OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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Freebie Mall shopping, mash clothes, furniture ,Great Hair , classics clothes ,Gift shop ,decoration need Help lets us know
Möge die Weihnachtszeit euch eine Pause des Alltags schenken und euch Zeit geben, die wirklich wichtigen Dinge zu schätzen. Inmitten der Hektik des Lebens ist es diese Zeit des Jahres, die uns daran erinnert, was wirklich zählt: Familie, Freunde und die Liebe, die wir teilen. Frohe Weihnachten allen !!!
Eure Nasti

AnKaBi: Euch allen ein schönes weihnachtsfest 5 months ago
Die Botschaft von Weihnachten:
Es gibt keine größere Kraft als die Liebe.
Sie überwindet den Hass
wie das Licht die Finsternis.
The message of Christmas:
There is no greater power than love,
she overcomes hatred,
like light the darkness.

BELZE: Das CHubelz team wünscht dem Soulgrid eine schöne Vorweihnachtszeit :-) 6 months ago

looks deceptiful simple, but texturing it pinpoint was daunting..this is my final for ZZ !

Zoe: Amazing work. Again the high quality of all the wonderful details of your works. Congrats Peter. 9 months ago


As many of you wonderful peeps out there know Diva, who created this region, sadly passed away in December 2020. We have kept the region live by request from her family and from the many users who frequently visit this region. We continue to update the region and have done a little cleanup as our wonderful Diva passed in the middle of part of the build. Dynamic Worldz will continue to sponsor this region as so many of you find it so valuable.

Star Ravenhurst: Thank you for keeping her region open. She was a dear, close friend of mine and I still miss her. I joined the Dynamic grid because of her and still have an Avatar there. She did a lot for the Open Si... 1 years ago

Many portals to other regions and grids.
From shopping to adventure.

Priscilla paid me a visit. She couldn't do anything to my sim... at all... But I hit her with a bolt of lightning seen here in this video, also with an elven attack, and orbiters (lol), followers, and a clouder. heheheh Double click the picture for a bigger view of priscilla hanging helplessly in the air, being jerked around by magic. hahahaha. She finally got mad and ran off... :)

sharanncousine: Go Git her cyber lol 1 years ago

Soul Dreams Living Room .. Sofa with Sequence Cuddle Menue !
Have fun with it .. hugs Bella

JeanDagostino: habt ihr wunderschön gemacht ♥ gut übersichtlich und mit sehr viel liebe zum detail ♥ 1 years ago
Wir wünschen Allen ein besinnliches Weihnachtsfest. Danke allen die uns 2022 unterstützt haben.

We wish everyone a merry Christmas. Thank you to everyone who supported us in 2022.

Vi önskar alla en god jul. Tack till alla som stöttat oss under 2022.

Adult_life: Dir lieber Marlon, Deiner und allen anderen im Grid auch von mir frohe Weihnachten und eine besinnliche Zeit. 1 years ago
I wasn't sure if I would open the sim this year. A lot of bad things are happening in this world right now. But then you would miss a lot of new things and that would actually be a shame.
So, on to AUTUMNVILLES SECOND YEAR , where good meets evil and in between..
I open early, so you still have enough time to make your sim autumnal.
What can you expect? ---A lot!!!
Stroll through the countryside and enjoy (and pick up) the beautiful autumn decorations, see spooky places that will make your blood run cold, voracious flowers just waiting to eat you for dinner and so much more.
New for this year: Stuff in the shopping areas around the sim had been added, an enlarged, completely revamped freak show, a second fully animated band,the Wolftones that´s second to none, an ice cream dealer you'd rather not meet in the dark, and so much more. Find out and just have fun.
And remember a lot but not everything can be copied. PLEASE RESPECT THAT!!! You can see beautiful things "made in open sim- for open sim" for example made by Kimm Starr, Cloee Heslop, Luna Lunaria ,Bibiana Bombinate and many more.
Please make sure to have a good balance between Music and Sounds, otherwise you would miss half of the fun.
Rezzing problems? Then please relog!!
There is a lot to discover, what are you waiting for?

