Joined 8 years ago

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Open to anyone gay friendly. Also running is Satyr's farm. ** Clothing need not be worn at this gay friendly naturist region **
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Dev Kit Help

Hi, does anyone know where to get the dev kits for the mesh bodies in OSGrid / OpenSim? .... TIA

Jupiter Rowland: As for all the Second Life bodies, AFAIK, there are no dev kits freely available in OpenSim, especially not for picking up in-world in OSgrid or any other grid. The dev kit for Ruth 2.0 RC#2 and RC#3... 3 months ago

Hi Everyone, does anyone know where to get the dev kits for the mesh bodies in OSGrid / OpenSim? .... TIA

Dev Kit Help

Hi, does anyone know where to get the dev kits for the mesh bodies in OSGrid / OpenSim? .... TIA

Today at 12 noon PDT / 8pm UK Time we have an event with the fab DJ Nubia from Brazil ... Land at Gay Pride Welcome and your Taxi is there Teleport for Virtual Love ... come on over, you know you want too !! ....
.: Almighty Mix Night At Virtual Gay Pride :. 12 noon PDT - 8pm UK time - 9pm EU time

Come join us folks for our weekly Party here at Palm Beach Club, for at least 2 hours of sounds that we all love to dance too with DJ Migz.....Come as you are, we are an adult naturist grid so don't bother taking all that time out to find something to wear, birthday suits were the best ever invention.

See you there at 12 noon PDT, 8pm UK time and 9pm EU time.
.: PARTY at Virtual Gay Pride :. 12 noon PDT - 8pm UK time - 9pm EU time.

Sunday 7th June at 12 noon PDT. 8pm UK time, 9pm EU time. DJ Migs will be playing all those choons we all love to hear, here at Palm Beach Club.

Come and join us for a boogie and some banter. This is an Adult region and it is highly likely that there will be nudity. So you don't need to look for anything special to wear, just come as you are.