OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

What Are You Looking For?

Good Afternoon .... I am searching for the following. Any information and location would be an great help as well. Looking for animals such as rattle snakes, bears, eagles, etc. that would be great for trails for horses. Thank you in advance

JamieWright: Tay, there's an old shop on Wright Plaza in OSGrid; Hylee Becker's shop. She's not really around anymore but in that shop she has a big box of animals which might have some of those: 3 days ago

Anyone got animated giraffe's for my zoo am building.

where can i find actual working games that people can play for my region

SheaButter: We have gioco game, and various others at AVW. 4 days ago

Thank you for add

Looking for Chinese furniture and Japanese furniture. lamps as well and anything else i might find.

regards to all. has anyone ever seen battle NPC-s? looking for them.

Bye !

Hi all im looking for this Onsu ~ Commercial Prefab do anyone know where i can fine one thank you

Hi all, I am looking for static prop bodies/corps looking dead or sleeping etc. Thanks in advance and a happy 2025 to all :)

Hicks: I have a mesh mummy ... if it interests her she lies with her arms crossed on her stomach 14 days ago

What's that you say? Crap? You're looking for poor quality crap? Well then, go visit the Poor Quality Crap group!

Marianna : Thank you for promoting total crap! 💩💗💩 15 days ago
Asking for a friend: in times when R.Lion is offline or for whatever reason inaccessible for days or weeks at a time, where can we find Lelutka heads with a HUD? I can find other heads but all the Lel heads I have with HUDs come from R.Lion and are no transfer & she needs her head HUD to complete her new avie!

Gentle Dragonheart: Sciattisgrid has a few of the Lelutka heads out in a 4.0 version with HUD and some options the R.Lion heads don't have. It's a work in progress, they say they are wo... 17 days ago

An update here: Ms Niki from Zetaworlds helped me to find the scripts by Edison Rex! All sorted now. Thanks Niki!

Nico Kalani: Edison Rex is one of the fine folks in the Sharing Is Caring family. Another is Felix Mafia, who does a lot of work to get bodies and heads to function in OS. 18 days ago
@JustCurious wants a link to the discord group for this group. I did make a related group "What I Found on OS." It's been inactive for about 8 months now.

Anybody can check it out and revive it if you like
If anyone is looking to collaborate with people with skillz, the "What Are You Looking For" group is the place to ask.

So, there may or may not be people who want to work together like the Gilded Accord do. (Form a Builders Guild perhaps?).

The fine folks in the Sharing is Caring family have this all sorted out I think. They are some of the original importers and likely had a way to coordinate their efforts. @ChilliBean. Felix Mafia does a great amount of work with getting bodies and heads to work in OS. Last I checked, he's also part of the Sharing is Caring family.

@LaylaHart42 is "looking for poses and Backdrops where can i fine them plz and thank you"

Nico Kalani: Hey, funny you should ask. :) There are plenty of places with poses, but I don't know anyplace but R. Lion's with both. And he has lots and lots of them. I don't have the link to his place at the mom... 18 days ago


Can we speed up an existing animation using a script ?


Hello, I am looking for work related and dayly activities ANIMATIONS. For exemple,wood worker animations (cutting trees, logs, etc, cleaning home etc. I am also looking for folk and traditional dances.

According to you, what are the best places to explore and search for animations ?

Hello, I returned to Osgrid very recently, looking to develop my "virtual sailing" passtime :-). From past visits to the opensimulator grids I remember some sailing scripts developed by Edison Rex, from Zetaworlds. They were a very good alternative to SFsail (although these are fine too). I think Edison developed his version on the basis on Becca's open-source script. Anyway, now I see the sims which had these scripts are offline. Would anybody have one or some of Edison's boats or scripts? Any help would be much appreciated. June 1976

Just joined "What Are You Looking For" -- thanks to Nico!!

I am looking for teleports

I am looking for an animation for a violin player, either standing or sitting. Dabici of creanovale.

Most have probably noticed that eyes in many of the 'imported' head are rather sunken, especially Genus. Does anyone know of a source of eyes that look tight, or a DIY fix?

Jupiter Rowland: My guess is that it's a system limitation. Eyes have to be sunken to keep them from clipping through the head at lower LOD. On Ruth2 v4 and Roth2 v2 which have their own heads, the eyes are sunken, to... 1 month ago

looking for a 2 story round building with a copula to use as a formal ballroom

I was hearing some talk about the OpenPony avatar in SL. I think that is available in Open Sim as well, yes? It looks like the My Little Pony.

This is the listing in SL for the OpenPony:
Hello helpful people :) I am looking for.. well.. everything! haha. let me explain. I am building a copy of Monaco City and there will be a nice mall there for freebies shopping. Basically, the same freebies that are shared everywhere, but I hope to generate a better lay out, sorted by type, etc. The focus will be on "everything for your avatar" so clothing, bodies, hair, skins etc. both male and female. What I find though is that every place I find the clothes, bodies, skins, AO's etc. full perm offers them as 'sell contents" so i get a folder with the items. But I want them boxed, with the image on the box, the way they are displayed in all those stores that have them. Any ideas where I can find fullperm copies of the boxed items? I would so love to create a lovely mall but having to take pictures of every item myself is a ton of work plus they're clearly already available in Opensim. Your help would be very much appreciated!

