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Masala Al Kohav
0 Users 37 1
MASALA AL KOHAV MALL: Masala Al Kahov means "Wish upon a star". And here with us you may just find what you've wished for. Home to such builders as Thorvaldr Ragnarsson (Thor's Forge), Dusty Falls ...
My passion is building large architectural structures and regions for commercial, spiritual, and entertainment purposes, and doing them with highly detailed surfaces and textures. While I am not primarily in the business of making smaller items, in the process of making a venue I inevitably end up adding furniture, lighting, and accessories that match the style. A lot of these I make myself, but some, like this beautiful Art Deco Lamp, which will be part of my new OSFest build, I source from 3D modeling sites.

The first photo is of an original lamp from the 1920s, currently available on Etsy for about $300 usd. The second is the 3D model by Katmit developed for 3D printers. I purchased it on Renderhub for $12 and it came with an Extended Use license. After a lot of work with faces and UV maps I was finally able to get Firestorm to let my version upload, which is the last pic. I was meh about the plain globe, so I replaced that with something more interesting and added my light script. This little project took a lot more time and effort than I planned for, but I'll spend many happy moments sitting at the bar just looking at this lovely piece of art that began life a hundred years ago.

You will be able to see my full Art Deco venue at OSFest this September on the sponsor region.

Jasminecliodhna: lovely as always luna love your places 1 years ago
▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ Lover´s and Friends Party ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ ▁

Heaven`s Gate – Himmelstor
very romantic venue - sehr romantischer Veranstaltungsort
Couples and Singles, all gender welcome , meet new people chill, dance , relax,
Paare und Singles , alle Geschlechter sind willkommen, neue Leute kennen lernen, entspannen, relaxen, tanzen,chillen,

Saturday / Samstag 12.August 2023
starts ◕12:00 OS time / 21:00 Uhr europ.

with/mit ☊DJ CRAZY Liveset
▶▷▶ at CC – CLUBREGION 1 Heaven`s Gate / Himmelstor
Love, Cuddle, Dance Live remixes
enjoy / good mood / gute Laune / gute Stimmung
Dresscode: come as you are / kommt wie ihr wollt


░░▒▓◙█◙█◙ CC-CLUBREGION ◙█◙█◙▓▒░░

Crazyposeidon: on Way to Heaven 1 years ago
Liebe Besucher des Mainstores

Aufgrund das einige Besucher den ganzen Mainstore als Freeware mitnehmen und diese Ware dann nicht als Privat genutzt werden, werden ab sofort ALLE NEUEN Kleidungstücke nur noch in unserer SOUL GRID WÄHRUNG angeboten. Besucher haben jedoch auch die möglichkeit an einem unserer LUCKY CHAIRS kostenlos NEUE Ware zu erhalten.
Dear visitors of the main store

Due to the fact that some visitors take the entire main store with them as freeware and then do not use this product privately, ALL NEW items of clothing are now only offered in our SOUL GRID CURRENCY. However, visitors also have the opportunity to receive NEW goods free of charge on one of our LUCKY CHAIRS.

Woody: TaylorNova is not a designer. He stole it all in SL 1 years ago

AshaShanti: aw love these :)) 1 years ago
MY FRIENDS LIST DOESN'T WORK HALF THE TIME.... The reason is very simple. Look at your calling cards, sort inventory by name in the selection field. Many people may find multiple contacts for the same person. Delete the duplicates. I had as many as 40 calling cards for 1 person. Many other cards were duplicated many times as well. Once I removed all the duplicates (by hand), the friends list started working much much better. In all I removed over 5000 duplicates from my friends list. Check it out, it might be you have the same problem. Also check the sub folders too.

Spax Orion: I would like to point out that even if you remove duplicates, the friend list is still not 100% reliable. I still have issues with friends not showing up online regardless of the grid I am logged into... 1 years ago
these children everyone knows I did it I'm at a construction site in Astralia I wrote it only for personal use no resale everyone knows it and everyone respects the rules instead this grid newlife italy doesn't care about the rules and respect for the work of others .. too much comfortable so they take everything and put it on sale to attract people .. but the others know it anyway you make a bad impression ... you came here .... learn to do it yourself and remove my things

The Etheria Network: Its a wonderful family offering, I have several friends with virtual families and all this means a great deal to them :) Moving, fun babies and kids, amazing!! One note, some of the items - many act... 1 years ago

Lundi 15 Mai, à 21h30 heure de Paris, sur ATLAS : OpenSim 0.9.3 : Pourquoi ? Quand ? Comment ? Les ateliers se déroulent par voice et en langue française.