Jamie Wright: I look forward to your region every season Thomas:) 2 years ago

Playing with EEP again

Luna Lunaria: I love playing with eeps 2 years ago
Uhmmm I made a thing that detects greifers in sandboxes and kicks and bans them. Check this out. It's also a 3d radar, and shows people flying around and moving around on the sim. Get yours at

Panthera Mayor: oh sound good :) 2 years ago

*EASTER GREEDY GAME TABLE NG* for up to 08 bunny-players.. Available for FREE and FULL PERM! Enjoy :)

Ellen: Such a beautiful person and friend. I am heartbroken to lose you, Ladylove. 2 years ago

Carnival floats coming

Alter Kater: A beautiful imaginative country, everyone should definitely take a look! 2 years ago
AMERICAN ELM TREE (Ulmus americana) NEW RELEASE *** Available for FREE and FULL PERM at FOREST AREA, BOX 06!
- Low prim mesh models! Up to 12 trees into one single prim"
- Seasonal textures included!

Enjoy :)
New release: Arcadia's French Beret.

This is a mini release, I saw some days ago someone desperate to find french berets without any luck so I made one.

It's a simple, non rigged mesh so you can resize it as you want to fit your avatar properly, it comes in six colours including white so you can tint it to match your outfit.

Also as always the textures are in each beret to improve HG compatibility.

Happy Friday!

The Art Factory and all Factory regions are against racism in any form.

Hi Folks
Nice that you are all still here. Friends, envious, haters and hackers I love you all. You think Rakis is dead? Noooooo! 8 unix grid now run fine. ♥ You want my OAR's e.g. Free House Sim 1 + 2 and more? Then go to my website and get it. Hacker, trying to hack the website. The surprise will be great. :-D
have fun.
DMCA blah blah: Everything has to be passed on to CMT. Just as we got it from the creator. Later access changes go by our ass. For lawyers: IGE IPI CH
Charge for your own work, but take everything from others for free !? Steal all CMT right and left and pass on NO mod, NO copy, NO trance. Those are the ones that should be banned from OS!

Best Regards
Rakis Heron
Welcome to MAGABAGA INTERNATIONAL SPACEPORT- All species are welcome, even humans... SIMs at WTG are connected so fly your ship and use our facilities.. Enjoy the performance of our alien artists... And avoid being nearby Aracno Airlines store... they are not much keen of people...

thedeeferry: Wish I could be there. IP banned. Thanks AMV. 20 days ago

We've revamped our welcome area.

Ginger Snaps (Snips): Beautiful 2 months ago
For some, it seems to be sometime tougher to be kind behind pixels. Our values and standards should not change, just because there isn't an immediate and apparent accountability to what we do or say. Be kind.

Haiku Bot: Gentle hand outstretched, Warmth spreads like the sun's embrace, A grateful heart blooms. 3 months ago
I just caught up with the craziness about Lone stealing a floor from Marianna. Looks like she saw my post yesterday about our first monthly social with a picture of my Lotus Club on Luxor. it has a big circular dance floor with a blue arcane texture. I guess she assumed Lone stole that idea the day before yesterday's event and added to his Social region (which doesn't exist). That picture was from my Gala 6 months ago at the Lotus Club and which I built on Luxor a year ago. I have that same exact texture on one of my hypergates at Luxor. I have used that texture for years. I love arcane textures, especially on floors and ceilings - I have them on a floor in Castle Ceridwen and in my main store in the Magic and Mysteries room.

Fred Beckhusen, aka Ferd Frederi: I'm just gonna drop this link here. The above image is from, the watermarked one is not not useable in any form according to their license. A single use license is normally $25.00... 3 months ago

new costumes!

