OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

Wednesday at Midnight
1 Users 0 2
Addams Family Meets Betelgeuse. In a mist-shrouded corner of the eerie neighborhood, where the line between the living and the afterlife blurs, a new home emerges next to the infamous Addams Family ma...
*EUROPA RACEWAY* New release, now open for public - Really a lot of roads - on normal speed (gear 1 from many vehicles) one takes 22 minutes and 30 seconds for complete a tour! Have fun! Hoverbikes rezer available on place! To tap into this place, go to SIM EUROPA, then at welcome area, look for a big glassy teleporter board and pick as destination EUROPA RACEWAY.

Wolf Territories Grid: What could possibly go wrong.... I thought it would never end. 3 months ago
GermanWorldGrid =
Unter dem Vowand, das Germanworldgrid technich zu verbessern , wurde dieses Grid eingestampft und läuft jetzt unter dem Namen * (kurz VVM)*
ABER: einen Grid-Namen kann man ändern, den schlechten Character des Owners und seiner Cyber-Ehefrau nicht. Mick Florido besaß das *Germanworldgrid*, eines der erfolgreichsten deutschen Grids, bis seine Cyber-Ehefrau Emma Florido kam, die unter Verfolgungswahn leidet.
Unter ihrem Einfluß wurden zahlreiche langjährige Member gemobbt, verleumdet, raus geekelt und verbannnt. Als Krönung wurden einige dieser Member in den TOS namentlich genannt sowie die fadenscheinigen Gründe, die zu dieser Verbannung führten. (Nachzu lesen in einer Gruppe bei Facebook)
Als *EmmaMercury* lief sie in SL jeder Hose nach, die sie jetzt in Opensim gefunden hat. Sie zerstörte eine gut funktionierende Gemeinschaft, die jetzt in alle Winde zerstreut ist.
In dieses neue Grid kommen nur neue Member auf Empfehlung, die außerdem u.a. unterschreiben müssen, mit keinem der ehemaligen Member in Kontakt zu treten.
Ich empfehle Emma Florido einen sehr guten Psychiater.
GermanWorldGrid =
Under the pretense of technically improving the Germanworldgrid, this grid was stamped and now runs under the name * (VVM for short) *
BUT: You can change a grid name, but not the bad character of the owner and his cyber wife. Mick Florido owned the *Germanworldgrid*, one of the most successful German grids, until his cyber-wife Emma Florido arrived, who suffers from paranoia.
Under their influence, numerous long-standing members were bullied, slandered, kicked out and banished. To top it off, some of these members were named in the TOS, as well as the flimsy reasons leading to this banishment. (You can read it in a group on Facebook)
As *EmmaMercury* she ran after every pair of pants in SL that she has now found in Opensim. It destroyed a well-functioning community that is now scattered to the four winds.
In this new grid, only new members come through recommendations, who also have to sign, among other things, and not come into contact with any of the former members.
I recommend Emma Florido, a very good psychiatrist.

Woody: Ich bezwecke damit, daß möglichst viele Leute aufgeklärt werden, welch kranke Leute in Opensim ihr Unwesen treiben. Das ist kein Cybermobbing, sondern schlicht und einfach die Wahrheit. Dorena ist die... 3 months ago

How can I trouble shoot this error? Any help is appreciated.
18:52:55 - [YEngine]: parsing errors on DZ9WCyhlRATjBN95m5rvtqhSQSiBgIKEZXemZkyhLYe (asset://0977861a-9289-436a-9f48-0e82c16ed0d6)

Wolf Territories Grid: Hi Cyber. Look up the asset in your robust assets table select * from robust.assets where id="0977861a-9289-436a-9f48-0e82c16ed0d6"; This will give you the name of the asset, then just do an ... 3 months ago
New! List Subscriber! GREAT FOR DJ'S!!! GREAT FOR SHOP OWNERS!!! People can click it to subscribe to your list! Then the dj can send a notice out to all the subscribers in the list, even if they are on many different grids! Great for parties! New in this version: Click once to be added to the list, click a second time to be deleted from list. Owner click will bring up the menu to enter or send a message to all the subscribers. :) New in this version: Saves the entire subscriber list to a notecard so your subscribers are never lost! :) Get yours now at I'll leave it here a few days before deleting it. :)

IndigoQueen King: Thank you always CyberGlo!! Yes you are awesome teehehehe I am so happy you created this you rock my friend!! 4 months ago
We're working on tutorials and videos to help folks who are new to open sim to get around in open sim better - from creating your very first avatar to knowing how to Hypergrid, we're putting it together to help others find the joy of Open Sim just as we have. This not "just" for our new grid members but for anybody new to open sim, we'd love to help you.

