OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

💬 Chat

"Wake the kids and phone the neighbors!"
Grainger Village is back

OUT NOW! The new Stark! magazine with the famous Nice Minik as photographer and model! I can promise, you'll see new sides of OSGrid's most popular photographer. Definately worth a closer look!

Get your copy of the magazine and vendors at the Stark landing point.
ARE U TIRED OF DRAMA HERE? ENOUGH FROM RL?U should grab then a copy of my new release, the 3D DRAMA DOG for ur area.. Available for FREE and FULL PERM. Get it NOW.. dont make me.... mad... (drama) lolol
Curious about Featured Sims

How does one get one's sim "Featured"

Store AO/Bento/Animation/Dance Arkham City

And today we shoot Landscape Environments in many flavors to all grids to beautify more Opensim!!! Share and Enjoy :)

Do you need a nice little freebie mall?

3796 prim :-D

The natives are wrestless...

In the history of Opensim there are thousands of people who, over the years, have accomplished something incredible in millions of hours. "Opensim" open the folder and try to read all the pages. You don't get old enough for that. They did this without asking for anything. Open source! That's why there are not only SL where you get ripped off. But more and more people with this sad character trait come to Opensim from there and destroy it with greed in line increments. Thousands of permissive people have created beautiful things. Each one in thousands of hours of their lifetime. Without thinking about profit. Just like socially supported by the state who want to earn black money here. Which eventually leads to the fact that we have to tax everything here in our country. So in the long run the social curtail themselves. If that happens exactly these Opensim will no longer be able to. I pray for taxes, because only that will save Opensim's morale. After 16 years of SL and LL mentor, Philip Rosedale, who let us down in 2010, and Ebbe Altberg, who is just as greedy for money, pass the A ... Opensim is alpha, a hobby and not a marketplace. If you can't finance your hobby, lolz should go fishing.

You copy all of these works. And you set this to no copy, no mod, no trans for others. Have you ever asked yourself what right? Compared to those who released these things to everyone CMT? You are selfish and arrogant towards Opensim Spirit. Did you ask these people if that's okay with them? If you do not understand this message, you will never be part of Opensim, but only a shadow of it. When I overrate myself, I start counting stars in the sky. That brings me back to the floor. Rakis Heron Freebie Grid Opensim Spirit as long as I breathe.

I salute as an army officer to all the people who have selflessly created all of this. My oath, I will do my utmost to maintain this. We owe that to everyone who created Opensim and made it what it is today. Everything else is an insult to these people.
Greed for profit does not belong in the opensim.

Giving and taking without circumcision is a matter of character.
Everything else belongs in Linden Lab's Second Life

Rakis Heron
SL Legend

---------------------------- English ----------------------------

In der Geschichte von Opensim gibt es tausende Menschen, die in all den Jahren, zusammen in Millionen Stunden etwas Unglaubliches zustande gebracht haben. "Opensim" öffne den Ordner und versuche all die Seiten zu lesen. Du wirst nicht alt genug dafür. Sie leisteten dies, ohne etwas zu verlangen. Open Source! Deshalb gibt es nicht nur SL wo man abgezockt wird. Aber immer mehr Menschen mit dieser traurigen Charaktereigenschaft kommen von dort zu Opensim und zerstören es mit ihrer Habgier in Zeilenschritten. Tausende freizügige Menschen haben schöne Sachen erstellt. Jeder einzelne in tausenden von Stunden ihrer Lebenszeit. Ohne an Profit zu denken. So wie Sozial unterstützte vom Staat, die hier schwarz verdienen wollen. Was irgendwann dazu führt, dass wir alles hier bei unserem Land versteuern müssen. Also die Sozialen beschneiden sich auf Dauer selber. Wenn, das eintritt werden genau diese Opensim nicht mehr vermögen. Ich bete für Steuern, denn leider nur das wird die Moral von Opensim retten. Nach 16 Jahren SL und LL Mentor, geht mir Philip Rosedale der uns 2010 im Stich liess und Ebbe Altberg der genau so geldgierig ist, am A... vorbei. Opensim ist Alpha, ein Hobby und kein Marktplatz. Wer sein Hobby nicht finanzieren kann, lolz soll fischen gehen.