LeonitasLionheart: Those outfits are coco-NUTS! A+! well done and ty! 4 months ago
EUROPA, Moon of Jupiter where aliens, attempting to blend in at the shopping mall, mistake mannequins for undercover agents and engage in intense conversations with them about the secrets of human fashion.
NEW SCI FI MAGABAGA MALL AVAILABLE! TONS OF SCI FI RELATED STUFFS! ALL FOR FREE AND FULL PERM. Go to any interphasic taxi bubble totem and pick up as destination MALL (its in a space station, 1,500 meters up in the sky). Have fun!

Joe Builder: Hey Jimmy Nice region you have there :) Looks like Isil Designs from SL? Is it the same.. 4 months ago
For all of you who asked a copy of my creations, good news:
ZweetZ has now a shop setup in the Bahai Lotus Theatre!
I'll be adding more items regularly. Teleporter is at Landing Point.
Lemme know what u think?
Enjoy!☺ Peter

PinDeluca: Thank you for sharing your creations Peter. I really enjoyed looking around. I am interested you see what you make next ! 1 years ago is a great way to promote all the wonderful creations we can find in different grids and I think this is the purpose of this website. Promoting creativity, giving people the ability to explore and see what others create. This is why Im sponsoring this website with advertisements and announcements. Lately I observe this place is filled with comments of personal kind , ( some would call it drama ). I am sure the majority here visiting this website for the same reason as I do are not happy with the continuously posted remarks of personal kind ( and disrespectful) . I wish to ask all who use this wonderful website to consider , where it was built for. If this website will become a gathering place for people who wish to display their frustrations, it will chase away others who are willing to invest in this medium. Please take this in consideration before you post ( and please use English if you can, this is an international community)

Trouble Ahead : "It’s lack of accountability, especially when combined with in-group favoritism, that turns the internet into a l... 1 years ago

Heute dem 20. Februar um 19:00 Uhr Deutscher Zeit ( 10AM Gridtime) auf Koeln der grosse Rosenmontags Umzug. Koeln freut sich auf eueren Besuch. Alaaf

Kashi Takeshi: Der beste Karneval, den ich in OpenSim gesehen habe. Die Arbeit an den Autos war sehr künstlerisch. Alaaf! :) 1 years ago
For better or worse, I am sharing things I have done for online safety in Opensim, as the reader you can decide for yourself which actions to take. If you can learn from your own mistakes, you are pretty smart but if you can learn from SOMEONE ELSE'S mistakes, you are a genius!

After reading a number of posts on Opensimworld, it is apparent that some hobbyists of unaware of protections they have available when running Opensimulator for the first time. Some tinkerers may opt for running a simulator on their spare computer at home and connecting the region to an OPEN grid like OSgrid or Zetaworlds. Nothing beats the excitement of having your own land for the first time. You spend hours designing your city, giving it a theme, placing sit targets on all of your furniture; everything is 'ponies and rainbows' until some jerk comes in and decides to populate your territory with questionable objects in the hopes they can READ YOUR COMPLAINTS HERE ON OPENSIMWORLD while they are fondling their (ahem - your favorite depiction here) ego at your ire.

THE BEST RESPONSE TO TROLLS IS NO RESPONSE. When you ignore them, they move on to someone else who will make some noise... They are like vampires feeding off of negative energy.

The screenshot above illustrates things you can do to protect your simulators. In 'about land, options' section I un-check the Everyone boxes. Only Group users may use those features. You can also define who may enter, in 'about land, access' you can restrict access to a group or only certain individuals. Now some of you will say "Stop right there, my visitor's AO will not work or they cannot use their custom dance huds". The good news is that if your visitors are using the AO built into their viewer, that is not a problem, they will have their own custom animations or dances and will not need to run scripts. If the visitor is someone you can trust, you can allow them into the group... If you are having a party, you can temporarily enable script access to guests while you are present. When you are running the region it is up to YOU to POLICE IT. You have options for blocking hostiles in your built-in configuration files. There are also scripted solutions for traffic control where you can banish individual users, entire grids or IP ranges in real-time. You are free to seek out any technology which keeps your world safe. I strongly advise that you examine the code before employing these security devices.

For Hypergrid users: Enjoying a LAG-FREE experience is not the HOST's responsibility. IT IS YOURS.

