OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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It's that time of the year again when OSFest is nearly ready to open the doors of a new grid to exhibitors, merchants, and sponsors to start placing their creations before the official opening on September 15th. I know I've been working on my new exhibit since mid July.

OSFest (OpensimFest) is a big event with tons of exhibits from multiple grids, including individual exhibitors, merchants, and artists, as well as educators and grid owners. Each year they create a grid just for the festival with multiple regions and tons of performers that lasts 2 weeks. At the end they have a large celebration just before the entire grid is taken down until the next year.

If you wish to participate as an exhibitor, performer, or merchant, please go here to register for a parcel: then click Register on the top menu line. Once the grid opens you'll receive a parcel number by email.

OSFest sponsors are those who support the grid monetarily to help offset the server and technical costs of running a short-term grid. Their support ensures the grid is free to everyone. If you would like to become a sponsor, go here to register where you can choose a support level you're comfortable with:

For those of you who would like to attend, you can find the calendar of events here:

To hear all the news before everyone else, join our Discord here:

Star Ravenhurst: I had no trouble registering from the website and I joined the Discord server with no issues. I plan on being a volunteer for some hours and a Hostess for some time and helping out in any way I can. I... 1 years ago

Do you know anyone who suffers from this common hypergrid misconception ?

Arielle: Some of the early iterations of the ToS's some Grids put up for authorization, sounded like they collected and held on to all information about visitors for 7 years, not just IP. 1 years ago

I left Dorenas World.

Mistressdalgato: whatever the reason, I hope you find a good new home. :) 1 years ago

Oyé Oyé Avis à la Population
Merci a tous de faire passer le mot

falene hawks: Bonjour ce serait bien d'avoir un ordre du jour pour se préparer et pas partit=r comme ça au charbon, merci 1 years ago
Adding Partners in opensimulator

Buzzy Cnayl: Partners is not actually part of standard OpenSim but there is a script at that may work with Dreamgrid 1 years ago
Hello Everyone.. I'm looking to hire a scripter to create a specific item I need for inworld.. Please send me a message here or on Discord RogueGalaxy #6096 if you know OpenSim Scripting or can refer me to someone who is a great awesome scripter! I can pay!
I'm looking to have something similar to this.. created, I dont want that shape board.. would prefer square and bigger photo display.. but that's the general idea.. I Want to use it for Open Mic Morning..

Snoots Dwagon: In earnest, most people don't realize how much hired scripting costs. Scripters are computer programmers... and usually not cheap. 1 years ago
In reference to my post yesterday..
A professor gave a balloon to every student, who had to inflate it, write their name on it and throw it in the hallway. The professor then mixed all the balloons. The students were given 5 minutes to find their own balloon. Despite a hectic search, no one found their balloon. At that point the professor told the students to take the first balloon that they found and hand it to the person whose name was written on it. Within 5 minutes everyone had their own balloon.
The professor said to the students: “These balloons are like happiness. We will never find it if everyone is looking for their own. But if we care about other people's happiness....we'll find ours too. This is the same as "community building" if we all help and support each other.. we would be much happier.. just something to think about.. as a side note.. I love teachers who teach like this!
Here’s to caring about everyone’s happiness .. now and always!

Suzi_Avonside: I think you've just fundamentally described what socialism is! I realise that that will probably scare the living daylights out of the average, everyday American over the age of 40, but think about i... 1 years ago

Health system is FIXED! YAY! See you all in "The Afterlife!

KrisTina: "The Afterlife" is a must-see. Make sure and take The Afterlife Tour ride. 2 years ago
Good Morning everyone, I want to share a little bit of news with you.

friends-grid is up and running and so far the oar transfer looks great!!! We have not added all the additional regions yet.......but we got friends moved!

there is a welcome island thing where you land at first...I am trying to bypass that...but will let you know.
I will try to share the new location with you soon, I am just trying to let them get a few more things done first. I may be here in my afternoon today like I was yesterday

We worked on this until late last night, but I just got up and tried to log in on the new avi I made for myself. I got logged in, but not as a noobie......I am logged in and saw I was wearing my same body, hair skin and outfit that I wore yesterday on my aviworlds avi. The iar worked perfectly!!!!!! I do not have to make a new body! For Lily and reggie with aviworlds accounts; if you want to make a friends-grid account...this is huge!

I am super excited.......more news soon!

Safinemahoe2: Please see Serina’s post below! 2 years ago
Brain teasers

1. What starts with "E" and ends with "E" but only has one letter in it?

2. What can be broken but never held?

3. Which word in the dictionary is always spelled incorrectly?

4. Forwards I’m heavy, but backwards I’m not. What am I?

5. What’s full of holes but can still hold liquid?

6. If I drink, I die. If I eat, I’m fine. What am I?

7. Before Mt. Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain in the world?

8. If two’s company and three’s a crowd, what do four and five make?

9. What has one eye but can’t see anything at all?

10. What is always coming, but never arrives?

11. What gets bigger and bigger the more you take away from it?

12. How many 6-inch by 6-inch books can you put in a 2-foot by 2-foot container, so that it's not empty anymore?

13. On which side of a chicken is there more feathers?

14. What goes up and down but still remains in the same place?

15. And how long is the answer to this question...

Safinemahoe2: This test is to help us all “think outside the box”. This is something I do with my staff to help them open minds. We get so used to looking at things one way….sometimes we do not see answers right... 2 years ago
The landing point - and at the same time the starting point of the game - is located inside the town hall. You can choose between English and German instructions. Also take the note card from the info box with you - it might help to understand the game easier - and also to find the searched persons faster.

