OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

0 Users 3 0 Full grids for as little as 80 USD per month. any questions emaIl you can order the grid package from please let us help you with all your gri...
(1/2) As mentioned...stuff for men! The Jupiter skin comes with 3 styles (Fit/Normal/Muscular) in 33 tones! Includes all add-ons and neck fades!
Bear in mind it's in a new location (since I plane to bring some more items on this theme): hop://

Little cute duck family now available in the YYT Store

The Plushy Family is waiting in the Store for a new lovely and warm Home !!

I'm so thankful for my Serenity - thank you to the awesome people in Opensim for making it all possible.

CyberGlo CyberStar: I'm glad I could help. I take great joy in knowing that I helped another person realize their dream, and am responsible for something wonderful in the metaverse. 3 months ago

More photos from Wolf Territories Grid.

Jared Seda: Such a lovely grid. 3 months ago

***news at Camballa***
Jacket and Skirt
in Reborn and Athena
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

SN Laura Beachdress
Alltime Moneygiver and Luckyshower at Beach

Some few changes done on EUROPA and SIMs:
1- TP POINTS in all the 9 4x4s (excepted the EUROPA SANDBOX) will be at INTERSIM STATION (easily identified by the glassy pyramid);
2- Teleports inside available that building - the Bubble interphasic to go within a region and I have reactivated the MAGABAGA INTERSIM system;
3- INTERSIM MAGABAGA system now going to 8 regions - 32 passengers maximum.
Visit all other regions as:
EUROPA UNIVERSITY (still an undergoing project)
(*) Public access but used only for EUROPA members

SN Mary Bikini
Alltime Moneygiver and Luckyshower at Beach

***news at Camballa***
Glamor and Glitter
and Im Wörterbuch anzeigen
jewels Sets
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

It has been 8 days since the Tenth Dimension Grid was born and became a world within the Metaverse made up of many diverse and beautiful galaxies we call the Hypergrid.
Hammers have been banging the nails are flying and progress is being made on the grid. The two shopping regions are still under construction. I have most of my inventory for my shop rezzed and am now in the process of sorting it all out...a big job. I didn't realize I had made so MUCH STUFF! :) If you see something you like and it isn't set for sale $0 yet, let me know so I can be sure you get it.

The region called The Tenth Dimension Project (not listed here yet) can be accessed through our portals if you want to learn more about the project I have spent the last 5 or 6 years researching and dreaming of. The region is divided into 10 parcels, with a platform in the sky above Imagine 6- Space exploration as this one will require both ground and sky and different environment settings. Some of the parcels already have the EEP made and applied, so please enable your settings to see how that "world's" atmosphere may look, (it could change as I go along). On each parcel, I have put out an Info board that shows 2 possible timelines for each parcel.
In the Tenth Dimension, there could be an infinite number of timelines and possibilities so I have narrowed it down to 2, A or B as these possibilities appeal to me and will challenge my abilities. I have many projects going on all the time as it is my nature and I have so many different interests, so this is a long-term project that will at times progress rather quickly and will also be slow to completion.
I welcome anyone to visit and check out the progress and have a nice chat if you wish if I am around. If you have any ideas or suggestions, I would love to hear them.
While you are here, check out the other regions. We are small but have lots to explore, especially in the Land Of Xzar, so take your time and have fun. See you soon!
PS Are you looking for a vacation retreat or a honeymoon adventure? Lots of places in Land Of Xzar to stay. A castle? There are a few. A large Manor on a farm? A small cottage in the forest or the mountains? A beach hut? A beautiful Moracan-styled hotel or the 1960s-style motel down the street offers two very different experiences. See me for more info.

IsisRising: This is intriguing. I look forward to the development. 3 months ago

Soon! costumes to theme at the venue,
opening on the day of the event..... Thursday, July 4th

CyberGlo CyberStar: Wow! Absolutely gorgeous work! You have art in your blood! These are wonderful and I am so greatful that you are in the metaverse! We need more fantastic creators like you! Not only that, but fin... 3 months ago
I want to preface this with the following disclaimer:
I am not trying to shame anyone, nor am I trying to start a riot. I simply want to share this information with the community so that folks can make an informed decision as opposed to, "Well, I read I could do this, so I did it."

