OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

All Free Shopping Spree
0 Users 33 2 A
A 2by2 var filled with mesh avatars for adults and clothes, furniture, houses, animations, exclusive tattoos, items for the home, books and much more. All free of course. There is even a few empty sto...

When: Saturday June 1
Time: 8:00am Grid Time (11am EST) (10am Central)
MAP:'s Sex Hideaway

Yin Yang Town: THX Rogue was again a great Set ...see u next time again hugs 4 months ago

ps..the hydrant is scripted.. click on it and a waterfontaine spreads out

LeonitasLionheart: Let's just hope nobody names their fountain "R. Kelly" ;) 4 months ago

Also today there are many new small and large items available in the store.Not only what you see on the photo, there is much more new to find!

Sodasullivan: An amazing store and a beautiful sim. Worth a visit! 4 months ago

After being asked many times, I now release my 2 cute teddies that lovingly hug you and keep you warm and look forward to sharing them with you.


Harmony Isle Events:
Dj KrisTina
Starting 4 to 8pm Grid-Time
Classic Rock / Country Night
Taxi: hop://

KrisTina: I'd like to thank everyone for coming out, it was a pleasure to meet everyone and have fun. 4 months ago

----- NEW -----

Marianna: Beautiful!! 4 months ago
People have been going to and going to the 5th floor of my little castle and trying to enter the locked doors of the computer room. Some have even zoomed their cameras through the locked doors into the server room and into the locked server cabinet, and tried to mess with my overwatch sentry security server. Please do not do this anymore. It tells me when you do that and I will ban you from Wizardry which I hate to do. It is very annoying to me when you do this. Wizardry is there to offer up free stuff i create to people, and there is no reason or need for you to go through all that trouble to turn off my sim security. Thank you.

LeonitasLionheart: That is a perfectly reasonable request and sorry to hear people been messing around like that. Thank you for sharing the things you do share, and ty for speaking calmly and thoughtfully to the masses ... 4 months ago

When: Saturday June 1
Time: 8:00am Grid Time
MAP:'s Sex Hideaway

Mattt McGregor: The Goddess is dead. Long live JaM's. And Rogue, we've waited what feels like forever you!!! 4 months ago

News!!! hop://

Jared Seda: THANKS FOR THIS!!! 4 months ago

This one may be a better pic! ENJOY! ;)

Xenon Darrow: such a beautiful place. I love being a part of it. 4 months ago

Kind regards from faraway Germany.^^

Xenon Darrow: Lovely! 😍 4 months ago

I just wanted to say that I love opensim! I love that we are so free. Have put together this beautiful sim with everyone's awesome creations that they share. Thank you everyone!

We are at 14 and growing for the "Friends of The Genesis Roleplay Grid" wall. If you are not aware of it, to be on the Friends of the GRPG wall, all you have to do, is contact me, Lavia Lavine, either here in message or in world and let me know you want to have your region or grid represented in the wall. This will get you a walk through portal from our grid to yours and it will bear your logo and landmark, and that's really all there is to it. Some have asked me why I do this, well it's because with all the hatred, negativity and ridiculous competition in open sim, I felt it would be good to do something positive, just as I've seen other's do from time to time. It's not a "new" idea but it is sure a good one to get regions and grids networking with each other and growing a larger community. It's truly amazing to see the wonderful, beautiful creations that people have come up with for their grids and it's great fun to share it by networking. So if you'd like to be a Friend of the Genesis Roleplay Grid, just let me know!! Blessings and much love, Lavia

GlennXpletive: That is a positive thing to do Lavia. 4 months ago

AlbaW: Welcome to Never Harbor! 4 months ago

I don't often jump into the fray but I feel this short video summarizes my thoughts on the drama du jour:

SN Raven Outfit
Alltime Moneygiver and Luckyshower at Beach

Phleur: beautiful 4 months ago

Wolf Fest is Coming....