For all the singles among you: your ultimate soulmate is waiting for you on "The Good Place"! The person who fits you perfectly ... [ or maybe not ] ...
* * *
Der Landepunkt - und gleichzeitg Startpunkt des Spiels - befindet sich im Inneren des Rathauses. Ihr könnt zwischen englischer und deutscher Anleitung wählen. Nehmt euch auch die Notizkarte aus der Infobox mit - sie kann helfen, das Spiel leichter zu verstehen - und auch die gesuchten Personen schneller zu finden.

Für alle Singles unter euch: auf "The Good Place" wartet euer ultimativer Seelenverandter auf euch! Die Person, die perfekt zu euch passt ... [ oder auch doch nicht ] ...

OpenSimUser: Nice place to visit, if all you want is eye candy. But do not expect to find much of anything you can take away from here. 2 years ago
I wanted to share something that might help some of you. I was recently very sick. I called around several doctors offices trying to get in with a super bad case of the flu. They all were booked up! So I decided to try a different approach. I went online and there i found I called them which costed $59, and they called in flu antivirals to my local walmart, which costed another $34.00. I am feeling much better. You can contact them either over video, or over the phone. For those too sick to leave the house, this is a great option. I just want to help you all. There may be other web doctors on the web you can try. But my wait time with this one was 8 minutes, and the phone rang. incredible!

RemmyRavenhurst: Vitamin D, zinc and c helps! 2 years ago

Spirits and Witches, Bats and Black Cats, Candy and Pumpkin Spells Let's go Halloween Season is back at French Creat Home

Ellen: I got all items for free! 2 years ago

Happy Birthday geliebter Vati wenn wir nicht vollkommen durchgeknallt sind, dann weiss ich es auch nicht. - Happy Birthday beloved daddy, if we are not completely crazy, then I do not know.

SoA .BAD: Danke, danke liebe Freunde für die vielen Glückwünsche. 2 years ago

Autumn has struck at Neiferleaf

KhennaReenberg: Being new to the grid, I recently had the pleasure of visiting - what a breath-taking place...I will visit again to experience Autumn. ♥ Thank you so much for sharing your labor of love and vision. 2 years ago
Hello all :)
I see a lot of photos and exciting places on OW, I invite anyone who wants it and who has a flickr account to register on my group to make known the good addresses of the hypergrid to all those who consult the photos of the virtual worlds on Flickr. Leave your LM of course, on your photos, show your avatars too.

A big thank you to those who have already joined :)

Almost ready

Lone Wolf: The one at Wolf Territories Grid is now at Territories Colorado We have our first shows there Sunday. 2 years ago

Dinkietown has a new segment, which is called DinkieLane. Two shops are already open and have special hair for Dinkieboys and girls. Feel free to shop around. More to come!

Hugabug: super cute Avia you've done it again 2 years ago
You can see some captures from SL and Opensim in the Gallery

This pic was captured at Belly dance time in AMV grid

Current exhibition is : "Face to face"

... is about the emotion around a face, an attitude, in the fleeting moment, a stolen moment of femininity, this exhibition shows the woman in her feminine states, the faces are subject to effects, depicting time and space, words accompany the images, but they are read and let themselves be carried away by the imagination, yours, it is this imagination that finally registers to speak to you...
I invite you, your sensitivity and your words if you want to share them with me :)

Ellen: Your photographs are so hauntingly beautiful. 2 years ago
no longer iso Kimberly ...

thank you alexa maurer ???

FreyaJo8: give Arkham city a try, they have all the latest BOM heads and all the extras. Just look them up on here. 2 years ago

The beautiful new build by Mudpuddle Cleanslate and Chelsea Louloudi in lfgrid.
If you like the Beatles, this is for you.

Dabici132: Neat assenblage of diverse natural habitats and Gnome paradise 2 years ago
To all those who feel the desperate desire to criticize my build based on religious idiology and not artistic creativity, please read the little attachment on this post and be aware, the next clown that does it will have their post deleted as well. I am NOT here to argue religion and I don't give a rat's ass what you do or don't believe. I'm here to create beauty based on a historical city described in the Bible that was built by probably the most famous King in history, I am not here to indoctrinate, convert or criticize so if that's your game, kindly play it elsewhere because I don't have time for your bullshit. My beliefs are mine based on 60 years of research and I don't care one inkling of a little bit if you agree or not so please keep your argumentative, judgemental, holier than thou posts to yourself and stay off my page.

