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Logan Bamaisin @logansryche


Fur, gamer, LGBT supporter, and caretaker for the Fur Valleys on OsGrid.

Joined 10 years ago

About Myself


My Regions

Fox Hollow
11 4 hg.osgrid.org:80:Fox Hollow 0 Users
Welcome to Fox Hollow! We're a hangout spot dedicated to the Furry Fandom(and/or those who support it) and proud member of the OsGrid Furry Continent! Thanks for visiting and let the Fur be with you, Logan
more info


That was short-lived XD I've shut the region down for now, might return to it some day.

Work on the Memorial Gazebo is 98% done. The plaques are all there but already working on an update script for it. It's very visitable(might see a name you recognize) behind the clubhouse.

Happy Halloween from the OSGFC! Might put some additional stuff up, not sure. These came from Jimmy, thanks dude ^_^ Along with this, Dragon Valley is now known as Fox Hollow. I've struggled with keeping the valleys going and this marks their departure.
A toast to the future!
I've been a busy foxy =^_^=

I've brought a total of 6 regions online, each on their own vserver. This should eliminate the db corruption issues I had the previous time around. I haven't fully tested how many avatars can be on the regions at once but Me, Jeeper and an alt were standing around typing without issue. Also for some reason Panda Valley's maptile hasn't updated but it's ok I think.

I'm very much wanting to get an active community off the ground here for those that lay claim to the Furry Fandom(Fur,Neko,Therian,Otherkin,etc..) and will let folks park a 4096m2 parcel anywhere outside of Dragon Valley. The parcel will have unlimited prims so you can build a dream house there if you'd like. Only two rules: Be from the fandom and be active.

Dragon Valley's the landing point/clubhouse/etc.. and i'd like to keep it unchanged.

I'm also in requesting of a terraformer as my land skills suck XD


While I don't have a mic anymore, Dragon Valley now has voice courtesy of Unity's Vivox!
Now if I can only find a way to play my itunes playlist off my iphone, I'll be set ^_^

Got Gloebits turned off and Warp3D turned on and created an Instagram(OsGridFC). That's all, nothing new to share. Thanks for all the positive support ^_^

Showing off the avatar vendor, freebie area(UC), OSW beacon, and a cost rundown meter of how much this instance has cost to run(for those curious). That bridge on the right goes all the way over to White Wolf ^_^ I'm also working on removing the gloebit plugin for reasons and have put a PayPal donator in its place. The cabin will serve as not only my home but as clubhouse/hangout spot for the OsGrid Furry Continent. I also took the land ad down due to lack of interest, but will bring a stipulated 1x1 online for those in the community/know me that are interested in land.

Stay frosty, Logan

This will be the final change.

ANL stargate is up for those that remember those. Build progress has been slow due to work, prior commitments, etc.. Still not sure what to do with the garage but is there for aesthetics for now I guess. Community wise seems to be very slow as well, guessing probably because it's October and the end of the year(on top of wanting to recreate a specific community). I'm also trying to see the feasibility of paying those that join the community a monthly stipend but won't even consider that until I can get a proper donation medium down. I also might bump the gloebit plugin for PayPal but am really on the fence about both. Time will tell I guess.
Not bad for being back up for a few days(7 unique, 10 visits). I've also enabled Gloebit as a donation medium(items are still free). I may use this in the future to pay residents as I would really like to get a community of Furs going here. I also have an ad in the rentals area that I'm willing to bring stipulative full regions online for folks in the fandom or those that know me. I'll also be posting more photos around of Dragon Valley to update the old ones.

See ya on the flip side,
Dragon Valley's now back online using an Amazon EC2 instance. The sim is very much under construction but visitable. Avatar vendor's up for anyone who wants a Furry avatar but doesn't want to mess with mesh. Enjoy!
Some LSL Help
Hello everyone, looking for some scripting help. At one time HyperGrid Business had an article about using Google sheets as a database but since they've changed how sheets are handled, it's broken the code. Anyone know how to do this? It's the only method I can think of to make my project cross-hypergrid.

Anyone know where to get an event board? I'm looking for one. Thanks, Logan

Morning folks, how're we doing? Anyone looking for forever land need not look any further then the OsGrid Furry Continent! We've just brought a 3x3 var online named Neko Island and split it up into 36 parcels for everyone. Pricing is $0.50/mo and once all 36 parcels are filled, the var will be put on it's own server. Can we afford to go this low? Yes we can ^_^ Questions? give a shout to myself or Saros Eclipse in world.

