OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

0 Users 3 0 Full grids for as little as 80 USD per month. any questions emaIl you can order the grid package from please let us help you with all your gri...
I see that the small group of haters who are ruining the OpenSIM and OSW community have already gone into total madness and disregard for any rights, laws or at least basic respect for the rest of the world. These people now allow themselves to spread outright slander for which huge corporations have filed lawsuits against them and/or their contributors. They allow themselves, without any evidence or justification, to charge anyone who is not their slave with serious criminal offenses and pass final sentences.
I won't list them by name only because the OSW rules don't allow it. But we all know them.
I will continue my principle of not using any bans. But common sense forces me to take some measures to limit the access of haters, religious fanatics, extremists, extortionists and the mentally ill. Starting today, access to all my regions will be under the "Group Access Only" policy. If you want access - ask and after thinking about it, I might answer you...
The first ever Monthly Social for Wolf Territories Grid is today at 11 am grid time (pst) at Luxor in the Lotus Club, and teleport routing will drop you right there. This is a great way to meet residents on the grid and get to know one another and share stories. Greedy tables are set up courtesy of GMInteractive and there's a dance floor as well.

IndigoQueen King will be our DJ for the event which will last 1 1/2-2 hours but everyone can stay as long as you like. Voice will be on for those who prefer. The Luxor region will also be open for those who want to explore together - tour boats are available in multiple locations and hold up to 4 people including the driver. The event is listed on our WT website here: under the Events tab, and in the Destination Guide in world.

Here's the limo: hop://
HG Address is

Lone Wolf: Amazing Social. I had such a great time! 7 months ago
Complete Rental System v1.0

. Two types of lands renting:
Rent Owner : Renter own the land
Rent Group : Renter get group privileges
. 3 ways of calculating pricing:
$Sqm, $Prim, $Fixed
. Price set on server and or Rental Box
. OS$ Money system ( $G Gloebit)
. Rental unit settings:
4- or 8-weeks mode
. Display Rentals with Cards
. Automatic group Invite (or not, as you wish)
. TOS Distribution
. Output Statistics on Notecard or MySql DB API

Complete syteme comprised of:
. Rental Box
. Rental Server
. Kiosk Browser
. Map Kiosk


Lone Wolf: *** DO NOT TAKE THIS ITEM FROM THE SHOP *** Apparantly I just come to rip off ideas, when in fact I could build myself anything you have. 2024-02-24 08:12:42 Lone Wolf http://grid.wolfterritories... 7 months ago
Hey People,

you had a great start into the new Week? We had a small delay with releasing new Skins. Amelia & Me married last week in Real Life and we had a great Honeymoon!

We want to share with you new EvoX Male Skins in our Mall for you.

The matching body Skins are also ready to get!

We also working on a new Area for Landscaping Stuff. Amelia and me got lot of Custom Mesh works done in Blender in the past Months uploaded to Opensim and ofcourse we want to share it with you as well!

You can join our Group inworld too to stay informed!

Take care & Happy Shopping
Amelia & Hertha

Sodasullivan: Congratulations on your marraige! Thanks you for taking the time to bring these skins to the guys! 7 months ago
Tide in and out - this is an automated function at Wolf Territories grid you can turn on in the control panel. It takes about two and a half hours for the tide to go out and two and a half hours to come back in again. The grid makes sure all the water levels on all the regions are the same.

Crazyposeidon: if we implant a cool game engine the Cry or the unreal all become true not a dream any more 8 months ago

Freedom fighter

Jerralyn Franzic: Want to check this sim out! Hope it reopens soon, take care. :) 8 months ago
After looking at the gold Buddha in the 360° snapshot from yesterday, I realized the gold can look much better so I retextured it. This is not pbr, it uses material textures, and adding lights around it will bring out the sparkle even more. This statue is free and can be found in the Asian room in the main store building.

Jerralyn Franzic: That's great! Neat to see it done without PBR. Not against PBR, but with the current engines SL and OS use, it slows things down so much, even with modern PC's because of optimization issues. Anyway, ... 8 months ago

EUROPA, Moon of Jupiter // The only SIM where Lizard people DO EXIST!! O.o

KrisTina: So no wearing the MIB outfit, gotcha. 8 months ago

Hello, there IS A FUN RELAXING OUTFIT. New to store and to open sim... I have the leggings in RL and thought about what fun it would be to bring them here. Enjoy the set on these cold nights.

