OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

💬 Chat

My RL client received her earrings today. This is the first exclusive RL order. It is such a rewarding experience to first create jewelry but to see it realized in RL has brought tears, it is an overwhelming awesome experience! Thank you to my kind and generous client! It is very much appreciated!
Pink Floyd - In the Flesh! Or is it In the Mesh? Ernest and I spent all day bringing album cover art to life today. A different spin on art, but the installations are pretty amazing to see! Come by Battersea and see for yourself!
I worked out a solution for initial sitting bug in the NPC Horse (script by Shin Ingen) where the avatar sinks through the horse when wearing an AO.
In the NPC horse script by Shin Ingen in under run_time_permissions(integer perm) FIND
and REPLACE with
list anims = llGetAnimationList(llGetPermissionsKey());
integer len = llGetListLength(anims);
integer i;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) llStopAnimation(llList2Key(anims, i));
//llOwnerSay("Permissions Accepted");
If you don't like coding, just hop over to Neiferleaf and fetch the boxed new horse rezzer at the landingpoint.

because you where flying i told you and asked you Nicely not to fly you didn't listen to my Rules

hello everyone I'm finishing working on a new hud version of each furry avatar will have new functions such as alpha and eye colors !

Looking for an SF Penguin

They exist :) I saw one the other day. Do you know where I can find them, with supplies ?

This is the repost of the Stark! magazine with the submissive Mina Sato and the famous Ernest Moncrieff, well knows as singer and curator of The Art Factory (OSGrid), with a kids-friendly-cover. ;-)

Get your copy of the magazine and vendors from the Stark landing point.

this might be my final Aurora Borealis.....after a decade of fiddling:)
It looks kinda vague on the pic....u need see it in action inworld, see my Picks


Why so much hate to meeeeee ..what i have done to youu can you tell me???MY REGION IS GONE...IS HACKED LAST NIGHT .I WENT NOW AND IS it all this work was yours?????why you behave like i wil build again but with no public wil be only for mee and to send my creations to other stores wil want my stuff..anyone cant stop me to create and give happines to who they deserve it ..
Looking for beta testers - now using coins for trading and also a backpack for carrying things around.
You can test without affecting your main farm. More info at and Beta items in the Mintor shop (

Batan Island Forgotten World
Rakis is expanding his home.
A life in nature.

hop:// Island Forgotten World/153/165/23

Special edition for Valentine`s Day. TIKI RAFT GREEDY GAME TABLE For 2 players only :>) Available for FREE and FULL PERM.. Enjoy :)


Info for all jealous and knowledgeable who claim my grid and 162 sim are slow. (user01) I did a test with an old pentium 4 Intl core 2 quad 3.2GHz, 8GB memory card 6 years out of life no more driver, "1GBite" internet. I'm going to my sim house market 60000 prim hard test. No difference to my PC i7 core 8, 4.3GHz, 32GB memory new Graficcard Gigabite. All work fine and stable fast. :-D
If my grid is slow for you, it may be time to think about the 50MBite internet and your old PC. That could be helpful. ;-)
Houses on Opensim
There are so many nice houses in Opensim however 95% of them you either can't walk through the doorways or you fall through or both. Checking Phantom worked on one house but I've deleted already about 25 houses that I just can't get to work.

Does anyone have a workaround for this for either issue?

Thanks, Amantha

Sandy Island areas

WTF is happening with reviews those days?

Aloha, it seems opensimworld is being trolled, here are the reviews I can see on several of my regions and I guess others have too.
That's not a big thing but it pollutes the right infos...

Having problems with my NPC Farmers
I have had my NPC Farmers out and working for many months now. I came in one day and none are working, they just stand there doing I have contacted my Grids owner and told them what they needed to do...they did all that....but it was already set the way it should be, but they checked everything to be during the meantime I took out the smurf from the box and the listener...i wore both and saved the appearance....and still all my farmer does is stand there and when hit the keeps looking....please help...i have noticed in some grids the farmers are working, but yet in others they are not ....I also would like to know about the new version of your farm... version 2018.08.31 i can only find the .30 version...i am not sure i am even on the correct grid anymore with all the changes that metro did and osgrid if you can please send me the HG or what ever it is i need...I have a huge farm...both my sister and I...we love your work...and it keeps us very happy...thank you for that Satyr...*smiles* My grid owner said if possible if you have Skype if they could add you...they have their scripters looking into this matter also trying to figure out how to fix it...also the farmer does not give me any error notices or nothing...nothing at all...
When peoples get free content and sell it for real money on there own grid!
It is sad to see peoples who collect free content from different Grids/Regions and sell it for real money on there own shops. Today i noticed it @ I stoped by and saw half of our female shop content and other freebie shops sold by DJ LUH for 100 bucks of there currency (for each item), that you can buy with real money @ the website. If peoples are renting regions for real money it is not great but not my problem. But when peoples get free content and try to make real money with it, i cant look away!
EQG Steampunk Festival is now open to the public.
Edison & Steamy's Anniversary Party begins at 3pm, however until then, you may wish to come by and attempt the Scavenger Hunt, or just check out the region. Steampunk Festival

AdrianaDarkheart: great party , wonderful people ♥ 2 days ago

Now Available @


Kylie Brimmer: Great to see Valands at new location! :) 3 days ago

How was that? I'm listening!

