OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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The Rumor-Mill.. says ..Great Canadian Grid is closing it's doors.. May31st, once again, i will have to find a new "she-cave"... maybe i'll make my next AV a gypsy,... kinda fitting my VR life....hahahaha.
UPDATE: CrystalWilde is hosted on Virtual-zone Grid, big thanx to Kashi Takeshi !!

Charlene McNally: Whose saying it’s closing? I also heard there is 1 or 2 silent partners of gcg no names mentioned due to privacy of the names. 3 years ago


Thirza Ember: You've got balls, I'll say that for ya. 3 years ago
Suite à une panne des serveurs FrancoGrid hébergés chez Scaleway Online , et l'absence de volonté de la part de l’hébergeur de trouver une solution viable, nous sommes en incapacité de remonter la grille.
L'association perdure, et reste en veille.
Les assets sont perdus après 2020, les assets datant d'avant 2020 sont saufs. Notre admin technique réfléchit à une solution pour fournir des .iar aux personnes le souhaitant, pour toute information, veuillez contacter ssm par mail :
Pour toute information concernant la trésorerie, ou pour un hébergement (payant) sur un serveur pour monter des simulateurs sur la grille de votre choix, veuillez contacter Nino par mail :
Following a breakdown of the FrancoGrid servers hosted at Scaleway Online, and the lack of will on the part of the host to find a viable solution, we are unable to rebuild the grid.
The association continues, and remains on standby.
Assets are lost after 2020, assets from before 2020 are safe. Our technical admin is thinking about a solution to provide .iar to people who want it, for any information, please contact ssm by email:
For any information regarding cash, or for hosting (paid) on a server to mount simulators on the grid of your choice, please contact Nino by email:

Kashi Takeshi: Big loss... wandered a lot at FG. Let me know if I can help Cherry. 3 years ago
I have become aware that there are various grids saying they have or will stop the use of the SatyrFarm system due to issues with the animal scripts in the Quintonia edition. As soon as I was made aware of this issue I released an update (version 5.8 of the animal script) and you can pick up the rezzer/updater for this in Box 1 from the Mintor store. I would strongly recommend people to update their animals to this version as soon as you can so as not to get on the wrong side of your grid owners etc. Thanking you for your help in this.

Kris Patrick: odd.. 3 years ago
Is the AVITRON GRID the Reality World created by Alexsandro Pomposelli aka Alex Ferraris aka AviTron Metaverse aka... a dead end street?
A friend with an Avatar in the AVITRON GRID asks me and send me this screenshots.

Copper: @Harwol: Wonder why the one stays in such a grid when having such issues. There are thousands (!) of grids in HG. Why rubbing the nerves when get treated so? If people would just go elsewhere, would b... 3 years ago
A carful of too lazy to work thieves tried to sneak into my home late Christmas night. They found out real quick amputee does not always=helpless. An old grey maned wolf with a missing leg still has fangs... heh. Rebelworld is running, but PC still has issues from the most recent breakin during my last hospitalization. Apologies if you experience any lag, or brain hiccups. Happy New Year ya'll, :) hugs n high 5's
I believe, in my opinion, that "war" is founded on envy of the success of a AVITRON... who took advantage of the greed of a grid (Sacrarium) to attract users to their grid, and on the selfishness of some copiers who claim as their own the creations of SecondLife creators, who are not involved in this fight. If you learned to copy and upload your copies, you have 3 options ... 1) you share it with friends ... 2) you share it with the entire Opensim community ... or 3) You don't share it with anyone, only for your personal use . But copiers claim to receive recognition as "Gods" just for knowing how to use a copybot very well. Sacrarium is a good grid, but...IS PART of is beyond than Sacrarium. You want Sacrarium copys ?...make a Avitron dont want Sacrarium copys ?...stay quiet in your grid. Its easy. Just...respect the other users and make your own life.
Ausgrid is down at the moment cause I'm having issues with pc that crash with blue screen saying memory management. I guess it Windows that is corrupted so i might have to reinstall windows. It a pain in the ass. Grid and Regions are safe in other hard drive.
It was working fine and that before bad storms and i saw it coming so i quickly shut down grid & regions then shut down pc and that when next day it gone crazy with blue screen saying memory management, etc you know silly thing. I think i guess it can be corrupted Windows cause i run DVD Linux on it and ran for hours so it have no issues. People that have regions in Ausgrid are missing Ausgrid and so am I missing it.
I'm in the process of getting my region back up and running . . . their are some technical difficulties but I will be back on as soon as I can . . . if not then sooner! I am truly sorry for any inconvenience!
Hello I am Pixie. I am a < new oldie > or < old newbie > in Opensim. 😁
I was owner of < Pixel 3D > before I left Opensim a few years ago.
I am very happy to be back and thank everyone for the warm welcome. 😘A lot has changed while I've been away. I have to find my way around again. 🤔

Unfortunately, I can no longer manage to set up my own store. But I am planning a photo exhibition on the subject of “Original and fake - what would an Opensim snapshot look like in real life?”