God Mode has helped many of us out, especially when it comes to adjusting, retexturing, or outright fixing a mistake. When an avatar leaves a grid or can't be reached to fix permissions on an item they've acquired from a reseller, God Mode makes the impossible, possible. After scripting a full fledged system and then "selling" my parcel with items without setting scripts to full perm, God Mode fixed it. When I accidentally deleted my original 3D model and didn't have the full perm version in my inventory, God Mode came to the rescue. In short: There are times when God Mode is useful and the use of it is justified. Though along the same vein, there are times when God Mode should not be your first choice.

The reason I bring all of this up is that it came to my attention today that an item I spent many hours over the course of many days scripting, adjusting and creating custom textures for, even watching a YouTube tutorial on how to make edits to the mesh in Blender for, and eventually sharing with no-mod script permissions and copy/mod object permissions, was made full perm through the use of God Mode. To add insult to injury, the script was then offered for sale on the Marketplace, where I had intended to sell a good portion of the script myself, sans the model and textures. To be clear, the mesh was not created by me, nor were the original textures, though the textures I included were my own modifications/creations. I take no issue at all with the fact that someone wanted a full perm copy of the mesh, nor do I particularly care about the textures. What I take issue with is the scripting that is now full perm, open source, able to be hacked apart and broken off for use in different ways, and (most infuriatingly) being sold from someone who apparently had no idea how to script to begin with.

As a scripter, and an active store owner in SL, one of the things I love about scripting is that I am secure in knowing that sending out something no-mod means exactly that. Objects, textures, sounds, animations - these could always be accessed or downloaded in some way, form, or fashion. Scripts, on the other hand, were the Fort Knox of creations that could be shared securely. In OpenSim, things function differently; this I find both refreshing and maddening all at once. I spend the majority of my time working on scripting projects and ignoring the builds on my SIMs, partly because I find it engaging and partly because it's something I can give back to the community.

I realize that it sounds very hypocritical to complain that my scripts were made full perm when I essentially did the same thing with the mesh model. I get it. I hear you. I agree with you. To that point: Unlike the case of the mesh model, which the original creator of is not willing to bring over to OpenSim (and yes, I did inquire), my scripts are being created here and shared with the community for free. I offer my scripting ability to the community because I realize that there's a lot of functionality that is readily accessible in SL that can't simply be Marketplaced for cheap, or in most cases for free, for OpenSim. I revel at the idea that something I've made is being shared and appreciated by those who have come across them and/or shared them. My only (simple) ask is that you respect the permissions of the scripts that I provide for use in OpenSim.

I tend to think of myself as a friendly, giving person and I strive to be helpful whenever I can. I'm readily accessible, both in and out of world, and am more than happy to provide you with full perms with nearly anything I create - you just have to take the time to reach out to me and allow me the time to provide you with it. In previous cases, I have never denied someone who has requested a full perm item, nor did it take me longer than 48 hours to respond to the request. Depending on the request, I may not be inclined to provide full perms for a script, but I am more than happy to adjust/change the functionality to suit your needs. This may be because I plan on selling all or part of the script on Marketplace, or because the script was made for a particular use/case, or because someone requested it and asked that I not share it, or simply because it's a script someone paid for and needed adjustments to but didn't know how.

With that said, from now on, I will be including a script/snippet in all of my scripting projects that I release. This will check the creator and permissions of any scripts that are included in the item; should it find that the permissions or creator have changed on the script(s), it will delete the scripts and you will be banned from accessing my regions. I really do hate doing this, but I feel it's necessary to ensure my kindness and time devoted aren't being taken advantage of. So, to reiterate: If you want something of mine full perm, please reach out to me here or in-world instead of using God Mode and alienating yourself from me, my SIMs, and my current/future shares.

TL/DR: God Mode can be your friend, or it can add you to my ban list.

[ Edited To Add ]
I appreciate those of you who came into the comments section with curiosity, concerns, encouragement, and constructive criticism. Quite a few of you have directly messaged me regarding this and I greatly appreciate the thoughts you've all had, ideas offered, as well as the thought provoking insights. At this time, I feel the conversation is getting off topic and becoming less productive and more of an entertainment source, so I feel it's best to leave this one for the archives and lock comments.

