OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

0 Users 50 1
Freebie Mall shopping, mash clothes, furniture, Great Hair, classics clothes, Gift shop, decoration need Help lets us know Dwell is a District of malls and shop and enjoy, boat to the other ones t...
Our weekly Safari trips start again on Wednesday April 5, hope you can join us!
Opensim is full of cool places to visit anytime of course - and the Safari Blog never stops, here are three recent reviews
Angkor Wat:
Monet's House:

LaviaLavine: Love going on these Safaris when I have a free moment to go!! 2 years ago

Overwatch Sentry has been upgraded to Version 21 - Thanks to improvements suggested by PrinceOfAmor. These upgrades make the device faster to respond to changes to the internal lists.

Bakes On Mesh - Arkham City
Full Avatar Evo Cyber

Full Avatar Evo BoM #arkhamcity

Many portals to other regions and grids.
From shopping to adventure.

Dorena's World is one of the oldest grids ever. I've seen many come and go. When OSW opened its doors, we were already a few years behind us. Inworld has built up a community between the grids, which ultimately works well here even without the portal. Bots, no bots, afk avatars or not. I find it extremely embarrassing at what some people here are getting upset about and letting one crazy person drive them crazy. As far as the real number of visitors is concerned, the visitor boards inworld usually show completely different data than here. I can recommend Pagane to see a good psychiatrist in real life. I mean that honestly, without any mockery. What she says here..

Dorenas World ist eines der ältesten Grids überhaupt. Ich habe schon viele kommen und gehen sehen. Als OSW seine Pforten öffnete, hatten wir schon einige Jahre hinter uns. Inworld hat sich zwischen den Grids eine Community aufgebaut, die letztendlich auch ohne dem Portal hier bestens funktioniert. Bots, keine Bots, Afk-Avatare oder nicht. Ich finde es im höchsten Massen peinlich über, was sich einige hier aufregen und sich von einer einzigen verrückten Person kirre machen lassen. Was die echten Besucherzahlen betrifft, die Besucherboards inworld zeigen meist eh ganz andere Daten an, als hier. Pagane kann ich empfehlen, im realen Leben einen guten Psychiater aufzusuchen. Das meine ich ehrlich, ganz ohne Spott. Was sie hier von sich gibt,...

Pagane: It makes absolutely no difference who was what before. Hitler was a good artist and Genghis Khan a meek shepherd... Isn't it easier if we all stop lying and look forward??? Look around - there is alre... 2 years ago

Bakes On Mesh - Arkham Grid
#siwevoheadbom #arkgheads #newheadbom

News at Camballa
KAHLANI Gold Silver in any Colors
Use the teleporter at the landing point
he takes you everywhere
greet yours
Karin Beckers

Full Avatar Curvy Neko BoM #arkhamcity

Bakes On Mesh - Arkham Grid
#ubievoheadbom #arkgheads #newheadbom

The make over is done. The THIS AND THAT Building is now completly renovated. Perhaps have a look ?

Lone Wolf: Just wow, great job. 2 years ago
I`m sure most of people here have listened this BS, like.. "I`m done with opensim!" I`m leaving for good". Here is the reason you should NOT believe on what they are saying lolol (AVAILABLE FOR FREE and FULLPERM)
PS. Fixed the permission of my previous sign offered, the "Don`t copy my copybotted stuffs" , so ok for copy/pay 0$..
Enjoy :)
1- Now, pair/unpair table/controller is easier.. There is no need to do the "rez-in-order" steps like on previous NG versions;
2- TOP 5 HIGH SCORES NOW CAN BE RESET/CLEANED! (Many people asked me that and thx for my friends Adani and Essensual from Trianon grid who worked on the script modification.
3- To make it work rez always the table/controller with the N2 V2 logo! (its blue now instead of the golden texture)..
4- Special thanks also for all my friends who helped me ideas and suggestions since my 1st version of tables, years ago. Also thx for Clifford Hangar and Cataplexia Numbers, AMV Grid owners who supported me on grid.. and White Angel, from Sacrarium grid. And Durham Redmond who "scipted the NG previous models.