The two pictures above are a first AI attempt with my profile picture.

At the moment I have returned to Kitely as a homeless person. Unfortunately, it's not worth having my own region as I can only spend very little time in Opensim. 😢 But maybe I'll move back to OSGrid when their technical issues are fixed.

I'm very excited about all the people I'll meet here in the future. 😊❤️😍
Have a nice evening.

hugs, Pixie

Pagane: Hello again Pixie! I'm glad to see you here again and the screenshot is wonderful as are all your things done in Opensim! Please don't get involved in the hysteria with the crazy AI - AI generated che... 4 hours ago

Right now we have a massive road building project in progress across the grid. Start off at welcome and follow the road!

Frank Hurt: ooooh, this will be fun! I need to find something road-worthy and go sight-seeing! 12 days ago
Tomorrow is the day!
Es reicht!! Event gegen rechts in Dorenas World

15.2.2025 und 16.2.2025

Samstag den 15.02.2025
18:30-19:00 Uhr Einstimmung mit Klarabella Karamell.
19:00-21:00 Uhr Wolem Wobbit Live-Konzert
21:00-22:00 Uhr Rogue Galaxy Live-Konzert
22:00 Uhr bis Openend mit Xenos Yifu

Sonntag den 16.02.2025
16.30 Uhr-18 Uhr Bogus Curry mit großartigen Musikprogramm.
18:00-20:00 Uhr JohnVincent van Dyke Live-Konzert
20:00-21:00 Uhr Kueperpunk mit einer Lesung/Vortrag zum Thema.
21:00-22:00 Uhr Rubeus Helgeruth liest Wolfgang Borchert.
22:00-Openend "DJ-Battle Klarabella und Aki".

Enough is enough!! Event against the right in Dorenas World

February 15th, 2025 and February 16th, 2025

Saturday February 15th, 2025
6:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Warm-up with Klarabella Karamell.
7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Wolem Wobbit live concert
9:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Rogue Galaxy live concert
10:00 p.m. until open end with Xenos Yifu

Sunday February 16th, 2025
4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Bogus Curry with a great music program.
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. John Vincent van Dyke live concert
8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Kueperpunk with a reading/lecture on the topic.
9:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Rubeus Helgeruth reads Wolfgang Borchert.
10:00 p.m. - Openend "DJ Battle Klarabella and Aki".
Feedback geben

Pagane: Unfortunately, politics has obsessed our thoughts and feelings. OpenSIM was created by the people here with all their pros and cons. I completely understand Doren and her dream of replacing the Russia... 14 days ago

Wish everyone a good night. :-)

Xenon Darrow: #FIERCEAF 24 days ago
I tried running 5.87 but... I had issues with it. It loaded the wizardry sim 3x the objects. In other words you could delete any object and there would stilll be 2 of the same object in the same spot. Additionally, it loaded only very little of other oars. So regions that were huge would only load like 200 mb. So not sure what is up with 5.87. I did however, find a complete save of 5.62 where i backed up the entire dreamgrid directory. So I copied that to a new production location and executed it, and im back in business. Since I have the storage space I may do this from now on.

Secondlifesux: I did the same, saved it all and reverted back.5.83. thank god for Terabytes of a file copys 27 days ago
Carry the spirit of the bee—a symbol of perseverance, community, and the golden beauty of nature. Let this pendant inspire you to shine brightly, work diligently, and savor the sweetness of life. Jewelry

SilviaFrey: Hola. ¿Cuando abren la tienda? Saludos 1 month ago
Way back in the day, people "donated" their likeness to be used as the NPC dance partners that we all know and love. They are stored as simple notecards inside of our dance machines.

What I would like to propose, is a project where people can CONSENTUALLY donate their NPC clone notecard for use in everyone's dance machines. After being checked for quality (no missing parts) they would be available as a collection for anyone to use in their dance machines. I think everyone would appreciate some new NPC partners. :)

I know avatars are deeply personal, and people are sensitive about it. Maybe people can come dressed in an old outfit/look to donate a clone? What I am thinking is a machine that you click, and it asks for permission to clone you. It could be at several locations on different grids. Then we can get together periodically and pool our notecard collections.

