OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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Wonder Collectibles IV @
Lovely outfits & Shoes for Reborn-eBody only, my favorite body.
Sharing with you our wonders a bit more!!
Hugs Bebe

IndigoQueen King: Beautiful Space I enjoyed my visit :) 6 months ago
Einladung zum freien Trainig auf der Go - Kart Bahn auf der Pangea Grid bis zum 15 September
Am 13 Oktober wird dort ein Rennen statt finden ....dazu wird es aber noch weitere Infos geben in kürze.

Invitation to free training on the go-kart track on the Pangea Grid until September 15th
There will be a race there on October 13th...but there will be more information about that shortly.


SheaButter: OMG! Talk about fun, much needed practice. Try it out everyone, it's awesome. 6 months ago

📝 "Wonderful future"

Images created with Draw Things. Animations and spoken text using VidnozAI Start and end images edited with Photoshop. Background music by Video creation and editing: CapCut

News!!!! There is a dispenser! just wear it and whoever clicks on it can take a smothy (delivery is random) hop://

KrisTina: That tongue on the right tho... kind of spooky, wonder if she sheds her skin once a year. 6 months ago

*PINK FIREWEED FLOWERS PACK NEW RELEASE* 01 prim mesh models with animation! Seasonal textures on different pixels available. All for FREE and FULLPERM at GARDEN AREA, BOX 03! Enjoy :)

LaviaLavine: awesome work as always Jimmy!! 6 months ago

📝 Why did it have to come to this?

Images created with Draw Things. Animations and spoken text using Hedra. Start and end images edited with Photoshop. Background music by Video creation and editing: CapCut Text in ...

Imagine walking around and seeing the scripts in everything around you. Now you know if your friend planted a bug in that new lamp they gave you... Or if that ring your sweetheart gave you is tracking your location... All with the script x-ray hud. At wizardry, upstairs.

Jared Seda: That's actually cool because I found this lamp in OS for free and it actually had a chat bug in it. SO this could be very useful!! 6 months ago
Hello! As everyone knows, I am awesome! As a result, I have been busy in my lab creating a (drum roll) DISH SPONGE! For those of you who have always wanted a dish sponge, I've made your dream come true! Finally! At Last! A yellow sponge that even has a floating label that says "dish sponge". Get yours now at Note: The spoon I made last month has been discontinued as only 32 people came and got one. Which is just weird. But anyway. As always please do not use my products to grief or harm any other person.

Xenon Darrow: MY DREAMS HAVE COME TRUUUUUUE 7 months ago

Far from perfect.. but standing proud!

US Flag created by David Williams is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Textures Trees and Scripts

JayR Cela: Very nice / I will stop by for a visit soon / thanks / I would also like to see some full perm multi national flags of the entire RL World made available for everyone for display on their Regions or G... 7 months ago
Dear Friends,
We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who joined us yesterday to honor our dear friend, brilliant musician, and wonderful person, Torben Asp. Your presence and compassion made this moment truly special.
For those who wish, you can continue to visit the Torben Asp Memorial on Pangea to pay your respects. More information will follow.
Liebe Freunde,
von Herzen danken wir allen, die gestern dabei waren, um unseren lieben Freund, genialen Musiker und wunderbaren Menschen Torben Asp zu ehren. Eure Anwesenheit und euer Mitgefühl haben diesen Moment zu etwas ganz Besonderem gemacht.
Für alle, die möchten, besteht weiterhin die Möglichkeit, das Torben Asp Memorial auf Pangea zu besuchen und seiner zu gedenken. Weitere Informationen dazu werden folgen.

Luna Lunaria: I'm so sorry I was unable to attend. We've been out of town all week for a family funeral 7 months ago

Set Emily ready! :) hop://

CyberGlo CyberStar: How beautiful. I love it. Very exotic work! :) 7 months ago

Sodasullivan: Wow, this is very beautiful. A lovely creation. 7 months ago
*EUROPA RACEWAY* New release, now open for public - Really a lot of roads - on normal speed (gear 1 from many vehicles) one takes 22 minutes and 30 seconds for complete a tour! Have fun! Hoverbikes rezer available on place! To tap into this place, go to SIM EUROPA, then at welcome area, look for a big glassy teleporter board and pick as destination EUROPA RACEWAY.