Jupiter Rowland: It depends on what you're looking for. If you only want to have the newest hottest stuff that has only just arrived from SL (Legacy, LaraX etc.), then you're out of luck. It's generally offered exclu... 1 month ago
This group is now one years old, and the largest, and most active on OSW. I created this group as an alternative to posting on the sometimes toxic front page box. It's clearly something that people find useful. Thanks to everyone for helping folks who are looking for stuff.

After a year, its time to assess and see what improvements we might be able to make. I know one big issue has been getting your posts noticed, as people may not make it a habit to check in here to see if there is someone looking for help.

The solution I found was to ask that people use our group chat to provide a link to their post to immediately alert people about it. The tricky thing is mentioning what kind of thing you are looking for, so the people who might be able to help are alerted, without saying exactly what you are looking for, which might result in a discussion in chat rather than a response to the post. We aim to be an alternative to asking for help via chat.

I seem to always be on the verge of finding a way to help say what you are looking for, generally, without saying what you are looking for specifically. So far the solution eludes me.

So, other than asking for help coming up with a solution to that dilemma, I'm looking for people to let us know about any other issues and/or suggestions about how to make the group work better.

Also, if someone wants to help plan a one year anniversary party event, let me know. It's an opportunity to get together with the friends you have, and the friends you have yet to meet, and to acknowledge everyone who has offered help in the past year.

Hello! I'm looking for a skate rezzer for a skating rink, both ice and roller blades. Any help is greatly appreciated!

Jupiter Rowland: You mean something that rezzes a pair of skates which an avatar can slip into and go skating? Works like a driveable vehicle, but can be worn like shoes? I don't even know if that's possible. 2 months ago

I am also looking for victorian style rooving meshes

I am looking for mesh steps that are in a curved t shape....think the stairs from the 90s Addams family movie. Any ideas

Somewhat related to my previous request but warrants a separate post: I need help finding any buildings in a futuristic or hypermodern architectural style that work properly in an ubODE region (doors and rooms are traversable, no dropping through floors and stairs, etc). Thanks!
HI, I'm looking for a house called "Florida Home". I have one but it's no copy and I don't remember where I got it. While trying to get the doors to work, I reset the scripts and it broke the house! Now I just walk through it, under the floor. It's hard enough finding any house that works in ubODE out of the box so I'd really appreciate it!
Hello all helpful people! For the new club I am building I am looking for a lightshow. something along the line of: I drop a beat and push a button to make big lights do a short burst. so nothing constant, something I can control manually, and preferably not particles because laggggg. I know, I want a lot but I thought I'd ask, regardless. Thank you of you can help!

Gentle Dragonheart: Thank you! I went and found some promising things there! 2 months ago

Hey! I'm looking for the Brier Garden and House.

Araminta Hexx asks "I'm looking for a trellis arch with some ivy or flowers, anyone whre I can find one?"

LaviaLavine suggested

Any other places you can suggest?

I have over 60 free oars that I give away free, and I'm always adding more. Most buildings are furnished as well. I use Dreamgrid and they'll work for opensim and secondlife. As long as you can upload an oar, there's plenty to choose from. Hope this helps.

Hi Everyone! I'm looking for a script or animesh that shovels snow (digs) while holding a shovel.

Hello everyone ^^ I'm on the lookout for the Jian Ragdoll cat, the companion version that you can take with you... I already have the one that is for my home. Thank you :)

Hello all
I am looking for a script that either animates on collision or detects an av and asks for permission to animate.
Thank you :)

looking for a really good scripter. Please contact me over message here in OSW directly or in OsGrid (FallenAngel Absent) for details. Thank you very much.

Anyone have some PBR EEPs for Open Sim?

Hi / Bonjour,
I'm looking for a script that can delete duplicate objects in a box based on their UUID.
Rowin gave me a pretty close hud but it only searches for objects whose UUID matches the one you enter in the hud, which is very laborious with many objects (unless I didn't know how to use it, but I don't think so). Thanks in advance!
What Are You Looking For?
Post about items you are, well, looking for, like outfits, builds, shops, services, skills, and so on. Here's how it works.
• Post your request in the group.
• If you like, use group chat to provide the link to the post to immediately alert people about it.
• Please do not post requests or answer them in chat. We are an alternative to making a request in the Front Page Box. Like there, group chat text will disappear, while posts, and the replies, will persist, providing on-going help to people browsing the posts.
• And please, consider being a helper, and visiting regularly to do that.

Thanks to all helping this group help people find what they are looking for.
142 members
Created 1 years ago by Nico Kalani

New Comments

JamieWright 2 hours ago
You've probably scoured all the other zoos listed on here eh? There was one with lots of animated animals awhile back. I can't recall if they had giraffes or the name of it.
JamieWright 3 days ago
Tay, there's an old shop on Wright Plaza in OSGrid; Hylee Becker's shop. She's not really around anymore but in that shop she has a big box of animals which might have some of those:
SheaButter 4 days ago
We at Trails on AVW, have several boxes with different animations . More than dancing. Example ..sweeping floor.
SheaButter 4 days ago
We have gioco game, and various others at AVW.
Mistressdalgato 5 days ago
there are games at Virtual beach that you should be able to copy, i have a box with games in it that i can send ya too.
JustCurious 5 days ago
Thank you both. :-)