OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

💬 Chat

Road Kill: The party is still swinging here at The Glassworks. Skins available at the dance floor...........:)) 13 days ago
Fifteen years, how fast they flew,
Dorena’s World, a dream come true.
A digital realm, so full of life,
With shared ideas, escaping strife.

From the first pixel to today’s delight,
You’ve built a world that shines so bright.
Friendship, dreams, and fantasy,
All united in harmony.

Let’s celebrate, day by day,
For all the wonders that pave the way.
Fifteen years of inspiration,
A reason for joyful celebration!
Further information on the upcoming events will follow.

Dorena Verne: Of course, everyone is cordially invited. 12 days ago

Looking for Chinese furniture and Japanese furniture. lamps as well and anything else i might find.

Tuesday at The Almost Islands

Danger at 10:00
Lucky Live at 11:00
Khiron Ametza LIVE at 12:00
Evan LIVE at 13:00 (1:00PM)
Charice LIVE at 14:30 (2:30PM)

Join us at: The Almost Islands

For Taxi: Azi Az or Danger Lytton

Danger Lytton: Charice coming up next at 2:30 16 days ago
Star Lord's Gun

Low poly Star Lord's Gun, also known as the Quad Blaster, from the Guardians of the Galaxy series of comics and movies.

File size: 50.8 MiB
Face count: 1,866
License: Royalty free license
Author avatar
Creator Chpndl _ Dump

JamieWright: That's amazing! "It's Showtime A-holes!"​​ 18 days ago

Happy Sunday everyone, I added 6 more heads, 3 men's and 3 women's


Aeris Irides: omg you're my hero. 18 days ago

Hi all, I am looking for static prop bodies/corps looking dead or sleeping etc. Thanks in advance and a happy 2025 to all :)

Hicks: I have a mesh mummy ... if it interests her she lies with her arms crossed on her stomach 19 days ago

We are out at Kitty Hawk trying out my new girl flyer. You can ride your friend through the air like an airplane. I'll put it in the shop soon in case anyone wants it.

Hicks: do it work with ex wives ? .... i joke 19 days ago

@LaylaHart42 is "looking for poses and Backdrops where can i fine them plz and thank you"

Nico Kalani: Hey, funny you should ask. :) There are plenty of places with poses, but I don't know anyplace but R. Lion's with both. And he has lots and lots of them. I don't have the link to his place at the mom... 23 days ago

from Adani, the residents of trianon world, and myself.. I want to wish you a happy and healthy New Years. May 2025 bring you the best year yet.

Djtombeur: tanti auguri per un felice anno Essensual & Adani 22 days ago

VLive -Social Network Managment : Happy New Year 23 days ago
New Years Eve at The Almost Islands

Our regular Tuesday event, today, falls on the biggest party day of the year.

10:00 AM Danger Lytton djing
11:00 AM Lucky Chiung singing LIVE
13:00 (1PM) Evan Willaims LIVE
14:30 (2:30PM) Charice Singer LIVE
16:00 (4 PM) Putri SoloSinger LIVE

Join us at: The Almost Islands

Danger Lytton: Our day here at The Almost Islands must come to an end in a few minutes. We have been here since 10 this morning helping to bring in the New Year. Putri, Adriana, Elmo and Deana will take the show ov... 23 days ago
Asking for a friend: in times when R.Lion is offline or for whatever reason inaccessible for days or weeks at a time, where can we find Lelutka heads with a HUD? I can find other heads but all the Lel heads I have with HUDs come from R.Lion and are no transfer & she needs her head HUD to complete her new avie!

Gentle Dragonheart: Sciattisgrid has a few of the Lelutka heads out in a 4.0 version with HUD and some options the R.Lion heads don't have. It's a work in progress, they say they are wo... 22 days ago

we're almost there, the pregnancy will also be out soon, you can already find some outfits

KayceeBlack: @Ludo, Take your personal attack on Pagane elsewhere. OSW doesn't need your troll activity seen on a totally unrelated region. This is a nice, adult only SIM and not involved in your "white-knight" ac... 24 days ago
Hello, I am looking for work related and dayly activities ANIMATIONS. For exemple,wood worker animations (cutting trees, logs, etc, cleaning home etc. I am also looking for folk and traditional dances.