Du kopierst all diese Werke. Und setzt diese bei Dir auf no copy, no mod, no trans für andere. Hast Du Dich schon einmal gefragt mit welchem Recht? Gegenüber denen die diese Sachen für alle frei gaben CMT? Du bist egoistisch und arrogant gegenüber Opensim Spirit. Hast Du diese Menschen gefragt, ob ihnen das recht ist? Wenn Du diese Botschaft nicht verstehst, wirst Du nie ein Teil von Opensim sein, sondern nur ein Schatten dessen. Wenn ich mich überbewerte, fange ich an Sterne am Himmel zu zählen. Das bringt mich auf den Boden zurück. Rakis Heron Freebie Grid Opensim Spirit so lange ich atme.

Ich salutiere als Armee Offizier vor all den Menschen die all dies selbstlos geschaffen haben. Mein Schwur, ich werde mit aller Kraft versuchen dies zu erhalten. Das schulden wir all denen die Opensim erschaffen, und zu dem gemacht haben, was es heute ist. Alles andere ist eine Beleidigung diesen Menschen gegenüber.
Profitgier gehört nicht ins Opensim.

Geben und nehmen ohne Beschneidung ist Charaktersache.
Alles andere gehört ins Second Life von Linden Lab

Rakis Heron
SL Legend

Rope Hoop Earrings-Large Silver Hoops-Free Full Perms

*** NEW RELEASE ****NG - NEXT GENERATION GREEDY GAME TABLES *** Available for FREE and FULL PERM! Please read notecard READ ME before using table + controller as there are many extra features! I reproduce text from NC here though:
NG GREEDY TABLES NOW are in 2 pieces;

- Table itself (around 41 prims, depending on model used and only 3 scripts);
- Greedy Controller Board (GCB) (89 prims and 1 script); and it can be paired to only ONE TABLE!


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------(GCB) GREEDY CONTROLLER BOARD

ACCESS: U can now set who will be able to change the settings from ur table.

JOIN ON SIT (*): When selected, players will be added automatically to the game when they sit down. If not selected, they need sit down and click JOIN.

(*) Selected or not, players can play the game without sitting down (since they are not far away from table - see PLAY RANGE).

KEEP: Let`s say player A makes 1,4K and leave two dices to be rolled. So next player, B, can choose either ROLL with this two dices left or click STOP and then ROLL again, so table will refresh to 6 dices to rolled. But If player B decides to roll with these two dices left and at least one of them is "1" or a "5" and press STOP he will KEEP the 1,4K points made by player A plus the score given to the dice selected ("1",100 points, "5", 50 points).

STEAL: Exactly like KEEP mode but if player B rolls a "1" or "5" from the two dices left from player A and press STOP he will STEAL the 1,4K points from player A plus the score given to the dice selected ("1",100 points, "5", 50 points).

CLASSIC: Like on V6 tables, so no KEEP / STEAL mode enabled.

DEVIL DICE: When selected, eventually a devil will show instead of a numbered dice. It works like a "joker dice" u often see from SL tables: u can select any value to that dice to make a combo with a highest score possible. Eg: U have two "6". so u could make the devil dice to be a "6" so u will have 6,6,6 (600 points).

SOUNDS: When selected, sounds from table will be ON; when unselected, OFF (sounds volume can be controlled by the buttom VOLUNME);

PARTICLES: It refers to particles threw when game is over: when selected, ON when unselected, OFF;

CHAT: It refers to open chat messages coming from the table during a game: When selected, ON (a); when unselected, OFF (b).

(a) Open chat will be read by players only though. Very handy if u need rez 2 or more tables, close to each other.
(b) Only table reset and winner info will be displayed. Very handy for rezzing tables at club areas.

POINTS TO WIN: It refers the max points a player should reach to be the winner;

POINTS TO JOIN: It refers the min points a player should have to be "in the board".

PLAY RANGE: It refers how far in meters a player can play the game and be recognized by the table. In this case, player needs to press JOIN to join the game. If it occurs the player is > 64 meters, table will do the self cleaning.

ROUND TIME: Time in seconds, a player can play his turn, starting conter AFTER player rolls the dice.

SKIP IDLE: Time in seconds a player has to roll the dices when its ur turn, otherwise a red skip button will show up (between ROLL and STOP on table) and ANYONE (*) can skip the current player.. Very handy for lazy players who are watching Facebook instead of playing greedy lol).

(*) Player won`t able to skip him/herself though.

OBS: When SKIP IDLE is selected to 0 (zero) it will be considered as disabled during the game.

SKIP POINTS: It refers the points given to who skips a player. A such nice incentive to skip lazy players :)

VOLUME: As name says, it controls the volume of sound from table.

Have fun!