well, enough written.... enjoy! and send it away to all ur friends )

Jimmy Olsen: GREEDY GAME NG V2 UPDATE on the KATANA model - Had to fix a glitch found on score display. Fixel model available at TP area and also inside the boxed version. Enjoy :) 2 years ago
Today I want to tell you about Haven of Memories and my Dear friend, Lavia Lavine who created it with her own builds as well as stuff from many talented folks in our Metaverse. One of her best talents in MHO is putting together "Scenes". One of her best qualities is her loving heart...and her orneriness. ;) This fountain was put together using her own stuff as well as many other talented creators' work. You can't tell by the photo but the water moves down the steps perfectly and she worked hard to make it happen. Amazing to see in person! It isn't linked so you can't just come and grab it. I am showing this to you because it is simply stunning and the whole region is peaceful, comforting, and beautiful for reflection, memories, and feeling close to your loved ones. What a beautiful Memorial Garden! You don't even have to have an account on the grid to have a memorial of your loved one here. The only requirement is that they lived a Virtual life on any grid in the Metaverse. It is a way for all of us to remember them in one place that we can visit at any time. I took this photo because I thought this was so beautiful and everyone should know that it is there for all of us!!! Thanks, Lavia!

LaviaLavine: Thank you Star for that wonderful review and yes we welcome anybody from any grid who would like to memorialize a loved one from the virtual world, however we also have a section for those whom have b... 2 years ago
Auf uns kommt da was zu, der Gridserver hat sich zwecks Festplattenüberprüfung gemeldet, befürchte einen Knacks. Das heißt Umzug auf neuen Server und Downtime. Mein Gedanke geht darin, die 2 auf einen doppelt so großen modernen Server zusammenzulegen.
Ich sage es euch ehrlich, da kommt was auf uns zu, bzw auf mich. Ist eine ziemliche Menge an Daten
Stress, da ich lieber nicht allzu lange warten will und für einen Monat höhere Kosten, wegen doppelter Miete, später dafür günstiger.
Ich schreibe auch alle anderen persönlich an, die es betrifft.
Neues Maschinchen ist spätestens morgen da.
Dann geht es folgendermaßen los:
1. Betriebsystemupdates
2. Umzug aller Regionen vorerst ankoppeln an den "alten Server"
3. Runterfahren der alten Server und Kopieren und aktivieren der rübergschaufelten Griddatenbank. Wegen der Größe kann das eine 3-4 tägige Downtime bedeuten, wahrscheinlich aber erheblich schneller.
4. Domainumzug und einrichten des Webinterfaces.
5. Hochfahren mit Gridservices und Regionen, Abschluss der Arbeiten.

!!!Grid News!!!
Something is coming our way, the grid server has reported to check the hard drive, I fear a crack. That means moving to a new server and downtime. My idea is to merge the 2 into a modern server twice the size.
I'll tell you honestly, something is coming our way, or me. Is quite a lot of data
Stress, because I prefer not to wait too long and higher costs for one month because of double the rent, later cheaper.
I am also writing to everyone else personally who is affected.
New machine will be there by tomorrow at the latest.
Then it starts like this:
1. Operating system updates
2. Relocation of all regions initially connect to the "old server"
3. Shutting down the old servers and copying and activating the migrated grid database. Because of the size, this can mean a 3-4 day downtime, but probably much faster.
4. Domain transfer and setting up the web interface.
5. Start up with gridservices and regions, work done.

SabiBreen: Daumen Drück. Das wird wieder... 2 years ago

You can now visit our Photostudio and take some great pics :)
300 female modeling Bento poses available. and A

FEEFEE: i have been there i have used the photo booth and found that the poses are fantastic 2 years ago

8 Brandnew Landscape Items for you .. enchanted Ruins , Viking Path and so much more .. enjoy it .. hugs Bella

Friends of Veritas McMasters I have a special necklace to remember Veri by. She had come to the store with a special request to make for her a "Back Necklace" when wearing this please remember the loveliness of Veri, and hold your friends close always. Jewelry

Luna Lunaria: Thank you Marianna, I picked one up :-) 2 years ago

NEW!!! Blair Outfit Black/ White

Fantastic Norway Norge

Einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr

Wings bootie any Colors
All news at the News-Box look at the Teleporter
have all a Good Time
happy New Year
your Karin Becker

What could be nicer than sharing something. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the shared time. Merry Christmas and a Happy and Hopeful New Year....
Was kann es Schöneres geben als etwas zu teilen. Ich danke euch von Herzen für die geteilte Zeit. Friedliche Weihnachten und ein glückliches und hoffnungsvolles neues Jahr....

