JayR Cela @JayrCela


I am here in OS to relax, and work on my virtual power boat hobby, along with some lanscaping.

Joined 10 years ago

About Myself

retired live soundman

My Interests

retro computers, consoles 8-16 and 32bit

I'm Looking For

looking to hang out with people that enjoy the opensim platform, and like to discuss computer technoligies, new and older retro stuff. Mostly I am interested in the ubODE physics engine.

Favorite Quote

I don't recall

Music I Like

50's-60's-70's and rocking blues, country rock and relaxing jazz.

OpenSimulator Version

NGC OS 0.9.3.x

Viewer Version

firestorm 6.6.17 (70368) Dec 10 2023 18:13:20 (64bit / SSE2) / singularity 1.8.9 (8419) Feb 14 2021) / the Alchemy viewer I have been testing ocassionaly, my main interest is that they have vivox voice working with linux again when installed from the tar ball, as does the Firestorm viewer only when via the Flatpak installation, but not via the standard install available from the FS tar ball.


older dell mid tower intel i7 - 16gb ram - 2 ssd's and video card

My Regions

This member has no regions yet


Impromptu, Unscheduled 3rd Rock Grid Community Meeting, March 30 2024 @1:00pm grid time.

Location :: hop://grid.3rdrockgrid.com:8002/Community%20Bravo/122/127/...

In case some 3rd Rock Grid residents that may still not be aware that the grid WILL CLOSE ! on May 15 2024 !

Efforts are currently underway to preserve some portions of 3RG and move what we can onto another grid. This hopefully will include as much as possible, however this may also require some additional work on our (current residents) part, to make this transition as seamless as possible. In order to do so it is important if you are interested, that you attend this meeting, and the subsequent weekly meetings now scheduled thru April and part of May 2024

Please note these meetings are for current and or past 3rd Rock Grid residents only, unless you have been specifically invited as a guest speaker then, please attempt to contact your current friend(s) in 3RG and request an invitation.

Thank you.
JayR Cela

JayR Cela: @Safinemahoe2 / thank you very much. 11 months ago
Regarding 3rd Rock Grid and the impending closure, so many people have offered assistance and support. Thank you all very much. I did e-mail Maria of HGBusiness last night, and received a reply this morning. We can expect an article soon,possibly later today. Thanks again.

Maria Korolov: The article posted last night: https://www.hypergridbusiness.com/2024/03/3rd-rock-opensims-second-oldest-grid-is-shutting-down/ 11 months ago
3rd Rock Grid slated for closure May 15 2024

I am very sad to announce what seems to be the inevitable closure of the historical 3RD Rock Grid in OpenSim. I say historical because it is notable as being the 3rd official OpenSim grid to open for business many,many years ago. I joined 3RD Rock in early 2011, shortly after it opening and have been calling it my virtual home away from home since then. Due to a recent series of cascading events our servers are inaccessible by our Adim team, below I will post a portion of my transcript copied during our last community meeting date March 23 2024.

[13:09] David7 Bravin: 5. GRID ISSUES.
[13:10] David7 Bravin: Anyone ?
[13:11] David7 Bravin: If not .....
[13:11] David7 Bravin: moving on to...
[13:11] David7 Bravin: 6. ANY OTHER BUSINESS
[13:11] David7 Bravin: Eldovar ?
[13:11] Eldovar Lamilton: yes, thank you
[13:12] Eldovar Lamilton: As all of you have noticed of the past one and a half years, fate has hit us hard during the past time.
[13:13] Eldovar Lamilton: 1. It all started when we lost our system administrator from one day to the other without any further notice. We were left without access and documentation to the grid, and the person refused any further contact. To the day we have no idea why he reacted as he did, because from our perspective there was no reason at all to do so, our relationship seemed good, he received much more than the money he requested for the work he did.
[13:14] Eldovar Lamilton: It took us a long time to get access to the servers again. And the biggest problem that remained was, that he had rewritten (and improved) a few core parts of the Opensim software, but other than agreed, he never gave us the source code of those program parts.
[13:15] Eldovar Lamilton: 2. In October last year we lost one of our most important servers: the one that was running the Starfleet regions and many more important regions, we call it server 107. Kira Tiponi worked hard to get that server replaced and managed to restore all the regions that were there and finally, at the beginning of January this year, she succeeded. The plan was, that she shows nme everything she has done and gives me full access to the new server 107 at the beginning of February this year.
[13:16] Eldovar Lamilton: 3. In January, we got the sad message, that Kira has passed away. She did not have time to pass over all the information that she had and that was necessary to access the new server.
[13:16] Eldovar Lamilton: This was the final stroke to the grid as well.
[13:17] Eldovar Lamilton: Despite all our efforts, the situation now is, that we don't have access to all the servers - I still try to get access to the server housing company where the physical bare metal servers are running. Even with that, we do not have access to all our servers, those few that we have access to, we cannot manage because the system administrator that helped us move from the Florida servers to the new servers in Europe, has rewritten some crucial part of the software, and we don't have the source code to it (as mentioned above).
[13:18] Eldovar Lamilton: To summarize the situation: this grid is not manageable anymore.
[13:18] Eldovar Lamilton: As a consequence, we have decided heavy heartedly, to shut down 3RG.
[13:19] Eldovar Lamilton: end
[13:20] Thoria Millgrove: Next month will make 15 years since I rezzed in 3rd Rock Grid
[13:20] Georgina Mills: 3rd oldest Opensim grid closes, I wish it wasn't so!

So in a nutshell that’s the story. If there is any assistance or advice you may have to offer, please feel free to contact me at jayr.cela@gmail.com
I will present any information during our next community meeting scheduled for April 6 2024 at 1:00pm grid time, 3rd Rock Grid is tentatively scheduled for official closure May 15th 2024
Thank you.

JayR Cela

CyberGlo CyberStar: If you cannot get the oars then you may have to copybot the regions. 11 months ago

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SilverFox Mall

This is a very nice place to look around for things you may need. I recommend at least 1 or 2 visits.

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