OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

0 Users 3 0 Full grids for as little as 80 USD per month. any questions emaIl you can order the grid package from please let us help you with all your gri...

Collectibles III was born today, still a work in progress but am happy to share it at this stage, as always you will find cute gifts, so come take a look
Hugs Bebe

Bebe: In this small place you will find my collection of clothing for eBody Reborn only :) 4 months ago
Someone requested this house in the "What Are You Looking For" group, so I've set it out at the OSW exclusive area. As some folks were having issues getting there, I've got a teleporter setup to your left when you're exiting the subway car. Look for the door with OSW on it and click to get there. Enjoy!

Shops and stall are filling up!!!!

Jared Seda: I tried going again but can't get there either. 4 months ago

Steampunk. :-)

Lovely @Lillysparks is here teaching me all about surfing! Yayy! She is the coolest #surferchick EVER! Thank you Lilly for making my surf dreams come truuuee! 🏄‍♀️

Lillysparks: awwwwwww this just made my heart melt! Today was fun. Keep doing what you do lady! hugs 4 months ago

Summer will be hot and it's always good to have your own fire hydrant. This is the last NPC novelty for now. If you are further interested, please let me know.

Kylie Brimmer: i cannot get this one as it said "This item doesn't appear to be for sale" 4 months ago
Hello everyone, friends of New Life Italy,
we are approaching the first anniversary of this incredible journey. Looking back, I think it has been a challenging but also a very fulfilling year. We made important relationships, met so many people and created events that made us laugh so much. In short, it has been a good journey and I look forward to continuing it for a long time to come.
In this year we have seen a vibrant community full of positive energy grow. Each of you has contributed to making New Life Italy a special place where we can express our passions, share our ideas and support our dreams. We have faced challenges and overcome obstacles together, strengthening our bond and proving that, united, we can achieve any goal.
It was wonderful to see how much creativity and commitment you put into each project and event. From the weekly meetings to the big events, every moment spent together was precious and left an indelible mark in our hearts. The laughter, deep conversations and new friendships born in this year are the real treasures of this experience.
We are working on a big party to celebrate this first major milestone together. It will be a surprise party for many of you, because we deserve it and you deserve it! We want to celebrate not only the time that has passed, but also the future that lies ahead. The party will be an opportunity to relive the best moments and prepare for new adventures together.
We will gradually keep you updated on the development of the event. We promise it will be an unforgettable experience, full of surprises and joy. There will be moments of reflection, but also a lot of fun, because every important anniversary deserves to be celebrated in style.
In the meantime, we invite you to continue to actively participate in the life of New Life Italy. Your ideas, enthusiasm and spirit of collaboration are what makes this community so special. We look forward to sharing news with you and building new projects together that will make us grow even more.
I warmly embrace you and thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this first year so extraordinary.

Marianna: Congratulations!! I wish you many more years full of good friends and good memories!! 💗🍾 4 months ago

A demonstration of our terrain generator-generated mountains. FREE for our region owners to use.

We have just upgraded our 3 node mariadb cluster to a 5 node cluster.

A bed where you can snuggle up under the covers? Of course I can do that. Here you go! It's at

Xenon Darrow: Now I just need a snuggler! ;) 4 months ago
Let your users contact you for two-way conversation through telegram for instant help access.

Creating a script to allow in-world users of OpenSimulator to chat with a channel on Telegram requires the use of HTTP requests. This involves creating a bot on Telegram that can receive and send messages, and an LSL script in Second Life to interact with this bot.

Step 1: Create a Telegram Bot
Open Telegram and search for BotFather.
Start a chat with BotFather and use the /start command.
Use the /newbot command to create a new bot, and follow the prompts to name it and get the token.
Step 2: Create a Webhook to Communicate with Telegram
You'll need a server to handle messages between OpenSimulator and Telegram. Here's a simple example using Python and Flask.


from flask import Flask, request
import requests

app = Flask(__name__)


@app.route('/webhook', methods=['POST'])
def webhook():
data = request.json
message = data['message']['text']
return "ok", 200

def send_message_to_telegram(message):
url = f"{TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN}/sendMessa..."
payload = {
'chat_id': TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID,
'text': message
}, json=payload)

def send_message_to_sl(message):
# This function should handle sending the message to Second Life.

if __name__ == '__main__':
Set up the webhook URL for your bot using:

Step 3: Create the LSL Script in OpenSimulator
The following LSL script will send a message to the webhook on your server. The server will then send this message to the Telegram channel.