Hange: c'est sur la grid : ? 1 years ago
Ecco qua una grid italiana dove poter giocare ballare cantare fare musica interagire con tutto il metaverso italiana ma anche internazionale ricordiamo che è aperta a TUTTI.
A breve apriremo anche la land dedicata allo shopping , e la land dedicata ai giochi.
Here is an Italian grid where you can play, dance, sing, make music, interact with the whole Italian but also international metaverse, remember that it is open to ALL.
Soon we will also open the land dedicated to shopping, and the land dedicated to games.

Aquí hay una grilla italiana donde puedes tocar, bailar, cantar, hacer música, interactuar con todo el metaverso italiano pero también internacional, recuerda que está abierto a TODOS.
Próximamente abriremos también el terreno dedicado a las compras, y el terreno dedicado a los juegos.

Hier ist ein italienisches Raster, in dem Sie spielen, tanzen, singen, Musik machen und mit dem gesamten italienischen, aber auch internationalen Metaversum interagieren können. Denken Sie daran, dass es für ALLE offen ist.
Bald werden wir auch das dem Einkaufen gewidmete Land und das dem Spielen gewidmete Land eröffnen.

Darci Viper: would love to visit but cant find the LM for this 1 years ago
This Post Sponsored by the Letter D & the Number 171.

How many Adachi's are there? Well, right now I'm in the Adachi Tertius region. Adachi Tertius is a fancy-pants way of saying "Adachi 3." But this post is not sponsored by the letter A or the number 3.

No, this post is sponsored by the letter "D," as in the Doux Hair Shop, and the number 171. If you count all of the vendors from the DOUX - Adrienne Hairstyle to the DOUX - Zoe Hairstyle, you will get the number 171.

171 Doux hairstyles! Many with style change HUDs. All with color change HUDs. The Adachi Tertius Doux Hair Shop: where the hair is High Quality and Easily Accessible. Magnifico!

Susanna_Heller: So don't get any stupid ideas ... because if you see me throwing letters and numbers around here ... the suspicion could arise that I went to school LoL 1 years ago

UNO-ON-THE-MOON! COME JOIN US!! NEW! AWESOME GAME! FANTASTIC FUN! monday,tuesday, & thursday nights at 8pm EST (5 SLT).

Thirza Ember: Happy hour ! 1 years ago
Volle Moehren Party im Tosca !!!
:*★*:. .:*☆*:. .:*★*:. .:*☆*:. .:*★*:. .:*☆*
┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ Volle Möhre Party im Tosca
┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ❤ Heute/Today
┊ ┊ ┊ ☆ 20Uhr/11SLT
┊ ┊ ❤ Hasencharts & Osterrock......hier Wackelt das Möhrenfeld
┊ ☆ ♥ Dj Nasti ♥

Captain Shadow: Best Easter Party I've been to in years !!! 1 years ago

Happy Easter! Have a great Time filled with joy and lots of yummy Easter eggs!

Crazyposeidon: HAPPY EASTER / Frohe Ostern wünschen wir euch allen C&C 1 years ago
I currently have regions on four grids, three of which are part of the NGC (Next Generation Core) group of grids (8-10 grids at last count), who together are developing their own improved fork of Opensim. All three have great owners who can be easily reached through dedicated grid channels on Discord, and all have been tremendously supportive of my work.

Of those three, Wolf Territories Grid has become my main location (the other two are Mobius Grid and Utopia Skye Grid). All NGC grid owners are deeply committed to making their grid the best possible for their users. That is especially true for Lone Wolf at Wolf Territories when it comes to speed, security, stability, and the organization of servers and architecture.

For example, look at the console pictured here. By logging in to the website, multiple options are available to me: Restart the region, Update the map of the region, Download the most current OAR, Backup the region to create a new OAR that I can then download, or flatten the region terrain. By clicking Edit, additional options open up: I can change the region name, change the region currency from Gloebits to the local currency, or change the region physics from Ubode to Bulletsim.