According to you, what are the best places to explore and search for animations ?

I figured out how to generate a map of the sim. we've spent a day or so building and there's much land still to explore. At the concept it was going to be like a 9 square grid with 4 lands and 5 waters lol. But on a 4096x4096 I realized that would take weeks if not a month to create, so I tried different things and finally figured out how to randomly generate islands on the whole sim. The concept is people can have an island in the game, or part of it - a parcel. This isn't a typical square island sim but different and interesting so far. the economy game will be ready soon, it's going to be free to play.

Aeris Irides: I put the grid map on a 5m x 5m prim and anywhere you touch you are teleported to that area. Obviously we have a map in the viewer lol. But With the dynamically generated map i can display the parcels... 26 days ago

Happy Holidays from us here at DALLAS. Kalá Christoúgenna

DALLAS MALL: They have arrived all of them but 3 more. They are at Landing 29 days ago

May all that is beautiful, meaningful and brings you joy be yours this holiday season and throughout the coming year!
We wish you a Merry Christmas! From Andremus & Alchy

Lise: Joyeux Noël et bonnes vacances ! 1 month ago
This is a replica of Metacomet's war club from the late 1600's. It is currently on display at the Fruitlands Museum in Harvard Massachusetts. Each wampum inlay along the top commemorates an invader personally dispatched by Metacomet during the King Phillip War 1675-1678

Hyacinth: This is actually something I have intimate knowledge how to make. I learned when I was a little kid. The ball is made from the knot of a tree, and is quite hard and heavy. An alternate design has... 1 month ago
♦♦♦ 🎧] CC – CLUB [🎧] ♦♦♦
♦♦♦ Presents ♦♦♦

════▷▶ Anniversary 2 Year ◀◁════
♥♥♥ 2 year partnership anniversary for Tommy White and Smaili Me.
You are all cordially invited to our party at Club Heavens Gate.

2 jähriges Partnerschaftsjubiläum von Tommy White und Smaili Me.
Ihr seit alle recht herzlichst eingeladen zu unserer Party im Club Himmelstor.

☑ When: Tuesday/Dienstag 17.December 2024
⏰ 11:00 – 01:00 OS / 20:00 – 22:00 EU
☑ Where: Heavens Gate - CLUB CC

╫◈ DJ CRAZY Livemix
Disco,House, Italo, EDM , Dance, Tech

╠═here: hg. SeaVibes

Carmen Jewel: We have a beautiful romantic venue set for the occasion of celebrating two years of partnership of Tommy & Smaili All are welcome to join in this celebration :) The music will be awesome and will b... 1 month ago
While most of us associate PBR only with mirrors and shiny metals, there is a lot more to it since all surfaces benefit from it. The top pic here shows the room with the old standard (blinn phong) textures and materials taken using the FS 6.6.17 viewer, while the bottom pic shows the same room with all pbr textures taken using the FS 7.1.11 viewer. Note that you can add both texture sets to a surface so that any viewer can see something. Also note that there is a reflection probe filling this room that prevents the blue light outside from seeping in (a current known bug being investigated).

Saturation, lighting, and detail are significantly improved across the board when all surfaces are pbr, which is what Physically Based Rendering was designed to do: to more accurately capture the interplay of light on various surfaces. For those wondering about how performance was affected, these were taken using my 8 year old desktop that has a GTX 1070 graphics card. I was at 40 fps on ultra graphics, but you don't need to set the graphics that high to get this look. That's because the new viewer is more efficient since it uses more of your computer's available resources.

Jerralyn Franzic: I can get enough of this look shown here, even with all of the shaders turned off and PBR settings at minimum. For shinier things I do need to set PBR a bit higher than minimum, but it doesn't affect ... 1 month ago

Tis that time of the year Happy Holidays from avirtualworld.