Arielle: Do a simple map search of " Free Clothing" and the jump is fast. 8 months ago

Video Here >

Luna Lunaria: Just some of the many, many reasons I love this grid. There are so many unique and wonderful things about being here :-) 8 months ago


Arielle: Was fast for me after doing a map search for Welcome 9 months ago

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !

Star Ravenhurst: Merry Christmas!! 9 months ago

Happy Holidays from Sharing is Caring Grid
New Animesh Cute Pets in Store - Santa Baby Chimp & Bunny !!

KatKakoola: Another total smile from Chilli - as always :) THANK YOU XOXOXOX 9 months ago

AnKaBi: wünsche ich euch auch ♥♥♥ 9 months ago

and we wish you good health
Putri and Adriana

AnKaBi: frohe weihnachten und einen guten rutsch ins neue jahr, wünschen dir vom ganzen herzen liebe adriana und putri ... jeannie und angelina 9 months ago
Register for free to attend the OpenSimulator Community Conference #OSCC23

The First Session starts at 7:00 am pst, An conversation with the OpenSimulator Core Developers.

Check out our Schedule:

Become a crowdfunder like Xenon Darrow at Alternative Metaverse
#metaverse #oscc #opensource #virtualworlds

TheMetaverse: remember, its live on youtube you have no need to attend. 10 months ago

First Wedding on TwoHearts Island was Adani and Essensual's Wedding
so who is next??

PinDeluca: Congratulations - hope your life together is filled with love and light ! 10 months ago

Come and meet Bobby our AI chat bot - start the sentence with Bobby so you know you are talking to him.

Lone Wolf: Please try and be kind to him, I found him hiding behind a sign. 10 months ago

Jetzt kommt gleich die schwarze Stunde, und wir drehen unsre Runde.
Heute um 19.00 Uhr Halloween-Party im Tosca.
Ich freue mich auf euch

black nightshade: wenn gestalten durch die straßen huschen gruseliges heulen an die ohren dringt, dann weiß jeder gleich bescheid, dann ist es wieder soweit Soul ist Halloween-night 11 months ago

looks deceptiful simple, but texturing it pinpoint was daunting..this is my final for ZZ !

Zoe: Amazing work. Again the high quality of all the wonderful details of your works. Congrats Peter. 1 years ago

Panthera Mayor: Ahh yes firestorm 6.6.3 denied ugh. 1 years ago
If I have a region listed "no fly" it is for a reason, mostly because if you fly in those regions you will miss the beauty of the hard work that was done to make it worth visiting in the first place. I know everybody likes to get around fast and if a region owner makes their land that you can fly over it that's all well and good, but if they have it set to no fly, why not respect that. I watched someone arrive, wait a moment, then they were flying which meant they had to use the command to allow them to override my settings and that, no matter how you cut it, is disrespectful and rude. So from now on, if I am on and I catch you flying in my no fly regions you will be banned, not because you flew but because you disrespected my settings and overrode them. I really don't mean to be a b**ch about things but this kind of blatant disrespect really gives me the red a**. Further when I spoke to this person they just hovered above me for a while then left without answering, again, very rude and disrespectful. Truth is, if you ask me nicely I would probably let you fly, and I also have teleporters out for fast travel through the region. Just don't use the command to override the settings I have. Thank you. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

Fred Beckhusen, aka Ferd Frederi: Prim a collider over their head to stop it. TP them back. Problem solved 1 years ago
HedFaktori Mission Statement:

Our aim is to provide stable, working, Full Permission products to the best of our ability and encourage others to utilise these assets in play or in further developement to enrich the virtual lives of everyone.

Our wish:

It is our sincerest wish that everyone dispenses with all the debates about rights and wrongs and accepts that what we do, we do for the purest of reasons and for the good of everyone.