Mistressdalgato: this is cool, i have the firestorm oar to help people with how to use firestorm, once you get this region finished i may be inclined to want to put a teleport for new members to the region. 4 months ago
It's time to have a little fun!!!

today, Saturday, June 15 1pm

come join DJ Lion King for some amazing Rock, Latin and Disco.


In addition to the dance....we want to see some hot bikinis! is time to find your Bikinis.....Cause we are giving away Casino money!

Tiniest Bikini - $100,000

Most Stylish one piece - $50,000

Best itty bitty polka dot bikini - $50,000

Guys, maybe we will find a special prize for the dude who Rocks board shorts the best!

Zuzu Bahro: We will be here until 3 - come join us! 4 months ago
▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀ Party am Roadhouse▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀
Wer: DJ Winni
Wo: Biergarten
Was: AC/DC & Queen 2 der besten Gruppen
Wann: Mittwoch den 05.06.24
Ab: 19 Uhr --- 10 am Bikers Heaven

Ankhsenaton: So bad I don't speak german, I like the music and motorbikes ;-) V 4 months ago

Join us in Wizardry at The School of Magic. Learn to fight evil hackers, evil scripters, greifers, and maligned individuals.

FallenAngel Absent: :-D 4 months ago
Soirée théâtrale - Et l’œuf engendra la poule.

L’Event Space a le grand honneur de recevoir sous son toit la troupe Les Théâtreux pour vous présenter la pièce intitulée "Et l’œuf engendra la poule", écrite par Jean Vilain.
Elle a été initialement captée radiophoniquement et diffusée sur Radio Saint-Affrique, une radio libre et associative en Aveyron. C’est cet enregistrement original qui sera le support audio de la pièce dans laquelle les personnages sont incarnés par des avatars.

LadyKa: Une soirée théâtre en langue française ! Super ! 4 months ago

Glen is a victim.

Nico Kalani: Listen up fucktards. I am addressing this one final time, until I address it again. We need to treat Glen as he does everyone, as a HUMAN. People who like to dress like a Barbie doll and get fudge-pac... 5 months ago
New release Complete Rental System 2.01:

Other admins can also rezz rental box
Confirmation message when adding or deleting tenants
New Statistic available


Valerie NatureInSim: Already 2.02 out. For those upgrading, please read instruction in the readme. 5 months ago

Bobby can now generate Photos, Terrains and much more
Youtube Video

Passion Jumanji: OH BOBBY! You are getting smarter & smarter as each day goes by! OH BOBBY! You melt my heart! ;) Keep up the good work, Bobby & Lone TOOOOOO! ;) 5 months ago
I'd like to announce that I'm going on vacation from OS for a time. But I've been on a vacation from OS already, for maybe two months now, and I'd have to interrupt my vacation to say that I'm not going on vacation because I'm already on vacation. So, no announcements. Mainly because, at this point, I'm confused about the whole vacation thing. However, while I'm pretty sure I'm on vacation from OS, I still log in to OSW on occasion to check on the What Are You Looking For group. The helpers there have been, and continue to be, incredible! Anyways, if you want to send me a message, I'm likely to see it, and I might just answer.

thedeeferry: Fly like an eagle... enjoy... come back zoon. 5 months ago
Wir laden Euch herzlichst ein, mit uns im Schaum zu feiern. Zieht Eure Badesachen an oder holt Euch vor Ort das passende zum Anziehen. Am 13.05.2024 ab 19 Uhr legt DJane Sylvia für uns auf.
Nimm dir Zeit für Dinge die dich Glücklich machen.


We warmly invite you to celebrate with us in the foam. Put on your swimwear or get something suitable to wear on site. On May 13th, 2024 from 7 p.m. DJane Sylvia will be playing for us.
Take time for things that make you happy.

Sylvia-Koeln: Smaili ♥ 5 months ago

News! hop://

LeonitasLionheart: Indeed some fantastic selections. Marpil is blessing the Lara x crowd lately! Bravo! 5 months ago
Sunset Dreams Sectional out now!
A new section PACKED with tons of animations, and sitting up to 6 people!
This has always been a favourite of mine, not sure if due to the shape & look, or the nice sitting and cuddle poses!
The couch texture comes with 2 basis tintable layers. While I have put some colours via hud, you can always tint with your own!