string webhook_url = "http:///webhook";

llOwnerSay("Telegram chat bot script active.");

touch_start(integer total_number)
llOwnerSay("Please type your message to send to Telegram:");

listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
// Prepare the message
string json = llEscapeURL("{\"message\": {\"text\": \"" + message + "\"}}");

// Send the message to the webhook
llHTTPRequest(webhook_url, [HTTP_METHOD, "POST", HTTP_MIMETYPE, "application/json"], json);

llOwnerSay("Message sent to Telegram: " + message);

on_rez(integer start_param)

changed(integer change)
if (change & CHANGED_OWNER)
Step 4: Set Up a Listener in LSL for Telegram Messages
If you want to receive messages from Telegram in OpenSimulator, you need to implement the send_message_to_sl function on your server and an HTTP server in LSL to listen for incoming messages.

Example of setting up an HTTP server in LSL:


llOwnerSay("Telegram listener script active.");
llHTTPRequest(webhook_url, [HTTP_METHOD, "POST", HTTP_MIMETYPE, "application/json"], json);

http_request(key request_id, string method, string body)
if (method == "POST")
// Decode the incoming message
string message = llJsonGetValue(body, ["message", "text"]);

// Send the message to local chat
llSay(0, "Telegram: " + message);
This setup involves running a server to handle the communication between OpenSimulator and Telegram. The example assumes familiarity with web server deployment. For a more robust solution, consider using a cloud service to host the server.

FreshVirtualWorld: 4 months ago

Life Guard

Cozy little coves at Catena di Isole. Everyone is welcome here di Isole

Lillysparks: that is adorbs I gotta come check it out tomorrow=) 4 months ago

I dance only for you, Glenn, the friendliest, likeable man in Opensimworld.^^

Xenon Darrow: 🪇💃🪇👯🪇🧚🪇 4 months ago
Hello all friends, tonight starting at 12:30 SLT, we have a special event planned that you will not want to miss! DJ Luna will be with us to make us dance and have fun, creating an enchanted atmosphere full of romance. Get ready to twirl on the dance floor, wearing your most elegant and sophisticated dresses.
Love is what makes the world move, and we want to celebrate it with you in an unforgettable evening. Imagine soft lights, engaging music and the magic of a starry night enveloping us all. It will be a perfect opportunity to let loose, meet friends old and new, and create wonderful memories.
Remember that elegant outfits are required to add a touch of class and make the event even more special. Get out your best dresses, polish your dancing shoes, and get ready to experience an extraordinary evening of love and music.
We look forward to seeing you all there, ready to celebrate and have fun with us!
We look forward to seeing you!

Angeldark: E...noi balliamoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! Siete tutti invitati! 5 months ago
Un lugar precioso para ser disfrutado. Precioso¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

A beautiful place to be enjoyed. Precious

Un bellissimo posto da godere. Prezioso

Un bel endroit à apprécier. Précieux

Ein wunderschöner Ort zum Genießen. Wertvoll

At the end of this mystifying walkway you will find your zodiac sign painted on a rock. Please come grab one - or all 12 if you want to. I am a Leo ... what is your sign?

Andremus Miklos: Saggittarius, said to be the perfect match for Leos! lol 5 months ago
This is the new Opensim Fishing area that I just placed here.
You may come on down and try it out for yourself!
Non-monetary SUPER gifts coming your way! ;)

You will notice the Wolf Territories Blimp floating up above.
For your convenience, we have boats out in the water for you to fish in.
There are chairs on the board walk in the center.
If you would like some solitude, thee are stumps and rocks along the edges for you to fish with yourself or a partner or friend.
You can see Bobby our AI that will answer all your questions about Wolf Territories! He tells poems, stories, etc! ;)
Bobby is so much fun! He's chock full of information ;)
There is also a destination board. Just click on that and it will bring you to any destination on Wolf Territories.
Come on over and ENJOY friendship & fun! ;)

Take this link here directly to the fishing area:
hop:// Fairies Pass 4/235/225/23

News! hop://

LeonitasLionheart: Oh dear. Seems someone has stolen half of these ladies dresses. Would you wish to report a crime? La policia? ;) teasing... Great work! 5 months ago
A mother is a remarkable blend of strength, warmth, and wisdom; she is the heart that beats at the core of a family, nurturing and guiding with a love that’s both fierce and tender. She’s a protector, a confidante, and a source of endless encouragement. On Mother’s Day, we celebrate these extraordinary women who give so much of themselves to light the way for the next generation