NEW!!!! @ Moonrose Shopping

fresh 360


iekocatnap: Happy holidays to Barefoot Dreamers grid, have a merry christmas ! 2 years ago

Xmas time #christmas2022
available in Arkham City

News for St. Nicholas Day have a lot of fun and a contemplative time
Greetings from your Karin Becker

Tons of NEWs .. Gowns and Suit s in the Sky Formal Fashion, brandnew for you .. and ofcourse Casual so much .. for Female and Male .. take a Look :)))

Bakes On Mesh - Arkham Grid
#danyevoheadbom #arkgheads #newheadbom

Schon seit zwei Monaten wird hier wieder eine Idee umgesetzt, die es schon vor 3 Jahren mal gab.
Hier entsteht ein Wunderland der Emotionen, viele bezaubernde Locations für den schönsten Tag Eures Lebens und Kleidung, die Herzen schmelzen lässt.

Wir eröffnen in ein paar Tagen eine Sim, die Euch alles bietet, was eure Hochzeit zu einem außergewöhnlichen Event macht.

Und was wir nicht haben, erschaffen wir nach Euren Wünschen !

For two months now, an idea has been implemented here again, which already existed 3 years ago.
Here you find a wonderland of emotions, many enchanting locations for the most beautiful day of your life and clothes that melt hearts.

We'll be opening a special Sim in a few days,
offering you everything you need to make your wedding an extraordinary event.

And what we don't have, we create according to your wishes!

Cosa: O wie schön :-) Wenn ich nicht schon verheiratet wäre.... aber als Blumenmädchen würde ich noch zur Verfügung stehen *g 2 years ago

Merry Christmas ;)

Samstag, 3. Dezember um 20.30 Uhr SoA Party im Clubhaus der Sons
mit Dj Crazy und seinem Sons of Anarchy Live Mix.
Prior notice:
Saturday 3 December at 11.30pm SoA Party at the Sons Clubhouse
with Dj Crazy and his Sons of Anarchy Live Mix.

Crazyposeidon: Looking forward for this Event :)))) 2 years ago

Die Dagostino Family hat ihre Winter-Weihnachtssim wieder geöffnet....
Viel Spass beim Shoppen-Tanzen-Schlittschuhlaufen-Snowmobilefahren oder what ever..

What's new on Camballa
two beautiful evening dresses with which you
all eyes on you
have fun with it and have a good time
your Karin Becker
Neues auf Camballa
zwei wunderschöne AbendKleider mit dem du
alle Augen auf dich ziehst.
hab viel spass damit und eine gute zeit
eure Karin Becker

Symphony: Sick! \0/ 2 years ago

Head-Sharf with Rigged Hair
All news at the News-Box look at the Teleporter
have Fun and all a good Time Your Karin Becker

DinkieLane startpoint

Cats among themselves.......
Katzen unter sich.......

Verna Avril: I guess i know where you got the avatar look from 2 years ago

yay Halloween . )))

Rudi Bakerly: Ach wat sieht se wieder bezaubernd aus :-) 2 years ago
Another great find from Sketchfab a beautiful diadem, uploaded and in the Monentes Jewelry store foyer. Jewelry

RobinRidley: Magical! 2 years ago

Ellen: Adorable! 2 years ago
oh! HELLO!
The story so far: Grid offline for far too long. Now, back online. Shop closed, and, now completely remodeled, reopened. New and renewed outfits coming soon.

Sorry. We are open. oh HELLO!