As computers get more powerful each year, region operators WILL populate their sims with content that could bring many CPUs and display adapters to their knees. Lets face it, not everyone can afford to buy a new computer every year with all of the latest bells and whistles. When traveling you want to make sure your PC is optimized for controlling client side lag. Luckily, your viewer has features available to combat these issues. Reducing draw distance, particles, LOD and avatar complexity will give you better frame rates at the expense of reduced visual quality.

Other ways to protect yourself when traveling include: Making sure your SUITCASE IS EMPTY - the more junk you have in there, the more BLOAT that follows you as you travel. You can also make a lightweight hypergrid avatar. The screenshot above shows my actual inventory window. Instead of carrying everything on my person, I have everything rezzed on land in a hidden region on my grid that only I can access. Less inventory means less orange smoke at login. I have been told that some shady grid owners can use rogue simulator code see what is in your suitcase and copy it. I have also heard of grid operators cloning visitors via collision scripted objects - it is easy to copy stuff a cloned avatar is wearing. I always say "Never wear anything when traveling that you do not want some simpleton to copy". I have seen some nasty OSSL code that will crash the sim of the person who cloned you without permission. Trolling the trolls can be fun BUT I digress, TWO WRONGS DO NOT MAKE IT RIGHT.

Opensim does not have to be the 'WILD WILD WEST' - protect yourselves & protect your regions. You and your guests can enjoy the best of Opensimulator.

As always, feel free to share this article when needed.

Peace & Love

Pagane: One more.... will say only once. Years ago one of oldtimers here show me how connect to IP port 8003 with linux terminal and direct send SQL commands. Priscilla use this hole and BASH SCRIPT yes, li... 1 years ago

Moonrose Grid: Frohe Weihnachten wünsche ich 1 years ago
Bald ist es soweit - noch einmal schlafen, dann startet - wie jedes Jahr - der Adventskalender auf Eternal Ice.
Alle Geschenke sind von ihrem jeweiligen Tag bis zur Entfernung des Adventskalenders erhältlich- es gibt also keinen Zeitdruck, jeden Tag nach dem Kalender sehen zu "müssen", um kein Geschenk zu verpassen ...
* * *
Soon it will be time - sleep once more, then - like every year - the advent calendar on Eternal Ice will start.
All gifts are available from their respective day until the Advent calendar is removed- so there is no need to check the calendar every day to not miss a gift....

SheaButter: Thanks for Advent gift. 2 years ago

Our Condolences for the Death of Her Majesty the Queen

Kylie Brimmer: RIP Queen :(( 2 years ago

CopyKat Grid, the home of my regions (and oh HELLO!), is off-line for database maintenance. I've been told that the expected return is 2+ days.

Destiny257Seranade: Hope you have it up and running in no time! 2 years ago

How's THAT for space saving in a small area? haha! xD STILL ALIVE! lol ;)
Prayers, love, hugs n high 5's everyone. :)

Marianna : When Life Throws You a Curve bro you …Lean Into It, Pick Your Lane and Keep Your Weight on the Outside Peg. It wasn't a question of if you would be back it was when. Welcome back, Johnny 2 years ago

Yesterday, Dotty, a true cutie came to CyberPunk, a street drone couldn't resist to snap us

Oni Kiri: Super Photo !!! 2 years ago

Happy Anniversary

LunaRayn: I hate i missed this event.. but cant get to your region. Im saddened.. much love Felix as always 2 years ago
New Release: Arcadia's Timer.

I made this based on a suggestion (thanks Ernest!).

It's a simple timer that will do what any kitchen timer does, you setup the time (up to 99 minutes and 59 seconds) and it will count back to zero, when it reaches zero it will sound an alarm and that's it!

The object itself is a single, very light mesh so you can resize it to either put it in a tennis court or your fridge =D

It can be set to Owner only operation, group or everyone.

Of course the textures are inside for your customization needs.