And all those things we hope will work on a grid do here: Group notifications, Offline messages sent to email, a working Destination Guide, region crossings, and local currency transaction history, among others. I for one am deeply appreciative. the Most of this things for users we have a long time :) 1 years ago
Welcome at

Welcome to Bubble Grid. You are cordially invited to test the grid. Registration is open. So far we have 10 regions.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please send an email to contact (at)

DebzFox: Got there - looking good xx 1 years ago
SkyRealm Observatory is a work in progress-please stop by anytime and see the transformation of this observatory. We are making progress, thank you to @FerdFrederix just wow! Also @JamieAnnaWright thank you for contributing to my clock collection!

Luna Lunaria: Reminds me of Citadel on the Isle of Wyrms in SL. Always loved that place. 1 years ago
Does anyone like Lorrie Morgan? an American Country music singer I have my stream up with an album from her titled, Watch Me it's country music ... I'm streaming an album from her titled, "Watch Me" ... Listen at>>

LilianaAubergine: See, if I'd been paying attention when this posted... I love Lorrie Morgan, and this was a good album. 2 years ago

So silly me screwed up the region and accidently placed another oar in its place. i am hoping there is a backup somewhere. so for now i have put the base oar of this down for now.

Spax Orion: If I had a dime for every time I pulled that stunt, I would have 2 nickles to rub together! Hope you get the issue resolved... I cannot stress enough.... BACKUP BACKUP BACKUP! 2 years ago
Not An Outfit For Funerals
I've been told this is a fun outfit. Well yes. It's certainly not an outfit of seriousness and solemnity. Now, you can wear it to my funeral, but not to most people's. I know. I tried. Can I be written out of someone's will after they've died?

Oh HELLO: Outfits With Options

Ellen: item is not for sale :( 2 years ago

An Escape! Loose yourself exploring & Shopping ..Then come back with friends & do it ALL again;-) Sounds Almost like a song?

Sinje: Schade das man die Box Mesh Avatar LARA nicht nehmen kann :-( 2 years ago

Always up to something :-)

Lone Wolf: An even BIGGER flea removal system for Wolves yay! 2 years ago

Kick Off Party
Moonrose proudly Presents Dj Crazy
Sunday 19/02,2023 20:00/11 Slt Club

ShariMei: Hammer Party, rappel voller Club und geile Tunes, der Abent lohnt sich. Danke für den klasse Abend 2 years ago
Thank you Juno Rowland sister of Jupiter for coming by and giving me suggestions on my newly created content. I had several mistakes that needed to be corrected and the help she gave was immeasurable. Even though I try to catch the mistakes and I double triple-check, I still find them so thank you very much for checking me. Some of my content is Copy only because the texture I used the TOS states it cannot be set to mod/trans. While I do create many of the textures myself, some I have purchased too, so those textures I have to honor the TOS. I added the Classic Closet to the Monentes store too so there are now two locations. I plan on adding more content as I can, while my content is not ripped and maybe not the fanciest stuff, it is different content you will not see rubber stamped all over the HG. I put in the store when I had a need for Classic Clothing and since I offered it in the past I thought why the hell not? To those who like what I create thank you, to those who find fault in it you probably always will cause I am just an ordinary creator that makes a ton of mistakes! The new Classic Closet is now at the Monentes Jewelry store too~

Jupiter Rowland: Thank you back, especially in the name of my little in-world sister, for Classic Closet and for taking care of the bugs. Also, always nice to see new takes on Damien Fate because his meshes offer vas... 2 years ago

Hey all :) I'm looking for a magazine script to use to produce a magazine inworld. Please let me know where I can get one of these? Thank you!

Rogue Galaxy: Thank you everyone :) I got a couple of them now!! I will pass them along! Thanks again! 2 years ago
Just a reminder that Virtual Beach is in start smart. if you click a region on the teleport board or via map, give it time to load and transport you before clicking again or another region. once you click, it will tell you the seconds to load and then will say teleporting you.

Charlene McNally: What version are you using? 2 years ago
My first feeble attempt at making a bed. I need to find the sleep pose ball for it and it'll be ready to go. Hopefully I'll learn to do more and nicer things. This will be available at our mall region in the furniture portion. Good thing it's free because I doubt anybody would pay for it LOL. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

Star Ravenhurst: I like it! It is unique and I love the headboard! Those legs are kinda kool too! 2 years ago
SUGGESTIONS FOR the next MONDAY NIGHT MOVIE - Mar. 20th, 2023 5-7pm

Please comment with suggestions on what movies you'd like to see in the month of March, 2023. Suggestions will be voted on by March 6th.

Thank you in advance for your participation.