Xenon Darrow: And so chock full of education! 4 months ago

Yes folks, ÂŁ5 regions are back at Wolf Territories Grid for a Limited Time. With Free terrain generator. Available in 1024x1024 to well whatever you like ( we have a 64x64)

Xenon Darrow: Best decision you could ever make, HG peeps. DO EEEET! 4 months ago
Hello all friends, tonight starting at 12:30 SLT, we have a special event planned that you will not want to miss! DJ Luna will be with us to make us dance and have fun, creating an enchanted atmosphere full of romance. Get ready to twirl on the dance floor, wearing your most elegant and sophisticated dresses.
Love is what makes the world move, and we want to celebrate it with you in an unforgettable evening. Imagine soft lights, engaging music and the magic of a starry night enveloping us all. It will be a perfect opportunity to let loose, meet friends old and new, and create wonderful memories.
Remember that elegant outfits are required to add a touch of class and make the event even more special. Get out your best dresses, polish your dancing shoes, and get ready to experience an extraordinary evening of love and music.
We look forward to seeing you all there, ready to celebrate and have fun with us!
We look forward to seeing you!

Angeldark: E...noi balliamoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! Siete tutti invitati! 4 months ago
Hello all friends, tonight starting at 12:30 SLT, we have a special event planned that you will not want to miss! DJ Luna will be with us to make us dance and have fun, creating an enchanted atmosphere full of romance. Get ready to twirl on the dance floor, wearing your most elegant and sophisticated dresses.
Love is what makes the world move, and we want to celebrate it with you in an unforgettable evening. Imagine soft lights, engaging music and the magic of a starry night enveloping us all. It will be a perfect opportunity to let loose, meet friends old and new, and create wonderful memories.
Remember that elegant outfits are required to add a touch of class and make the event even more special. Get out your best dresses, polish your dancing shoes, and get ready to experience an extraordinary evening of love and music.
We look forward to seeing you all there, ready to celebrate and have fun with us!
We look forward to seeing you!

PrillLeon: Si inizia , buon divertimento a tutti !!!!!!!! 4 months ago

News news!!! heheheh me again ....

LeonitasLionheart: 3! now to see if i can make this fit Jake/Ares xD 4 months ago
This one is from @Mandy_Candy for all of us.
A cute coffin float, with more than 300 poses both inside the...coffin, and on top of it!

Uber: hop:// Boutiques/398/395/23

CyberGlo CyberStar: I hope it goes over better than my chicken house memorial gardens. I had created a sim with chicken houses, and people could come there and name a chicken after their dead spouse, parents, or child. ... 4 months ago
An ancient wall is before you, constructed from large limestone blocks. The centuries have left their mark, etching deep pits and cracks into the stone. The surface is now a dark, almost blackened hue, the result of countless years of exposure to the elements. Despite the wall's somber and worn appearance, a single ray of light pierces through the gloom, casting a gentle, golden glow on a small section of the stone. This touch of light brings out the subtle textures and details in the limestone, revealing hints of its original, pale color. The contrast between the illuminated area and the surrounding darkness emphasizes the wall's age and the stories it holds within its weathered stones.

Textures............. they tell the story for you..

Textures Trees and Scripts

"Western Wall Light and Texture" by copelaes is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.

Lillysparks: Love your story telling skills too! You are multi talented! xoxo 4 months ago
Hello to all the friends of NewLifeItaly! What a wonderful evening we experienced yesterday! Zeno, with his extraordinary skill and talent, made the event unforgettable with his live performance.It is always an immense pleasure to be immersed in the unique atmosphere of live music, and yesterday was an experience that will remain in the hearts of each of us.
I would like to express my deep gratitude to all of you for participating and contributing your warmth and affection to make this evening so special. It is you, with your presence that make the magic of these events possible. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support and participation!
A special thanks goes, of course, to Zeno for his helpfulness, courtesy, and above all his extraordinary talent. Thank you for sharing your art and passion for music with us, Zeno!
I look forward to sharing more such moments with you.

Keep following us to be updated on upcoming events!
I wish you all a wonderful and joy-filled evening. A big hug to each of you!

