OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

Emerald Shores
0 Users 2 0 A
Massive 5x5 Region for the entertainment staff of Neverworld Grid We offer large homestead sized private parcels, a main street for DJ supplies and FREE streams to Neverworld event staff! Not a DJ i...
DJ Macy's Friday Night Blues Party at Rockin' The Blues!! 6:00PM!
Region: Rockin' The Blues on Wyldwood Bayou Grid
Event begins: 6:00PM grid time
Added by: Kith Whitehawk
It's finally Friday! And time for those merry mischief makers, DJ Macy and her hosties Pixie and Amara! Macy has the upbeat, feel good blues you love all wrapped up in laughter and lively chat with the Blues Tribe! Macy searches out the most fun blues tunes for you every week! Her library contains the happiest tunes...the ones you need to get your weekend started!! Come on down to the swamp and let's Rock those blues!!! Bayou Rockin' The Blues
Littlefield Grid has just overhaled their Welcome Region with an all new layout including a nice hangout area! We have also added a set of HG portals for some of the dances and stores on other grids. We hope you like the new layout!
Littlefield Grid's monthly State of the Grid meeting. - IMPORTANT for residents to attend!! All Residents and HG Visitors are welcome!

Friday 1/06/2022 1:30PM Pacific

Today's Topics:
Luminaria Party, Inworld Review Interview, All Things Must Pass video/region, New Littlefield Welcome Region and Hangout for 2023.

IMMER Samstags ab 10 Uhr Frühschoppen und open Talk auf unserer Welcome Area in OFFWORLD .. jeder ist herzlich willkommen

We Celebrate .............Dj Chris on the Turntables Club

Wir starten in diesem Jahr wieder mit unserer Sauna-Party ab 20:00 Uhr. Für einen frischen Aufguss wird gesorgt und DJane Biene wird uns musikalisch mit Musik der 80er, 90er bis heute zusätzlich erfrischen. Es ist keine FKK-Party (auch wenn es in der Sauna stattfindet). Badeklamotten, Handtuch, Bademantel o.ä. sind erwünscht aber kein muss. Normale Klamotten sind auch völlig ok (ihr müsst dann nur mehr schwitzen) ?

Our grand opening is at noon on the 10th January 2023

Lioness Den - the wildlife preserve will be off line until we get some technical issues corrected. Thank you for your patience and we'll be open again as soon as we can. Also doing some remodeling as in major makeover. We will notify you as soon as we're open for visitors again. And we apologize for any inconvenience.
To Laika and all the four-legged astronauts who have flown in Space

"The more time passes, the more I regret what happened. We shouldn't have done it... we didn't even learn enough from this mission to justify the loss of the animal."
Oleg Gazenko, one of the leading scientists in the space animal programme, and Laika's trainer, commented.

Laika was only two years old and before she was collected for the space programme she had known nothing but the cold of the Moscow streets. Before the launch, Yazdovsky wanted to give her a little happiness and took her home to play with his children: "I wanted to do something good for her, as she had very little time left to live.

Vladimir Yazdovsky made the final selection of dogs and designated their roles. Laika was to be the "flying dog" - a sacrifice to science on a one-way mission into space. Albina, who had already flown twice in a high-altitude test rocket, was designated as Laika's backup. The third dog, Mushka, was a "control dog" - she would stay on the ground and was used to test instrumentation and life support.

Laika was placed in the satellite capsule on 31 October 1957 - three days before the start of the mission. At that time of year, temperatures at the launch site were extremely low, so a hose connected to a heater was used to keep the container warm. Two assistants were in charge of keeping a constant watch over Laika before the start of the mission. Just before take-off on 3 November 1957, Laika's coat was cleaned with an ethanol solution, and those areas where the dog would wear sensors to monitor her bodily functions were painted with iodine.

One of the technicians who prepared the capsule before the final liftoff stated that "after Laika was placed in the container and before the hatch was closed, we kissed her nose and wished her bon voyage, knowing that she would not survive the flight."