If you don't know about oh HELLO, here's the skinny. The shop offers carefully curated outfits -- with options. If one item in the outfit is part of a fat pack, you get them all. The outfit is a complete look that you can customize. Cool, huh? You also get a preset body alpha HUD, because, why not? I set one up for my own use, so it's easy enough to toss a copy into the box.

Jerralyn Franzic: Yaaaaayyyyy!!!!!!!! *muah* 2 years ago

New Elegant Dress for a very Good Night.....:-)

Replica of the oldest beer pub of Tromsø

CCI Grid: We will put on a barrel for tasting. 2 years ago

Replica of the Tromsø Ice Sea Cathedral

Bat Queen earrings can be found in the Monentes store foyer. Free/Full Perms Jewelry

Marianna : Thank you very much for the tip! It is much appreciated and never expected - such a nice gift thank you :) 2 years ago
A store for Ruth outfits I have put together using Linda Kellie, Damien Fate, Fleep grid layers and some Remake shoes. During war time and the depression there was a push for people to make do with what they had, reuse it or remake it. This store is based on that philosophy and is my Os version. Some items are original form and others I have textured myself and so I have called the store MAKE DO AND MEND! hop://

Thirza Ember: Go for the clothes, stay for the interesting sim 2 years ago

*** 3D LANDFORMs KIT in MESH! Handy if u are looking for building islands or offsim islands or hills without using terraforming). Available for FREE and FULL PERM!. Enjoy :)

Lone Wolf: That's great thank you for making it. Hope you are well! 2 years ago

Live Traffic
Welcome A
19 2
Welcome Area A
16 1
GOR Sardar Fair A
66 14
29 0
Battersea A
7 0
13 1
Brown Beach Surf A
16 5
Shinobar Annex
64 19
Indigo Blue Realm A
17 2
Roughnexx-Cathedral A
10 3
Jungle Friends Seas A
7 0
Maze ofthe Mind A
17 2
Trianon Complex A
89 18
Clothings Optional
6 1
Lbsa Plaza
190 38
Regions Online: 1,786
Active: 168 avatars in 112 regions
The Box
Xenon Darrow 1 hour ago
OpenSimUser 4 hours ago
We want nothing but additional free advertising in this box because there is no reason to pay for it if it can be gotten for completely free, god forbid anyone actually pays for advertisement space on this site anywhere.
CyberGlo CyberStar 5 hours ago
People must remember on a scale of 1 to 10 what is their favourite colour of the alphabet? So screw world peace, I want a pony. When life gives you lemons, throw them at people you hate. Picture a pineapple in a bathrobe... That's you! Disposal file is not exist! FILE 13 ERROR!
JoshBoam 5 hours ago Now Free Setups. 80/M for full grids you control! Many options to choose from and custom website check us out! 2 8x8 Free Included
Pagane 7 hours ago
Google and 'degraded university professors say spelling is syntax and meaning of letters and words is bad indexed SQL DB:) And Timur, if someone really graded professor want to say some HE WILL SAY!
KHIRONAMETZA 9 hours ago
2pm KHIRON AMETZA on AMV @ Stingray Speakeasy - Today Brazilian and Spanish songs will be added to the repertoire, besides 80's, disco, rock and many other rhythyms. Come join us at this special place full of funny people. hop://
Arielle 9 hours ago
A Uni degree even??
Arielle 9 hours ago
Pretty sure "sintax" is spelled with a Y like syntax! Do I get a prize?
Timur 10 hours ago
A professor's degree in philosophy does NOT help in grammar is a typical expression of zero education may be, just experiencing this often
Timur 11 hours ago
again for all intellijealous people papa google says what i understand A syntax error in English is a mistake in using a language that involves organizing words and phrases that don't make sense. And not 3 dots so far or i missed something. And without correct grammer you wont get any uni degree
Pagane 12 hours ago
Philosophy and grammar are two fundamentally different sciences! A professor's degree in philosophy does NOT help in grammar, nor does a midwife's degree in politics :) And 3 dots is sintax error. Ellipsis is punctuation.
Timur 12 hours ago
@ Pagane : The ellipsis itself can be 3 dots without any spaces (...)OR it can be 3 dots with spaces between each (. . .) :)) pls correct google also after you attack Ellen, an american former RL university teacher and a Dr. of Philosophy still pretty active forming a specialised school in Japan.
Pagane 13 hours ago
@Ellen @Coper: ELLIPSIS is NOT 3 dots. It is separate Unicode Character “…” (U+2026)! Don't talk arrogantly about topics you don't know!
Ellen 21 hours ago
I wish some people here would use the correct tense of a verb, write complete sentences, and use correct punctuation when criticizing others' posts.
Ellen 21 hours ago
Copper, the ellipsis is three dots...
NoraCola yesterday
That's me, Leo, I'm saying nothing at all ;)
LeonitasLionheart yesterday
I wish some here followed the simple but wise cliche of "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." 😁
Jared Seda 2 days ago
Sorry Copper I suck at proper grammar and punctuation.