Hyacinth: I think demanding any kind of exceptional moral purity would be beyond the scope of this project. This would be distributing single notecards, not all of the associated assets. The assets are alr... 1 month ago
Does anyone know if there are places or clubs where modern dance electronic music like trance or minimal techno or phonk is played? And are there people who like this direction? Like it if you like it. I wonder how many of us there are, heheheh.

Wolf Territories Grid: If you go to Wolf Grid we have at least 2 composers. DJ Illusions and Rael Gabriel (Rael's world) (Tropical Illusions) 2 months ago

new winter region GOS DACHA

Luna Lunaria: Nice work, I look forward to visiting. I stopped by your regions today but I dont think this one is open yet 2 months ago

our horse autcion

Lise: I am not into the virtual breeding stuff and therefore have no opinion on the matter, but respect to the new grid owner for not removing critical comments/questions. 2 months ago

Hello mistress. how are you ? I would like to know if the grid has any problems. I've been trying to log in for several days and I can't. I hope you read this message

Kylie Brimmer: My Virtual Grid is running on dreamgrid and this opensimworld link showing it online on some regions. Here the grid website at 2 months ago
Hi folks, I have received a few questions today regarding the body skins I shared (i.e. do they work for EvoX, why no face, etc.)
There's a README inside the pack with some details but a few more details:

1. Body skins generally use the .skin type of item and they only contain Upper and Lower.
1.1. The textures are mapped to the body (especially in places like toes, butts, etc. - hence why those would look weird if used in another body).
2. Face skins generally use the .tattoo type, precisely so that you can 'bake/add' it ON TOP of the .skin of the body (of which [.skin] you cand only wear one).
2.2 The face textures are mapped to the head (Evo, EvoX or others).

In this sense, they are NOT connected (you could wear Legacy and....Catwa as head!), and seldom if ever do body skin come with a face skin (Have NEVER seen that, imagine they come with a Catwa head and you use EvoX, or come with Evo and you use a EvoX head!).

The can be 'related' as far as the skin tone goes (i.e. some body skin creators have a set of tones to which face skins creators try to adhere).
Either way, that's what the neck-fix included (only for EvoX, though) are for. If you can't 100% match the tone, add the fix or the face blender.

The .shape file is also important if you want the default shape. However, you can only wear ONE .shape.
If you 'add' it, it will replace the one you got with your face (and mess the shape).
So, in SL (or even here, if properly here), if you were to start a new avi you would get:

1. The shape [.shape] and eyebrows [.hair] that come with the head. Let's say EON EvoX = You can almost ditch these ones unless you are going with the 'demo'/free face skin that comes with the head.
2. The shape [.shape] that comes with legacy body = You can also almost ditch this one, unless you are going with the 'demo'/free body skin of the body.
3. The shape [.shape] and eyebrows [.hair] that come with the face skin. Let's say EROS (for EON EvoX) = These ones you keep, and will probably the ones you use.
4. The shape [.shape] that comes with the body skin. Let's say Jupiter Muscled TAN tone. = This you want to keep, but just for the values.

1 and 2 don't really have much 'value', they are: 'shape-you-can-use-if-you-dont-add-any-skins-from-creators'. EVEN if you wanted to stick to those, you would need to transfer the body shape values to the shape that come with the head.
ALWAYS combine them.
Why? Because the values (numbers) in the shape of the head are specific values that the face/head skin creator has added so that it looks like in the piiiicz.
Now, legacy creator couldn't possible know if you rely on their shape of the head will look BAD.
Body-values-on-head-shape is also because there are less amount of cells/numbers pertaining to body.

NOW, if you got yourself (hopefully) an additional face skin (eg. EROS) and body skin (eg. Jupiter Muscled TAN), you want to merge and use those two.
Why? Because the values relative to the head in EROS will make it look like in the pic, and the values relative to the body in Jupiter, will make it look like in the pic.

- You add the shape of Jupiter just to take the number values on Body+Torso+Leg tabs.
- You switch into the EROS shape, and replace Body, Torso, and Legs with those values.

Result: Your face will look like in the skin pic you bought, and so will your body.

RECAP: .skin for body skins + .tattoo for face skins. Leverage neckblends. Ditch default body/head shapes. Use skin shape as basis, add body skin shape values.