DuncanSteuart: Just to play Devil's Advocate, what would stop someone from rezzing the object, stopping all scripts, changing permissions, and copying the script text? Delete the detect-remove-ban routine, rinse, a... 3 months ago

NEW in the Store --ALICIA Complete Outfit for LaraX Petite

Please remove if not allowed. We've got a land sale on!!!

JayR Cela: I joined Wolf Territories Grid April 1 2024, just to check it out. May 1 2024, I leased some land. I am more than happy. 3 months ago

8 Different Colors Alphabet Balloons Rainbow Letters NEW in the YYT-Store now available!!

Ankhsenaton: HI HI HI .... I almost missed them... I'm so blonde sometimes! I looked everywhere inside the shop and was about to ask to you where it was ... and I thought to do an area search ... it is on the wall... 3 months ago
Looking for a script? Need some kind of script functionality modified?

At this time I'm not looking to take on huge projects, as I'm working on a few of my own, but I welcome any small to medium scripting needs that you may have.

Feel free to drop me a message! I'm happy to help in any way that I can.

(To ensure I receive your message, please use OSW's messaging feature!)

Joe Builder: How about some weapons, Example a Tank firing a explosive that has damage.. 3 months ago

The Catagotchi Games come in different colors u can get them in the Yin Yang Town Store

I will create your own customized Chest tattoo for you
a Name or word you want on the chest.
you have 6 letters from A to Z
and also a heart to decorate your name or Word

maximum of 6 letters

contact me on OSW or in world OS-Grid / Yin Yang Town
for your own customized tattoo.

Wolf Territories Grid: "Luke, I am your father" 3 months ago
The work at the mall is completed (for now) and the new welcome center is very nearly completed and will be totally operational very soon - there we will have tutorials and videos for the "How To's" of navigating Open Sim including MY favorite...SHOPPING!! Blessings and much love, Lavia

Psicotronic: Yay ! 3 months ago
News! Take the Teleport in the Darkroom located in the commercial area (in front of the swimming pool) and you will get directly to the new area or -------> hop://
New! List Subscriber! GREAT FOR DJ'S!!! GREAT FOR SHOP OWNERS!!! People can click it to subscribe to your list! WAY MORE RELIABLE THAN GROUP MESSAGES! Then the dj can send a notice out to all the subscribers in the list, even if they are on many different grids! Great for parties! New in this version: Click once to be added to the list, click a second time to be deleted from list. Owner click will bring up the menu to enter or send a message to all the subscribers. :) New in this version: Saves the entire subscriber list to a notecard so your subscribers are never lost! :) Get yours now at I'll leave it here a few days before deleting it. :)
This build is "YUGE" as they say! Created for a mall type shop to be used as such, this giant shop boasts latticework entrance and doorways, fancy arched windows, brick exterior, decorative concrete pillars, and three fancy grillwork (teleporter) elevators. It's a unique blend of old and modern for a unique touch to any region. You can find it next to near "Fall's For You" beside "Skywind Designs" which are both by "Ezra's Antiques & Collectables". Stop in and check them out. And make sure to take your time an explore this ginormous 8x8 Mall. We are growing and adding new vendors so if you'd like to set up shop with us, we welcome you.
Blessings and much love - Lavia
Auf einer verlassenen Insel mit dunklen Ecken haben sich Piraten ein Zuhause geschaffen. Gold und viele Schätze sind in den Tiefen verborgen. Am Abend jedoch feiern die Piraten ihren Beutezug mit Whiskey und Rum. Kommt und feiert mit uns diesen Ruhm.
Pirates have made a home for themselves on a deserted island with dark corners. Gold and many treasures are hidden in the depths. In the evening, however, the pirates celebrate their raid with whiskey and rum. Come and celebrate this glory with us. Nova

AresHalostar: That is fluffy, Midge Inglewood's pet. Yes, it does damage (but then again, most things on Thornhollow does). 4 months ago

Bangles and bracelets at the Monentes Jewelry store! Jewelry


'Nough said.