Jimmy Olsen (design)
Durham Redmond (script)
SPOILER ALERT!!! SOON THE NG - NEW GENERATION GREEDY GAME TABLES.. Not available yet at my sim but u all can test it at:

1) ALFHEIM: (at Alfheim Kaffé cabin);
2) AMV WELCOME AREA: Welcome (2nd floor);
3) LBSA PLAZA: Plaza
-Always wanted a greedy table u could skip lazy players who are watching FB instead of playing greedy? Now u can :) AND GET POINTS FOR THAT! LOL
- Top 5 high scored players board now available!
-Full control of table, mode CLASSIC (like v6 versions) or KEEP or STEAL mode! Making the game funnier!
- Nice for club areas! Chat message now is read only by players and sounds and particles can be removed as well!
- Set access to board to ALL/OWNER or to ur GROUP;
-Devil dice (as Joker dice seen in SL tables);
AND MUCH MORE! For info on how to use it, click at NG logo at any NG table available and have fun :)

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  • Firestorm
  • Singularity
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Thanks you to everyone who came to celebrate Ellen's Birthday. Wonderful People!

Raising the Magnus Binder FREE Terrains legacy
As a tribute to Magnus for all his hard work he did for us. Both in OpenSim and Second Life I have created a website where we can share his work and other terrain files info on how to submit any works that have been missed out can be found on the "about" tab. All terrains are FREE to download, use and share
Venice buildings? ;)
Hello folks,
im planning to open a Venice theme sim.. unfortunately havent found nothing around HG (mesh preferred..), please if anoyone know a shop where i can found someting interesting, can contact me?
Treasure hunt system

Hi, I am looking for a good treasure hunt system for my grid. Does anybody knows of such? Every help welcome :)

Some LSL Help
Hello everyone, looking for some scripting help. At one time HyperGrid Business had an article about using Google sheets as a database but since they've changed how sheets are handled, it's broken the code. Anyone know how to do this? It's the only method I can think of to make my project cross-hypergrid.

Frank Hurt: oh wow! Is this a place we can come visit? 13 hours ago

New female skins, fully compatible with Velour Picasso by @AuroraAsteria


Yinni Benelli: Yay for head skins, nice work!! =) 3 days ago


Tailor Nova: achhh neee wie schööönnnnnnnnnnn is dat 5 days ago
The event schedule for the 15th anniversary of Dorenas World is out in the Fediverse now. There'll be events from today until Sunday.

Thorben Goerssen: verschollen in den tiefen des Universums......looool 6 days ago
This is what I've dumped at Gracie and Dexter's so far (I don't have rez rights at Dingleberry Dump yet):

Eight boxes with prim shelves in four sizes. I've made one of them for a shop a few years ago, and it ended in an excess with 32 shelves.

The "No Stairway To Heaven" sign from Wayne's World.

The "Obey" poster by Equestria-Election.

I'm not sure if the Starlight Remix skins and the Ruth2 v4 BoM nail polishes are crappy enough, though. and Dexter's Community Dump

Marianna : Thank you @Jupiter for contributing to our pile! This dump is more about crap and not skins and bodies since we can find those easily available. Crap that we have collected for years or have found th... 8 days ago
Good Afternoon .... I am searching for the following. Any information and location would be an great help as well. Looking for animals such as rattle snakes, bears, eagles, etc. that would be great for trails for horses. Thank you in advance

JamieWright: Tay, there's an old shop on Wright Plaza in OSGrid; Hylee Becker's shop. She's not really around anymore but in that shop she has a big box of animals which might have some of those: 7 days ago

where can i find actual working games that people can play for my region

SheaButter: We have gioco game, and various others at AVW. 8 days ago
If you have been keeping up with the weather in the US, you know that about half of the US is dealing with blizzards, sub freezing temperatures severe enough to challenge infrastructures, and peripheral states are dealing with flooding and electrical infrastructure challenges. Two of our presenters had to bow out due to last minute inclement weather, and my own electricity is VERY sketchy. We have experienced power surges in my city for over 24 hrs, with uncertain relief. Sadly, I live in a state that has puffed out their chest about being off the federal grid, and in the last 10 years, we have paid dearly for that.

We are committed to this. We will reschedule sometime after the Hypergrid World's Fair, where WolfTEC will be have a presence! We hope to see you all there!

Star Ravenhurst: I am sorry you are having power issues where you are. I am surprised my power has stayed on as we all got a lot of snow in northeast Texas. I haven't seen this much snow in this state since...never. ... 12 days ago
Are you using a 4K monitor ? Are you looking to upgrade ?

