I Love You Adult

I Love You
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3 years ago
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The I LOve You family welcomes YOu All - over1700 sims full of Love, Peace Tranquility and Sharing - one of the largest and most Loved places in OpenSimulator. Others grids and estates vanish at short notice but we remain as a testament to the dedication of the ILY team and our many residents who are sticking with us.

FREE LAND for I Love You Residents - we have 20+ islands most around 20k sq m all with access to the I Love You Ocean - and a FREE Condo is given to ALL Residents on the Private I Love You 3 Residential Estate. Adults Only!

Connected to the I Love You Ocean with access from all regions, the "I Love You" estates comprises of I Love You 1 (Residents Housing), I Love You 2 (Guests and Residents Housing), I Love You 3 ( Nudist Beach and Free to use Holiday Homes) and I Love You Oceanside and I Love You 4 (free to moor marinas and islands). All our EVENTS are held at the I LOve YOu Events Village (iloveyougrid.net:8002:I Love You Events Village) - see you there!!

I Love You (5,6 and 7) are open for all - why not sail the full length of the Sunset Strip - over 3km - or take the train following the coast all the way!!

All are the places to be to relax and enjoy all the sights and sounds we offer. Dance venues in some of the most scenic places in the World.

Events held on Tuesday, Saturdays and Sundays in I Love You - Welcome shop and Superstore open for all. Sailing and jet ski's at the various marinas.

Our ethos is "Love, Peace, Sharing and Tranquilty" and all residents live that lifestyle here.

100% Clothes Optional Everywhere apart from the Mosque.

We do not accept child like avatars within I LOve YOu.

ILU Teleporters all over the place - you will never get lost!!

100% Non Commercial - 100% Clothes Optional - 100% Fun!!

Our Opensim Social Network is open to all at http://www.iloveyouclub.net and our radio streams at http://www.iloveyougrid.net/radio/ - all available 24/7/365 on your pc, laptop, tablet or phone!!! Enjoy!!

We are looking for DJ's and Hosts who can utilise our many clubs themeselves for their weekly events - start in a small club and work up to the big ones. All have easy access DJ Booths to change to your radio stream .... prefer out of peak grid hours so our American and Australian friends can party at sensible times for them instead of peak Noon Grid times. IM Debz or Bobbi Fox for details!!

All - Earthquake in Marrakesh Update 10/09/23

We have moved from our badly damaged home in Marrakesh to the capital Rabat - our power/broadband/telephone is very patchy but I have managed to make contact with Alex (Princess Alex), who will run the ILU side of things with Bobbi Fox, while we assess damage and living arrangements for the family.

Its just been announced over 2000 deaths and hundreds of injured - one close friend hasnt made it but he pulled his parents out of their wrecked family home.

Please pray for us and all those affected by this disaster.

We will see you all soon I hope.

Debz, Malik, Karen and Bethany Mansour

PinDeluca: This is just terrible ... My heart is with you. You Never know how strong you are until strong is your only choice. Take courage. God Bless you all. We will all meet again soon XXX 2 years ago
To our residents and visitors

Last week ILY went offline due to a power supply failure that took out the motherboard and corrupted the main database of our server. We have now replaced the server and have got some of the grid back up and running from a back up. ILY 1 is now running and all those who had parcels on that region will have them replaced over the next few days.

We have replaced our broken server with one with a slightly higher spec, however the server had not faulted - it was zapped by high volts when the UPS failed during an Electricity Network High Voltage Fault in Manchester.

Sadly we have not been able to recover the database though we are continuing to try and repair it. That means we cannot recover the individual inventories of our residents and our residents will need to make new avatars.

Going forward our backups will be done to The Cloud instead of too our 2nd Network Server - this has added extra cost and increased security to the grid.

All those who have bought land from us will get equivalent sized parcels back and will get 6 months free rent as compensation.

We will need to rebuild the islands on ILY2. Sadly it is unlikely we will be able to rebuild ILY3 so we will not be replace the holiday homes that some of you had. We will in time build a new holiday home region.

It may be a couple of weeks before normal service is restored but we WILL be back and we hope you will stay with us.

Love Debz, Bobbi and all at I Love You
We are currently offline due to a power supply failure that has taken out the motherboard and corrupted the main database - normal service will be resumed shortly once we have sourced a new water cooled server - we WILL be back!!


Tonight Henk plays another mix
Rockin toons exciting licks
Beat is loud n beat is fast
Gonna be a total blast
And a quiz when all is done
Lots of gloebits to be won
so come to I LOve YOu tonight
Evening will be outtasight

IM Bobbi or Debz Fox for uber
Join our VL social network www.iloveyouclub.net

Server Upgrade Completed - 58 minutes !! Thanks everyone for your patience - bit of a panic this morning !!



Cracking Good Night at the Mansour Hotel and Sky Bar with DJ Jim - Classic Rock and that deep sexy voice!!


Trucker Jim mobile DJ
18 wheels he’s on his way
Live in ILY today
All the way from USA
Classic rock is mix tonight
Jim will play for your delight

IM Bobbi or Debz Fox for uber or take cable car from ILY #1 welcome area

Thank You All for making us #1 on OSW again - we just keep going in Love, Peace and Tranquility. Huge thanks to the Team who run ILU and Princess Alex and DJ Henk for the music tonight xxxxxxx

DJ Princess Alex is doing a warm up for DJ Henk .... just TP into the ILU Grid and join the fun.

Our grand opening is at noon on the 10th January 2023

I Love You Zeta is still there for 5 days .... well some of it ....

Lone Wolf: Is everything ok? 2 years ago
Lets your balls jingle, Let your rings be covered in tinsel
DJ Henk plays the Topless/Bottomless Club on I Love You
With a special Festive Music Mix
We might even find the odd Reindeer wandering about ....
Adults ONLY at this venue ....

First Full Party - the Apres Ski at the Ice Mountain Club - great turn out and a great time is being had by all ....

Bobbi Fox: Our first event on new grid and we are jump ing ...come see for yourself xx 2 years ago

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Reviews (2)
Overall Rating:
Suzy St Free land, friendly people and no need for clothes. what's not to like ?
Funara 99% avatars that are afk (or npc)

Region Comments

Seriously bad rubber banding issues when I just visited, indicating poor communications issue. Check the connection and maybe do a restart?
5 people there wow ur rollin
NO NPC's tonight!! We are OPEN and getting full already - OSW cant keep up lol