SheaButter: Some are just shit disturbers anyways. lol 4 months ago
Stop by and see some of the thing's I've built that you might like, though really I have builds all over the mall because we do our best to provide original builds as much as we can. While you're checking out my little corner, don't forget to stop by Ares Gizmos, Stuff N Things, Indego's Market & Boutique, Heart of The Matter Boutique, Creations by Tainted Angel, Fall's For You, Thor's Forge! We've got a little of everything waiting just for you.

Hello friends, I updated the dolls today and added 3 more dancing dolls. I wish you a lot of fun with the 3 dancing mice

@LillySparks contributions not only advanced the technology of virtual surfing but also brought people together, creating a more vibrant and cohesive community. Her work remains a testament to the power of innovation in enhancing virtual worlds and the experiences they offer. I feel my dream is finally realized, to have quality surfing in opensim is a beautiful thing but the cohesive community is just heartwarming. Seeing Hyacinth creating her new surf region gave me total goosebumps because in SL in the beginning that is how it was, everyone was creating their surf sims, creating their teams and all coming together each month for a surf comp, we can do this too! We can create our surf sims, our teams, and have fun competitions. Lag right now might be a thang to overcome if we have lots of action other than surfing on the sim, we might have to have the competitions in a stripped down sim with just the waves and boards but there is so much hope for this!! I am over the moon excited about our future! Get out there and surf everyone and thank you, @FerdFrederix, Kayaker, Hyacinth, and Lilly and team! 🏄‍♀️💕
Image is @JamieWright shreddin'

Carmen Jewel: This is how we should be treating each other ,having fun with love and respect This is how I visualize Open Sim . Well done ! 4 months ago
Look who stopped by Lilly to try out the waves and board!! @JamieWright cuts through the waves like a seasoned pro! Thank you for stopping by Anna and checking out the surf! Thank you Lilly setting us up! Looks like we have competition !! Yayy

Lillysparks: this just brings me joy. haha 4 months ago

Just completed a complete remodel of the Decor Room in the main store building at Lunaria Emporium. All furniture, Lighting, decor, and accessories have been fully updated and new items added.

----- NEW -----

Marianna: Beautiful!! 4 months ago
we make weekly parties and combine meetings during the week with little groups of people who want to enjoy dances and intimate encounters .... and enjoy together

I see someone has been busy last night @FerdFrederix, thank you! Zensational is beyond anything I dreamed, it is such a peaceful and lovely region, please feel free to stop by anytime. Thank you to all the explorers who stop by and IM to say hello @JamieWright , @RolandFrancis, @JoeBuilder, thank you!!

Ankhsenaton: What a pretty sim, how exotic and so well done. I don't regret having given everything time to rez :-) Maybe not enough time for the platform near the "City Gate" which remained a little empty. (The... 4 months ago
After the injuries of the last few days, some people have called for forgiveness of every injury for the sake of peace. I find it very difficult at the moment, although forgiveness can take a burden off you. How do you feel about it? It would be nice if the answers were expressed honestly and peacefully, there is no need for another fire. Also, by the way, I also find it sad when posts are simply deleted.

Nico Kalani: Forgiveness is warranted if the person can sincerely and honestly admit to their bad behavior toward me, and if I care enough about having a relationship with them instead of indifference. Usually, th... 4 months ago
Jewelry is a reflection of your personality, and many of the designs have been inspired by your suggestions. I've received touching requests for Journal Lockets, Grandmother's rings, and rings that evoke memories of "Mom." Thank you for these heartfelt ideas. When time allows, I love the challenge of creating something new. Thank you for the inspiration and continued support. 💕

Arielle: Wouldn't a mood ring that reflects the RL mood be great? :) 4 months ago

I just wanted to say that I love opensim! I love that we are so free. Have put together this beautiful sim with everyone's awesome creations that they share. Thank you everyone!