JuliaAmly: Be you and do what you love...keep on creating what your dream is ... peace and love 2 years ago
Typhaine Artez, whom many of you may know, as a wonderful lady, and genius scripter, has provided us all with a redo of DJ PHIL's osvisitor web based system. It allows you to store your visitor list without storing sensitive data like ip addresses, but not having to rely on inworld objects - which often get reset. This project allows you to sort by visitors to a specific region, or a grid, or sort visitors by day, week or month. It relies on a free website for the free api call to process the data. What an amazing gift to the community!

JoshBoam: Hello Great Product... The Readme does not have much information.. Although setup is straight forward.. Some without any tech skills will find this hard to setup.. I suggest that a better how to ins... 2 years ago
Nyx Breen - Immersive exhibiting at OS Chlorine - Upcoming OS Arts Festival - Midnight setting - Draw 600 - Graphics Max - Music on. Enjoy. Post the images you take in multiple Artscape environments.

nyxbreen: Post images you take while visiting. 2 years ago
"Quota of Cuteness" or "From the Vaults of My Alts"?
This outfit had its origin in a grid long ago and far away. It is from the vault of an alt. And cute? Pigtails. Pink polka-dot scarf. Puddle boots (Fatpack!). Black cat earrings. And...a PAC-MAN necklace!

Quiz time. Before the Pac-Man arcade game was released internationally, it's name was what? Extra-credit bonus point question: Why was the name changed?

oh HELLO: Outfits With Options

Nico "CoolKat" Kailani: No one has gone for the extra-credit bonus points and explained why the name was changed from Puck-Man. I guess its pucking obvious... 2 years ago

Hey everyone, we are at last on the final details of the sims, but on Saturday 21st May 2022 Stark is back, we back!!!!!

There is a Grand Opening Party starting at 11am SLT through to whenever, and sometime prior to 11am Stark will be opened to the masses!!! ;-) There will be another announcement on Saturday when the veils are finally lifted.

As always Stark will roll out the rainbow, Love, Pride and Respect to all and Mattie will be playing the tunes, a great mix of favourites to get Stark back up and grooving!!!

Join us if you can and let's have a great time!

StevieZee: welcome back 2 years ago
2 years Soul, living with friends

Our program for today :

10:00 PDT Welcome Party with DJ Tailor
11:00 PDT Soul Man Group with an amazing lightshow & Gisela Blue and her cowl gang
11:15 PDT Tailors dancefloor
13:00 PDT Beas nightwish

We would be happy to have you with us.

Dorena Verne: Ganz großes Kino lieben Dank für die schönen Stunden bei euch. 2 years ago
****EEP SKIES HUD V2 UPDATED RELEASE **** You can now change your EEP sky (*) in your SIM with serveral nice seasonal day cycled options by a simple touch in a HUD! You just need add it to your avatar! Super easy! Nice for those who has zero skills on EEP settings or... just lazy!
Pretend you want play ur SIM as New York city RL so grab the correct HUD for it (and You will experience the same Sun position /angle, sunrise/sunset (approximated values) there! Like on RL. And many options of skies for clear day/nights, foggy, cloudy and rainy!

Available for FREE and FULL PERM at the newest BOX 08 or click teleporter and choose EEP as destination.

(*) Check to your grid manager if EEP sky is enabled;
(*) You must be SIM owner to make it work.
(*) Special thanks for Clifford (AMV Grid owner) who built this script and allowed me to share to Opensim community).
(*) Make sure ur Firestorm viewer is properly set to see EEP skies:
MENU > WORLD > ENVIRONMENT > "Used shared environment" must be selected.

Jimmy Olsen: ** EEP HUD V2 updated *** April 21th 2022 - Just fixed the SUMMER skies for LATITUDE 70 NORTH only. The others ones remain ok, if you don`t use it, update is not necessary. Thx (and sorry for the ofte... 2 years ago

Kelso.Uxlay: Misère! encore une autre grille qui plante 3 years ago
Hello Everyone... I am hoping someone can help me out. I am looking for the Skye Rocky shore box of shore pieces.. Does anyone know where I can go get them or even purchace them. I am working on a beach area . Thanks in advance

Kris Patrick: or maybe, 3 years ago

Or.....stars, maybe?

Irusu Hikikomori: Beautiful picture, very creative! 3 years ago
Looking for Kemono Body clothes
In my current state I am walking around as an anime avie. I found a great starter pack, it came with great clothes but I want more, if anyone knows of where I can get some more clothes for the Kemono Body I would be grateful to you all for the leads. Thank you!

Stupid santa
idiot de père noel
Christmas market
from Virtualdreamgrid

hey everyone here's the latest announcement I am now in AviWorlds no longer osgrid
I will be opening a new store soon. keep watching my page for updates

Can't Copy Items

Why is it that so often I can not take a copy of something even if it is set for copies? This is driving me nuts. Is there a way or setting that I can do to fix this? Thanks

yah, you got it... if you want in, you must be smart enough to message me... otherwise... move along....rofl

Stuff Boxes

I miss the days of stuff box exchange with neighboring grids.

Grand Opening
Where: The Furniture Vault
When: 3 years ago [19 Jul 2021 19:00 SLT]

Grand Opening of The Furniture Vault in AviWorlds... Come shop !!! High End Items!

Today we are all