The dragon valley space station returns today! It's returned as non-canon federation starbase 555: The Dragon but you know, details :P

Pushing all donations and stuff through Patreon as a more secure method of payments. Min amount is $1 and there's no max. I want to come up with something for folks that do donate to it, I just don't know what since the valleys and continent as a whole are a community, rather than an estate.
Had a conversation recently with fellow fur Blaze Shinray(owner of Fluffy Beach) about things and my constant flipping of themes came up. I didn't think it was that bad but apparently so, and since I keep gravitating back to the NorthStar comms, and the region in SL is heavily disjointed, AND have permission to use it(thus why I have it), that's the permanent theme for Dragon Valley. It's modeled after how the region was from 2006-2015/16.
On the Hunt for an Avatar...

Greets folks, don't care where it is I'll get there. I'm looking for the Steamboat Energy Company's mesh mouse avatar. Let me know please, thanks.


Will be working on the memorial wall today so if anyone drops by and says hi, that's where I'll be. In the meantime I have 19 10x20 forever apartments for whoever wants em and their free w/unlimited prims. I'll also be putting up a suggestion box next to the donation box. The smallish beach area will eventually have a pool/beach setting while thar larger beach area will be for events and stuff. Might build a stage and stuff to do DJ sets, etc...
Updated the avatar vendor in the welcome center so now there's a fox, 2 huskys, 2 dragons, and a couple others. Might get around to doing some neko stuff, just not sure yet. It's all part of the process, believe me.
Morning everyone, how're we doing? I know no one's been around the valleys or up on white wolf in a while, I've been online and offline a lot dealing with stuff and helping an artist friend with her stuff. I've thought more and more lately of wanting to set up a smart npc that's highly interactive with visitors but to a degree I also feel that's faking it which is wrong. There's a lot of things I need to do with Dragon Valley still that should be done this week sometime(include finishing off the memorial wall and giving a renter the boot since they haven't been online/responsive in a month).

At one time I use to think the thing that would keep folks together in Open Sim would've been community - standing or sitting around talking like they do at Lbsa Plaza but I guess that sort of thinking bores people so they either leave altogether or go back to SL, both of which sadden me. I know I'm no saint with how I do things but I'll also write it how I see it.

Stay Frosty, Logan
Very exciting news! Furry hosting co. GekkoFyre's sponsored us with a Azuracast radio stream! This means the furry continent has a radio stream again, and also means I can delegate mount points since Azuracast uses icecast. That said, anyone who's a fur, neko, therian, otherkin, or brony that want to try their hand at DJing may msg me in world and I'll get ya set up for free. The station for the valleys is currently playing a mix of darkwave, can be heard in-world, or here

Such excitement ^_^
Have started work on converting the memorial center over to looking like the other buildings on the outside - inside will be something star trek-esque since the fandom and star trek have more of a meaning then the fandom and japan. The memorial center will be for those in the fandom that have passed for one reason or another.
95% of south dragon beach is open, there's still alot of media center stuff that's taking up space for now. I'd say taking a booth at OSG12B has been beneficial and while no one's grabbed a parcel or spoken to me about renting land, it has brough visitors.
Morning everyone, summer treating everyone good? Just a quick announcement that Dragon Valley has been changed around so it's more beach like(similar to how it was last year) with beaches on both sides of the welcome center. The south beach is under construction but the north beach is open to be used for whatever. Stay cool everyone, Logan
Afternoon everyone, how're we doing? Just a quick update that I've started a project i've been wanting to do for a very long time which was to help kick start a continent in osgrid for furs, nekos, otherkin, etc.. so I moved the valley sims next to white wolf. All public regions are open and explorable to any/all visitors no matter what they are, and if you have a region you'd like to join the project, message Logan Bamaisin.
Where my fuzzbuts, Nekos and Kitsunes at?
At one time opensim use to have a thriving group of furs, nekos, kitsunes, etc.. but now their nowhere. Did they all go back to SL? Yes true there are my valleys, Bastian's Furry Paradise, and Jeeper's White wolf regions but to the best of my knowledge, that's it.
Happy summer everyone - Dragon Valley for now is finished(I'll figure out what to do with the tarped-off area at some point) and started working on the memorial center on Drakes Void. This center will feature Japanese headstones, a registry, and eventually a shrine. Still trying to figure out how to do region crossings on the monorail also. For those that wish to remain anonymous with their money, I'm now accepting L$ as payment for regions and donations(this means right now a full region is L$2,500 for 60,000 prims). Not doing this to commercialize anything but give those looking at land and donations options other then USD to keep the wheels greased.