NewLifeItalyGRID: great event, it's great 4 months ago
The Metaverses most advanced radar. This radar tells you if it is an NPC or a real person. It also shows their IP address. It's at It also shows their name & distance away from you. It's click on & off and only the owner can see that. :)

IndigoQueen King: Thank you CyberGlo!! 4 months ago
Welcome to my Welcome center. A futuristic city at Come get a free pair of anti-gravity boots that let you walk up walls, or a pair of jet boots that let you fly around, or a sci-fi version of a segway! :)

IndigoQueen King: A really cool and fun Welcome Center. So much to explore. Love it!! 4 months ago


SilviaFrey: Maravillosa sesiĂłn de la Dj Sissi de Jungle. Gran mĂșsica, maravillosa compañía y preciosos disfraces de pirata. Bravooo!! 4 months ago

wicked: Come as you are to Wolf Grid's Infinity 21... DJ Tom playing at the Players club , today. Shooting for 6pm - end time not determined. Location - tp on the flyer. 4 months ago
Good day!!
I have made a few new things and they are available at my shop, Star Ravenhurst Designs at the Star Jinn Palisade Mall. Find the shop on the teleport board to get there. Al Kohav

LaviaLavine: Star, your creations are always beautiful!! Outstanding job on these, I'll be around to pick some up for my my regions!!! 4 months ago


This is when DJ Darria was DJing for us at Wolf Pack Club today! :)

DJ Dariaa is from the Ukraine and is a fantabulously awesome DJ bringing us her REMIX MASHUP MIXES TUNES! ;)

DJ Dariaa is here on Tueday's & Friday's! ;)

Please come on over & enjoy her REMIX MASHUP MIXES like we do ;)

We had a bunch today & made it to #1 on OSW! ;) WOOT! ;)

Ginger Snaps (Snips): Dariaa is absolutely amazing! 4 months ago

News! Cucciola Shop hop://

LeonitasLionheart: Shine on, you crazy diamond! :D 4 months ago

News! hop://

LeonitasLionheart: Oh dear. Seems someone has stolen half of these ladies dresses. Would you wish to report a crime? La policia? ;) teasing... Great work! 4 months ago
A mother is a remarkable blend of strength, warmth, and wisdom; she is the heart that beats at the core of a family, nurturing and guiding with a love that’s both fierce and tender. She’s a protector, a confidante, and a source of endless encouragement. On Mother’s Day, we celebrate these extraordinary women who give so much of themselves to light the way for the next generation

Carmen Jewel: If its not Mother's day in your part of the world accept this tribute as a celebration of a mothers love :) 5 months ago
Party at the Pool with DJ Lion King

Saturday May 11 2pm

Put on your bikini or shorts...and come party with DJ Lion King!

We have the music that will get you moving!

Rock cumbia merengue salsa classic rock lambada


Safinemahoe2: DJ Lion King has brought the music! Put on your bikini or something casual and come to Party Mountain! 5 months ago

More fun with the new project

LeonitasLionheart: Awe-Inspiring! 5 months ago


wicked: Sorry, to hear that. Hope they get better soon. :( 5 months ago
The wall is growing it's true, but there is plenty of room for more. Allow us to invite you to join our Friends of The Genesis Roleplay Grid HUD. Here we'll place a walk through (collision) teleporter with your logo and grid address so that when people walk through they will be teleported to your grid and the region you select. At Genesis Roleplay Grid we are working to create a more positive and cooperative atmosphere in Open Sim and we're doing it by networking grids and sharing anything that we can to help our "Friends'" grids succeed. The process is easy, contact me, Lavia Lavine, and send me your logo and the address and rezz point for your grid's chosen destination, and that's it. It's just that simple. Why do we do this? Because we want to, and we can. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

Arcfury: I can see the portal to my grid in this snapshot. :P 5 months ago
Hello, Lovely Opensimworlder's.. Infinity 21 just launched the new " BLISS " roller skating rink and potential club. Just a few little touches will be added to it but it is open and in Kong City section of the region. Look Under King Kong! :) Any questions just message me on or see me in Wolf Territories Grid. *** set to midnight for best view ***

Wolf Territories Grid: Wow looks amazing will be over to have a look later!!! 5 months ago

I've updated the Hypergrid Teleport board for everyone to enjoy my favorite spots :)

IvyEdenflower: Thank you! :) 5 months ago


Jared Seda: This looks so cool! 5 months ago
📅 Date: Tuesdy, May 7
🕒 Time: 12.30 SLT
We are ready to kick off the party, only you are missing!!! Beautiful Sevillian party! What are you waiting for?