Wolf Territories Grid: What could possibly go wrong.... I thought it would never end. 7 months ago
GermanWorldGrid =
Unter dem Vowand, das Germanworldgrid technich zu verbessern , wurde dieses Grid eingestampft und läuft jetzt unter dem Namen * (kurz VVM)*
ABER: einen Grid-Namen kann man ändern, den schlechten Character des Owners und seiner Cyber-Ehefrau nicht. Mick Florido besaß das *Germanworldgrid*, eines der erfolgreichsten deutschen Grids, bis seine Cyber-Ehefrau Emma Florido kam, die unter Verfolgungswahn leidet.
Unter ihrem Einfluß wurden zahlreiche langjährige Member gemobbt, verleumdet, raus geekelt und verbannnt. Als Krönung wurden einige dieser Member in den TOS namentlich genannt sowie die fadenscheinigen Gründe, die zu dieser Verbannung führten. (Nachzu lesen in einer Gruppe bei Facebook)
Als *EmmaMercury* lief sie in SL jeder Hose nach, die sie jetzt in Opensim gefunden hat. Sie zerstörte eine gut funktionierende Gemeinschaft, die jetzt in alle Winde zerstreut ist.
In dieses neue Grid kommen nur neue Member auf Empfehlung, die außerdem u.a. unterschreiben müssen, mit keinem der ehemaligen Member in Kontakt zu treten.
Ich empfehle Emma Florido einen sehr guten Psychiater.
GermanWorldGrid =
Under the pretense of technically improving the Germanworldgrid, this grid was stamped and now runs under the name * (VVM for short) *
BUT: You can change a grid name, but not the bad character of the owner and his cyber wife. Mick Florido owned the *Germanworldgrid*, one of the most successful German grids, until his cyber-wife Emma Florido arrived, who suffers from paranoia.
Under their influence, numerous long-standing members were bullied, slandered, kicked out and banished. To top it off, some of these members were named in the TOS, as well as the flimsy reasons leading to this banishment. (You can read it in a group on Facebook)
As *EmmaMercury* she ran after every pair of pants in SL that she has now found in Opensim. It destroyed a well-functioning community that is now scattered to the four winds.
In this new grid, only new members come through recommendations, who also have to sign, among other things, and not come into contact with any of the former members.
I recommend Emma Florido, a very good psychiatrist.

Woody: Ich bezwecke damit, daß möglichst viele Leute aufgeklärt werden, welch kranke Leute in Opensim ihr Unwesen treiben. Das ist kein Cybermobbing, sondern schlicht und einfach die Wahrheit. Dorena ist die... 7 months ago

How can I trouble shoot this error? Any help is appreciated.
18:52:55 - [YEngine]: parsing errors on DZ9WCyhlRATjBN95m5rvtqhSQSiBgIKEZXemZkyhLYe (asset://0977861a-9289-436a-9f48-0e82c16ed0d6)

Wolf Territories Grid: Hi Cyber. Look up the asset in your robust assets table select * from robust.assets where id="0977861a-9289-436a-9f48-0e82c16ed0d6"; This will give you the name of the asset, then just do an ... 7 months ago
Firestorm 7.1.9 is out with multi-threading and PBR support
In case you didn't know: Firestorm 7.1.9 has been released yesterday. It's the first release that supports PBR (Physically-Based Rendering).

On the one hand, this means that the Advanced Lighting Model is now permanently on. You can't turn it off again.

On the other hand, Firestorm supports multi-threading now. Firestorm 6 and earlier only ever used one CPU thread. Firestorm 7 can use all of them.

So all fearmongering that you'll need a high-end gaming rig for Firestorm 7 is just that, fearmongering. Unless you've got an absolute toaster that was already built as an absolute toaster, and that has never been powerful enough for virtual worlds, unless you have to turn everything off from transparent water to shaders to light sources, chances are Firestorm 7 will actually be faster than Firestorm 6.

To give you an example: I have a Ryzen 5 3600X, 16GB RAM and a Radeon RX590 graphics card with 8GB VRAM. This is nowhere near high-end.

What Firestorm 6 renders with 20-30fps with ambient occlusion and shadows off, Firestorm 7 may render with 50+fps with ambient occlusion and shadows on.