Is It Normal To Be So Normal?
This outfit? It's how I might dress in RL. And it's so damn normal looking...


Crazyposeidon: Normal is crazy. Normalities are moving away from reality at the present time. Everything that is “normal” is constantly changing. Don't forget normal is not normal !!! For many people, normality is a... 2 years ago

a warrior at the cooking pot, whether he can still go to Valhalla? hehehehe

RuSapphire: oops. accidently deleted my previous comment... I had stated, he's fairly cookin' without that pot! :) 2 years ago

Wünsche Euch allen einen guten Rutsch und ein frohes neues Jahr

KikiBaily: Frohes neues Jahr wünschen Kiki & Wollex 2 years ago
I created a pair of Cheers2023! Glasses for you. With the New Year, we can all strive to do the best we can. Challenge yourself by learning something new this year that you have always put off. I wish everyone a prosperous New Year

Marianna : This image is directly from my Rhino studio, inworld they are black lens, black frame and silver Cheers2023! I made them dark lenses because your future is so bright! 2 years ago

Moonrose Grid: Frohe Weihnachten wünsche ich 2 years ago

Mudyblues: Auch dem Soul ein frohes Weihnachtsfest 2 years ago

since this gets hardly any traffic I am thinking about taking this out and putting a 1960's Woodstock in it, a stage, tents, vw bus, places to have sex. what do you all think?

HanHeld: I don't think there's a large enough user base to try to appeal to demographics of any sort. It's a good idea and worth running up the flagpole but not for the sake of traffic (which I don't believe r... 2 years ago

Thirza Ember: So true... although waiting at the yellow can get you into trouble in some places! 2 years ago

Do not hesitate to visit the houses located on the plateau
surrounding the Christmas Market and discover
the diversity of Christmas and winter ambiances.

RobinSisson123: I was here recently and it's so beautiful! This picture is also stunning. 2 years ago
The Christmas Market @ Winterfest, Alternate Metaverse Grid

Visit one of OpenSim's best ever Christmas Markets for all your Decorating and Gift Giving Needs! 22 Market stalls filled with goodness from edibles to Dinkie wear to Christmas animeshes, decorations, Trees & so much more! Open now - All content is free! While there explore the region, go ice fishing, skating, skiing or peek in on Santa at his workshop!
Part of Winterfest- Alternate Metaverse Grid. What do YOUR Christmas fantasies look like? Market

Kelso.Uxlay: Well done! 2 years ago

Nico "CoolKat" Kailani: We need to look away when grid owners are scammers and not comment about it. It's their grid and they can do what they want. Greed is good. 2 years ago

It's Friday!
The name of the day. The name of the dress. Friday!

oh HELLO: Outfits with Options

Susannah: Have you lost a day somewhere Nico?? Today is Saturday, (even if it's very early!). 2 years ago

Something is wrong with the world

Kashi Takeshi: I took both trip dude! 2 years ago
MAGIC MESH TREE with animated colors texture.. ** ARCHED VERSIONS NOW INCLUDED - Up to 08 arch trees into 1 single prim *** Available for FREE and FULL at STORE 04 (X-mas store - look for a vendor with this same texture). Enjoy :)

SheaButter: VERY high in Vertices tho. Although very beautiful! 2 years ago

Autumn is finally on us

Lilly Pond: Great job, indeed! One of these days I will go there for pictures, to my flickr page. I hope you don't mind! Ty for the beauty! 2 years ago


Symphony: Hoping you can get comfy and feel well soon. 2 years ago

Cats among themselves.......
Katzen unter sich.......

Verna Avril: I guess i know where you got the avatar look from 2 years ago
Another great find from Sketchfab a beautiful diadem, uploaded and in the Monentes Jewelry store foyer. Jewelry

RobinRidley: Magical! 2 years ago
Hocus Pocus...THE SANDERSON SISTERS arrived at Autumnville and will put a spell on you!!!
Come and listen to their smash hit but take care not to get bewitched. (made by Kimm Starr)

LeonSullivan: stunning, I felt very well entertained. 2 years ago
Hello Hella,

We are so happy to have you join our community of artists at the Art Factory. Your images are hauntingly beautiful. What is the inspiration for your art?

“About my inspiration it's about the feeling in a present situation, always in the NOW, we can call this "états d'âmes" in French, "states of mind" in English ? “

Your art is a visual representation of current feelings and moods? That is so interesting. Do you have other galleries or exhibits in OpenSim or in Second Life?

