OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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Couple Poses?

Hello :) I'm looking for couples poses for photos.. does anyone know where I can find some? Thank you!

The fantasy part of my region keeps growing,who can resist all those pretty colors!!

Teleport Arkham City

Rima is named for the heroine in the old movie Green Mansions. She was played by Audrey Hepburn and it is a beautiful fantasy sort of movie- minus the fairies and such!
It takes place in the Amazonian jungles.
So Rima is a foresty-jungly area that inexplicably is snowbound just beyond the bridge..
Hey- it's MY fantasy ;)
Happy Birthday Arkham Grid
Where: Kingman City
When: 4 years ago [2 Jan 2021 13:00 SLT]

Happy Birthday Arkham Grid PARTY-MUSIC-LIVE
╠▧▧▧░▒ LIVE MUSIC ▒░▧▧▧
╠▧▧▧►Dj : DOCTOR
╠▧▧▧►What : ♬Arkham Grid ♬
╠▧▧▧►When : 1Pm SLT January 2
╠▧▧▧░▒ TECHNO ▒░▧▧▧
╠▧▧▧►Dj : DjChanel Hurricane
╠▧▧▧►What : ♬Arkham Grid ♬
╠▧▧▧►When : 3Pm SLT January 2

Noodle's Garage Sale is back up .....

You ready to PARTAY?! Come check out the grand opening of The Rusty Nail this Monday, Dec. 28th at 4:30pm grid time. DJ Kawaii will be spinning her best techno beats! Let's dance, get drunk and rave a little as I celebrate my RL birthday with you. Come as you are! Open bar ;)
Ein aufregendes Jahr liegt hinter uns.
Wir hatten Verluste.
Manche taten weh, manche weniger.
Wir hatten aber auch Gewinne
Der größte Gewinn war
Teil einer funktionierenden, lebensfrohen, lebendigen Gemeinschaft geworden zu sein.
Teil eines Grids zu sein,in dem Freundschaft nicht nur ein geklauter Werbeslogan ist.
Teil eines Grids zu sein, dass eigenständig zurecht kommt.

Dafür sind wir sehr dankbar. Unseren Bewohnern und allen, die uns dies ermöglicht haben, wie auch unseren zahlreichen Besuchern.
Möge die Zeit der bollernden Heizungen und prasselnden Kamine die Herzen der Menschen erwärmen und der Duft der Tannenbäume
all den Menschen die schlechten Gedanken vertreiben

Wir wünschen Euch allen ein besinnliches Weihnachtsfest, einen sensationell schönen Start ins neue Jahr und bleibt gesund.

Euch allen ein besinnliches und herzerwärmendes Weihnachtsfest

wünschen Euch Nasti und Rudi vom Soul Grid

Merry Christmas for all.
Joyeux Noel pour tous.
Fröhliche Weihnachten.

I Love you so Much ♥♥♥

TRUST. 1: Trust, assurance, confidence imply a feeling of security. Trust implies instinctive unquestioning belief in and reliance upon something: to have trust in one's parents, friends, partners, business associates, etc. Confidence implies conscious trust because of good reasons, definite evidence, or past experience: to have confidence in the outcome of events.

What do you do when trust has been broken? How do you react to broken trust in something or someone? Trust is a very hard to build, it takes a lot of respect, belief in the positive, truth, communication, etc. But.. It's so very easy to lose.. When someone or something breeches or does something for you to NOT trust them anymore.. how do you react to that kind of disappointment? **Thinking out loud.. would love to hear your thoughts and comments on this.

Our PacificNorthwest region is home to Cannabis Information Center with Leafly info. Beautiful and relaxing, with educational literature on Cannabis.

WHAT IS THIS????????? LOLOLOL I very good at knowing alot about vintage items their use and year. AND 2 HOURS LATER I GIVE UP! Anyone know? lololol

We had a great time. Wonderful music by Rogue and Rhonda, great friends. I put the whole Gatsby club in a box and more 1920s stuff boxes all free for you AT THE SHOP. hugssssssssssssss THE SHOP IS JUST DOWN THE LITTLE ROAD FROM THE CLUB or on the Teleporter
DJ Nico at Magic Moments Venue
Saturday December 5, 2020
Time: Now to 9pm Grid Time

DJ Nico not only loves music, but he has an intense passion for DJing, and it shows. His music is great! So come on lets get this party started! Lets get those good vibes flowing!

Taxi: Sea

Join our VIP Venue Groups to keep abreast of upcoming events!
Magic Moments Venue
Magic Garden Venue
Christmas tree earrings, with low lag blinking lights. Free - Full Perms -Scripts can be removed too, I had to do it please don't hate me lol it is so pretty! Jewelry

BOM Caterina - Dia De Los Muertos Now at Steamland

First time SF Water tower said bad password
First time SF Water tower now said bad password ==>> [06:40] SF Water Tower: Bad password
So how i fix this and i had tried reset it but still saying that and did picked up and put back but still say that. How to solve this?

Profession: Dj Perfomer since 2008.