Happy Tuesday!
Winter is here, Yay! Well, yay for some :).
I have a new release today, fairly whimsical; Polar Bear Ceiling Lights. They were made as ceiling lights and they are resizable. I did a large version separately as the automatic light script had to be adjusted for the life size bears.
There are automatic and manual light scripts in the regular size lights, you can delete the auto script in the large ones and put in the manual if you like.
I have a couple of more ideas for the bears that will be out soon.
Have a beary nice day!

1- All mesh/sculpted models rezzed now work using a single script! (*). No more tons of scripts used to lag ur place;
(*) If at same sim

2- New rain/snow textures and also better sculpted and mesh models to make ur rain/snow look even more like RL!!!

PS.NOTECARD on how to use it is inside the box. Enjoy :)

We moved Klamotto to, but will keep the old place open. We have a new group for updates: secondlife:///app/group/7df4a752-6efb-4d80-ad09-6641d4ad1b34/about

*** UPDATED RELEASE MAY 29th 2024 ***
OPENSIM FIREWORKS V9 (VERSION 9) - All in mesh fireworks (*) with lower complexity- V9 now is even better than previous version - it summons flashing lights on different colors and has more sounds, all to make the effect even more real! Available for FREE and FULLPERM at PARTY BOX.
Here is an example how it looks like now:
Enjoy :)

(*) An old particles firework available as well inside the box!

Safinemahoe2: These fireworks are fantastic! They look amazing but do not cause lag. I put about 20 of these on a one sim island as a test. OMG that was pretty.....but no lag! These are the best fire... 2 days ago
Hi Everyone!

After a 2 week break, installation of a shiny new server and a few tweaks here and there, Mike and I are happy to announce that Raven's Peak is back up and running! **Old landmarks to our store's won't work so please take the hop**

We wanted to extend the BIGGEST EVER THANK YOU @Wolf Territories Grid . Lone and the team from Dream Hosting are superstar's and Mike and I cannot thank you all enough for your fantastic advice, referral and help. I'm not sure we have anything to offer, however if you ever need help with anything, we are here! You are all amazing people! ** THANK YOU! **

Mike & Zoey ♥

Sodasullivan: Yay, glad you are back! 8 days ago
A new amazing shower with state of the art animations (yes, fewer than what we are used to in other furnitures, good!).
Comes fully integrated with Sally Jackson's Cum System, with its own submenu! So you can get messy, and get cleaned, and messy, and cleaned all over again!

Uber: hop:// Boutiques/384/399/23

Sodasullivan: I like the shower so much that I am redoing my whole bathroom now. Love the hot and cold water =) 27 days ago
This week a resident commented to me:

"I cannot believe people here actually talk to eachother...these are real people!
This is not like where I used to live......the people there were not real people"

friends-grid......we are a collection of real people and cultures.

*friends-grid does use animesh for atmosphere, but does not and will not use bots to alter traffic counts. I applaud the grids and regions who refuse to use fake traffic!

Mistressdalgato: I applaud you as well 1 month ago

One of Putri's children is very sick and still has a few critical days to get through.....we can all just pray that the child gets well again quickly...Putri has canceled all shows for the time being

Passion Jumanji: Prayers Putri! SO MANY Prayers going up for you & your child! 2 months ago

All my best wishes for a successful, peaceful Easter from

TrishiaOConnell: same to you 2 months ago
I repaired MAHJONG by Xylor Baysklef. The amazing Xylor made this years ago, and it was broken and stopped working. I just went through thousands of lines of code and fixed all 13 broken scripts. Now it will work in dreamgrid or anywhere. :) I'm leaving it at This is a fun 1 person or multiplayer game and it is very advanced and sophisticated.

Rogue Galaxy: awesome I love playing majong!!! 3 months ago
MORTIMER!!! WE'RE BACK!!!! Thanks to the people of the metaverse. So many of you came to me offering free land, free help, and really demonstrated your friendship. You brought back my latest creations to me to refill my store at Wizardry. I am very greatful and love you all. I could not ask for better friends. Special thanks to Milly Money, Fresh Virtual World, Jay R Cela, Kater_V_Kater, Marianna, PagaSuccubus, Safine Mahoe, HugABug, Mistress Dalgato, Lone Wolf, Nexus Storm, Fearghus McMahon, KatKakoola, Fred BeckHuesen & Druskus. You are wonderful and awesome people, and I am forever grateful to all of you.