“For my art in physical life, it's another route that I don't mix with virtual worlds.
For the photos, which relate only to life in SL and Opensim, I only exhibit on Flickr and in Opensim. Many captures, come from the world of SL and since 6 months, taken in Opensim.”

I have followed your Flickr for a long time now and look forward to seeing your posts. Hella, what do you enjoy about your art inworld?

“Art changes my frequency and makes my life a dream. In the virtual world as in life, practicing an art is a pure expression of oneself and it feels good to do good :)”

Ernest and I are overjoyed to have you join the Art Factory community. Would you tell our readers how you got involved in the project?

“Art Factory is the first place I visited that challenged me, I took some pictures from elsewhere that I put on Flickr, months ago. The Thirza Safari Tour allowed me to rediscover the Art Factory region and to meet Ellen and Ernest "in person", I had had some contact with Ellen on Opensimworld, I was happy to meet Ellen and Ernest :)”

Thank you for taking the time for this interview, Hella. And welcome to the Art Factory community!

Kashi Takeshi: Artistic addition to the team :) 2 years ago
Visited Tropicana Bird's Nest, it's well done.
Then I met this guy. But he said he isn't Wolfman Jack. I don't belive him. I'm sure... he is!

Guess Who - Clap for the Wolfman (1974)

GeeNakamura: Thank you very much!! very nice photo! 2 years ago

Je voudrais vous parler, ce jour d’une confusion trop fréquente concernant les likes sur le site OpenSim World
Le probleme provient des likes donnés aux photographies.
C’est gentil mais ce n’est pas vraiment le but recherché.
Les likes, sont à l’origine prévus pour les terrains, établir leur classement, leur position de manière générale,
Donc, liker une photographie est bien mais cela n’aide pas le terrain, car il faut le liker aussi.
Car on trouve des photographies avec beaucoup de likes, alors que le terrain en a quasiment pas .
Ce qui est un problème !
Si vous pouviez y penser à l’avenir, merci pour ceux qui travaillent sur leurs terrains, quelque soit la réalisation,

Enfin, autre point :
Comment pouvez vous visiter un terrain en quelques secondes ?

Merci d’avoir lu, bonne journée.


I would like to talk to you today about an all too frequent confusion about likes on the OpenSim World site
The problem comes from the likes given to the photographs.
It's nice but that's not really the goal.
The likes, are originally intended for the grounds, establish their ranking, their position in general,
So, liking a photograph is good but it doesn't help the field, because you have to like it too.
Because we find photographs with a lot of likes, while the field has almost none.
Which is a problem!
If you could think about it in the future, thank you for those who work on their land, whatever the realization,
Thank you.

Finally, another point:
How can you visit a plot of land in seconds?

Thank you for reading, have a nice day.

SheaButter: I wouldn't say seconds. But if it is hard to move around, because so beautiful, need more than 5 min to load everything. Then the experience, becomes a move along. For instance, a club who wants to be... 2 years ago
Blue Moon was established on February 1, 2012, in Virtual Highway grid. When VH closed we purchased our .oar file and named it Iknimaya which is a treacherous but fundamental rite of passage in which a young Na'vi hunter must select, capture, and successfully bond with one of the ikran.

You will find Iknimaya at grid

Avatar's Water World will soon be released come feel the spirit of the Na'vi.

Thank you to all the creators who made this possible, especially to Kayaker Magic for all the cool Pandoran animals like the Yerik and Ikran.

Johnny Rebel: Sweet! :D 2 years ago
Love Thyself
It's said we can't truly love someone unless we first love ourselves. Fine. But some people take it too far. I recently told a guy "I love you." He said, "We have so much in common! "I love me too!"

The outfit features the "Love Myself" crop top -- part of a fatpack with an assortment of graphics. The sneaker HUD gives you incredible options to customize the look.

This outfit replaces the "N (SH) PINK + CROP + SNEAKER" which unfortunately now has a number of missing assets. Let me know if you find other outfits with the same, or any other problem.

Oh HELLO: Outfits you will love.

