Mike Chase @mike.chase


Co-Owner (with Calliope Andel) of Utopia Skye Grid and primary maintainer. I have a long history working with grid technology as a user and developer. I was one of the primary contributors to InWorldz grid tech. during it's heyday. Still trying to move the ball forward in OpenSim despite a somewhat dysfunctional technical community. I'm Mike Chase on any grid you;d fine me including SL.

Joined 7 years ago

About Myself


My Interests

Developing OpenSim
Alternate Lifestyles.
Software Architecture

My Regions

Skye Botanical Gardens
3 0 utopiaskyegrid.com:8002:Skye Botanical Gardens 0 Users
Home of the Skye Ballroom and Botanical Gardens
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My Reviews


Totally loved this. The immersive nature of it Set your draw distance high and cam around and explore. Lots going on. A very emotive art piece that takes advantage of the virtual settings. its cool to be able to be inside and feel a part of it. A must see. I will be back!

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