Batan Island Forgotten World Adult

Batan Island Forgotten World
Added by :
Rakis Heron
Created :
6 years ago
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Welcome to RAKis World

Idyllic Norwegian village, relaxed recreation in nature.

Only human avatars, Fairy & Troll's are allowed. No animal / fury or hidden ava! By ignore, ban without warning.

Rakis Heron - RAK Internet Service

Batan Island Forgotten World
Rakis is expanding his home.
A life in nature.

hop:// Island Forgotten World/153/165/23

The 1359 year old mystery of the fairies.
The book of the 7 seals. It needs a guardian.
In 7 places you can find it.
The way is tedious and dangerous!
It holds many hidden secrets.
Remember Frodo Beutlin!
Do you have fairies blood? Then you can find it.
Be careful how you treat it.
Good luck fae.

Old Fae
Rakis Heron

Das 1359 Jahre alte Geheimnis der Feen.
Das Buch der 7 Siegel. Es braucht einen Hüter.
An 7 Orten kannst Du es Finden.
Der Weg ist mühsam und gefärlich!
Es birgt viele versteckte Geheimnisse.
Erinnere Dich an Frodo Beutlin!
Hast Du Feen Blut? Dann kannst Du es finden.
Sei bedacht wie Du es Behandelst.
Viel Glück Fae.

Old Fae
Rakis Heron

There are many new things in Batan. Plants, trees, animals, mushrooms,
nature sounds, rain and many hidden romantic places with animation. ;)

Why are successful bullies? Envy!

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Last checked:
3 years ago

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Reviews (6)
Overall Rating:
Ripple I love this beautiful place.. No detail left out.. Peaceful and welcoming..
Pasha Cool grid great attention to detail.
Rakis Heron The statement of a jealous and noname user01 wm. Your PC is too slow not our grid lol. Nobody has complained yet. Defamation, allegation and slander are punishable in every country.

Region Comments

Is a well made, attractive build. I enjoyed my visit. Thank you.
Our own grid 155 sim 65 user, endless free stuff C/T/M Opensim spirit.
Rakis Heron @

Governor Heron
There are many new things in Batan. Plants, trees, animals, mushrooms, nature sounds, rain and many hidden romantic places with animation. ;)

Why are successful bullies? Envy!