JayR Cela: ahh, great news and glad to hear this. 3 months ago
Complete Rental System v1.0

. Two types of lands renting:
Rent Owner : Renter own the land
Rent Group : Renter get group privileges
. 3 ways of calculating pricing:
$Sqm, $Prim, $Fixed
. Price set on server and or Rental Box
. OS$ Money system ( $G Gloebit)
. Rental unit settings:
4- or 8-weeks mode
. Display Rentals with Cards
. Automatic group Invite (or not, as you wish)
. TOS Distribution
. Output Statistics on Notecard or MySql DB API

Complete syteme comprised of:
. Rental Box
. Rental Server
. Kiosk Browser
. Map Kiosk


Lone Wolf: *** DO NOT TAKE THIS ITEM FROM THE SHOP *** Apparantly I just come to rip off ideas, when in fact I could build myself anything you have. 2024-02-24 08:12:42 Lone Wolf http://grid.wolfterritories... 3 months ago
Aujourd'hui c'est le 1er janvier2024
Yep is first january 2024
Le marcher de noel ferme ses portes pour travaux
Christmas market, now closed for update
Merci de vos visites
Thank all visitors.
Bonne année pour tout le monde
Happy new year

iekocatnap: Je suppose que la foule s'est pressée pour bénéficier de ce superbe Marché de Noël, bravo les visiteurs !!! 5 months ago

#christmas2023 #merrychristmas #arkhamgrid

thedeeferry: Same wishes to you and yours! Simply the best! 5 months ago

The Box
Susanna_Heller 2 hours ago
Source code directly from NVidia I mean of course
Susanna_Heller 2 hours ago
I always thought Nvidia cards run a little worse under Linux because there is no source code available ... but I like to learn something new
Arielle 3 hours ago
Did say she was using an ATI card which has a reputation for not being good with linux drivers.
Susanna_Heller 3 hours ago
i am sure on your System the FS works very well ... but a system as sensitive as the OpenSimulator can quickly become a test of patience..... a wrong entry in a config can make the system unstable.....
Susanna_Heller 3 hours ago
why didn't you stay on the professional level... the word nonsense was unnecessary (stop talking crap)
Suzi_Avonside 3 hours ago
Pagane, stop talking crap, FS works fine on the latest versions of Linux, and with NVIDIA graphics cards too.
Arielle 3 hours ago
Yes it is a very closed opensource project it seems, being micromanaged into oblivion. Could be so more then SL :(
Susanna_Heller 4 hours ago
But that's more because the OpenSimulator developers aren't really interested in further development. I'm wondering if there's only one developer developing it (okay, a German programmer would like to give his comments now and then, but most of the code was probably more for his own benefit :( )
KrisTina 4 hours ago
hmm good point
Arielle 4 hours ago
SL viewer code has been the driving force for advancement of Opensim. If we had our own viewer, we likely wouldn;t have had animesh BoM and few other recent features.
Pagane 6 hours ago
Linux version of FS work only on ancient version of Ubuntu and with 2-3 ATI videocard available only in Egypt museum. On any modern (last 5 year) Debian or RHEL last 3 versions of FS simple crash your SQL DB on every appearance save. About speed..... will say comedy, but this is tragedy!
Susanna_Heller 6 hours ago
FS and PBR is a Mess ... Linden Code in a good looking Gift Cube (the FS-Code) the Issue OpenSimulator have after so many Years not a own Viewer ...
Arielle 9 hours ago
I haven't seen that Pagane. Wonder if it is the Opensim Version used. I stay with an older release
Pagane 9 hours ago
every next FS version is 2 times slow than previous and have 3 times more bug..... Linux version is comedy!
Arielle 9 hours ago
Changes coming soon of the grid selector for FS.
Ankhsenaton 10 hours ago
@Cyberglo 24 years old?? how terrible it must have been to lose him :'( caresses for the new babies
CyberGlo CyberStar 11 hours ago
I saved these sweet little babies from the pound. :) I'm so glad I did it. I had my last cat for 24 years and when she died it broke my heart. But I am ready for the joy these two kittens will bring. They make me so happy already! It is worth it guys! Adopt a Pet today! :)
Live Traffic
Agora A
140 7
Trianon Complex A
65 12
The Rendezvous A
9 0
Happy Hour!
Mexico Lindo A
71 8
Abyss A
5 0
Fun Park
0 0
Shinobar Annex
62 18
Peapod A
1 0
4 0
Wyldwood Bayou Rockin' The Blues
91 25
Lbsa Plaza
186 38
Brown Beach Surf A
0 0
Event Plaza
120 18
Terra Nova Festas
19 1
Nefertari Beach Resort A
16 0
Regions Online: 1,756
Active: 248 avatars in 127 regions

