What is the “What Are You Looking For” group about? Come see:
People post about items they are, well, looking for, like outfits, builds, shops, services, skills, and so on. With 119 members, it is the largest, and most active group on OSW.
Here's how it works.
• Post your request in the group.
• If you like, use group chat to provide the link to the post to immediately alert people about it.
• Please do not post requests or answer them in chat. We are an alternative to making a request in the Front Page Box. Like there, group chat text will disappear, while posts, and the replies, will persist, providing on-going help to people browsing the posts.
• And please, consider being a helper, and visiting regularly to do that.
Thanks to all helping this group help people find what they are looking for. And a welcome in advance to all who decide to join us.