Laika died hours after launch from overheating, which was probably caused by a failure of the R-7 central sustainer, part of the spacecraft's thermal system, to separate from the payload. The true cause and time of her death was not revealed until 2002; instead, it was widely reported that she had died on the sixth day,4 ran out of oxygen, or as the Soviet government initially claimed, was euthanised before oxygen depletion. The experiment demonstrated that it is possible for a living passenger to survive being put into orbit and endure microgravity, paving the way for human spaceflight and providing scientists with some of the first data on how living organisms react to spaceflight environments. Following Laika, the USSR sent eight more dogs into space, six of which returned alive to Earth.

Sputnik 2 was not designed to be retrievable, and it was always intended that Laika would die. The mission sparked a worldwide debate about the mistreatment of and experiments on animals to advance science. In the UK, the National Canine Defence League (NCDL, now the Dog Foundation) called for dog owners to observe a minute's silence in Laika's honour. The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) received protests even before Radio Moscow had finished announcing the launch. Several animal rights groups protested outside Soviet embassies, others demonstrated outside the United Nations in New York, but some American scientists offered support to their Soviet colleagues, at least before Laika's death was announced.


A Laika y a todos los astronautas de 4 patas que llegaron al Espacio

«Cuanto más tiempo pasa, más lamento lo sucedido. No debimos haberlo hecho... ni siquiera aprendimos lo suficiente de esta misión como para justificar la pérdida del animal.»
Comentó Oleg Gazenko, uno de los principales científicos del programa de animales en el espacio, y entrenador de Laika

Laika tenía solo dos años y antes de ser recogida para el programa espacial no había conocido más que el frío de las calles moscovitas. Antes del lanzamiento, Yazdovsky quiso obsequiarla con un poco de felicidad y se la llevó a su casa para que jugara con sus hijos: “Quería hacer algo bueno por ella, ya que le quedaba muy poco tiempo de vida”.

Vladimir Yazdovsky hizo la selección final de perros y designó sus roles. Laika iba a ser la «perra voladora» —un sacrificio a la ciencia en una misión de ida al espacio. Albina, que ya había volado dos veces en un cohete de prueba a gran altura, se designó como reserva de Laika. El tercer perro, Mushka, era un «perro de control» -se quedaría en tierra y era usada para probar la instrumentación y el soporte vital.

Laika fue colocada en la cápsula del satélite el 31 de octubre de 1957 —tres días antes del inicio de la misión. En esa época del año, las temperaturas en el sitio de lanzamiento eran extremadamente bajas, por lo que se usó una manguera conectada a un calentador para mantener caliente el contenedor. Dos asistentes estaban encargados de vigilar constantemente a Laika antes del comienzo de la misión. Justo antes del despegue, el 3 de noviembre de 1957, se limpió el pelaje de Laika con una solución de etanol, y le pintaron con yodo aquellas áreas donde la perra llevaría sensores para vigilar sus funciones corporales.

Uno de los técnicos que preparó la cápsula antes del despegue final declaró que «después de la colocación de Laika en el contenedor y antes de cerrar la escotilla, le besamos la nariz y le deseamos buen viaje, sabiendo que no iba a sobrevivir al vuelo.»

Laika murió horas después del lanzamiento por sobrecalentamiento,​ que probablemente fue ocasionado por un fallo del sustentador de la central R-7, que forma parte del sistema térmico de la nave, al separarse de la carga útil.​ La verdadera causa y tiempo de su muerte no fue revelada sino hasta 2002; en cambio, fue ampliamente informado que había muerto al sexto día,​ se quedó sin oxígeno, o como el gobierno soviético alegó inicialmente, fue sometida a eutanasia antes del agotamiento del oxígeno. El experimento demostró que es posible que un pasajero vivo sobreviva al ser puesto en órbita y soportar la microgravedad, allanando el camino para los vuelos espaciales humanos y proporcionando a los científicos algunos de los primeros datos sobre cómo los organismos vivos reaccionan a los entornos de los vuelos espaciales. Tras Laika, la URSS envió ocho perros más al espacio, de los cuales seis regresaron con vida a la Tierra