Uber: hop:// Boutiques/371/380/23

Carmen Jewel: I have also found a perfect spot for this couch :) 5 months ago
Hey everyone, I love dreamgrid and what Fred does, but sometimes with new beta version you get bugs. Until apache is fixed our website will be down. We need apache because we use joomla.

Hoping it is back up soon.

ps. I know we can roll back but when apache borked its a pain to roll back.

Marianna: The betas have always been in the testing phase. Fred suggested that it is not necessary to update to each new beta if you are currently running fine. When you do get up and running again, and happy ... 5 months ago
♥ When: 2:00pm OST - 5:PM EST - 4:PM Central
♥ Where: THE VAULT
♥ Dress: CASUAL
♥ Map: hop://

NoraCola: it's a great party so far! 5 months ago
if you picke dup the 4.1 Simona upgrade and found it isnt always working ( cause of Xengine ) we did a fix on that.. you can pick up the latest Simona version at Vesti, and pick up the updated version only not all the other add ons

Jerralyn Franzic: Is the Simona update less complex now? I stopped using it because that was a problem for me, especially if I want to be seen at a venue as myself by others and not as a jellydoll. I typically try not ... 5 months ago
╔═══◈◈Hikonai ᴘʀᴇsᴇɴᴛs◈◈
╫◈ ᴅᴊ ◈DjChanel Hurricane
╫◈ ᴡʜᴀᴛ◈TUNES-Deep Techno Connection☻
╫◈ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ◈13.00 SLT
╫◈ where ◈♬ Hikonai, Arkham Grid ♬
╫◈ when ◈1-3 pm grid time 27 April Saturday

Patinha: Party time!!! ★ WARNING ★ DJ OUT OF CONTROL ★ MANAGEMENT NOT RESPONSIBLE ★ 5 months ago

Charlene McNally: looks like fun! I'll have to slip on my bikini and come have some fun! Oh way do I have a bikini? 5 months ago

Umzug auf das Weingut Carpua
Ich freu mich drauf!

Copper: Wäre mal nich schlecht das von einer registrierten (beacon) sim zu schreiben. Es gibt ja auch keine sim im OS wo das sein soll :-) 6 months ago

having a blast at Millliways grand opening with our amazing DJ
Tanya Sande & hours more to come. Get out here and shake your boots! hop://

NoraCola: Hazel's rocking it! ^_^ 6 months ago

We've revamped our welcome area.

Ginger Snaps (Snips): Beautiful 6 months ago
New Eborn Rebody shoes, available full-perm in 12 colours (their tint-able), feel free to copy and re-distribute. Not available in SecondLife. Made by me. Please don't ever sell these, anywhere, ever. Only to be given away, free of charge. of Merci

snik snoodle: @Suzan_vonOtter Nice One! :) 6 months ago

Including Live demonstration of our new Streaming Service

Aurora Starchild: Make sure you don't leave any open browser tab with porn before streaming! :P lol 6 months ago

Live streaming my desktop in world! Part of our new server infrastructure,

Passion Jumanji: This is GREAT! I'm so thankful so many new options are coming to Wolf Territories Grid! Thank You Lone! Such a great idea for both streaming movies, where we can have Movie Nights and what nots and li... 6 months ago
Grand Opening of Flores Sea: A Spectacular Adventure Awaits!

We are thrilled to announce the official opening of Flores Sea, an enchanting destination for adventure seekers and explorers. As of today, Monday, April 1st, 2024, at 05:00 pm european time our gates are wide open, inviting you to immerse yourself in a world of natural beauty and thrilling experiences.

Visiting Hours:
Tuesdays and Thursdays: 4:00 PM to midnight (European Time)
What Awaits You:
Picturesque Landscapes: Flores Sea boasts numerous breathtaking locations waiting to be discovered.
Arrival Instructions: Upon arrival, take the teleporter (TP) to Wild Adventure. From there, you can access a variety of islands via our convenient boat rezzer.
The wild adventure Island has a lot to offer , take your time as there is a lot to see. We offer Surfing Rock climbing and jumping , Quad Rezzer, Elephant riding Rezzer, cozy hideaways and much more.

Island Exploration: Explore the hidden gems scattered across the archipelago. Crystal-clear waters, lush forests, and pristine beaches await your discovery.
Thrilling Activities: Whether you’re into surfing, rock climbing, or adrenaline-pumping jumps, by boat crossing caves, underwater world at the caves and naturist area Flores Sea has it all.
Cozy Retreats: Unwind in our cozy hideaways, where tranquility meets adventure.

There are also skippered sailing yacht tours throughout Flores Sea, upon request.