Current Affairs Statement:

We are not concerned with traffic numbers or grid rankings and we have no desire to provide a mall or store and have our grid constantly feeding hungry travellers who take everything in a single visit. We provided items that could be used in stores and malls who do wish traffic and numbers and rankings and if that is how they want to play? We will not interfere. We should all be able to have fun and share the good things OS has to offer without any dramas. However, many people seem to have an issue with this and others also want to claim kudos for new products on their regions which we developed and they simply removed our logo and rebox them. As if this wasn't enough? They then restrict the perms to no copy or no trans or both. This is in direct contradiction to why we developed the assets in the first instance and this is why despite our 'Mission Statement' and wish to avoid dramas we have removed our products.
We will continue to develop and build on the assets we had always planned on doing and when the Open Sim community is ready to treat both our assets and our wishes with respect we may release them but until then we remain NotSorry.

Road Kill

Synthetica: I'd just like to point out to anyone interested that the assets that that HedFaktori have provided to Open Sim users over the years amounts to over 12,000 hours of work shared by a small group of peop... 1 years ago
In the heart of a breathtaking mountain wilderness lies an observatory perched atop a floating mountain, offering unobstructed views of the stunning landscape and vast sky. "Reach for the Stars" Free gifts at the landing

KatKakoola: Nice! The anchor made me smile too :) 1 years ago

we have Older Viewer Blocket and all Copybot Viewer
up ab can You log in Onelife Grid

Joe Builder: No honor amongst thieves. 1 years ago
Fred asked me to post this:

DreamGrid is not ending. Updates with bug fixes will continue. There
may be a V6 which will have Opensimulator Dot Net 6 code from Opensim bugs may be reported at Dreamgrid support is available via

Thank you, Fred

Mistressdalgato: thank you for all your hard work in this 1 years ago

Wie gewünscht, ein Alter Mann Avatar
As requested, an old man avatar

Jerralyn Franzic: Haha... have to score this for an alt! Your Grandma approves... :D 1 years ago
Heute ist wieder "Dream Night" Zeit

Ihr dürft euch wieder auf einen Abend mit romantischen Love Songs, schöner Balladen, und feinster Kuschel Muschel Musik freuen.
Endlich wieder eine Gelegenheit die Abendgarderobe auszuführen und in einer bezaubernden Location einen harmonischen Tanzabend zu verbringen.

Wir freuen uns auf euch

Today is "Dream Night" time again

You can look forward to an evening with romantic love songs, beautiful ballads, and the finest cuddly music.
Finally another opportunity to wear your gala clothes and spend a harmonious dance evening in an enchanting location.

We look forward to seeing youWe look forward to seeing you

KarinBecker: es wird voll ........noch einige singels frei .......sfg** 1 years ago


victorialogan: beautiful news, happy let me know that we will find you on friends grid. Safine, a wonderful person who is very supportive, always offering her help 1 years ago
So ganz verstehe ich diese Welt nicht mehr? Es wird sich einerseits darüber aufgergegt wenn etwas kopiert wird , dann aber wiederum von den selben Leuten kopiert und auch wiederum in dehnen ihren Shops ausgestellt. Man soll doch froh sein wenn es andere gibt die ihre Sachen frei zur Verfügung stellen die hier sonst niemand bekommt. Hochachtung vor diesen leuten die alle möglich machen um uns ihre Artikel Kostenlos zur Verfügung stellen ! Warum immer nur Neid und Hass? ich kopier mir auch Sachen und jeder der zu mir kommt kann auch diese kopieren. Das ist doch fair oder? Ich selber bin am Aufbau von Häuser, die ich selber hier baue ,und troztdem werden sie für alle kopier sein. Es wird sich über SL aufgeregt , nur wenn wir alle so weitermachen sind wir doch nicht besser oder? Sperrt eure Sim nicht zu..macht keine Gruppen auf privat..sowas ist einfach nur unfair.Wir sind alle open in Sim..für einander da..das wichtigste was es gibt.Gebt dem Kommerz keine Chance .-) gebt doch jedem eine chance das zu sein was er möchte ohne Gruppe ohne Mitgliedschaft , sondern nur das was er einfach toll findet, und freut euch doch darüber das es Menschen gibt die eure Artikel haben wollen.-)) Ist das denn nicht das schönste.-))) LG.-))☻

ADULT_LIFE: Thorben unfair wird es dann, und das ist mittlerweile Gang und Gebe hier, dass viele dieser User die Dinge auf diversen Sims einsammeln und über eine Datenbank Manipulation diese Dinge auf Ihren Namen... 1 years ago
Wow that took longer than anticipated!

The E Grid is now back up, and we're sorry it took so long. Relocating to a good SSD Server took ten times longer than anticipated. We'll be adding more regions as we go along, thank you for your patience with our move!