Thirza Ember: what's not to love on xinashi 2 years ago
I wasn't sure if I would open the sim this year. A lot of bad things are happening in this world right now. But then you would miss a lot of new things and that would actually be a shame.
So, on to AUTUMNVILLES SECOND YEAR , where good meets evil and in between..
I open early, so you still have enough time to make your sim autumnal.
What can you expect? ---A lot!!!
Stroll through the countryside and enjoy (and pick up) the beautiful autumn decorations, see spooky places that will make your blood run cold, voracious flowers just waiting to eat you for dinner and so much more.
New for this year: Stuff in the shopping areas around the sim had been added, an enlarged, completely revamped freak show, a second fully animated band,the Wolftones that´s second to none, an ice cream dealer you'd rather not meet in the dark, and so much more. Find out and just have fun.
And remember a lot but not everything can be copied. PLEASE RESPECT THAT!!! You can see beautiful things "made in open sim- for open sim" for example made by Kimm Starr, Cloee Heslop, Luna Lunaria ,Bibiana Bombinate and many more.
Please make sure to have a good balance between Music and Sounds, otherwise you would miss half of the fun.
Rezzing problems? Then please relog!!
There is a lot to discover, what are you waiting for?

Jamie Wright: I look forward to your region every season Thomas:) 2 years ago

Live Traffic
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9 3
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96 0
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15 17
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13 0
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12 5
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17 2
Trianon Complex A
85 15
Seventh Heaven A
13 2
Brown Beach Surf A
14 5
Lbsa Plaza
190 38
Welcome A
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Regions Online: 1,823
Active: 199 avatars in 130 regions
The Box
Yana Dakota 2 days ago
DJ Yana is performing her music today from 6am to 8am... At AMV Welcome. hop://
Yana Dakota 2 days ago
DJ Yana is performing her music today from 6am to 8am... At AMV Welcome.
OpenSimUser 2 days ago
So needless to say, once again i went back to older version because it just doesnt work right
OpenSimUser 2 days ago
But as is, there are no textures found, everything is grey scale only
OpenSimUser 2 days ago
Firestorm PBR would probably make a nice viewer if it worked correctly

New Comments

falene hawks 37 minutes ago
juste bravo
RemmyRavenhurst 7 hours ago
so cute
Peter 8 hours ago
Silvia, revisa las nuevas imagenes! :)
Hicks 12 hours ago
very nice fashion show! bravo :p
ZenRieko 12 hours ago
If you aren't here, get here. If you are here, stay :) Pin's rocking the grid.
Safinemahoe2 13 hours ago
the music is starting and Pin is Rocking !
Hicks 15 hours ago
who is the most handsome? it's me!! XD ok ok I'm joking some will say that I'm narcissistic
Badr_Norseman 18 hours ago
Thank you for making these nice photo's, portraying people in OS, nice to be a part of it. Great project!
SilviaFrey 22 hours ago
Peter me encantan tus animalitos. Tengo un problema porque me gustan tanto tus animalitos que ya no se cual ponerme hahaha. El dragoncito es realmente hermoso. Muchas gracias.


Trianon Complex
sorry ESSE not enough stars to rate u deserve a billion for all the work u put into your grid . the most amzing clothes . your nice parties ... SUBJECT 1 FINDING THE...
KennethMacShane 18 hours ago
WOW I went to find one item lol and left about 2 1/2 hrs later AFTER finding what I was originally there for. What am AMAZING place!!!! EVERYTHING STEAM PUNK that you can think of...most of it either...
JFlame 19 hours ago
very sweet and beautiful region owner. so talented and giving. come by and check out her offerings.
Wendie Blackthorn yesterday
Magical Fairies Pass 4
Thank You So Much for your comment, Ripple! & Yes I am making it huge :D I want to have the largest farm in open sim. :D I'm adding many goodies to my farm that no one else has that I've seen so fa...
Passion Jumanji 2 days ago
Valeria's Avatars 2
Siamo sempre alle solite ogni tanto qualcuno izzato da qualche venditore che non puo più prendere i miei avatar e metterli in vendita nel suo negozio, critica insulta e offende, dicono che faccio un b...
ValeriaRossi 3 days ago
Miami's Fashions
Trés beau magasin 5 étoiles
Sorcha 3 days ago
SilverFox Mall
Great Mall in very Nice Style
TailorNova 4 days ago
Well of course i would give Ruritania 10 stars! A virtual storybook world. Every detail is perfect and perfectly thought out. There is so much to learn and explore. Xi Shi is a gracious host and a bri...
Belavar 4 days ago
Valeria's Avatars 2
hahaha You are so pathetic that you have to evaluate yourself with your own acc's just to push out those who have seen through you and rated you poorly! Sure your work is good but it doesn't change th...
Alex Nova 4 days ago

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