Carmen Jewel: If its not Mother's day in your part of the world accept this tribute as a celebration of a mothers love :) 5 months ago
Dear friends,
What a wonderful party it was on Tuesday night! Our DJ Anamari transported us to an extraordinary Sevillian Fiesta, giving us a one-of-a-kind experience! And what a wonder it was to explore the inspiring beauty of the city of Seville, a true jewel of Andalusia.
The details of the decorations enveloped us in a spell, recreating the atmosphere of Seville's fascinating plazas. Each element was a tribute to the artistic and cultural richness of this thousand-year-old city. The vibrant colors, soft lighting and intricate details transported us directly into the picturesque streets of this magical city.
And what about our incredible Anamari? With her artistry, she paid homage to Seville's rich musical tradition, making us dance to the enthralling rhythms of Spanish and Sevillian music. She led us on an aural journey through melodies that evoke the passions and emotions of this wonderful city.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Anamari, for giving us a taste of a little piece of your fascinating land, Spain! Your performance was a true celebration of the culture and joie de vivre that characterize Seville.
I can only thank each of you for once again making that evening so special.
I look forward to meeting again soon for more similar adventures, immersing ourselves once again in the beauty and energy of other beautiful evenings like this one.
See you again soon!
An easier way to update dreamgrid...
1.) Copy the entire dreamgrid folder.
2.) Rename the copy to whatever version of dreamgrid is inside it like this as a folder name ---> DreamGrid v. 5.24
3.) Name the other original copy "DreamGrid Production"
4.) Download and unzip the latest dreamgrid into the folder named "DreamGrid Production"
This way if there is ever a problem You can easily delete the current DreamGrid - Production folder, and then rename the last running copy to DreamGrid - Production. This way you will always have a running production environment with several backups of different versions of good grid environments.
Why you ask? Because if a bug bubbles up through the code, you may wish you could just delete the latest beta and just go back to the latest one that was running fine. This technique can save you hours of pain. I suggest you try it.

Hallo ihr Lieben,
heute ganz SPONTAN Querbeet-Party im Tosca !!!!!!!!!!!!
: WER : Nasti
: WAS : Querbeet
: WANN : 19.30 UHR !!!!!

Belze Cherub: PARTY PARTY PARTY 5 months ago
It's scientifically proven that laughter strengthens the immune response!

Hey hey hey it is (or will be) the 5th of May and ZW pushed the boat out for WORLD LAUGHTER DAY!!!!!! Another fabulous evening of entertainment.


10am - DJ TANYA
11am - HAZEL ITO
1pm - MATTIE

Do your body some good and enjoy some jokes and great music. It will be another night to remember so go Zeta go Zeta go Zeta rarara!

TailorNova: Great Party 5 months ago

and... one new ride for the fun.... for speed try the orange snake car .... ;-)

LeonitasLionheart: YESSSSSSSSSSSS....SSSSSSSSSS....i soooo need thisssssss in my life! 5 months ago
Dear friends of fairy tales
Cloudshead Worldheart
will be closed for a few days,
due to a major grid update
As soon as all work is completed,
we will let you know!
Thank you for your understanding!
Warm greetings
Liebe Märchenfreunde,
Cloudshead Worldheart
wird für ein paar Tage geschlossen sein,
wegen einem großen Grid Update.
Sobald alle Arbeiten abgeschlossen sind,
werden wir es euch wissen lassen!
Vielen Dank für euer Verständnis!
Herzliche Grüße
its officially ready, come down to three rivers and check out our small shops on diff street corners, they are scattered round town.. enjoy exploring and finding our lil treasures


Check out Lone Wolf's Wolf Territories Grid for the best Modern Virtual Land!
Yes folks! Come on down to Lone Wolf's today for some amazing offers, tools and fun!

Now, with a HUD :)

News! hop://

Aurora Starchild: Ohhh esas capas de materials como se notan 6 months ago

#newbody #davissbody #ultimatebom #arkhamgrid Lab

The Mech Lab Egg Hunt is on! Gear up and scramble to find 4 hidden eggs scattered around the Lab. Each egg cracks open to reveal a different awesome Mech Model!

Get ready to search high and low, pilots!

Your Clues:
Egg 1: G-Suit Gambit

Amongst the gear that pilots don, a hidden Mech awaits, ready to spawn.

Egg 2: Fountain Fortune

By the water's flowing gleam, a Mech Model waits in a parkland dream.

Egg 3: Secret Lab Stash

Deep within the hidden Levels lair, a Mech Model's secrets wait to share.

Egg 4: Hangar Hideaway

Soar through the hangar high and wide, a Mech Model's waiting, where giants reside.

Happy Weekend!