Gentle Dragonheart: very funny indeed. I do wonder where his young & handsome Mr. Christmas suit is, though ;) 1 month ago

Animesh Companion very funny, with all material layers, animations and colors hud


LeonitasLionheart: thank you! so funny 1 month ago
**Dali Babe MAITREYA (ATHENA) Body Skin Megapack Now!**
Hi everyone, last on the line of Megapacks: Maitreya 5.3 (Athena) version of the body skins.
Same 3 styles and ALL addons - this one does come in 'only' 15 of the 22 tones, though.
As with LaraX one, it does not include any shape, so you can just use your default body one.

UBER: hop://

Nay Kellyel: PERFECT 1 month ago
Voici le compte-rendu de la Réunion d'hier établi par Prodyck
Compte rendu de la réunion du jeudi 5 décembre

Merci à Eden d'accueillir régulièrement cette réunion sur sa grille. De nombreuses personnes n'ont pu être informées ou venir en raison de la maintenance d'Osgrid. L'information a été diffusée sur Discord, le groupe des Francophones sur Opensimworld, ainsi que via les contacts de chacun.

Ont été abordés :

La sous-utilisation du groupe francophone d'Osw est un problème particulièrement criant vu les circonstances.

Le problème de l'utilisation du chat écrit et de la voix : les discussions techniques sont plus compréhensibles par écrit. La voix donne des discussions plus vivantes. Mais dans ce type de réunion où le nombre d'avatars est réduit, cela ne pose pas de gros problèmes. Il ne s'agit ni d'un cours magistral, ni d'une conférence, mais d'une discussion à bâtons rompus détendue qui est plus facile d'accès pour certaines personnes.

Il apparaît que cette réunion devrait être plus structurée. Pour une meilleure prise en compte de ce type de réunion, il sera demandé aux uns et aux autres quels sujets ils voudraient aborder.

Ankh est venue nous expliquer de façon détaillée ce qu'est une machine virtuelle, comment la créer et s'en servir. Un sujet qui a retenu l'attention de tous.

Il a aussi été question d'une clé USB bootable, particulièrement pour tester les versions Linux et des problèmes avec le setup pour certaines machines.

Enfin, sur Francopholie, le mémorial continue de se mettre en place.

Je suis parti à ce moment-là.

LadyKa: Merci Prodyck pour ce compte-rendu ! Et Merci Hicks d'en être le messager. J'ajoute que nous allons essayer de faire régulièrement un petit résumé des échanges, après chaque rencontre. 2 months ago

Sweet sea style. Guess who is back! ♥

Mistressdalgato: welcome back! been wondering where you was 2 months ago
Eröffnung der Gallery Path of Glory – Candoranien

Erlebt die faszinierende Geschichte Candoraniens in einer beeindruckenden Bildergalerie!!
Feiert mit uns diesen besonderen Abend!
Am 05. Dezember 2024
um 19:00 Uhr öffnen wir die Türen für die Gallery.
Ab 20:00 Uhr sorgt DJ Draupnir mit epischen Beats für die perfekte Atmosphäre.
Ein Abend voller Kunst, Geschichten und Musik erwartet euch – lasst euch verzaubern!

Kein Dresscode ;)

Cosa: cooole Musik .... 2 months ago

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/149/287/3828

Aurora Starchild: Ay por dios que maravillosidades. Con lo que me gusta a mi todo lo navideño *.* 2 months ago

Hello! I'm looking for a skate rezzer for a skating rink, both ice and roller blades. Any help is greatly appreciated!