Luna Lunaria: Got the viewer. Looking forward to working with pbr materials :-) 7 months ago
New! List Subscriber! GREAT FOR DJ'S!!! GREAT FOR SHOP OWNERS!!! People can click it to subscribe to your list! Then the dj can send a notice out to all the subscribers in the list, even if they are on many different grids! Great for parties! New in this version: Click once to be added to the list, click a second time to be deleted from list. Owner click will bring up the menu to enter or send a message to all the subscribers. :) New in this version: Saves the entire subscriber list to a notecard so your subscribers are never lost! :) Get yours now at I'll leave it here a few days before deleting it. :)

IndigoQueen King: Thank you always CyberGlo!! Yes you are awesome teehehehe I am so happy you created this you rock my friend!! 7 months ago
We're working on tutorials and videos to help folks who are new to open sim to get around in open sim better - from creating your very first avatar to knowing how to Hypergrid, we're putting it together to help others find the joy of Open Sim just as we have. This not "just" for our new grid members but for anybody new to open sim, we'd love to help you.

Mistressdalgato: this is cool, i have the firestorm oar to help people with how to use firestorm, once you get this region finished i may be inclined to want to put a teleport for new members to the region. 7 months ago
It's time to have a little fun!!!

today, Saturday, June 15 1pm

come join DJ Lion King for some amazing Rock, Latin and Disco.


In addition to the dance....we want to see some hot bikinis! is time to find your Bikinis.....Cause we are giving away Casino money!

Tiniest Bikini - $100,000

Most Stylish one piece - $50,000

Best itty bitty polka dot bikini - $50,000

Guys, maybe we will find a special prize for the dude who Rocks board shorts the best!

Zuzu Bahro: We will be here until 3 - come join us! 7 months ago
▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀ Party am Roadhouse▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀
Wer: DJ Winni
Wo: Biergarten
Was: AC/DC & Queen 2 der besten Gruppen
Wann: Mittwoch den 05.06.24
Ab: 19 Uhr --- 10 am Bikers Heaven

Ankhsenaton: So bad I don't speak german, I like the music and motorbikes ;-) V 8 months ago

Join us in Wizardry at The School of Magic. Learn to fight evil hackers, evil scripters, greifers, and maligned individuals.

FallenAngel Absent: :-D 8 months ago
Soirée théâtrale - Et l’œuf engendra la poule.

L’Event Space a le grand honneur de recevoir sous son toit la troupe Les Théâtreux pour vous présenter la pièce intitulée "Et l’œuf engendra la poule", écrite par Jean Vilain.
Elle a été initialement captée radiophoniquement et diffusée sur Radio Saint-Affrique, une radio libre et associative en Aveyron. C’est cet enregistrement original qui sera le support audio de la pièce dans laquelle les personnages sont incarnés par des avatars.

LadyKa: Une soirée théâtre en langue française ! Super ! 8 months ago
Hello, all!

I have been hunting for some animations, particularly adult ones of the solo male variety. 😅 I don't want this request to be too obscene for the group, so if further clarification is needed or you wish to reach out to me directly as opposed to posting a reply, I completely understand.

Thank you for your time!

Jamie Wright: Also, I feel like Val has many many things of all proclivities: 8 months ago

Glen is a victim.

Nico Kalani: Listen up fucktards. I am addressing this one final time, until I address it again. We need to treat Glen as he does everyone, as a HUMAN. People who like to dress like a Barbie doll and get fudge-pac... 8 months ago
New release Complete Rental System 2.01:

Other admins can also rezz rental box
Confirmation message when adding or deleting tenants
New Statistic available


Valerie NatureInSim: Already 2.02 out. For those upgrading, please read instruction in the readme. 8 months ago

Bobby can now generate Photos, Terrains and much more
Youtube Video

Passion Jumanji: OH BOBBY! You are getting smarter & smarter as each day goes by! OH BOBBY! You melt my heart! ;) Keep up the good work, Bobby & Lone TOOOOOO! ;) 8 months ago
I'd like to announce that I'm going on vacation from OS for a time. But I've been on a vacation from OS already, for maybe two months now, and I'd have to interrupt my vacation to say that I'm not going on vacation because I'm already on vacation. So, no announcements. Mainly because, at this point, I'm confused about the whole vacation thing. However, while I'm pretty sure I'm on vacation from OS, I still log in to OSW on occasion to check on the What Are You Looking For group. The helpers there have been, and continue to be, incredible! Anyways, if you want to send me a message, I'm likely to see it, and I might just answer.

thedeeferry: Fly like an eagle... enjoy... come back zoon. 8 months ago
Wir laden Euch herzlichst ein, mit uns im Schaum zu feiern. Zieht Eure Badesachen an oder holt Euch vor Ort das passende zum Anziehen. Am 13.05.2024 ab 19 Uhr legt DJane Sylvia für uns auf.
Nimm dir Zeit für Dinge die dich Glücklich machen.