:::::TAXI::::: hop://

Angeldark: Fiesta! 5 months ago
Turn on your Shared Environment, max your graphics settings, and max that draw—oh, and turn up the music. Experience the possibilities of EEP art like never before in any virtual world.
May 8th 11 AM SLT
DJ Marlon Wayne and the unique EEP Art of Nyx Breen

nyxbreen: YOU have never seen anything like this before in any virtual world! Guaranteed 8x8 VAR size viewing area. 5 months ago

Alle Avatare komplett wie abgebildet erhÀltlich!
All avatars available complete as shown!

Cosa: Toll!! :-) 5 months ago
Miss Munk will be spinning her wheels of steel at 1 pm grid time, at The Piazza!
Bring your headphones and get on down here and listen to nonstop beat matching and full spectrum sound!
Plug the link into your map and we'll see you there. Lagoon

ToyBoy: Great set, thanks Miss Munk! 5 months ago

Hallo ihr Lieben,
heute ganz SPONTAN Querbeet-Party im Tosca !!!!!!!!!!!!
: WER : Nasti
: WAS : Querbeet
: WANN : 19.30 UHR !!!!!

Belze Cherub: PARTY PARTY PARTY 5 months ago
Seabound Bench OUT NOW!
A cute little bench with very nice weathered wood textures, and packed with around 900 animations sitting 4 avatars.
Two-somes, three-somes, name it!
Nice cuddle animations as well!

Uber: hop:// Boutiques/385/385/23

Sodasullivan: This bench is awesome! I should mention to everyone that it comes with 16 great bench textures including some beautiful painted woods, and the blanket has over 30 texture options! Beautiful! 5 months ago

Live Traffic
Xenotown A
13 0
Lbsa Plaza
190 38
5 0
Event Jungle
9 1
Hypergrid Games
12 5
18 1
Brown Beach Surf A
16 5
Pirates Cove A
8 0
The Almost Islands
25 0
Valeria's Avatars 2
65 12
3 0
Lovely A
9 0
Stark A
133 77
29 0
Gentle Fire Grid
58 6
Regions Online: 1,812
Active: 325 avatars in 166 regions
The Box
Copper 9 minutes ago
@tabby..maybe ou should post that in help "in the box" faide away
Copper 13 minutes ago
correcct @User name: this is nonsense from Keyeser...whitleist where...firewall? loool
TabbyJinSeonMi 16 minutes ago
Hi, I have been unable to spend a lot of time online lately, due to health, I am looking for a landcaper who can help me with two regions. Not sure if this is the place to ask. They are both based on a programme, so I do have a fixed vision altho no strict plans on the set up. Where can I look?
User Name 3 hours ago
this community needs to quit seeding bullsh*t fake fixes.. that are given and taken out of context.
User Name 3 hours ago
Firestorm.exe will control the requests for admin permission on the needed services and exe's if needed. more it doesn't need.
Keyser_Soze 10 hours ago
1 Firestorm.exe 2 slplugin.exe 3 slvoice.exe Inside the llplugin folder: 4 dullahan_host.exe 5 SLVoice.exe 6 The cache folder 7 The Settings folder 8 The Chat Transcripts folder
Keyser_Soze 10 hours ago
8 things you must Whitelist in Firestorm.
Keyser_Soze 10 hours ago
DO NOT install Firestorm v7.1.10 over the old version.
MandaStark 10 hours ago
@JustCurious : could it be that one of them lists YOUR prims, and one lists EVERYONES prims on that parcel? Or perhaps one listing prims in THAT parcel, and the other listing prims in ALL parcels?
JustCurious 16 hours ago
also i have a prim counter that doesnt know how to count, there is only 6 prims on the land showing under parcel details yet prim counter says more than that, smh makes no sense
JustCurious 17 hours ago
when i try to use freds outworld site to download a script, im getting odd errors. anybody know if its having issues atm?
Ankhsenaton yesterday
I never found how to keep FS credentials but I keep user_settings folder and settings_per_account.xml to put them back to AppData Roaming Firestorm_x64 folder after a "clean" install
Arielle 2 days ago
A "clean" install worked well for me though I am miffed that it deleted all my accounts. It runs as fast if not faster then pre-pbr versions on my Nvid 1070
OpenSimUser 2 days ago
Though i got some additional info about the PBR viewer, it will work correctly if i go a complete fresh install of the viewer
LeonitasLionheart 2 days ago
bravo! :)
Ankhsenaton 2 days ago
One month since I put my very first “Scorpion Lost Island” sim online and already 88 unique visitors :-) thanks to all!
OpenSimUser 5 days ago
So needless to say, once again i went back to older version because it just doesnt work right
OpenSimUser 5 days ago
But as is, there are no textures found, everything is grey scale only