The Etheria Network will be including lands on other grids as well, so stay tuned :)

Also a big shout out to Fred over at Outworldz for all his help, Fred you're a lifesaver!

Jupiter Rowland: I hope the Market will come back, too. 1 years ago

Doing my part for Star Wars Day

KrisTina: I find your lack of a purple lightsaber disturbing! Samual Jackson wouldn't be pleased. 1 years ago
HG Safari will be joining us at Frankie Rockett's AMAZING Art Box region today at 3:00pm Pacific.

Come check it out: Box Come join the Safari and a great time and tour from Frankie!

AngelicKisses: This was a fun, and exciting interactive adventure! Thanks for the delightful tour :) 1 years ago

Jerralyn Franzic: Happy Easter 1 years ago
DJ Kith's "EDM Party" Tonight at Hot Daddy's!! 6:00PM Grid Time!
Region: Hot Daddys on Wyldwood Bayou Grid
Event begins: 6:00PM Grid Time
Added by: Kith Whitehawk
It's a rave! DJ Kith has the synthesizers and drum machines all fired up and he's spinning EDM (Electro Dance Music) at Hot Daddy's!! He's got techno, trance, dance-pop and house music just to name a few! So, put on your neon colors, grab a few glow sticks and meet The Tribe at Hot Daddy's for some wyld dancing and fun! Let's Party!! Bayou Hot Daddys

Jordan Melody: was fun thank you! 1 years ago

📝 First Event at Sapaticos OSGrid: Thursday 30:03:23 Midday PDT (Grid Time)

DJs Suzi and Emmy Lou present diverse sets for your entertainment and enjoyment.

What an HONOR to be featured on HG SAFARI! Many thanks, Thirza!

Spax Orion: Since the posting of this article, I have added 3 NEW rides to 'The Afterlife' area (Hint: Take a swim) and "Festival of Fatalities" Funhouse is completed. So, get your free SYSTEM avatar at hg.osgrid... 2 years ago

We have new releases later today watch this space. 14.03.23

Carmen Jewel: Never Shea, maybe sim was restarting, you are always very welcome.:)) I will go check .please try again. 2 years ago

Experience ALL of our thrill rides on a FULL STOMACH!

Get your Dismayland SYSTEM CLASSIC AVATAR at our content embassy on OSgrid:

KrisTina: Is cheery pie on the menu? 2 years ago
So some of you may have noticed this listing says the pine, it is not called the pine. It is called Virtual Beach, the day osw went offline it somehow changed the name to the pine. I keep changing it back but it seems to revert bk. any ideas would be helpful.

Pagane: 1.Use only fresh copy of beacon! 2.DISABLE COPY!!! 3.Generate NEW beacon code!!! 2 years ago
Danke für eure liebevollen Worte und Gebete. Danke allen, die in dieser schweren Zeit mir beigestanden und unseren Rudi das letzte Geleit gegeben haben. Danke auch für die vielen Blumen- und Kranzspenden, mit denen ihr eure Anteilnahme und Wertschätzung gezeigt habt.
In tiefster Dankbarkeit

OtterLandMGM: 2 years ago
Thank to Verna Avril and that suzan von otter for finding a bug that causes Local accounts to be banned even though they are not on the list, if the list contained spaces or a null line with just a carriage return line feed. Version 12 is released in their honor and contains this new function. Special thanks to princeofAmor for suggesting to ignore npc's. That cuts out 5 additional operations per iteration making the device faster if you have npc's on your land. :)

NEW VERSION 12. By popular request, it now also tells the person as well as the owner why a person was banned. Also flying is ON by default.
Presenting the OVERWATCH SENTRY. What does it do? Well, you can enter a list of grids to ban, people to ban by name, ip, or key. It also monitors each person that comes into your sim, and if they are wearing too many scripts to try and crash your sim, it bans them. If they are using too much sim memory and eating up all system resources, it bans them. If they are flying and you turn off flying in the system, it bans them. If they are too tall or too short, it bans them. So it does a lot, and it's all settable by you. I didn't do ban by age because avatar age is unreliable and can return a 0 day age. Not to mention that we all sometimes have to start over. The device is by the christmas tree at It's a different kind of device from a security system. Security systems ban everyone except those you allow in. This lets everybody in - but it checks them to make sure they are not hacking or trying to hurt your sim, but it can also ban people from a list. It's really simple to use, just add the name to the appropriate list in the objects inventory, then just click to turn it on. Only the owner can turn it on or off.

