Zoes Mall Welcome Adult

Zoes Mall Welcome
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Created :
7 years ago
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Welcome to 2.Nymphgrid, a world made of fantasy and dream.
"IF YOU WISH TO GO SHOPPING", come visit the huge regions, Zoes Mall 1, or Zoes Mall 2
Let yourself be carried away by the dream, get huge bags and be happy getting the many goodies you can find here ☻ ☻ ☻
PS: If you have problems with lag please consider to verify your internet speed: https://www.speedtest.net/
(As an example mine is PING ms2 - DOWNLOAD Mbps 504.43
- UPLOAD Mbps 120.25).

I had to add this image from Mall 1

Sometimes we get gifts, like this lovely image, from someone I just saw on landing point. Thank you!

The Region Status shows Offline, but its Online and with visitors time to time.
So if you want to visit, please go :)

Jupiter Rowland: Is there a writing above the beacon that says it has to be re-initialised? If yes, do so. If not, I don't know how old your beacon is and whether Satyr has changed something on OSW that broke compati... 3 years ago

Please try the TP via map with the link:
I had to install the grid from ZERO, and the old Landmarks don't work anymore.
Nobody is banned here.

The city looks like this with a special light

Interesting, maybe some of you would like to read about

Thanks to all those who gave me a like lately.
I l'♥ U all

Region teleport system

Just arrived to Oceanid II - Zoe's mall II, the new Bento BoM Mesh Body (Athena6), and all the New BoM layers, for your gorgeous bodies.
Enjoy share and be happy!

Zoe's mall II, Oceanid II

View of the new zoe's mall in Oceanid II

A new zoe's mall in Oceanid II
A huge collection of trees, made by Imperator Janus, are in here for all of you who missed them. Enjoy!

Region Status:
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Last checked:
20 minutes ago

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Upcoming Events
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Reviews (13)
Overall Rating:
beth Beautiful Sim and a wonderful kind Sim owner. If you want to visit a sim where you feel at home and relaxed this is definitely the place to visit. Everything is perfect and it all feels so natural
Safine Mahoe When you land at Nymph you are immediately surrounded by the natural gardens and forests with amazing detail! I could spend hours enjoying this area! The other half of this is a shopping city! Just type in OCEANID in world map and you are there....and everything is FREE! Many differe...
Lyudmila Pavlichenko No money no pressure just love and all comes so much better i know that feeling Zoe ;-) Big kiss and TY :-)))) 5 Stars! 7 if i could!!!

Region Comments

lovely region
I really enjoyed the children's store and play ground. Lots of things I had not seen before. Good work ! ; D
i can't find you anymore.. it shows the grid is online, but the map says 'not found'. :(
Although I love the stores at Zoe's Mall, I have been there the past two days(Zoe's Mall 1) and both times I have crashed. Does it need a region restart perchance?
Thanks for your comment tinalee59. Trying this side to figure out what can help you, and all the other visitors. Many can go there and run all over the place without problems... Anyway I will do my best to find out what can make it go faster. Hugs!
I think it might be my updated version of Firestorm, so I am going back to the previous version. Thanks!
Beautiful Job Zoe looka amazing love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its a great work Zoe my compliment.
Much fantasy and great ideas created
with much feeling.