LeonitasLionheart: very cool and ty! they look amazing. are you working towards making them fully operational some day...scripted, animated, fireable weapons with damage, etc? so cool, either way. long as they aren't u... 6 months ago

----- NEW -----

A new outdoor piece, a beach cabana that sits up to 4 people!
More than 1300 animations in several configurations.
Comes with a HUD for the textures.

Note: Please click once on vendor, and WAIT. Specially if HG-ing. Spamming it will only send debug to all region.

Uber: hop:// Boutiques/392/352/23
This is called a lectica. It's a small bed that you are carried on by 2 npc's. Satyr Aeon built the original one, I fixed it up some here and there. You can drive it around like a car and up to 4 people can ride with you. :) You can make the npc's run by pushing the pgUp button. Here my NPC servants are walking across a narrow rope bridge carrying me. hehehe Satyr Aeon made this, I just tweaked some scripts and rebuilt the bed. :) Now with the new scripts you can link whatever you want to it, and it won't mess up the npc's because it gets their named prims prim numbers through script. Also I've fixed some issues with the original code. But credit should go to Satyr as he made it. There's one at wizardry you can copy for free. And yes their legs actually walk when you are moving it around.

Jared Seda: Very cool! Its so cool what everyone does with NPC. I liked the way you set up those ones at the castle you showed me. 6 months ago
This THING. It's a globe of the sky which turns around the flat earth. A sun & moon also turn around the flat earth. The earth (map of your sim?) sits on the backs of 4 elephants which are standing on a turtle. I found this and it was very old and very broken. I fixed it. It is now at the school of magic on wizardry for you to copy. Note: The school of magic is not the magic store, it's the building you can fly over to beside the castle.

New user boards at the Welcome Area

2 New avatars you can found them at LFG11 Littlefield Anniversary Expo hop:// Till Abril 30 (after at Mexico Lindo ) -

Just added 40 more avatars to the 200. Be a superhero or mech or spongebob. All free...never pay for things in opensim!

Jerralyn Franzic: Love it! Grabbed a few figures, including Beverly Crusher and the Peekachoo bot. Thanks again! =) 6 months ago
A visit from @FerdFrederix today. Bringing more magic to the Sakuragawa region! He added horse stables and horses so that we can ride and explore this 3x3! He tested it out and said you can ride the whole way even going over the bridges! After your ride, you might be hungry so stop in at the Ramen House next to the Fish Market! Thank you, Ferd!

WTF?.... I'd rather leave this to your imagination.......

LeonitasLionheart: Someone is bound to get lucky, sooner or later... 6 months ago

We are making progress at Zensational's Sakuragawa. @FerdFrederix has been adding cool touches throughout the region, come see his fishing shack!

I felt the earth move under my feet in NYC today. Thank goodness my Brownstones in Indigo Industries are still standing.

We are so not used to earthquakes on the east coast but this is the second one this year. The one we had in January however I didn't feel at all but people up in the Bronx did. The one today I felt it. And it lasted too long to me.
Did any of you feel the quake today in NYC or NJ or PA or anywhere in the NorthEast of the United States?

Well it is definitely safe here at Indigo Industries in Indigo Blue Realm on Wolf Territories.
We have furnished apartments.Transitory housing, free for new residents of Wolf Territories for 10 days while you decide where you would like to call home. 300 personal prims, parcel security, radio, welcoming community. Come take a look. If you want to stay with us after 10 days. Take a look at our Amethyst or Lapis Lazuli Villages.

Hyacinth: We get quite a few 2.0 - 3.0 magnitude earthquakes in New Hampshire per year, and all around New England. There was a 5.6 in 1940.. and in the past there were several 6.5 earthquakes. The Pilgrims ... 6 months ago

Wanna play with fire?

"Fire good!" by Jason O'Halloran is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