Druskus: CyberGlo is making good products for OpenSim and is constantly following advice. he is always ready to improve! Great person who is patient and worthy of respect! 2 years ago

I Love You Zeta is still there for 5 days .... well some of it ....

Lone Wolf: Is everything ok? 2 years ago
Due to the constant attacks on our grid and the Klamotto sim by the user Priscilla Kleenex, the sim is only open to members of the Klamotto group until further notice.
Wegen der ständigen Angriffe auf unser Grid und die Klamotto Sim durch den User Priscilla Kleenex ist die Sim bis auf Weiteres nur für Mitglieder der Klamotto Gruppe geöffnet.

Zoe: Ich konnte pricilla mit den gesperrten Mac-Adressen von meinem Land wegbringen, die ich Ihnen geben kann, treten Sie im Gegenzug Ihrer Gruppe bei :-) My name and UUID: Zoe.Burke 2 years ago

***ALFHEIM CAMPFIRE *** 02 prims only! Scripted to 08 avies max! Winter textures included! All for FREE and FULL PERM at CAMPIRE store (Box 06 or click the teleporter). Enjoy :)

Hugabug: I fell in love with a few items here :) Thanks Jimmy 2 years ago
Schon seit zwei Monaten wird hier wieder eine Idee umgesetzt, die es schon vor 3 Jahren mal gab.
Hier entsteht ein Wunderland der Emotionen, viele bezaubernde Locations für den schönsten Tag Eures Lebens und Kleidung, die Herzen schmelzen lässt.

Wir eröffnen in ein paar Tagen eine Sim, die Euch alles bietet, was eure Hochzeit zu einem außergewöhnlichen Event macht.

Und was wir nicht haben, erschaffen wir nach Euren Wünschen !

For two months now, an idea has been implemented here again, which already existed 3 years ago.
Here you find a wonderland of emotions, many enchanting locations for the most beautiful day of your life and clothes that melt hearts.

We'll be opening a special Sim in a few days,
offering you everything you need to make your wedding an extraordinary event.

And what we don't have, we create according to your wishes!

Cosa: O wie schön :-) Wenn ich nicht schon verheiratet wäre.... aber als Blumenmädchen würde ich noch zur Verfügung stehen *g 2 years ago

Time to stop! Time to think! who the fuc are we, Intelligent maybe, Just some are more animal than human. What makes that ant think he can move that rubber tree plant.

User Name: a world without war will be a world without suffering and questions. a world where everyone is equal in power and rights will be a world without emotion and motivation and meaning. war brings motiva... 2 years ago

Riding horses in 15 different colors.
The horses also stay on the region and do not disappear after a certain time

MidnightRain Glas: this was the most exciting trip or joy to pick these up and go home to open and take one out and watch everything this cute 4 legged beauty could do... I felt so much peace and love in my heart and fe... 2 years ago

First Full Party - the Apres Ski at the Ice Mountain Club - great turn out and a great time is being had by all ....

Bobbi Fox: Our first event on new grid and we are jump ing ...come see for yourself xx 2 years ago
With A Lot Of Help From My Friends
This update was made possible because of the kindness of Susannah.Avonside. She, and others, shared outfits they had from oh HELLO that I had lost after a grid crash. I was surprised and flattered that at least a couple of folks had the complete collection of oh HELLO outfits. That not only helped me restore outfits to the shop, but also to restore my inventory.

As I've said, oh HELLO is a great place for people with new accounts to shop. Not only do you get carefully curated outfits, you also get fat-packs, which can quickly build up your inventory. I know this to be true because that is what I did after I lost all of my inventory. Since that time, thanks to oh HELLO, and thanks to friends like Susannah, I now have about 80 outfits in my inventory.

Even if you have all of the outfits from before the crash, come visit the shop to have a look at updated outfits like this.

oh HELLO: Clothing Club for Women
"I'm not only the President, I'm a customer".