Xenon Darrow: btw, I would KILL for her abs! 6 days ago
Heute ist wieder "Dream Night" Zeit

Ihr dürft euch wieder auf einen Abend mit romantischen Love Songs, schöner Balladen, und feinster Kuschel Muschel Musik freuen.
Endlich wieder eine Gelegenheit die Abendgarderobe auszuführen und in einer bezaubernden Location einen harmonischen Tanzabend zu verbringen.

Wir freuen uns auf euch

Today is "Dream Night" time again

You can look forward to an evening with romantic love songs, beautiful ballads, and the finest cuddly music.
Finally another opportunity to wear your gala clothes and spend a harmonious dance evening in an enchanting location.

We look forward to seeing you

Slowhand: Ich hatte gestern Abend, wie ich schonmal in einer Mail an dich Nasti fragte keinen Zugang zum Grid, sondern werde nach einigen Sekunden aus dem Soul Grid ausgeloggt. Das finde ich sehr schade weil ic... 8 days ago
Had anyone have issues with front page on

I cannot see anymore on front page that all come up just text and members online, etc. I tried all browsers and same thing on phone.

Jupiter Rowland: I've notified Satyr. Let's see if he even manages to receive the note. 11 days ago
Cause I'm a gypsy, are you coming with me?
I might steal your clothes and wear them if they fit me
I don't make agreements just like a gypsy
And I won't back down 'cause life's already bit me
And I won't cry, I'm too young to die
If you're gonna quit me
"Cause I'm a gypsy"


Andromeda: ***Gypsy Poem*** It is the dance that unites the heart and soul!! This is me… “Daughter of the Wind” “Those who have never seen us dancing have no idea of ​​the magic contained in our dance. Throug... 13 days ago
The American movie titled "The UFO Movie They Don't Want You To See.", explains the truth about e.t. life. They even explain the nimitz, tic-tac, and gimble videos which even the u.s. pilots thought were aliens. Now we know that even the videos released by the u.s. navy are fake. I was so believing in that one b/c I thought "hey, it's the u.s. navy...." But they were wrong wrong wrong. Even the Jimmy Carter UFO is explained in this movie.
Meanwhile SETI is still searching for a signal and the only signal SETI ever got was in the 1970's called the WOW signal. It was a radio signal at 1.42 GHZ. (They explain the reason that all e.t. life would use this frequency.) SETI hoped that the signal would carry some sort of information encoded in it, but either it doesn't, or no one has been able to decipher it yet or figure out how the information is encoded. But do keep in mind that the distances are so great between solar systems in just our own galaxy, that even though there are over 60billion planets in our milkyway, it would take thousands of years to reach them on a spaceship, so unless aliens live forever they are not travelling space. You see nothing known to us can travel faster than the speed of light. Einstein was a lot smarter than you and me, and according to many real scientists who understand the Einstein temporal equations, He's right. This is why most of the people on earth who claim there are ufo's taking off and landing every five minutes are just outright lying to you. It's not happening. We wish it was. But the simple truth is SETI also has equipment which would know if there were aliens taking off and landing, and it just is not happening. But people are stupid, they will believe whatever anyone tells them or swears to... Will you?

Ankhsenaton: Just wait for Zefram Cochrane who on April 5, 2063 will make the first warp flight!!! 19 days ago
Created from scratch (RLV scripted and meshed) by Johanna Haven:
The Pet pyramid cage from the movie The Pet.
A Masterpiece in Opensim for RLV Cages
- tons of animations for submissive and dominants
- new multi RLV relay
- timer
- high quality mesh (3 prims impact) and texture (no PBR)
- designed after the movie The Pet
You get "The Pet pyramid cage" in the Fetish Factory shop on Promenade on decadence sim in decadence Grid exclusively.
(has no beacon here on OSW)