El Sputnik 2 no fue diseñado para ser recuperable, y siempre se tuvo la intención de que Laika muriera. La misión desencadenó un debate mundial sobre el maltrato y los experimentos con animales para avanzar en la ciencia. En el Reino Unido, la Liga Nacional de Defensa Canina (NCDL, actualmente Fundación para los Perros) pidió que los dueños de perros guardaran un minuto de silencio en honor a Laika. La Real Sociedad para la Prevención de la Crueldad contra los Animales (RSPCA) recibió protestas incluso antes de que Radio Moscú hubiera terminado de anunciar el lanzamiento. Varios grupos protectores de los derechos animales protestaron frente a embajadas soviéticas. Otros se manifestaron frente a las Naciones Unidas en Nueva York;​ sin embargo, algunos científicos estadounidenses ofrecieron apoyo a sus colegas soviéticos, por lo menos antes de que se anunciara la muerte de Laika.

Jerralyn Franzic: Lovely space sim you have here! Perfect for people overwhelmed with the giant space sims, like the ISM ones in Kitely and SL. :) 2 years ago

I love details and materials. This is the interior of my Victorian Club

Richard Lionheart: Nice look! 2 years ago
MashUp is now completed with several floors of props, poses, and images.
This can be a great creative outlet and can be used to tell stories and express emotions. MashUp images you take can be used in your ads.

Floki the shipbuilder has also found his home at Lothbrok Farm :-)

This new fountain was custom made for me by storm mephisto and I myself added the 4 elements you see the statues holding. eventually you may be able to sit on it.

Anyone who enters the University as a child avi will now be banned. Never thought I would have to do this but had a child avi come in twice and also told me how pretty I was as if they were trying to get with me. if it wasn't for that last part I would just nicely ask them to change to adult or leave.

SnoopKing: It is curious to read how people insist on defending what does not need to be defended, and how others are determined to offend the private and personal practices of each person. Personally, I think t... 2 years ago
Some New items at the Star Jinn Palisade Mall, our shopping region. A full Kitchen and Dining set complete with a working oven that has a light, exhaust fan and working broiler drawer and oven rack. The sink has a functioning dishwasher and the washer and dryer can be turned on and off with a simple "fade" command. There are cupboards in different sizes and arrangements and a full set with "glass" doors. These items are boxed and ready to go with rez instructions included. The entire region of Masala Al Kohav (which means wish upon a star) is, in fact, Star Jinn Palisade Mall. As we grow and add you will find everything from homes to furniture to clothing and avatars as well as gardening items. Specialty Shops like Star Ravenhurst Designs and Falls For You featuring items by Dusty Falls. From Castles to Cabins, Mansions to Mud huts, Closets, Cupboards, Cabbage and Carrots, we have it all. With Love - Lavia

LaviaLavine: Oh I forgot to add that the Refrigerator has working drawers and doors and gives ice water to drink. :) 2 years ago
Hello brothers and sisters :-) here awaits you
a Viking "Lothbrok Farm" and long walks or on horseback, whatever you guys or maiden like ;-) there are also Viking clothes and some useful things for a farm or Viking followers available. Have fun exploring ..Odin be with you!!!

Bonnie Stewart: Well designed region, beautiful and fun to explore with lots of great Viking freebies. 2 years ago
If the ocean were whisky
And I was a duck
I’d swim to the bottom
And drink my way up
~Ry Cooder~

But today I ain't ducking around. This outfit is not suitable for diving. But it is suitable for drinking. Let's raise a glass for oh HELLO.

