds Fair Movie Dome! Sunday, July 21st at 4pm Grid Time. Bring Friends! All are welcome! The fair doesn't open until March 2025 but we'll be showing movies every Sunday for many months to come.

Movies: Worlds Fair/1009/983/24

LeonitasLionheart: There's something strange in the neighborhood....but where we're going...we don't *need*....roads... 2 months ago

!!! Vorankündigung !!!

NEW at Grimm: Sissy Section
Sissy Maid Outfits on the 3rd floor of the Athena Shop Check them out.

Jerralyn Franzic: Love that second one at the bottom row, left side. Good one for an anime look. :) 2 months ago

Jared Seda: PRETTY! 2 months ago
Am 18.07.2024 um 19 Uhr starten wir wieder auf der TimeBandit im ArtDestiny Grid zu Richi's MusicCall durch. Alle sind wie immer herzlich willkommen. Musikalisch geht es mit Rock und Pop und eine gute Zeit. Also gut hörbare Musikstücke die bestimmt wieder Erinnerungen hervorholen.

Streaming URL:

KarinBecker: dankeschön für den wunderbaren Abend ...... mit netten leuten und schöner Music 2 months ago
Even if you're not doing anything wrong, you are being watched and recorded.
-- Edward Snowden

Private eyes
They're watching you
They see your every move
-- Sara Allen, Daryl Hall

Every breath you take
And every move you make
Every bond you break
Every step you take
I'll be watching you
-- Gordon Sumner

Arcfury: I have often wondered about the lives of the officers of the modern Stasi. 2 months ago
I wanted to leave it at that - but thought I would bring at least 1 face skin + eyes to go with the skin tones!
Bear in mind it's in a new location (since I plane to bring some more items on this theme): hop://

Aurora Starchild: Damn...he too hot :O 2 months ago

News! Damage Jeans- BIG TAG Tshirt hop://

LeonitasLionheart: Yay! I lava you for sharing these shirts, and the jeans make me erupt with joy! 2 months ago
Join us for a Double Feature at the Worlds Fair Movie Dome! TONIGHT, Sunday, July 14th Grid Time. Bring Friends! All are welcome! The fair doesn't open until March 2025 but we'll be showing movies every week until January! Worlds Fair/1009/983/24

LeonitasLionheart: And then, like Boom! Black suits fill the room up! With a quickness, talk with the witnesses... 2 months ago

This young lady will play a role in my next video. :-)

Thirza Ember: That is fun to watch Dorena! 2 months ago
Important Information about our Mall!

Hello everyone, due to a server change from Windows to Linux and the setting of the support for the Kubwa Manager, I was unfortunately unable to transfer any group information to the new database. The server address "" and all regions remain the same. We run now a bigger Server with Opensim version Nessi (0.9.3). I would be happy if you visit us again, that you join the group again. Have a nice weekend everyone! Amelia & Hertha

📝 Wird die Zeit kommen? Will the time come?

A short video from me about the danger of AI Ironically, created by me using several AI programs.^^

Alchemy: Fantastic well thought out sims, well worth the visit ;) 2 months ago
The Death of Slim Shady - Coup De Grace (2024)

So, I had preordered the new Eminem album + 1 bonus track, album dropped just today, friday, july 12th. I will be streaming and digesting this new album at my grid, for those who wish to join!

If you don't know or enjoy Eminem or rap music please leave your negativity for yourself; this is for fun and for light hearted playful people who wish to have a good time, and enjoy perhaps the greatest wordsmith rap has ever seen.

Welcome to Detroit City! Sorry we missed you. ;)


RemmyRavenhurst: Im not a big rap fan but I am enjoying digesting this with you! :) 2 months ago


baby miller: great ppl and great club smiles 2 months ago

ART & FRIENDS, wants the goddess that exists in every woman to shine, you are unique. Textured dresses that break the rules.

Sylvia-Koeln: I love it 3 months ago

Draconis Exonar: 4 domes for 4 different scenes. come and discover these proposals 3 months ago
do you want to spend an evening by the pool in a swimsuit? what are you waiting for...we are waiting for you on Palm Beach, also to celebrate marilu's birthday.....everyone in the pool....
vuoi trascorrere una serata a bordo piscina in costume da bagno?...allora che aspetti...ti aspettiamo su Palm Beach, anche per festeggiare il compleanno di marilu'.....tutti in piscina....

PrillLeon: Gooooooooo let's dance ....................... 3 months ago

News! hop://

Jared Seda: These are so cool thanks for sharing 3 months ago
Another sleepless night produced this beautiful pyramid with a reflecting pool and Sphynx (which isn't my build but it worked perfectly). Inside there is a huge room and a kind of a mini palace compete with statues, floor lamp torches, pillars and thrones. It turned out better than I had hoped it would and I hope you will enjoy it and use it for your "ancient" or "Egyptian" build. It comes complete with trees and statues and is the perfect addition or center piece for any ancient or even sci fi fantasy build. You can find it here at the mall in our "Ancient Builds" department. Blessings and much love, Lavia

Ankhsenaton: Thanks for your sphinx and your Pyramid!! :-) I like the Maya too, it's nice to see some originality! 3 months ago

a few new arrivals at Vesti, 3 new outfits in the Everyday InsTYle Store and one in the Lingerie Shop

Essensual: forgot the Hop for you with out Vesti Landmarks 3 months ago


Belze Cherub: COOOOLLLLL 3 months ago

News! hop://

LeonitasLionheart: Nice! I only humbly wish someone would include ares/Jake 😁 3 months ago
The VHG Exclusive Interview with Cherry Manga has been added to the new website. I will be adding more Exclusive Interviews in the next few weeks. They can be found here:

💗Thank you @CherryManga💗 Each piece you create challenges the norms and brings a new perspective that is thought-provoking.