Mistressdalgato: you may want to fix landing point, there isnt one set. 25 days ago
Waiting for the bus at trailer park.
Since I am on OSW Website (2 weeks now) many come to my Big City Life and ask for shops. They stand at landing point with distance draw 256 and think that the promenade of little New Jersey is the big city. They stand there for some minutes and cam around looking for shops perhaps. But little New Jersey is country side of the sim. Not the big city lol
To be clear: The shops are just a bonus, because Cities have shops you can buy things. This sim is more like a game experience like you would explore cities. Lot of traffic, all is moving in a City environment. 25 000 scripts are running and 400 animesh people are the population of the sim.
The landing point is just to start with this city experience and load in cache. So this biiig sim (7x7) is purely built to the limit what opensim as technology is still capable and able to offer. It is a lot. But of course, not what we could have with unreal engine or think of Cyberpunk 2077.
At Landing point you get introduction with maps where you can see and listen what you can explore. Here is the video you see also inworld at landing point directly if you have mediaplayer on.
If you want to drive with bus in the city then you have to walk over the rails to the bus stop at trailer park. I had no space anymore for a bus stop at Little New Jersey Promenade (Landing Point)
So be warned. Big City Life is not to be confused with other sims that are called similar but are malls. I have shops in the city and also many exclusive things you get only here in opensim but it is not a mall to go for shopping. Most you can copy anyway and don't need a shop for it. If you see something you want to copy then do it. No need to ask for permission. We are in opensim. Not secondlife. Sharing is caring.

Frank Hurt: Your project is on my To Visit list! You're pouring an incredible amount of effort into this city. 1 month ago
Hello all
Perhaps it is not known for most people here. I would like to introduce something new that is more known or even common for player in new games.
We all know the problem with mesh hair and that flexi hair is not perfect too. If we would have flexi mesh hair then complexity would increase to mio. Much too much. The hair problem is not solved in many games. Even in VRchat the hair problem is not perfectly solved but right now the best solution. For clothes especially coats etc it is the same problem.
But we can also have other solution for clothes. It is not flexi but we could have animesh clothes. It looks almost realistic. Roland Francis created some animesh clothes and here you can see it in video. You get it on his Neiferleaf sim in shop at landing point. Here in this video you can see. It was not meant for showing of animesh clothes, but doesn't matter. Good job Roland!

SilviaFrey: Hola. Donde puedo conseguir este hud de caminar por favor? Gracias. 1 month ago
The 3.9 earthquake in New Hampshire this morning was my fault. i was manifesting. :D I started working on Hobomock the giant last night. He is a deity in Algonquin legend that causes earthquakes and changes the course of rivers. I must have woken him up. :)

RemmyRavenhurst: EEEk Hyacinth! What have ya unleashed! 1 month ago
Hello to all the friends of New Life Italy,
We are excited to announce that our Mall is finally reopened! After a period of intense work and dedication, we are ready to welcome you with an even richer and more varied assortment, designed to meet all your needs and desires.
We want to take a moment to apologize for any inconvenience this closure may have caused. We know how important it was for you to spend time in our space, and we are sorry for any trouble this may have brought. Your patience and understanding have motivated us to work tirelessly to provide you with an even better experience.
A big thank you goes out to all of you for the messages of support and encouragement you have sent us. Your words have given us the strength to move forward and overcome the challenges we have faced. It is thanks to you that we continue to grow and improve every day.
We are ready to welcome you to our Mall, where you can discover new offerings and enjoy a warm and friendly atmosphere. We can't wait to see you again and share special moments together!
Thank you once again for your trust and support. We look forward to seeing many of you!

With affection,
The staff of New Life Italy

Calvinux: lots of cool stuff, don't forget to take the group to receive the contents 1 month ago
An UFO crashed and military is securing the region around the crash. But then suddenly another UFO appears over little New Jersey to rescue their buddies. lol Critical situation now with all the military. But Dr Who speaks to the aliens. Hopefully the situation can be defused ...

Roland Francis: ... and the Men in Black came to investigate ! 2 months ago
Hi! I'm an Aussie who has been in virtual worlds (SL & OS) for nearly 20 years. I'm a tertiary educator. My undergrad students have done lessons in SL every semester since 2008. I've developed two regions on Kitely in the past: Chinese Island & 1820 Singapore. Sadly, both are no longer online.

CherylFurse: Welcome back here. I am now here too. Great you come back. Perhaps with own sims as well. I am curious 2 months ago

News!!! area FEEDME hop:// De Volcanes/231/351/3825

Aurora Starchild: Hahahahaha #ded 2 months ago

Looking for Chinese furniture and Japanese furniture. lamps as well and anything else i might find.

Life. :-)

Hyacinth: Rockin the gray! 2 months ago

I would like to thank Catuelala for making this statue of Trizzy to put in her regions to honor her.

Marianna : Thank you @Cute that is remarkable, miss you Triz 💗 2 months ago

"From wobbly tables to slightly-off wall clocks" Here is one of each and there are a few more clocks in the area too. Dump

John Sheppard: Anyone have alarm clocks? Digital? I'm making a hotel room mockup, ala Supernatural... 2 months ago
I am thinking about my Native America project. It celebrates indigenous technology and art, which has historically been looked down on and dismissed, but is quite ingenious, special and sacred. All this stuff we create, is OUR indigenous art and technology. Comparing it to commercial stuff that isn't even supposed to be here, is not a fair comparison.

Marianna : This needs a special group to honor the sacred items it is def not crap, we need an Opensim Museum of Native arts. 2 months ago