Jerralyn Franzic: I already have a version of this outfit, in my OSgrid account. Good stuff, looks even better IMO if you have some tattoos on. Can't recall where I snagged it in Open Sim. Fun to wear whenever I feel a... 2 years ago
Thank to Verna Avril and that suzan von otter for finding a bug that causes Local accounts to be banned even though they are not on the list, if the list contained spaces or a null line with just a carriage return line feed. Version 12 is released in their honor and contains this new function. Special thanks to princeofAmor for suggesting to ignore npc's. That cuts out 5 additional operations per iteration making the device faster if you have npc's on your land. :)

NEW VERSION 12. By popular request, it now also tells the person as well as the owner why a person was banned. Also flying is ON by default.
Presenting the OVERWATCH SENTRY. What does it do? Well, you can enter a list of grids to ban, people to ban by name, ip, or key. It also monitors each person that comes into your sim, and if they are wearing too many scripts to try and crash your sim, it bans them. If they are using too much sim memory and eating up all system resources, it bans them. If they are flying and you turn off flying in the system, it bans them. If they are too tall or too short, it bans them. So it does a lot, and it's all settable by you. I didn't do ban by age because avatar age is unreliable and can return a 0 day age. Not to mention that we all sometimes have to start over. The device is by the christmas tree at It's a different kind of device from a security system. Security systems ban everyone except those you allow in. This lets everybody in - but it checks them to make sure they are not hacking or trying to hurt your sim, but it can also ban people from a list. It's really simple to use, just add the name to the appropriate list in the objects inventory, then just click to turn it on. Only the owner can turn it on or off.

Druskus: CyberGlo is making good products for OpenSim and is constantly following advice. he is always ready to improve! Great person who is patient and worthy of respect! 2 years ago
Well they're here, after a long battle with those ornery rabbits, the carrots are ready! You can find Gram-Z's carrot patch at our Mall region.... " Al Kahov" .... the box comes with a single carrot, a carrot bunch, a row of 6, two rows of 6 and 10 rows of six, all of them only 1 prim each, so you can have your little carrot patch as big or small as you like. They make nice additions to "prep" scenes and they're just fun. I had such fun making them and I hope you'll enjoy using them for your garden, farm or kitchen scenes. Blessings - GramZ
Happy New Year

there are some new things in the University, you can now use your submissive as a human chair or table. Also the café has been taken out and a kitchen has been put in its place. Our staff can cook whatever you would like otherwise its a perfect time to teach your submissive about domestic work.

New at oh HELLO

Carmen Jewel: Super Outfits :)) Ty for sharing :)) 2 years ago
DJ Maldrul's "Welcome to the Jungle"--Hot Daddy's--Tonight at 6:00PM!!
Region: Hot Daddys on Wyldwood Bayou Grid
Event begins: 6:00PM grid time
Added by: Kith Whitehawk
DJ Maldrul will be rockin' the dock at Hot Daddy's tonight! His theme is "Welcome to the Jungle!"!! Oh yeah! DJ Maldrul's got what you need--a mix of classic and contemporary Rock & Roll with a Jungle theme plus Something Completely Different! See you there! Bayou Hot Daddys

I look forward to your visits this year:

At my Main Store: Emporium - Main Store
At my Egyptian region Luxor:
At my temple region Lunaria on Mobius:
At my Kitely store: Emporium
At my online store on the Kitely Market where I currently offer about 200 products that can be exported anywhere:

And finally at Utopia Skye Grid, which is primarily closed to the hypergrid, I have a store there where everything is free to local residents only. Please note that these are not allowed to be exported off the Utopia grid.

Ein frohes neues Jahr wünschen wir Euch allen. Der Grid-Talk findet am 3.1.2023 um 20:00 Uhr in Nabilas World statt. Wir freuen uns auf rege Anteilnahme.
Taxi: Hope

so so much NEWs at the 2nd Floor now, Deco, Furniture, Plants .. happy shopping

Jon us at Tuesday , Thursdays and Sunday Have and enjoy the awesome Music .

More characters had been added to the scene plus..for all butler lovers..the collectors edition! Mehr charakter wurden hinzugefügt und für alle Butler Liebhaber.. die Komplettedition!

Antonia Ling: Really cool stuff! 2 years ago

à retenir
et voila

Jamie Wright: Bonjour Falene:) This pic makes me hopeful you're soon to open one of your amazing regions again:) Whatever the path, all the best to you:) 2 years ago

Hippie Nude Year!
I mean, can you dig it?