Emma Lewis: Bonjour, pour moi tout va bien ça s'accorde parfaitement bien avec les skins de tête de chez Sdf ! Encore un grand merci pour ce travail hâte d'avoir Larax !!! 3 months ago

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/149/287/3828

Jordan Melody: aww no reborn :( 3 months ago

Conversion of the Dorenas World grid to 0.9.3 completed without downtime. :-)

Arielle: What version did you update from? .9.2? 3 months ago
:) I am going to be tearing down the Magic Shoppe at Wizardry in the coming weeks. I wish to replace it with a forest, and an elven temple perhaps. So if you want any of the magical items there please get them now, also Savine has copies at her store which is where you will have to go to get the items. I just feel like the area would be better served as a more natural environment for a wizard. Without the old cluttered up shop on the hill.

Pounamu: Hello. I love your store. The End. 5 months ago

Arcfury: I wonder if it is now possible to make something that could work like a "mirror". Since I can sort of see your reflection in that floor. 5 months ago
An old picture that I came across. This was my first region, years and years ago, shortly after OSgrid first opened. I arrived here from SL with like 5 textures, and some sculptie palm trees I created. :)

edited: They didn't even have mesh back then. :)

LeonitasLionheart: Like many, I took the inworldz path, around starting 2009 or so, til they closed in 2017. Most of us are also consumers, even if we also build. What I love most is when we pool and share knowledge an... 5 months ago

Arcfury: This will be a fun show. 6 months ago
I'd like help with either making stuff or finding stuff for a Horrible Halloween event. For example:

1. A DJ that streams bad music
• Any suggestions of what music that would be?

2. A location like a ball room of a run-down hotel.

3. Decor
• Moldy fast food.
• Cheap Beer (label textures that would work on existing cans?)
• Cans of Spray Cheese: extra credit bonus points if it actually can “spray” cheese
• Ripped drapery,
• Carpet stain textures
• Decorations that don’t go together at all.
• Trash bag balloons
• Toilet paper streamers
• Cardboard cutouts of tacky celebs like the cast of Jersey Shore or the Kardashians.
• A swimming pool swamp.
• Dance ball filled with ballet, belly dance, and drunken dance animations.
• Poorly dressed NPCs for the dance ball
• A “Pin the Tail on the Donkey” type event called something like “Pin A Kiss On The Ass” This one is complicated.
◦ An open collar-like blindfold that actually makes people unable to see and that will spin them.
◦ A 3-D ass that changes texture on touch to display a lipstick kiss.

4. Party Favors.
• Bling jewelry.
• Little plastic bags of toothpicks. Because, you can never have enough toothpicks.

Other ideas welcome.

Nico Kalani: The Ballet Academy building would work well for the event. I just need to find it. 6 months ago
This is a pile of SF Meat on one of my regions. I only have 2 kinds of farm animals on there, NOTHING else regarding farming. I love my Unicorns and my monsters! :D

I only have about 10 total.

This pile of meat keeps on replicating. I'm doing an area search and it is now up to 30,000 SF Meat!

I don't understand what's going on, but I hope it's not that slappy sally or whatever her name is that goes around and replicates objects . . . I checked and it did not give a name on who the creator is.

I'll have to talk to Lone about this cuz I'm not sure if I can get rid of it myself! :(

I got rid of it
[9:49 AM]
Took me a while to get rid of all that
[9:49 AM]
[9:53 AM]
I went to the sandbox afterwards because there were 3 boxes along with the SF Meat where the SF Meat was. I wanted to take one out to see if there were any scripts in it. But when I went to look in my trash, I could not find them at all. I deleted those three separately also. Oh well, it's all gone now. I'm just surprised that it happened on a one of my non-farming sims and not on my farming som. Shrugs

Ankhsenaton: j'ai rien compris 6 months ago

UPDATE: I have tried it with an npc and it work, for example wear an invisible prim or necklace whatever you want. name it the name of your bot and add the script in there. create npc notecard and add it to your scripted furniture whatever.

I have been playing around with my 3 day free trial, I have to say i am quiet intrigued. The level of conversations in intriguing. Kind a bummer you have to pay the price for the good stuff lol. Above is with animesh. I am now addicted lol, I've done 3 scenes already with just one bot.

what is everyone's thoughts on this, are there any free versions out there.

here is the original article about it from second life

KrisTina: Everything starts some place. 6 months ago

Steampunk again. :-)

Mistressdalgato: that is one badass outfit! I so want that outfit in world!! nice work! 6 months ago
Items expiring in Inventory
Is there anyway to stop items expiring when taken into your inventory at all? I know that it is part of the system and can combat copying of items but is there a way for it not to happen? Also is there a way to stop crops etc from dying? Thank you!