Adult-Only Experience: Please note that Flores Sea is an adult-only sim, ensuring a mature and respectful environment for all visitors.
Join Us!
We extend a warm invitation to all adventurers, thrill-seekers, and nature enthusiasts. Come experience the magic of Flores Sea—a place we’ve poured our hearts into creating.

Warm regards,

Crazy and Carmen Ever Owners, Flores Sea Adventure

Feierliche Eröffnung von Flores Sea: Ein spektakuläres Abenteuer erwartet euch!

Wir freuen uns, die offizielle Eröffnung von Flores Sea bekannt zu geben, einem bezaubernden Reiseziel für Abenteuersuchende und Entdecker. Ab heute, Montag, 1. April 2024, um 17:00 Uhr europäischer Zeit sind unsere Tore weit geöffnet und laden euch ein, in eine Welt voller natürlicher Schönheit und aufregender Erlebnisse einzutauchen.

Dienstags und donnerstags: 16:00 bis 24:00 Uhr (europäische Zeit)
Was euch erwartet:
Malerische Landschaften: Flores Sea bietet zahlreiche atemberaubende Orte, die darauf warten, entdeckt zu werden.
Ankunftsanweisungen: Nehmt nach euerer Ankunft den Teleporter (TP) zu Wild Adventure. Von dort aus könnt ihr über unseren praktischen Bootsrezzer eine Vielzahl von Inseln erreichen.
Das Wildlife Adventure hat viel zu bieten, nehmt euch Zeit, denn es gibt viel zu sehen. Wir bieten Surfen, Klettern und Springen, Quad-Rezzer, Elefantenreiten-Rezzer, gemütliche Rückzugsorte und vieles mehr.

Inselerkundung: Entdeckt die verborgenen Schätze des Archipels. Kristallklares Wasser, mit Booten durchfahrbare Höhlenwelt, Unterwasserwelten in der höhle und im Naturist Gebiet , üppige Wälder und unberührte Strände warten darauf, von euch entdeckt zu werden.
Aufregende Aktivitäten: Ob ihr euch für Surfen, Klettern oder adrenalingeladene Sprünge interessiert, Flores Sea hat alles zu bieten.
Gemütliche Rückzugsorte: Entspannt euch in unseren gemütlichen Rückzugsorten, wo Ruhe auf Abenteuer trifft.

Auf Anfrage werden auch Segelyachttouren mit Skipper im gesamten Flores-Meer angeboten.

Erlebnis nur für Erwachsene: Bitte beachtet, dass es sich bei Flores Sea um eine Simulation nur für Erwachsene handelt, die eine erwachsene und respektvolle Umgebung für alle Besucher gewährleistet.
Begleitet uns!
Wir laden alle Abenteurer, Abenteuerlustigen und Naturliebhaber herzlich ein. Kommt und erlebt die Magie des Flores-Meeres – eines Ortes, für dessen Erschaffung wir unser ganzes Herzblut eingesetzt haben.

Herzliche Grüße,

Crazy und Carmen Ever Owners, Flores Sea Adventure

Carmen Jewel: The region boasts an abundance of breathtaking natural landscapes, ideal for photography enthusiasts. 6 months ago

A new expo in my gallery: BDSM

Mistressdalgato: perhaps i should have you do some pics for me, this looks really good. 6 months ago
Not dead! Taken a bit to get back to next step at Starchild Shoppe: furniture review. During the first months the goal was to make available as much as I could. Now it's time to refine, some based on your feedback, it will be a slow process, but Float and Mattress are done!:
- Bumpiness and shine layers now included.
- Permissions have been reviewed so they are Copy+Mod
- Wear props have been reviewed with Matthew Stevenson's fix so they rotate properly.
- Includes a HUD, and I have added the remaining 15 textures.
The updated items will also get their vendor updated, so just click on the screen for those (rather than the usual GET button).

Sodasullivan: Yay for adding materials! I honestly do not understand why so many creators do not bother with this simple process. It is fairly easy to do and adds so much benefit. and if you have not been to Starch... 6 months ago

Hallo ihr Lieben,
heute Querbeet-Party im Tosca !!!!!!!!!!!!
: WER : Nasti
: WAS : Querbeet
: WANN : 19 UHR !!!!!

MiguelTorres: Bevor wieder jemand schreibt das es schleimt.. nur ganz kurz.... !nebelre ednebA nellot rehclos eretiew eleiv hcon nennök riw ,effoh hcI .gnurennirE revitisop ni tfo tbielb ,tffirt nednesewnA rella gn... 6 months ago
Dorenas World ist offline, weiss leider nicht wie lange. Hier das Statement vom Hoster..
Aktueller Ausfall im Rechenzentrum Straßburg
Zurzeit gibt es eine Störung der Infrastruktur in unserem Zentrum in Straßburg.
In einem der Räume, in denen die Batterien untergebracht sind, ist Wasser ausgetreten.