I publish here some benchmark in the hope it might help those who are looking to up part their performances using Firestorm. I was myself looking to find those information before i upgraded.

This will allow you to see what performance you could get with a similar hardware. I chose Intel, but AMD is also a very good choice, so for comparison it would need to be an AMD with similar performance to get similar result, the same for the video card.

Please note, these benchmark are with Firestorm with everything enabled Ultra Detail and Distance view set to 864. With a 4k Monitor (3840x2160)

To See the Benckmark :

Thank you for your generous donations.

Arielle: So what was the condensed version for those of whose eyes roll back in our heads from too many numbers!? 12 days ago
Knapp 120 neue Outfits, Schuhe, Bikinis und mehr für Athena und Xara .... wird täglich weiter aufgefüllt!

Viel Spass beim shoppen :-)

PS: Ist noch Baustelle also nicht über einen Sack Zement fallen !

Wiener Schnitzel: Wieso wundern sich manche das sie nirgendwo mehr willkommen sind ... xD 15 days ago
Taken by Harper.Held at Digleberry Dump - A hidden valley of treasures, Dingleberry Dump "The Dump is Jumping"

Pictured is Harper Held, Hanks, Jamie Anna Wright, and Dexter Dung Beetle (Hyacinth is present making sure everyone is set) thank you Hy! Snik came out, Wendie, Prim, Enoch so many if I did not list you I apologize just know I love you very much!

RemmyRavenhurst: I think this is my new fav place! 18 days ago
The FORMAL GROUP ACCESS ONLY Ballroom requires attendees to join the group and wear formal attire. Individuals who fail to comply with these rules are not my responsibility. I ask that you refrain from reviewing me based on your lack of understanding regarding the event's access and dress code requirements.

JamieWright: You get to choose. We create our worlds and their parameters and themes. If you made a Star Trek role play and people showed up as Hobbits you could show them the door. If people read and don't follow... 21 days ago

best wishes to everyone from Sciattisi Grid
Welcome 2025!

Marpil Grafenwalder: Buon anno alla famiglia Sciattisi Grid!!! che il 2025 sia un anno meraviglioso! 20 days ago

All ready for NYE !

Frank Hurt: "How much did you have to drink tonight, ma'am?" "Jus' one glass, occifer!" *hiccup* 23 days ago
UPDATE: OSW did something to my link. Use the link below to copy/paste into the browser to see the page.

Hey graphic artists out there ...what is this effect called?

Designer used to provide it, but they took it out.. I am looking for a a free or nearly free replacement, where I can drop images in and it does this.

Debby Dawn: Its a simple mistake in the addres URL, Im sure its meant to be 25 days ago

I wish you all a merry christmas time and a happy new year. Celebrate well and above all...stay healthy!!!

LaviaLavine: Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year!! 29 days ago

Thanks a lot for the insight, folks. Issue is clearly on this (DH) side.
Looking at alternatives atm

Kashi Takeshi: Wolf Territories Grid seems an excellent alternative ;) 29 days ago

Enfin, nous sommes arrivés... pour ceux qui célébrent Noël.
Francebuildouille vous souhaite un
Joyeux Noël et bonnes fêtes de fin d'année.

Hyacinth: Merry Christmas! *hugs* 29 days ago

******** I wish all my Friends " Merry Christmas" ********

Moonrose Grid: Das wünsche ich dir auch Liebe Sylvia♥ 29 days ago
Hello everyone!
We are excited to announce the opening of the new New Life Italy store! We invite you to join us for an evening filled with music and fun. Don't forget to wear your best holiday attire!
Here’s the program for the evening:
Dj Ana; 11:30 - 12:00
Dj Tombeur: 12:00 - 12:30 SLT
Angel Dark - Dear Santa: 12:30 - 13:00 SLT
Dj Luna Nera - Live Singer: 13:00 - 13:30 SLT
Vivi Vivian - Live Singer: 13:30 - 14:00 SLT
DJ Giovy: 14:00 - 14:30 SLT
Dj Lala and Dj Lyzio: 14:30 - 15:00 SLT
We look forward to seeing many of you there to celebrate together! Don't miss it!

AnaKathy: Gerne hätte ich die Mall besucht, aber leider war sie geschlossen. Wurde sie nur für die Veranstaltung geöffnet? 1 month ago

Merry Christmas and Happy Yuletide!

Jude Connors: Happy Holidays - whether you celebrate Midwinter Solstice, Christmas, Hannukah, Yule, Festivus, Sol Invictus, Kawanza, Saturnalia or anything else! 1 month ago