Carmen Jewel: I was there yesterday, and found a lot of outfits i really love :)) Well done ! 2 years ago

I loved building this theater with Bill Blight on his old grid. We watched so many movies there. It's only a memory now. Maybe I'll rebuild this as a stage venue :-)

Star Ravenhurst: I would love to have that! I miss movie nights on Bill's grid. Hanging out with everyone is some of my best memories. Loved the Writer's group too. I have been thinking of trying to start a writer's g... 2 years ago

Live Traffic
Trianon Complex A
85 15
Lbsa Plaza
190 38
Seventh Heaven A
13 2
7 3
Nothing A
10 1
Manderley A
7 1
GOR Sardar Fair A
66 14
Valeria's Avatars 2
65 12
J&J Farm A
3 0
25 4
Fabrica dos Sonhos
5 0
28 0
Friends A
29 10
Event Plaza
122 18
Isola Gregorian
7 6
Regions Online: 1,825
Active: 318 avatars in 149 regions
The Box
Yana Dakota yesterday
DJ Yana is performing her music today from 6am to 8am... At AMV Welcome. hop://
Yana Dakota yesterday
DJ Yana is performing her music today from 6am to 8am... At AMV Welcome.
OpenSimUser 2 days ago
So needless to say, once again i went back to older version because it just doesnt work right
OpenSimUser 2 days ago
But as is, there are no textures found, everything is grey scale only
OpenSimUser 2 days ago
Firestorm PBR would probably make a nice viewer if it worked correctly

New Comments

Hicks 2 hours ago
very nice fashion show! bravo :p
ZenRieko 3 hours ago
If you aren't here, get here. If you are here, stay :) Pin's rocking the grid.
Safinemahoe2 4 hours ago
the music is starting and Pin is Rocking !
Hicks 5 hours ago
who is the most handsome? it's me!! XD ok ok I'm joking some will say that I'm narcissistic
Badr_Norseman 8 hours ago
Thank you for making these nice photo's, portraying people in OS, nice to be a part of it. Great project!
SilviaFrey 13 hours ago
Peter me encantan tus animalitos. Tengo un problema porque me gustan tanto tus animalitos que ya no se cual ponerme hahaha. El dragoncito es realmente hermoso. Muchas gracias.
Phleur 14 hours ago
C'est ce soir le grand jour !!!
CandorsRPWorld 15 hours ago
Nicht verpassen :) Mabon Fest am 24.09. mit Ritual um 19.00 Uhr und Tanz mit Musik ab 20.00 Uhr. Wir freuen uns auf Euch!!
OSFest 23 hours ago
Some of the exhibits and stores surround large pool water. Some are on the region border of water. Some surround an inland lake. If you need navigable water we can accommodate you. Staff will be at th...


Trianon Complex
sorry ESSE not enough stars to rate u deserve a billion for all the work u put into your grid . the most amzing clothes . your nice parties ... SUBJECT 1 FINDING THE...
KennethMacShane 8 hours ago
WOW I went to find one item lol and left about 2 1/2 hrs later AFTER finding what I was originally there for. What am AMAZING place!!!! EVERYTHING STEAM PUNK that you can think of...most of it either...
JFlame 9 hours ago
very sweet and beautiful region owner. so talented and giving. come by and check out her offerings.
Wendie Blackthorn 20 hours ago
Magical Fairies Pass 4
Thank You So Much for your comment, Ripple! & Yes I am making it huge :D I want to have the largest farm in open sim. :D I'm adding many goodies to my farm that no one else has that I've seen so fa...
Passion Jumanji yesterday
Valeria's Avatars 2
Siamo sempre alle solite ogni tanto qualcuno izzato da qualche venditore che non puo più prendere i miei avatar e metterli in vendita nel suo negozio, critica insulta e offende, dicono che faccio un b...
ValeriaRossi 2 days ago
Miami's Fashions
Trés beau magasin 5 étoiles
Sorcha 3 days ago
SilverFox Designs Mall
Great Mall in very Nice Style
TailorNova 3 days ago
Well of course i would give Ruritania 10 stars! A virtual storybook world. Every detail is perfect and perfectly thought out. There is so much to learn and explore. Xi Shi is a gracious host and a bri...
Belavar 3 days ago
Valeria's Avatars 2
hahaha You are so pathetic that you have to evaluate yourself with your own acc's just to push out those who have seen through you and rated you poorly! Sure your work is good but it doesn't change th...
Alex Nova 4 days ago

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