Dadurch wurden die in diesem Raum befindlichen Batterien in Mitleidenschaft gezogen, so dass das Rechenzentrum gezwungen war, den Strom in dem Raum, in dem sich Ihr Server oder ein Teil unserer Netzinfrastruktur befindet, abzuschalten.
Wir warten derzeit auf grünes Licht, um den Strom in diesem Raum wieder zu aktivieren.

Ihr Server ist von dem Wasserschaden NICHT betroffen, könnte aber ausgeschaltet sein.

Als nächster Schritt prüfen Elektrospezialisten, ob und wie die elektrische Infrastruktur wiederhergestellt und der Strom wieder eingeschaltet werden kann. Der externe Anbieter arbeitet in der Nacht an dieser Aufgabe.

Aufgrund der Komplexität des beschädigten USV-Systems gehen wir nicht mehr davon aus, dass unsere Dienste heute wiederhergestellt werden können.
Wir können keine konkrete ETA-Angabe machen.

Wir versichern Ihnen, dass unser Team mit Hochdruck daran arbeitet, das Problem so schnell wie möglich zu beheben.

Wir sind uns der Unannehmlichkeiten bewusst, die dadurch entstanden sind, und entschuldigen uns aufrichtig für die Unterbrechung Ihrer Dienste.
Ausschnitt aus deren Firmenlogo, siehe Bild...

Dorena Verne: Puh, das Grid ist wieder erreichbar.:-) 7 months ago


SheaButter: Love love love your outfits. But they are too high in complexity for me. Any way to bring this down? 7 months ago

News! hop://

Arielle: Same as Suzi I thought this look was quite interesting but after picking up the package realized the head was neither included nor referenced making it very difficult to imitate as none of the heads I... 7 months ago

Got a couple messages that the Vault at Matrix was acting up .. it gets bogged down at times.

We just restarted it and it should allow items to be copied again :)

Tiana: I'm trying to go there but I can't 7 months ago

Overwatch Sentry Bug Fix. Version 50. This release fixes a bug whereby the last agent leaving a region could cause a null pointer error, due to an invalid key being passed into multiple functions.

CyberGlo CyberStar: yay my grid is back up! :D 7 months ago
For some, it seems to be sometime tougher to be kind behind pixels. Our values and standards should not change, just because there isn't an immediate and apparent accountability to what we do or say. Be kind.

Haiku Bot: Gentle hand outstretched, Warmth spreads like the sun's embrace, A grateful heart blooms. 7 months ago

Aurora Starchild: Ohhhh fellow wiccans here? 7 months ago
The huge 10 x 10 City of Boston is back online!

Come see this massive sprawling take on the beautiful City of Boston. Horse riding park, incredible maze with City Aquarium within, many places to dine (that work!), ice skating, the Docks, the Bay Bridge, the Saints Preserve, Romeo Beach and the Wetlands, much more!

Come spend a day or night in Boston!

Jupiter Rowland: It's one thing to drop one or several of those typical fast-food restaurants on your sim. It's another to make them usable instead of leaving them as mere decorational props. 8 months ago
Finally! After a very long break, a new Stark! magazine has been published.

This issue was again photographed by Nice Minik. This time Nice deals with the thought of what it would be like to be able to see the fantasies of others. A very exciting topic, in my opinion.

You can get this and all other issues published so far from our vending machines in front of the Stark! shop, directly behind and below our Studio 54.

Come and pick up a copy, even of the complete vending machines!

Nice Minik: Thank you Mattie, for the opportunity to publish some of my ideas again, for finishing the layout and for the patience for projects that take a little longer :) 8 months ago
I found the root problem of the Opensim Community

It has become 100% apparent the one consistent problem of this community is criticism. Whether it be constructive, productive, observed or helpful it is automatically deemed an attack and the emotionally disturbed retaliate.

The severe lack of mental maturity is almost astounding but makes apparent as to why this website becomes a soap opera, every couple of days.

One person could post a new dress. Yes every sheeple will post ooh ahh and oh. Maybe it's an awesome dress? But if one person notices a defect, something missed or something out of place and says anything. AHHH OMMMaGAwwd!! The critiquer is immediately attacked, de-railed, accused of being uneducated and MUST have mental disabilities, a.k.a. un-hinged! The person is labeled a troll or a post hijacker, etc.