Jupiter Rowland: You mean something that rezzes a pair of skates which an avatar can slip into and go skating? Works like a driveable vehicle, but can be worn like shoes? I don't even know if that's possible. 2 months ago

Ruby Peace in the middle of the store "PBR" Jewelry at Monentes Jewelry Jewelry

Luna Lunaria: Nice work :-) 2 months ago
hi guys

where is the satry farm system i now own land in OSgrid

PapaJohnson: Satyr farm hasn't been updated in a long time. 2 months ago

Uma nova piscina demoníaca, venha dar um mergulho kkkk

Micawood: mas é uma pena não permitir gente de outros grids 2 months ago
Howdy folks!!! One of our new grid members wanted a house that was very open, so with that thought in mind I created this house for her, however I'm making it available to anyone who would like it. This house features a built in fireplace, split levels, spiral stairs, decks, recessed ceiling lights (touch light), sliding doors and a carport. The build is pretty much all prim so it will be easy to modify and the mesh parts can be resized and re textured to your liking. It is full perm and free here at our mall, stop by and check it out. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

MidnightRain Glas: Hello I'm sorry I also was there and still there been here for over an hour and all I see is homes that I've seen many times you have beautiful flowers and everything but I can't seem to find your sho... 2 months ago

There are still rooms available in my motel..

Yinni Benelli: Is it haunted? .... looks haunted. 2 months ago
Well, I couldn't really make a Douglas Fir and NOT decorate one for an old fashioned Christmas, Decorated with gold tinsel and red, white & green plaid bows, old fashioned decorated ornaments and multi colored lights with a big star at the top takes me back to my childhood days. It's free, it's full perm, it's yours to get at our Holidays & Seasons department. Drop in, no through the chimney, and get yours and may it bring you a bright, blessed and Merry Christmas, blessings and much love, Lavia.

Passion Jumanji: I rezz'd it out near my farming stores along with the other two. I'm going to put this at the Wolf Pack Club for Christmas. Thanks SO MUCH, Lavia! :D HUGGIEZ! :D This tree sure has added some Christma... 2 months ago
Ich habe hier ein sehr merkwürdiges Problem mit OSW.

Wenn man dort auf meiner Seite: bei Visit this region: auf
HG klickt, schickt es einen an: secondlife:// Confused
Wie zum Teufel kommen die auf diese Koordinaten?

Bei mir ist der Landepunkt ganz normal auf 128/128/22
Der Beacon steht auch nicht auf 540/161/23.

Dass der Landepunkt mal etwas verfehlt wird, weiß ich.

Aber das ist es nicht!
Wenn man bei HG einfach die Linkadresse kopiert, steht da eben secondlife:// Es wird also auch dahin gezielt!

Aber warum zum Teufel?
Die Koordinaten stehen nirgendwo, wie kommt OSW also auf diese Schnapsidee?

FallenAngel Absent: nur zur Info, vielleicht ist das Problem nicht mehr aktuell aber ich lande bei Hop und HG bei dir in Opensim auf der Map 2 months ago

Please stop this...

Ludo Davis: For image generation involving human hands, AI models can sometimes create overly long or odd-looking thumbs. To improve the outcome, you can add specific instructions in the prompt to guide the model... 2 months ago
Happy Birthday, Gentle Fire Grid! 🎉

On this special day, we celebrate the warmth and brilliance that you bring into our lives. Just like a gentle fire, you provide light and warmth in the most subtle and impactful ways. May your birthday be filled with joy, laughter, and unforgettable moments.

Here’s to a year ahead that glows as brightly as you do!

Best wishes, Your Friends at Gentle fire Grid

SheaButter: Happy Birthday! Another year older and another year wiser! 2 months ago
=OUT NOW: Austin Skin FATPACK for EON Head=
Happy Sunday! Check out the latest face skin fatpack (for EON lel EvoX) head.
Comes in 10 skin tones match with Dali body skin.
Uber: hop://

Alex Leo: looks great. thanks. 2 months ago
for the wandering francophones and francophiles waiting for the return of OSgrid.
there is a meeting tonight on the region "chez eden" at 9:00 p.m.
yes I know it's in 30 minutes ...
i won't give the link :p it's easy to find :p

Ankhsenaton: pourquoi le dire en anglais ?....... 3 months ago
Wow, time flew somehow this year. In a few hours the gates will be closed for this year. A wonderful short season with nice conversations, some strange behaving visitors, running wild security orbs and a lot more is behind me. In the end I hope you had a good time on the sim and enjoyed the visit. Hopefully see you next year again..Thomas

TrishiaOConnell: Thank you from me too..hugs! 3 months ago