ChopperGausman @ChopperGausman

Oklahoma, USA Offline

Builder, Scripting, Photographer, Graphics & Musician

Joined 3 years ago

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AviTron - Alex Class action lawsuit?
It has come to my attention today that Alex (and AviTron) has gone and attempted me from getting into AT at all after the debate I had with him over refusing to allow me to transfer my intellectual property as my inventory, from AT to another grid, just like I did when I joined AT and brought my inventory into AT from the previous grid.

This is outright DENIAL of service no matter what he claims, and a violation of my rights to MY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, to which I legitimately got from other stores by way of freebies, purchase or otherwise given to me, and I am now the owner of said items. He is attempting to lock anyone into AT and NOT allow them or their property out of AT all for GREED.

There is a potential class action lawsuit, and all the details can be found in in the matter;

If you are interested in joining this class action lawsuit, please contact me privately.

Edit 7-13-2023;
Corrected spelling mistakes
Alex has chosen to allow us to transfer our inventory out of AT to another grid, and therefore once this is completed, our part in a potential class action lawsuit becomes irrelevant to us

Copper: What about an apology here to all who you offended at OSW about a year ago who informed about Alexis and avitroll grid again and again? I have limited pity for you. Only from there one can get some in... 2 years ago
What is OpenSimWorld?
According to their own statement;

"OpenSimWorld is a directory of 3D worlds that use the open source OpenSimulator software and are connected to each other via the hypergrid functionality. OpenSimWorld is not a Grid, and we don't host or rent regions, we only provide an easy way to discover amazing virtual worlds and to advertise your own region."

So, tell us please, what good does it do to go to a place looking for places to go and all we run into the most is bickering, backbiting, pointing fingers, accusations and such?

As it is stated "we only provide an easy way to discover amazing virtual worlds and to advertise your own region."

THIS is why people come to OSW, not for all the drama.

I constantly get complaints about people who come here and all they seem to see is the drama instead of what they are really looking for. That alone makes it something to consider, and it may be time to clean up the house a bit as opposed to using drama as a means to get people to come and say something.

If you stop feeding trolls, they stop coming to look for something to feed on.
It's kinda like when you see a bear enter your back yard, do you feed it? NO, because if you do, it knows to keep coming back because it found food there, and that is a very dangerous thing.
AviWorlds False Advertisement
It is time for this to be re-posted in a public manner, since the original was removed from FaceBook by Josh himself in order to try and hide the issue... First of all, here is the original from FB, since I was smart enough to get a screen shot of it, knowing it may be removed to try and hide it was ever said.

Following that, I have a screen shot taken today, to which proves he is knowingly advertising CoS and CGP AFTER it being requested it be removed, some 21 days later... It's not hard to see, just go to the AW login and see for yourself, both are still listed after the request they be removed.

ChopperGausman: Go ahead, try to remove this, but remember, I take screen shots! 2 years ago

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