That one person would then be subjected to the rest of the sheeple, trying to one up the other for glory points, clout, community appreciation, medal of dishonor? Take your pick, it probably has been awarded and true.

In the end, what has been accomplished? The dress is put into obscurity and ignored. The creator lifted on some social chair among the crowd for being a VICTIM. Oh the horror that someone noticed an error.

Rather than thanks, let me fix it and re-post? Which would be the BEST option and solution. Very rare chance.

It is pretty pathetic and this post will be attacked because it goes against the grain of the sheeple. You must agree and obey and follow without individual thought, logic or suffer the wrath of the emotionally disturbed!

And people wonder why I rarely post so much so, that even Swiss coocoo clockmakers, accuse me of making a first post, because of the space in time in between them.

Once this community can mature, and stop with the self-righteousness and take criticism constructively, will it thrive. Only time will tell, but I doubt it. Because in the years I have been here, and this is no different than toxic secondlife, it hasn't changed for the better.

Give it a try and be better.

For the record, as an experiment, I will not partake in this discussion.

Here is a great chart to compare: Difference-Between-Constructive-and-Destructive-Criticism

Nico Kalani: SheaButter: For some reason, I can't reply to your comments either. I don't have you blocked, so I'm not sure what is going on. I'm sorry that I left off the sarcasm thingy on my comment. Yes, he is... 8 months ago
Hey everyone,
hope everybody is doing great today.

We have just updated our store with new Skins for Athena and EvoX Heads, also a new Eyes Megapack!

32 Skins, each got 4 versions to wear on your Athena Body.
5 different EvoX Skins (includes Ears, Neckfix, Shape and Eyebrows) that works perfect with the Skin tones!
31 Eyes Megapack on the Skins Entrance on our Mall!

Happy Shopping
Amelia & Hertha

ZoeyRavenheart: Hi! Will you be doing skins for any of the other bodies or just Athena? 8 months ago
Of course nico is heading up a bunch of her friends to harass me as usual. So let me explain to you what happened step by step. First of all silvia is a liar. You can trust her or you can trust me. I have hard evidence of what she did in my logs.
On the wizardry sim where thousands of people have come and gotten things with no issue whatsoever, and where i am always glad to have visitors, silvia appeared. She was on one side of the sim, but she moved her camera view from the area she was standing (by the wizardry store where i make and give away free stuff), all the way over to my castle across the water. On the top floor of my castle is all my inworld servers. They are in a locked room. She browsed past (through) the wall, and then inside this room is a server cabinet that only the owner (llgetowner) can click on and open. Inside that server cabinet is my security orb server. She very carefully moved her camera into the center of that cabinet to catch the edge of the server in her viewer so she could click it and try to manipulate the menu. I put it in a locked cabinet inside a locked room, on the 4th floor of my castle for a reason. Everytime she clicked it, it reported to me. I tried to talk to her but got no response. There is no reason for someone to touch my hidden servers in a hidden cabinet in a locked room. I finally kicked her and she went to my regin elf beach. So I had to set an estate ban. While I was trying to set an estate ban, Wizardry went down. I got logged out. I checked it on the dreamgrid console and wizardry was showing crashed. It also showed a visitor in elf beach. So I got her information from the robust logs and added here to an estate wide ban to keep her off my grid forever. I will never let her back on my grid. If you are wise you will do the same as I have and ban her. All these people coming at me with these nasty comments have no idea what is going on, they were not there. For those of you who are wise you will ban and block her. For those of you who wish to believe liars, then I hope she visits your sim and does what she did to me.

[2024/01/22 13:07] is messing with your security orb.

[2024/01/22 13:11] is messing with your security orb.

[2024/01/22 13:15] is messing with your security orb.

[2024/01/22 13:19] is messing with your security orb.

2024-01-22T13:24:13Z WARNING # newview/lltoastalertpanel.cpp(175) LLToastAlertPanel::LLToastAlertPanel : Alert: Darn. You have been logged out of DreamGrid

[2023/10/28 13:07] CyberGlo CyberStar: Can I help you?
[2023/10/28 13:08] ha ha ha
[2023/10/28 13:09] CyberGlo CyberStar: Hey! why are you touching my security orb way over there?
[2023/10/28 13:10] CyberGlo CyberStar: Please stoop that! What are you doing?
[2023/10/28 13:13] CyberGlo CyberStar: Hey, stop!! Why are you bothering my security devices in that building on the edge of my sim? My store is over here.
[2023/10/28 13:14] CyberGlo CyberStar: Hello???
[2023/10/28 13:18] CyberGlo CyberStar: I'm going to kick and ban you, if yoou don't leave my stuff alone right now!
[2023/10/28 13:19] CyberGlo CyberStar: Fine! suit yourself!