Stay cool everyone, Logan
On the hunt for some buildings

Morning everyone, on the hunt for modern Japanese buildings, mainly shops but housing also. If you have anything or know where to get them, let me know please ^_^

Thanks, Logan

Greets folks! Back on OSGrid where we're most definatly going to stay. With that out of the way, Dragon Valley is mostly finished and currently contains a welcome center, beach, two freebie shops, a church, hospital, theater, convention center, and beach club. The beach features themed greedy tables sprawled out including 5 greedy sauna rooms so you can relax while you play. The beach club hasn't been built yet nor has the gallery. The chuch needs pews, the medical center needs to be filled, the comic book shop needs content and I think something has to be done to make the convention center look lighter but dunno what.

Stay tuned for future updates and I'll see you in world,
Is it Just Me..

Is it just me or is everyone hopping into the opensim game with their own grid? I'm not against it, i'm just curious :D

Server is back up and we're off!

Logins have been disabled as the grid is updated, thanks for understanding everyone.

Seem's I've goofed on the amount of free land residents receive - they won't receive 9,000m2 w/15,000 prims - they'll receive 10,812m2 w/15,000 prims. I'm also working on a land project that will turn all the regions into islands with 4 parcels on them each so everyone can get that slide of beach-front property. I might also put a beacon on each region for ease of use, etc.. See ya on the valleys!
Greets everyone, have some news to share! First off, at the request of some of the grid's residents, the space station is staying where it is(something about it being a unique starting point). The screening room and arcade are also finished for the time being as is the warehouse freebie shop located on the 6th floor. My workshop is on the last floor and for those that want to visit while I work may do so. I've also done away with all the starter avatars on grid account creation and will replace with a generic outfit. This is so resident numbers aren't reported incorrectly and those that HG may bring them back to their own grid. I've also suspended all payments so grid residents will receive a free 9,000m2 parcel with 15,000 prims. If they choose to, they may rent a full 65,536m2 region with 60,000 prims for $10usd/mo or donate to the kiosk. Either way land stays free.

That being said, I am always looking at bringing Furs and Nekos and others here that want a peaceful no drama community where everyone gets along, no one pre-judges anyone, and actions speak louder then words. The space station does have a club on it however it needs a DJ and stream. I'm also looking for a scripter to help put together an in-world terminal for account creation/management so that the website isn't relied on so much.

I thank everyone who's stopped by the valleys thus far and those that have come over from OSGrid with me, it means alot.

Evening everyone! We're proud to announce that a doman was donated to us so we match everyone else! The HG address is grid.furvalleysos.com:1024, and while the website is mostly complete, it's still under construction. Website is https://furvalleysos.com
Thanks everyone! Logan
Morning everyone, just a quick update that when you TP into Dragon Valley now you'll end up in the space station instead of the island below. This will eventually change once other ground projects are finished. Also, the black bar you see when you TP in to is your teleporter to move between the levels. Enjoy ^_^
Evening folks just a quick update that we've moved the Warehouse to a warehouse-sized-space and will be working on replacing the staircase with a moving platform. Once that's done, visitors will then TP into the station instead of to the island down below. We'll also be starting a new project soon that will turn the main chunk of the valleys into an island, and anything ouside of that will hopefully become visitible by water and boat(something Logan pitched at the last meeting). We've also decided to set up a starter avatar system on account creation so members aren't Ruth or a cloud, however the downside is that nowhere on the grid will avatars be offered, only everything else.

Morning everyone, how're we doing? Every now and then I stop what i'm doing to reflect what's going on around me in terms of OpenSim, the grid, other grids, etc.. It's been nice that my more active members came over from OSGrid but the grid is still missing something. Yeah all 44+ valley regions are here but it doesn't feel like the valleys and I'm not 100% sure why. I'm not sure why I feel there's a void when there probably isn't, or why everything and everyone is disjointed when they probably aren't. Even when the valleys were in OSGrid it felt like something was missing, but not sure what. I could fill the grid with furs, nekos, humans, etc.. and the feeling would be the same.
Hey everyone, update that the space station is now 90% finished, is still visitable and is now situated at 3,005m instead of 4,000m. Currently the station has 13 floors including a freebie store, history center, screening room, library, arcade, club, and offices. Floors 4-12 are currently shut off as there's nothing on them, but floor 13 has my shop on it. The club will eventually require a DJ with a stream, and a PR team but that's not something I know how to handle(I build, run a grid, etc..) so that is open and will close whenever filled.

The library will eventualy be filled with stories, comics, and magazines about space. The arcade will also eventualy be filled with machines, and the screening room will utilize media on a prim but in a way where if anyone wants to watch TV or YouTube they can, but movies and select features be owner only. I may also experiment with setting up rooms people can grab so get the feeling of being in that type of enviroment. That said I believe it's the only station outside of Lani which is more colony.

Anyhow, happy weekend everyone,
Updated the space station on Dragon Valley so it looks more like space station. Alot of it is still under construction but the ship's store is there, doors work, etc.. Thanks for everyone that stops by, we appreciate it ^_^