Happy new Years to every one

"Your Set Sunday" with DJ Kith at Rockin' The Blues!! Tonight at 6:00PM!!
Region: Rockin' The Blues on Wyldwood Bayou Grid
Event begins: 6:00 PM Grid Time
Added by: Kith Whitehawk
One of our most popular sets is when YOU get to be the DJ! You already bring the you get to bring the music!! Bring your blues requests and dedications and DJ Kith will play them for you! Have an old favorite? A fresh new blues tune you heard somewhere? See if you can challenge this awesome DJ tonite! We will have the fun..the friendships that we are famous for, and you bring the music! Come on down to the Bayou and let's party! Bayou Rockin' The Blues

Ms Saucy Bargee chugs off into the new morning to pick up another load for her narrowboat.

Lone Wolf: One of my favourite places especially because I live on a narrow boat. 2 years ago
DJ Country Bob plays a wide variety of musical genres to
tickle your tastebuds! Come join us in Bob's friendly, welcoming
stress free, drama free space! He will spin your cares away!
» Шhen: ❈ ∵∴5:00PM ∵∴ ❈
» Шhat: •LIVE DJ•
◂◄ MAP ►▸
I wish you a happy new year.. and right at the beginning something brand new.
Also bored by the same NPCs that are on many sims? The same ones over and over, always and always again? And if you find new ones they are no copy?
Then let's bring a breath of fresh air to your sim. New NPCs are waiting for you. A new department on CockatielsParadise. Have fun!
ein frohes neues Jahr wünsche ich euch.. und direkt zu Anfang mal etwas neues.
Auch gelangweilt von den ewig gleichen NPC die auf vielen sims stehen? Immer und im mer wieder die Gleichen? Und wenn man mal neue findet sind sie nicht kopierbar.
Dann bringen wir mal frischen Wind auf deine Sim. Neue NPCs warten auf euch, damit ihr mal neu dekorieren könnt. Eine neue Abteilung auf Cockatiels Paradise. Habt spass!

Jamie Wright: These are FANTASTIC! Thank you for sharing them:) 2 years ago

Grid is closed for some renovations!!!

Happy New Year .. NEWs at the Mainstore

Happy New Year .. NEWs at the Mainstore

Sunday Morning Blues Brunch with DJ Kith on the Bayou Belle!! Sunday at 9AM!!
Region: Wyldwood Bayou Rockin' The Blues
Event begins: in 10 minutes: 2023-01-01 09:00 SLT
Added by: Kith Whitehawk
It's Sunday! Get up, grab your breakfast and come on down to The Bayou Belle to chill with DJ Kith & The Tribe for coffee and relaxing blues!! DJ Kith may be a lousy cook but he's a fabulous blues DJ! He's got the blues that will both ease your troubles from the previous week, put a smile on your face and give you the motivation to head into the next! No better way to start your day than with a heaping helping of DJ Kith and some chill blues! See you there!! Bayou Rockin' The Blues
Happy New Year From the (OSG) Nautilus Community

Wishing you all Happiness and Health
Hold onto what is special and let the negative wash out with the tide Isle