JayR Cela: If I recall corectly CyberGlo you have stated previsously in a post here that you are dealing with some RL mental health issues. I wish you the best with this struggle. I would suggest that you just l... 9 months ago

Don't adjust your TV set! I traveled to Black White Castle earlier today.

thedeeferry: Nice pic, Jarralyn. You have inspired us. "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." - Oscar Wilde ¢( ̄ー ̄ )ノ Inspired Writer 9 months ago

Control Panel Update Video with our new security scanner -

Jimmy Olsen: Does it detect fleas? lol 9 months ago
Happy New Year! I have added 1 Nordic House, 1 Nordic Cabin, a Winter House, and cute little carriage to the Starchild Shoppe. Doors are scripted but the rotation is not the best :( The House comes with the front and back platform "linked", and the Carriage with a couple of decorations.
Uber: (Yes, because apparently I s*ck at creating links directly to the store :( )

OpenSimUser: Everytime i teleport there just fine, but once trying to either fly or teleport into the region, the viewer crashes, every time. 9 months ago
Just 3 hours away!!!
Are you ready to rock the night away with the best music and the coolest vibes? Join us at Rockin’ the Blues' Bayou Belle for a spectacular New Year’s eve party that you won’t forget! We have six hours of non-stop music brought to you by our wonderful DJs, who will spin the hottest tunes from disco, rock, pop, blues and more! Whether you want to dance, sing, or just chill, we have something for everyone! Don’t miss the chance to celebrate the new year with your friends at the most rockin' place in town! Come on down to Rockin' the Blues for a down-home New Year's Eve celebration that's all about good music, good vibes, and good friends! We can’t wait to see you at Rockin’ the Blues! Let’s make this New Year’s Eve party the best one ever! Formal if you like, or come as you are! Take the Limo from Rockin' the Blues!!
or Bayou N'Awlins


Andremus Miklos: Thanks for an amazing night, Happy New Year ! 9 months ago

#christmas2023 #merrychristmas #arkhamgrid

thedeeferry: Same wishes to you and yours! Simply the best! 10 months ago
▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ Anniversary Party ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ ▁
1st anniversary Smaili und Tommy
1 jähriges Jubiläum Smaili und Tommy

▶ Sunday/ Sonntag 17.December 2023
◕ starts 11:00 OS grid time – startet ab 20:00 Uhr EU Zeit

At the decks / an den Decks
☊ DJ Tommy White & DJ Crazy Ever

In the map – in der Karte: CC Clubregion
░░▒▓◙█◙█◙ CC Clubregion ◙█◙█◙▓▒░░

Carmen Jewel: Thank You To all our friends and guests who Attended the Celebratio of Tommy and Smaili's anniversary party ,. we had a great time :) 10 months ago

Check it out, new BDSM items on the 4th floor. Some are scripted and some are not for you to use as a blank canvas, all are modify and copy.

Lillysparks: It finally clicked exactly what shop this is that you run. Your shop is THE BOMB BABY! All the good stuff there. I noticed you have some that are projects with the animations in the pieces but not t... 10 months ago

SheaButter: Some really neat ornaments there people. Huge tree, needs tons more. So git er dun! 10 months ago