Textures Trees & Scripts

that little store everyone is talking about

Live Traffic
Brown Beach Surf A
16 5
Nautilus Anchorage Landing A
10 2
Indigo Blue Realm A
17 2
Welcome A
19 2
Ruritania A
87 12
0 0
31 1
Shinobar Annex
64 19
Lbsa Plaza
190 38
29 0
Roughnexx-Cathedral A
10 3
Seventh Heaven A
13 2
AMV Welcome
96 0
Happy Hour!
Manderley A
7 1
Trianon Complex A
89 18
Regions Online: 1,772
Active: 191 avatars in 124 regions
The Box
Offworld Grid 6 hours ago
I'm not Russian/Moldovian... I'm British/English, and you are a Fascist.....
Pagane 7 hours ago
Да я на твой РОДНОЙ язик сказала:) Что не нравится что узнала? Yes i know language of russian/moldovan trols!
Offworld Grid 9 hours ago
You saying "Yes, I have full access... what kind of ban?" in Russian just proves you are a troll and griefer @Pagane
Pagane 9 hours ago
You put my IP in admin panel! Not in ban list.... OMG...
Pagane 9 hours ago
what know banned? Banned know означает запрет на доступ....Да я имею польной доступ... какой запрет?
Offworld Grid 9 hours ago
Your IP is banned from accessing Offworld Grid, @Pagane, go cry to somebody who cares...
OpenSimUser 9 hours ago
Cant we all just get along?
Pagane 12 hours ago
@Offworld LIER! Why i continue to read your SнIТS if i am banned???
Pagane 13 hours ago
i also was in same time, but he is here for violation:(
Misty_Falls 13 hours ago
hey just cuz I was curious about the newbie world, doesnt mean you are welcome to advertise me, thats kinda rude and a violation of my privacy @Offworld
StevieZee 13 hours ago
Good grief
Pagane 15 hours ago
I not understand peoples... When someone uses a VPN, hoping to hide their true location, they shouldn't be so loud and stupid! Are is not true?
Pagane 15 hours ago
Yes, three requests permanently Offline and "registered" on an as-yet-unidentified domain - third in less than 24 hours...
Pagane 16 hours ago
OSW change my true wird "SНIТ" wit "flower and i try to correct.
Pagane 16 hours ago
@Offworlder I'm not interested in twin accounts created a week ago! I am not interested in landless accounts! Do at least one smelly flower and then claim attention :)
Pagane 16 hours ago
Have I ever mentioned @Offworlder's name? Or for his professorship? Perhaps I meant a potential patient of his...

New Comments

Jimmy Olsen 56 minutes ago
From whom remember: This is an updated version of V1 I had released 4 years ago at my no longer existent SIM called ALFHEIM at GADGET MANIA - I have fixed some glitches, reduced number of scripts use...
Nojan 5 hours ago
great work!
Mona725 8 hours ago
Loved it, such a great theme very entertaining with the interactions. The only thing is Delores and Miss Argentina comes back as unavailable.
Offworld Grid 10 hours ago
OSW is a dating site now? wow...
Morgan 10 hours ago
looking for real life meet relationship only with honest lady big kisses
Hella 14 hours ago
So beautiful build you made as always !!!
Thirza Ember 15 hours ago
I blame Tosha!!
Safinemahoe2 15 hours ago
Thank you to Thirza and the HG Safari Group! You all are outstanding...but slightly destructive! ahahahahh (I think you blew up 14 of my buildings!) Thats ok, wait til you come back ; ...
Ultra 16 hours ago
Hello. I would like to see your tape recorder model. I am also developing a player.where and how to download it?


Mare Welcome
schöne Region, alles sehr übersichtlich, nach Themen geordnet, hier macht es Freude in Ruhe einzukaufen. Geld wird auch zur Verfügung gestellt, alle gut überlegt Silver, vielen Dank
OasisTeam 2 hours ago
Valeria's Avatars 2
Fantastici avatar quelli fantasy sono superbi, un negozio bellissimo un abiente di amici Alfa, Coral; Valeria e tutti gli altri nella vostra sala da ballo sommersa è stata una bellissima festa. Grazie...
RobertoLeone1 15 hours ago
Little Big City Shopping Mall
I went here several times on several days and never had a single issue getting there. Tons of fun stuff to be found here, I found great houses, all the decorations for a party I needed, furniture, clo...
Gentle Dragonheart 20 hours ago
AnKaBi Shopping Mall
The store is beautifully set up in a tropical environment. They have a great collection for laraX, Maitreya/Althea's. The hair is great, also they have jewellery. My number 1 shopping spot.
Josy Abbot yesterday
Valeria's Avatars 2
Vielen dank für die tollen Avatare, wir sind total begeistert! Liebe Grüsse Sea und Pablo
Pablo yesterday
Little Big City Shopping Mall
Oct 3rd 2024 I'm able to get there and move around just fine. I'm using a landmark, however. The change of URL suggests that the owner is adjusting things around which he seems to do a lot. It's a hob...
DaleM yesterday
Little Big City Shopping Mall
I am getting Unable to Verify Identity at a lot of sims what does it mean????
Jared Seda 2 days ago
Little Big City Shopping Mall
same as last reviewer......unable to verify identify, in avis from two different grids if you wish to restrict access then please state that in your region description, or create a way for visitors...
juliacassidy 2 days ago
The most recent Firestorm viewer version is denied access to this region? wow...
Offworld Grid 2 days ago

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