Pagane: In one my very very old post BEFORE OpenSIM server v9,2 i try to warn about misunderstanding cache and SQL.... After few years may be is time to return to this warning. But... who cares? 6 months ago
I am trying to make (a touchable or walkable) prim that will change the EEP for the agent interacting with it.
I tried this script but it does simply nothing.
Does anyone has a working script or a suggestion, please?

string daycycle_a = "3545d068-b539-4f55-9687-2d33e1762eb4";
string daycycle_b = "19d7a2a7-e10a-451f-9064-0e2f426f21f1";
integer transition = 1;
integer switch;

llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Touch to see osReplaceAgentEnvironment usage.");
llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Transition: " + (string)transition + " second(s).");

touch_start(integer number)
key agentKey = llDetectedKey(0);

if (llGetAgentSize(agentKey) != ZERO_VECTOR)
integer result;

if (switch = !switch)
result = osReplaceAgentEnvironment(agentKey, transition, daycycle_a);
llRegionSayTo(agentKey, PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "daycycle_a: " + daycycle_a);

result = osReplaceAgentEnvironment(agentKey, transition, daycycle_b);
llRegionSayTo(agentKey, PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "daycycle_b: " + daycycle_b);

if (daycycle_a == "" || daycycle_a == NULL_KEY || daycycle_b == "" || daycycle_b == "")
llRegionSayTo(agentKey, PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "The normal environment for the parcel or region has been selected.");

if (result > 0)
llRegionSayTo(agentKey, PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Agent environment replaced with success!");

else if (result < 0)
llRegionSayTo(agentKey, PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Agent environment replaced without success!");

llInstantMessage(agentKey, "You need to be in the same region to use this function ...");

Jimmy Olsen: Another suggestion, I have on my SIM LIght and Sound Museum, on EEP sector, the EEP HUD where one can change EEP by touch (HUD).. guess it could be used to what u need.. Take a look script inside and ... 6 months ago

📝 Love of nature

Images created with Draw Things. Animations and spoken text using Hedra. Further animation with vidnozAI PixVerse V2 and Photodirector 365 Start and end image edited with Photoshop. Background mu...

📝 "Born to be wild", a short tour.

Images created with Draw Things. Animations and spoken text using Hedra. Other animations Start and end images edited with Photoshop. Background music from Video creation and editing...

The Hawpanyu, or healer, in Na'vi culture is a highly respected role due to their deep connection with nature and their essential role in maintaining the well-being of the clan. The training focuses on ecotherapy, herbal medicine, and the unique skill of energy healing known as "The Flow of Healing." I have a RP kit for the Hawpanyu (Na'vi Healer)
it consists of various items to enhance your pandoran Roleplay. If you would like a kit it is at the landing here. It would also work with other Roleplays as the kit has items and info that you might find useful.

Ankhsenaton: I ti so nice to be able to create all that :-) I love you plants, thank you ! (I was not able to take the female avatar) 7 months ago

News! hop:// new area FEEDME!!!

DjChanel Hurricane: French fries xd they make you fat 7 months ago
Hold onto your virtual hats, folks, because we've got something that will knock your digital socks off! 🧦✨ Our OpenSim store is offering a mind-blowing selection of top-notch products for FREE and FULL PERM! Yes, you heard that right – no strings attached, just pure, unadulterated awesomeness.

Why are we doing this, you ask? Well, our virtual warehouse is bursting at the seams, and we need to make some room. Plus, spreading joy in the virtual world is kind of our thing. 🎉

So, whether you're a virtual hoarder, a savvy bargain hunter, or just someone who enjoys free stuff (and let's be honest, who doesn't?), now's your chance to grab these goodies. This deal is as rare as a unicorn on a hoverboard! 🦄🛹

But wait, there's more! With FULL PERM, you can modify, copy, and transfer to your heart's content. Want to give your best friend a gift? Go for it. Need to make some tweaks? Have at it. The possibilities are endless, and the fun is guaranteed.

So, what are you waiting for? Teleport on over and snag these treasures today! 🎩🐇✨

(Disclaimer: We are not responsible for any addiction to free virtual stuff that may occur. Side effects may include excessive happiness, spontaneous dance parties, and an uncontrollable urge to tell everyone you know about this amazing deal. Use responsibly!)

Bebe: hahahahha you are the best dear Jimmy 7 months ago