New Comments

Luna Lunaria 14 minutes ago
Really cool place Safine. Love what you guys did with it :-)
Milly Money 2 hours ago
Your shop is just wonderful!!!!! Got both Dragons and the fairy one, got lots of stuff .. and the wonderful twinkling stars, which I am going to use right away on a few night themed lands. Wow!! Ke...
Jerralyn Franzic 3 hours ago
No PBR viewers allowed? Not a problem, I can switch back to non PBR with Firestorm or Cool VL. Just a heads up... kind of a bummer as I wanted to use the dutch angle buttons for photos there from the ...
Cosa 3 hours ago
oh wie schön......
CandorsRPWorld 4 hours ago
Es geht los mit Ritual bei den Runen
Arcfury 8 hours ago
Wonderful. I had been in need of some moss for quite a while.
Araminta Hexx 20 hours ago
I just visited your marble floors! I (temporarily) cranked up my settings to Ultra and enabled all shaders. Looks beautiful. I'm on a 2020 Apple M1 Macbook Air with 8gb ram and had no real issues, but...
SilviaFrey yesterday
MuchĂ­simas gracias por facilitar la puesta en marcha del dragĂłn. Majestuoso
CandorsRPWorld yesterday
Notiert Euch fĂŒr morgen ab 19.00 Uhr ;) geht los ^^


Haunted Halloween Isles
Absolutely stunning! I loved the zombies and the autumn area the best! I will revisit have more areas to explore!
Dreamer 6 hours ago
Brown Beach Surf
One of the best places here in opensim world, Well built and beautiful, I think we need more places like this to attract people to opensim! I give 12 points for this beautiful place!
MI AMORE 8 hours ago
Dyvalls Shopping Fun
Amazing Place! I haven't had that much fun in OpenSim in a long time. Beautiful site and amazing quality Mesh items. Thank you for a wonderful time & for generously sharing your talents.
Alex Reese 23 hours ago
I think if you cant make or texture things yourself you should not have a shopping region. People dont like going from place to place and finding the same stuff.. Post Links to things on the grid they...
Essensual 24 hours ago
A lot of halloween "decorations" and monsters !!! As usual with Thomas you don't know where to look! Plan a huge basket for your “purchases” ;-)
Ankhsenaton yesterday
Zweet ZurroundingZ
Great animesh!! Thank you!!
Ellen yesterday
Zweet ZurroundingZ
An awesome region full of one-of-a-kind items! The animesh items and new items are beautiful, as is the owner's help. IIf you're seeking unique items and wish to view them, this is the destination to ...
HoneyOG 2 days ago
Zweet ZurroundingZ
This is one awesome region I really appreciate you sharing your build, it is excellent Beautyful and is outstanding thank you for sharing also the Animash that you chose to give out to everyone they a...
Adore 2 days ago
Connection Issues wrong configured Grid
Susanna_Heller 2 days ago

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