Awakening in an exotic land of inspiration and magic, I found myself enveloped by the scent of blooming jasmine and the soft whisper of the breeze through the trees. Zensational is a nice place just to unwind, everyone is welcome here 💗🌷🌷🪷🪷

Hyacinth: Gorgeous pic! 4 months ago
I've already had a couple of requests from patrons to customize the main marquee sign from MAJESTIC to something unique to their region. I am more than happy to do this for anyone who buys the venue and will do so at no extra charge, so feel free to ask :-). Please keep the name at 9 letters or less so that it will fit nicely on the sign.

Many grateful thanks to those who have purchased the new venue. Your support and profuse compliments humbled me. Of course, I expect invites to grand openings and galas.

LeonitasLionheart: I thought of it, but i like the ring of The Majestic Theater/Cinema. We named the region Royalty, and plan to turn it into a wedding region on a 3x3, free for all to use. It might take us a few months... 4 months ago

Wolf Fest is Coming....

Xenon Darrow: And so chock full of education! 4 months ago

Check out the new selections of Outfits and Shoes.
Some in Sizes: Athena, Reborn, and Legacy.

Pagane: LOVE GRIMM!!!! 5 months ago
Hello to all the friends of NewLifeItaly! What a wonderful evening we experienced yesterday! Zeno, with his extraordinary skill and talent, made the event unforgettable with his live performance.It is always an immense pleasure to be immersed in the unique atmosphere of live music, and yesterday was an experience that will remain in the hearts of each of us.
I would like to express my deep gratitude to all of you for participating and contributing your warmth and affection to make this evening so special. It is you, with your presence that make the magic of these events possible. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support and participation!
A special thanks goes, of course, to Zeno for his helpfulness, courtesy, and above all his extraordinary talent. Thank you for sharing your art and passion for music with us, Zeno!
I look forward to sharing more such moments with you.

Keep following us to be updated on upcoming events!
I wish you all a wonderful and joy-filled evening. A big hug to each of you!

NewLifeItalyGRID: great event, it's great 5 months ago
Good day!!
I have made a few new things and they are available at my shop, Star Ravenhurst Designs at the Star Jinn Palisade Mall. Find the shop on the teleport board to get there. Al Kohav

LaviaLavine: Star, your creations are always beautiful!! Outstanding job on these, I'll be around to pick some up for my my regions!!! 5 months ago

News! Cucciola Shop hop://

LeonitasLionheart: Shine on, you crazy diamond! :D 5 months ago
Upgrade Your land with a Free SkyBox!

*Location(on teleport kiosk): 04accesories, CitizenCrafts.

Turn your parcel into a private oasis with our FREE SkyBox! This unique shelter provides everything you need for relaxation and unwinding, all included at no cost!

Inside your SkyBox, you'll find:

A comfy bed for stargazing nights or movie marathons
A cozy couch for curling up
A refreshing shower to rinse off after a long day
A comfortable seat to enjoy
Don't miss out on this opportunity to create your own personal sanctuary!
~Mech Lab

Jamie Wright: That looks super cool. Does it come with the puppies? XD 5 months ago