New Comments

Jimmy Olsen 3 hours ago
My apologies. Aracno Airways was not offering properly its "service". had to redo script little bit, guess people they came today havent seen all of it. its working now.
Mattt McGregor 4 hours ago
Cogita / Ankhasenaton, I can actually see everything you're saying ;-) But seeing as you're a liar, cheating on your husband and were quite rude to people on our region, I've chosen to ignore you. B...
FreshVirtualWorld 6 hours ago
there's so many open source messenger systems and u pick the most shady one to write this for lol no thanks.
Sodasullivan 7 hours ago
This pretty much sums up how I feel about flying in general.
Ankhsenaton 9 hours ago
It doesn't matter to me, I have nothing to sell or recruit and everyone already knows that I'm a bitch ;-) but it is a charity to warn my sisters against a sick sex addict who hates women
Cogita Doe 10 hours ago
well... the return to normal two avatars'land was not long in coming... no new fresh flesh for Mr. Mattt?... the poor darling... lol !!!
FallenAngel Absent 11 hours ago :-D
CyberGlo CyberStar 12 hours ago
im here an hour late guys, i got held up at the vet with my babies. soorry
FallenAngel Absent 12 hours ago
Nobody was there :-(


Super Nova Beach Resort
Really nicely laid out sim, when I read you sell bikinis I went bonkers. =O I have been looking for some forever, but only found 2 for reborn. Saw all the ones for Athena, really nice, please, pleas...
Dallas Dastardly 5 hours ago
Chances are this sim doesn't even exist anymore. I vaguely remember what it was actually named, it was definitely not named Corsica, and OSgrid has no sim under any name like what I remember anymore. ...
Jupiter Rowland 19 hours ago
Wet Dreams
no access to the mall... [18:50] Grid: You do not have access to the parcel how do i get access?
Annah Gestaga yesterday
Très bien fait, les italiens qui refont Paris, un grand merci pour votre magnifique région, et oui l'esprit de Paris est présent, beaucoup de détails et un agencement très bien calculé, bravo !
Hella yesterday
Yin Yang Town
I didn't think much about the Tai Chi...until I used it alone. It calmed my energy and allowed me to think and center myself. A pretty Amazing place :)
JamieSmith yesterday
Whether you need lighting, party supplies, fireworks or sky items......this is an amazing place! Deserves more than 5 stars!
Safinemahoe2 2 days ago
Arkham Grid
Only positive things to say about Arkham! The decor/furniture and fashion are absolutely beautiful. Very large mall so make time lol. To those who say they have been banned for "no reason", surely y...
IvyEdenflower 2 days ago
Beautiful Place to shop, really admired the unique set up of the shops, nice quality and neatly organized and labeled. It is worth a trip over here.
LunastarPhoenix 2 days ago
Builds Ahoy
A huge selection of buildings, from houses to tiki huts, businesses to fake buildings. You're sure to find something here you'll want! Tip: Start with your draw distance down low before TPing in. The...
Rhowin Blackwell 2 days ago

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