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Active: 221 avatars in 148 regions
The Box
Nico Kalani 8 hours ago
Can't we all just get a loan? About $50,000 will do.
Jerralyn Franzic 10 hours ago
Yeah, the latest FS beta runs great for me! Barely any stuttering! Now... does anyone have OS compatible PBR EEPs we all could use? Not digging having to see pinkish tones in some sims.
Arielle 12 hours ago
New releases of FS PBR run better now even on non PBR regions but for me I did have to do a clean install. A pita having to remember all my passwords for different grids but did result in better Viewer performance.
NoraCola 12 hours ago
*performs better in SL, I meant to say. I haven't used it in OS yet
NoraCola 13 hours ago
I for one can't wait until we have PBR too because 7.1.10 performs far better for me than any previous release has & the new lighting would enhance my builds tremendously..
NoraCola 13 hours ago
Jared, idk about other grids but on Zeta at least it doesn't seem to be a panic, so much as the 7.1.9 version was causing problems across the grid for some reason. I experienced them, it was weird.
Jared Seda 13 hours ago
@CyberGlo you are a superstar!
Jared Seda 13 hours ago
@CyberGlo you are a superstar!
CyberGlo CyberStar 13 hours ago
I must say my kitteh's are suspiciously quiet today. :O
CyberGlo CyberStar 14 hours ago
As you probably all know by now... I am awesome. b/c of this I went out to eat chinese today, then went to my friiends house, then to do some grocery shopping. o.O
Jared Seda 15 hours ago
For some reason a few grid I have tp to booted me out because I was on a PBR viewer and advised me to download to v6 why is everyone in a panic over PBR?
Custom Gaming 16 hours ago Current release version 7.1.10 (75913)....
Jupiter Rowland 17 hours ago
7.1.11 already actually. That wasn't announced, but at least two versions of 7.1.11 have come out meanwhile.
Custom Gaming 20 hours ago
That is fine, but the issues described are with version 7.1.9, but the latest version is 7.1.10
Jared Seda 20 hours ago
@Offworld Grid maybe this has something to do with it -
Custom Gaming 21 hours ago
Very strange... Zetaworlds seem to have blocked access to Firestorm version 7.1.10 (75913), which is the most recent/latest version of the viewer :/
Pagane 2 days ago
Да я на твой РОДНОЙ язик сказала:) Что не нравится что узнала? Yes i know language of russian/moldovan trols!
Pagane 2 days ago
You put my IP in admin panel! Not in ban list.... OMG...

New Comments

Thomas Etzel 10 minutes ago
nice color effect
Kishaki Grid 46 minutes ago
5000Seahorses 10 hours ago
She used to work for Mtv in New York; how kewl is that?! I remember the very birth of Mtv and although it has changed over the years I still watch some of it especially the Mtv Video Music Awards!
Aurora Starchild 11 hours ago
She's SO talented
Jimmy Olsen 13 hours ago
I forgot to mention and I`ve just updated this info at "READ ME"notecard: Once one rezes the script inside, the lamps will glow all red for few seconds.. be patience and soon they will work perfectly
Jared Seda 13 hours ago
I love spending time with people like that. They offer so much good information and history. My friend worked for Paramount and she has the best stories!
CyberGlo CyberStar 13 hours ago
The Lady in the photo is my elderly friend. A great person and a wise sage of advice. :)
Copper 13 hours ago
I always guessed it .. hes an old hippie with mental problems (already said by himself many times). Posting an rl pic in internet is just the next step to something weird. Maybe his cats bite toes aga...
CyberGlo CyberStar 13 hours ago
Awe! Offworlder is sooooo sweet! Hehehe! Poooor Baby! hehehe hahaha LOL.


Mare Welcome
@AmunRiseN The user came into the grid as a child avatar without any assets. He deliberately ignored the information that children's avatars were not welcome.
Mare Welcome
Today 05/10/2024 I found myself traveling in this not at all hospitable world I was wearing an adult manga avatar and I was accused of wearing a child. In this place the use of copybot for the conten...
AmunRiseN yesterday
Haunted Halloween Isles
loved the zombie area , had great fun, is there any chance of having some of them copy, I would love them perusing people round my land,
StevieZee yesterday
A coastal landscape stretching to the horizon and a thousand islands set in that expanse of deep blue, and then mighty bastions of rock rising to the sky, guardians of long white sandy beaches: a uniq...
lando maremagnum yesterday
Mare Welcome
schöne Region, alles sehr übersichtlich, nach Themen geordnet, hier macht es Freude in Ruhe einzukaufen. Geld wird auch zur Verfügung gestellt, alle gut überlegt Silver, vielen Dank
OasisTeam yesterday
Valeria's Avatars 2
Fantastici avatar quelli fantasy sono superbi, un negozio bellissimo un abiente di amici Alfa, Coral; Valeria e tutti gli altri nella vostra sala da ballo sommersa è stata una bellissima festa. Grazie...
RobertoLeone1 2 days ago
Little Big City Shopping Mall
I went here several times on several days and never had a single issue getting there. Tons of fun stuff to be found here, I found great houses, all the decorations for a party I needed, furniture, clo...
Gentle Dragonheart 2 days ago
AnKaBi Shopping Mall
The store is beautifully set up in a tropical environment. They have a great collection for laraX, Maitreya/Althea's. The hair is great, also they have jewellery. My number 1 shopping spot.
Josy Abbot 3 days ago
Valeria's Avatars 2
Vielen dank für die tollen Avatare, wir sind total begeistert! Liebe Grüsse Sea und Pablo
Pablo 3 days ago

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