The text-only visitor board is the most common. I have a copy you can have. As a bonus, I've modified the appearance to better match my style and look less generic. However, I don't know if that is useful except to the owners. There are other tools for them to get a report of visitors. Owners may think that it will show visitors how popular the place is. There is a better board for that. It reports the number of visitors that day, and overall. I'm not sure where stand-alone boards like those are found.
I think visitors may be most interested in seeing a shorter list that shows the profile pictures of recent visitors. There is one that shows about 20 or so of those. However, you will see repeated profile pix of frequent visitors. I find that distracting.
For me, the best board is one that shows the profile picture and the "About" section of the most recent visitor and the previous one. It also reports the daily and overall visitor count. It will also give the owner a list of all of the visitors that have visited in the recent past. I have changed the board for appearance's sake and removed the visitor count section. I may still have the original. But anyone is welcome to have my modified board. You can find them in the right-most building at my Marche Noir shop.