- Every Thursday@Stark Island-12pm.02pm/21h.23h (Germany) - Opensim

I am looking for a particular house I used to have it when I was on the Canadian Grid which closed - I cannot remember where i got it but here is a pic if anyone can help me locate this house it would make me very happy thank you for reading :)
How often are sims checked?
It seems rather arbitrary- what determines how often a grid or sim is checked for traffic? I am looking at my page stats and it says 2 hours ago. Sometimes it checks every few minutes- I have been walking about and landscaping and stuff- so it's not like it thinks I am not really there- I do have a couple of NPC's but they are listed in the exclude list..
I was even giving an alt self some items to take back to her/my other grid-
TODAY IS DECEMBER 14th, 2020 and I just logged into my grid, so for now, it is up and running . . . no telling how long this will be for, but as long as she is up and running, it will ALWAYS, ALWAYS be open for visitors ;) Come on in and have some relaxing fun times! & please keep your fingers crossed that when the next windows update arrives it will not take my grid down again or else I will have to wait for an windows update that will let me in again!

My Fairydreams Grid will be on and off as every time I get a windows update it knocks my grid offline for a few weeks or more until the next windows update comes around. I run my grid off of my computer so the things that must be done to keep it running on a consistent basis are too in-depth for me to understand or even attempt to achieve without possibly destroying my computer. Fairydreams grid will be on when it allows me to log in . . . hopefully sometime soon.


I will be having a Halloween Sim and/or you can find Halloween Items throughout Fairy Land ;) Not sure how I want to do this yet ;) I want to surprise you and give you the best experience I can ;) The items I will be giving away are FREEBIES that I have gotten from other grids ;) I may make some of my own, time allowing ;)

I am SO GLAD to be back online again! Halloween begins the festivities of the year 2020 . . .

Lord Willing, Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Year's Eve will have similar activities! Then we can look forward to the 2021 festivities! ;)

If someone want to open a store in his grid or his region with the babys quinns stuff please im me here and I wil come to rez all the items like an official saler of the quins baby ...ty so much

Hello my Angels. Monday my internet concerns will be solved. A Technician comes Monday morning. Thank you for your patience. I love you very much ♥

*** GREEK OLIVE ANIMATED TREES PACK *** FREE and FULL PERM different models. Seasonal textures (spring with flowers, summer with green and black olives and winter) included. Animated leaves (script included when needed). Available at FOREST AREA (ground) at BOX 05. Enjoy :)
My grid is still here . . . just taking a break for a bit . . . I should have said this a while back . . . so very sorry . . . I will be back soon and add more nice things to you all to visit, see and make yourself comfy here ;) Also, I will get some more freebie stuff for you all to take home with you and enjoy! Huggelz to you all!
#bom #adonis4 #bakesonmesh #lowarcbody #meshbody #free
Today we launch the Adonis Ver. 4.0 Free Bento BoM Mesh Body, The body is now available to all grids and freebie shops! Have fun enjoy and share :) Harbor Conglomerate Welcome City RLV

Elegant Peace earrings-Free Full Jewelry

Created several glasses today, all free and full perms at Monentes Jewelry Jewelry

New Shop I am Working on. Has the FestAvi items I have collected over the years (Yes I have gotten permission to put them there). More to come but Check it out.

Hello everyone in the Metaverse, Aurlandsfjord is open to the general public. It is open to all local and hypergrid residents. It is currently under construction so please be patient as I am the only doing the landscaping, furnishing and decoration the whole region. Homes and beach huts are currently available for free rent. Two of the bigger homes are already furnished and decorated tastefully. There is one freebie store stocked, the others will be soon. I strive to make this region a community on a virtual platform. Please remember housing is limited so first come first serve, thank you in advance for your visit and patronage. Y'all rock!
Hello New Avatar [Male Dragon Quadrupe]

The new four-legged Dragon avatar is now available, if you have any questions you can use the box of restraints and I will read the problems A greeting, For next week the same avatar will be but a Female! Thank you

Silver Waves Band-Unisex-Free Full Perms-

RAKis World Grid got new mesh standard start avatars.

I found this fabulous 1965 Mustang on Victor DeAngelo's Freebie Freeway. Its so nice I have scripted the Bonnet, Boot and Doors so they open and close. If you fancy driving it. I have placed it in the Rezzer at the 50's Diner.

Where can I find the best Male Avatar components?

For Something a bit different I have Skateboards which are fun to ride. I am in the middle of re-scripting them, because the last time Alexander City was Live I was using the old ODE scripts.
have you ever ridden a high powered Skateboard. Great Fun !
I had the pleasure of attending one of Gertie's sets. What I loved the most about her was her upbeat and exuberant personality. I wanted to create something to remember her by. This charm bracelet has a music note with her name. Free-Full Perms

LIGHT MUSEUM opening! All FREE and FULL PERM for LAMPs, STREET LAMPS and LIGHT related..
In STORE 03 u will find:Party stuffs. Enjoy :)

Peace choker now available at Monentes Jewelry Free-Full Perms
Peace and love, it is as simple as that.