Live Traffic
Ruritania A
88 12
VB Creations A
6 0
The Pier
15 17
The Sandy Coast
4 0
Brown Island
2 0
Xenotown A
14 0
Red Moon Beach A
4 0
Maze ofthe Mind A
17 2
Sapphorica A
14 2
Trianon Complex A
90 18
Welcome Area A
16 1
Lbsa Plaza
191 38
Shinobar Annex
64 19
Welcome A
20 2
31 1
Regions Online: 1,790
Active: 175 avatars in 127 regions
The Box
Nico Kalani 2 hours ago
I beleive that F&I was a project related to Sara's studies. After she graduated, it seems she paid less attention to the grid, and finally closed it.
Pagane 14 hours ago
Fire and Ice is down from years
Mistressdalgato 15 hours ago
I think i recall fire and I grid shutting down
Pagane 15 hours ago
MorganStJohn 16 hours ago
question: is Fire and Ice grid gone?
OpenSimUser 18 hours ago
I could have used a breakfeast like that myself
CyberGlo CyberStar 19 hours ago
I cooked bacon, eggs, and 9 grain wheat toast with strawberry jam, went to the gym, and mowed the yard. Now I'm here to give you the fanger. \/^^^\/
OpenSimUser 23 hours ago
Besides just trying to cause trouble, since everyone knows you are nothing but trouble
OpenSimUser 23 hours ago
And i do not earn any money what so ever from my grid, so learn before you go running your mouth.
OpenSimUser 23 hours ago
And pagane needs to get a life, rather than causing trouble, period.
Pagane 23 hours ago
People, if you earn money from fake rating here, NOT ARGUE again me with your real, primary acounts! Make new fake account and blow all mud and hate!!!
OpenSimUser 23 hours ago
What ever, since it seems you have nothing nice to do.
Pagane 23 hours ago
oh yes, is not fake and not contain 3 parked and one active avatar:) Sorry, i again make mistake:)
OpenSimUser 23 hours ago
i do not run fake regions
Pagane 23 hours ago
@OpenSimUser, yes may be must add and fake regions with 3 parked avatars. But parking avatars in regions is also some "activity":)
OpenSimUser 24 hours ago
Pagane do you not have something better to do, like play in traffic?
Pagane yesterday
Major problems always have easy solutions. Only must use brain:
Ellen yesterday
⁀⊙෴☉⁀ ٩(^◡^)۶ /(=✪㉨✪=)\ (`°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) ू(ʚ̴̶̷́ .̠ ʚ̴̶̷̥̀ ू) ♡(ŐωŐ人)

New Comments

Hicks 2 hours ago
I met her sometimes, she was a nice person.
Hugabug 2 hours ago
So sorry for your loss Thirza hugs
Nico Kalani 2 hours ago
It's obvious that at least one person here does not understand Athenian democracy very well. The fact is that “...Athenian citizens were paid by the state to participate in public affairs. Various com...
Gentle Dragonheart 3 hours ago
So sorry for your loss. Sounds like Lucy will be living on for a very long time in people's memories and hearts.
Emma Lewis 7 hours ago
Beautiful !
RemmyRavenhurst 13 hours ago
Wondering if this party will still be on today?
Hopelives3 16 hours ago
come and join the most wonderful group of Dinkies I have ever met.... they there to welcome you to their events, so glad I know them :)
Fred Beckhusen/Ferd Frederix 17 hours ago
Dumb. I was born on January 1, 1970 as that is the date it shows on my avatar. And land is free. It costs me 1% of the CPU CPU on a I7 Intel NUC to run 127 regions at 14 cents/kw hour which is 1% of ...
Ria RyzenCore 18 hours ago
The page is just remove the !


Ansjelagrid Shopping
very nice quality items. good layout. owner is helpful! thank you for taking time to share!
rayne 17 hours ago
Unnethe Anon
5 Stars for being absolutely Original and having everything avi sized! This place is amazing and the fact that everything was made by Sum with the exception of some landscaping and an NPC or two! So m...
Faith Fromund 2 days ago
Unnethe Anon
wonderful place to visit, see the imagination of this team come to life, go visit :)
Hopelives3 2 days ago
Super!!! Très joli travail d'organisation et de qualité. Merci pour vos partages.
Celeste Charnelle 3 days ago
Great Club, Awesome DJ's, People here are nice. It was a Awesome vibes here to be had :)
EllieVenusa 4 days ago
Haunted Halloween Isles
So much to see here and so much fun to explore. really well done. My lawyer will be in touch about us getting blown up in your caves :) Seriously go see this people, you will love it.
Gentle Dragonheart 4 days ago
AnKaBi Shopping Mall
This is a great place to shop. With so many wonderful outfits and everything you need, it's definitely a must-visit place!!
Ria RyzenCore 4 days ago
awesome as allways very spooky and lots of great stuff ty for sharing !! we invite ya to visit our halloween sim as well ~s Halloween
Mystic Moonlight 4 days ago

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