Live Traffic
Valeria's Avatars 2
65 12
Lbsa Plaza
190 38
31 1
Trianon Complex A
89 18
Hypergrid Games
12 5
Gentle Fire Grid
58 6
East Coast 80s
11 0
Happy Hour!
3 0
Event Plaza
122 18
AMV Welcome
96 0
Brown Beach Surf A
16 5
Roughnexx-Cathedral A
10 3
Welcome A
19 2
0 0
11 0
Regions Online: 1,763
Active: 262 avatars in 148 regions
The Box
HarperHeld 5 hours ago
And Fred as well!
HarperHeld 5 hours ago
Thanks, Chopsy!
Fred Beckhusen/Ferd Frederix 8 hours ago
Update Bug in DreamGrid V5.692 requires Manual intervention. See
Fred Beckhusen/Ferd Frederix 8 hours ago
Update Bug in DreamGrid V5.692 requires Manual intervention.
Chopsy Bode 23 hours ago
Ive added the script for the lightshare in the scripts tab above for anyone wanting it :)
OpenSimUser 23 hours ago
I tried a dreamgrid search, but no luck.
OpenSimUser 24 hours ago
Does anyone have a copy of the Windlight Thing?
Offworld Grid yesterday
Just finished my welcome hub and my club, so, Offworld Grid is open!
OpenSimUser yesterday
where did you find the windlight thing at
Esti Mation yesterday
got "Windlight-Lightshare-3.2" by Jeff Hall
HarperHeld yesterday
nope, I no longer have it -sorry
HarperHeld 2 days ago
I used to have one, not sure but I'll check. Lightshare hasn't been a functional thing since at least .9, though?
Crazyposeidon 2 days ago
Hi we are looking for an enviroment changer Lightshare with blue menue drop in all our favorite , Greetings from C&C
Fred Beckhusen/Ferd Frederix 2 days ago
@Cyber, I've loaded all 225 oars with a few clicks. This is not a place I hang out or a tech support forum. File a Mantis bug report.
Suzi_Avonside 2 days ago
Thanks Fred, I noticed it last night (wee small hours actually) but was too tired and confused to thought it was me.
Offworld Grid 2 days ago
Telling me "i'll gnaw your hind end off! >:(" in DM's gets you blocked, @Cyberglo
CyberGlo CyberStar 2 days ago
I'm on kali linux right now... using my cellular modem on my uConsole device. /me plays mission impossible music
CyberGlo CyberStar 2 days ago
I'm on kali linux right now... using my cellular modem on my uConsole device. /me plays mission impossible music

New Comments

PrillLeon 2 hours ago
Venite a divertirvi con noi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! vamossssssssssssssss
Angeldark 2 hours ago
Entrate con noi a ballare e lasciate um messaggio da mandare in diretta radio vi aspettiamo! Come and dance with us and leave a message to be sent live on the radio, we are waiting for you!
LeonitasLionheart 4 hours ago
Let's all have a bash! 😁
Copper 5 hours ago
This windlight doesnt work anymore on OS versions and newer: There is EEP since approx 2 years. Your script is from 2005.
Cleopata Rajal 10 hours ago
Vela Disco
Fabiannus 12 hours ago
Hi difficult téléport one your sim SAD
Luci☬Fer 13 hours ago
good customization and nice photo, congrats!
Sabrinastav 19 hours ago
I sincerely admire your creations and I think you are one of the people who knows the most about these things in Opensim, but I must say that your post was directed to Mirrors specifically, and not to...
Arcfury 22 hours ago
That is so cool to see that effect. If there is no noticeable drop from multiple mirrors, as you say, then things like a gleaming glass covered cityscape would be possible, as well as a Naboo royal s...


The most recent Firestorm viewer version is denied access to this region? wow...
Offworld Grid 4 hours ago
Gentle Fire Grid
While the grid has plenty to see and do, one thing that is rather annoying is the fact when you first land, you get bombarded by a bunch of im's. I would give it more stars if it werent for that.
OpenSimUser 9 hours ago
Little Big City Shopping Mall
I went here several times on several days and never had a single issue getting there. Tons of fun stuff to be found here, I found great houses, all the decorations for a party I needed, furniture, clo...
Gentle Dragonheart 12 hours ago
Dwell Upholstery
An awesome place to shop! Whatever you need for your home they got it! I mean for every room they got you.
HoneyOG 2 days ago
Totally enjoyable visit So much to see and lots of awesome unique freebies.. The Halloween location was so well done and is the entire region.:-)
Ripple 2 days ago
Funsize Academy
5 FAT FABULOUS STARS ...Fantastic Building Classes taught by Ted Junior are great! Only taken 3-4 classes and I already learned more than I thought I would. If you have a chance to catch one of these ...
Faith Fromund 3 days ago
Trianon Complex
Très bon accueil. Propriétaires adorables. C'est très joli. je lis des commentaires vraiment pas sympa! Des alts ? hum et après? ca change quoi à vos vies? Je trouve leurs avatars très jolis et en tou...
Celeste Charnelle 3 days ago
Trianon Complex
A fun place to be, great tunes and fun times dancing from ballroom dancing to disco and others.
windrunner 3 days ago
Trianon Complex
The Trianon Complex is a very warmful place, here, you can find always good tunes, a cheerful owner and a great DJ as well, and always nice guests joins party. Come visit the region and just enjo...
Adani 3 days ago

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