New Comments

OpenSimUser 13 minutes ago
No generaly speaking, people here do not play both worlds. You can not compare SL to here. You want to address SL, you do it somewhere else, where they hear you. This is Opensim.
Nico Kalani 2 hours ago
✦Streaming service generously sponsored by Suzi Avonside✦
Jimmy Olsen 2 hours ago
very impressive piece of art.. indeed
Xenon Darrow 2 hours ago
Beyond stunning
JeffKelley 7 hours ago
Oniric, awesome experience. C'est top, Cherry. C'est TOP !
Star Ravenhurst 8 hours ago
The party is still going with Forest Azure next to grace her with her beautiful voice as we immerse ourselves in art, music, and community! Come join us!! ALL are welcome!
Marpil Grafenwalder 8 hours ago
A whole experience, the music envelops you while you walk through the art itself, you have to live it, you can't explain it, simply sublime, thank you very much for such a magnificent experience
Kal 8 hours ago
Cherry and Nico, your collaboration in 'Paradoxical Sleep' is absolutely breathtaking... The way the art and music come together creates a magical, immersive experience unlike anything I’ve seen in Op...
Nico Kalani 10 hours ago
Join us today at 11:15 AM SLT, for the opening of Paradoxical Sleep, an installation by artist Cherry Manga, with a soundscape created by Nico Kalani. Dimension ✦St...


Funsize Academy
5 FAT FABULOUS STARS ...Fantastic Building Classes taught by Ted Junior are great! Only taken 3-4 classes and I already learned more than I thought I would. If you have a chance to catch one of these ...
Faith Fromund 2 hours ago
Trianon Complex
Très bon accueil. Propriétaires adorables. C'est très joli. je lis des commentaires vraiment pas sympa! Des alts ? hum et après? ca change quoi à vos vies? Je trouve leurs avatars très jolis et en tou...
Celeste Charnelle 6 hours ago
Trianon Complex
A fun place to be, great tunes and fun times dancing from ballroom dancing to disco and others.
windrunner 7 hours ago
Trianon Complex
The Trianon Complex is a very warmful place, here, you can find always good tunes, a cheerful owner and a great DJ as well, and always nice guests joins party. Come visit the region and just enjo...
Adani 7 hours ago
Serrallo de Mogor
Owned by Pakojohns Oh this incredible region has so much to offer! From Spanish to Arabian and worldwide flavor, Pako has multiple events weekly with guest DJs and himself. Ive attended Flamenco danci...
Cataplexia Numbers 11 hours ago
The creativity is endless so it seems, The Cathedral is amazing! Did not visit an event yet, but will do that for sure. Pleasantly surprised, well done and worth a visit.
AnsjelaAmat 22 hours ago
Valeria's Avatars 2
Your work is fantastic, but what's the point to display your avatars, if they can't be bought nor copied? Opensim spirit is usually, what we make and others are interested in, we share it, or sell it ...
Mona725 yesterday
Trianon Complex
The Trianon Ballroom is one of the many beautiful venues on Trianon Grid. I love that it is a formal venue. There are not enough venues to wear all the beautiful ball gowns available on Open Sim. Whet...
Lynne Lundquist yesterday
Paradise Lagoon
Went for Alex's Birthday Great place Awesome music and very pleasant people Love this place ....
EllieVenusa yesterday

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