Star Ravenhurst: Thank you. Excellent article. The creative genius of Cherry Manga isn't for everyone, but it is for me. My favorite genre is Surrealism and my earliest inspiration was Rene Magritte. From the first pa... 3 months ago

Floyd Fest will start in less than 10 minutes come on down and listen to all 6 hours of this set.

Dorena Verne: It's worth it, simply wonderful. :-) 3 months ago

The Red Velvet Lounge Club

Live Traffic
2 0
26 3
Xenotown A
13 0
Tosca A
95 4
Trianon Complex A
85 15
Stark A
133 77
Zweet ZurroundingZ A
165 35
29 0
Ruritania A
87 12
Lbsa Plaza
190 38
Funsize Dinkies
33 12
Hypergrid Games
12 5
Brown Beach Surf A
16 5
Roughnexx-Cathedral A
9 3
Welcome A
18 2
Regions Online: 1,819
Active: 256 avatars in 153 regions
The Box
Keyser_Soze 6 hours ago
1 Firestorm.exe 2 slplugin.exe 3 slvoice.exe Inside the llplugin folder: 4 dullahan_host.exe 5 SLVoice.exe 6 The cache folder 7 The Settings folder 8 The Chat Transcripts folder
Keyser_Soze 6 hours ago
8 things you must Whitelist in Firestorm.
Keyser_Soze 6 hours ago
DO NOT install Firestorm v7.1.10 over the old version.
MandaStark 6 hours ago
@JustCurious : could it be that one of them lists YOUR prims, and one lists EVERYONES prims on that parcel? Or perhaps one listing prims in THAT parcel, and the other listing prims in ALL parcels?
JustCurious 12 hours ago
also i have a prim counter that doesnt know how to count, there is only 6 prims on the land showing under parcel details yet prim counter says more than that, smh makes no sense
JustCurious 13 hours ago
when i try to use freds outworld site to download a script, im getting odd errors. anybody know if its having issues atm?
Ankhsenaton yesterday
I never found how to keep FS credentials but I keep user_settings folder and settings_per_account.xml to put them back to AppData Roaming Firestorm_x64 folder after a "clean" install
Arielle 2 days ago
A "clean" install worked well for me though I am miffed that it deleted all my accounts. It runs as fast if not faster then pre-pbr versions on my Nvid 1070
OpenSimUser 2 days ago
Though i got some additional info about the PBR viewer, it will work correctly if i go a complete fresh install of the viewer
LeonitasLionheart 2 days ago
bravo! :)
Ankhsenaton 2 days ago
One month since I put my very first “Scorpion Lost Island” sim online and already 88 unique visitors :-) thanks to all!
OpenSimUser 5 days ago
So needless to say, once again i went back to older version because it just doesnt work right
OpenSimUser 5 days ago
But as is, there are no textures found, everything is grey scale only
OpenSimUser 5 days ago
Firestorm PBR would probably make a nice viewer if it worked correctly

New Comments

Arcfury 4 hours ago
Wonderful. I had been in need of some moss for quite a while.
Araminta Hexx 16 hours ago
I just visited your marble floors! I (temporarily) cranked up my settings to Ultra and enabled all shaders. Looks beautiful. I'm on a 2020 Apple M1 Macbook Air with 8gb ram and had no real issues, but...
SilviaFrey 21 hours ago
Muchísimas gracias por facilitar la puesta en marcha del dragón. Majestuoso
CandorsRPWorld 23 hours ago
Notiert Euch für morgen ab 19.00 Uhr ;) geht los ^^
Ankhsenaton 24 hours ago
If I'd seen all this in my early days in SL I'd have been really scared I'm not much of a haloween “customer” but the medieval mix appeals to me. I almost destroyed an island with the cannons! Well do...
Hella yesterday
Halloween full of color and little details, really very pretty Safine, I wasn't scared at all and I even danced, a big hug :)
Jerralyn Franzic yesterday
Is it okay to travel as a Dinkie in this sim?
PapaJohnson yesterday
wonder how much resources that uses, you probably need a top notch PC
Arielle yesterday
My question would be whether those looks can be brought inworld or better yet, made inworld.


Haunted Halloween Isles
Absolutely stunning! I loved the zombies and the autumn area the best! I will revisit have more areas to explore!
Dreamer 2 hours ago
Brown Beach Surf
One of the best places here in opensim world, Well built and beautiful, I think we need more places like this to attract people to opensim! I give 12 points for this beautiful place!
MI AMORE 4 hours ago
Dyvalls Shopping Fun
Amazing Place! I haven't had that much fun in OpenSim in a long time. Beautiful site and amazing quality Mesh items. Thank you for a wonderful time & for generously sharing your talents.
Alex Reese 19 hours ago
I think if you cant make or texture things yourself you should not have a shopping region. People dont like going from place to place and finding the same stuff.. Post Links to things on the grid they...
Essensual 20 hours ago
A lot of halloween "decorations" and monsters !!! As usual with Thomas you don't know where to look! Plan a huge basket for your “purchases” ;-)
Ankhsenaton 22 hours ago
Zweet ZurroundingZ
Great animesh!! Thank you!!
Ellen yesterday
Zweet ZurroundingZ
An awesome region full of one-of-a-kind items! The animesh items and new items are beautiful, as is the owner's help. IIf you're seeking unique items and wish to view them, this is the destination to ...
HoneyOG 2 days ago
Zweet ZurroundingZ
This is one awesome region I really appreciate you sharing your build, it is excellent Beautyful and is outstanding thank you for sharing also the Animash that you chose to give out to everyone they a...
Adore 2 days ago
Connection Issues wrong configured Grid
Susanna_Heller 2 days ago

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