We warmly invite you to celebrate with us in the foam. Put on your swimwear or get something suitable to wear on site. On May 13th, 2024 from 7 p.m. DJane Sylvia will be playing for us.
Take time for things that make you happy.

Sylvia-Koeln: Smaili ♥ 8 months ago

News! hop://

LeonitasLionheart: Indeed some fantastic selections. Marpil is blessing the Lara x crowd lately! Bravo! 8 months ago
Sunset Dreams Sectional out now!
A new section PACKED with tons of animations, and sitting up to 6 people!
This has always been a favourite of mine, not sure if due to the shape & look, or the nice sitting and cuddle poses!
The couch texture comes with 2 basis tintable layers. While I have put some colours via hud, you can always tint with your own!

Uber: hop:// Boutiques/371/380/23

Carmen Jewel: I have also found a perfect spot for this couch :) 8 months ago
Hey everyone, I love dreamgrid and what Fred does, but sometimes with new beta version you get bugs. Until apache is fixed our website will be down. We need apache because we use joomla.

Hoping it is back up soon.

ps. I know we can roll back but when apache borked its a pain to roll back.

Marianna: The betas have always been in the testing phase. Fred suggested that it is not necessary to update to each new beta if you are currently running fine. When you do get up and running again, and happy ... 8 months ago
♥ When: 2:00pm OST - 5:PM EST - 4:PM Central
♥ Where: THE VAULT
♥ Dress: CASUAL
♥ Map: hop://

NoraCola: it's a great party so far! 9 months ago
Bad Event Idea- Voice chat party during a scheduled set with a live Dj or musician!
Fun! Make the DJ feel as important as background noise by loudly talking on local chat to each other- especially when the DJ is making announcements This is guaranteed to make the DJ feel annoyed at best, and your guests with social skills will surely cringe and likely forget to send you an invite to the next party. Hardy har har har.

Jamie Wright: Did this happen somewhere recently? 9 months ago
parked avatars

How can exclude bot avatar from the avatar count?

PinkyEssensual: Demy thats so easy ,so long the Officer Keekoo use her Radagast Fake Avis like she was do at Kokomo Beach will Albas Place always not listed on OSW. When did Alba finaly Learn her lesson about that ? ... 9 months ago
if you picke dup the 4.1 Simona upgrade and found it isnt always working ( cause of Xengine ) we did a fix on that.. you can pick up the latest Simona version at Vesti, and pick up the updated version only not all the other add ons

Jerralyn Franzic: Is the Simona update less complex now? I stopped using it because that was a problem for me, especially if I want to be seen at a venue as myself by others and not as a jellydoll. I typically try not ... 9 months ago
╔═══◈◈Hikonai ᴘʀᴇsᴇɴᴛs◈◈
╫◈ ᴅᴊ ◈DjChanel Hurricane
╫◈ ᴡʜᴀᴛ◈TUNES-Deep Techno Connection☻
╫◈ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ◈13.00 SLT
╫◈ where ◈♬ Hikonai, Arkham Grid ♬
╫◈ when ◈1-3 pm grid time 27 April Saturday

Patinha: Party time!!! ★ WARNING ★ DJ OUT OF CONTROL ★ MANAGEMENT NOT RESPONSIBLE ★ 9 months ago

Charlene McNally: looks like fun! I'll have to slip on my bikini and come have some fun! Oh way do I have a bikini? 9 months ago

Umzug auf das Weingut Carpua
Ich freu mich drauf!

Copper: Wäre mal nich schlecht das von einer registrierten (beacon) sim zu schreiben. Es gibt ja auch keine sim im OS wo das sein soll :-) 9 months ago

having a blast at Millliways grand opening with our amazing DJ
Tanya Sande & hours more to come. Get out here and shake your boots! hop://

NoraCola: Hazel's rocking it! ^_^ 9 months ago
Having issues with water towers not replenishing
Hello, I am having issues with the Water Towers not working with the Well. The well keeps going empty. I did see a water tower Password error recently. Is there anyway to get this all back on track? Thanks

OpenSimWorld: make sure the notecard "sfp" inside all objects contains the same password, then reset the scripts in the objects 9 months ago


Jerralyn Franzic: Whoo... just like SL... Legacy seems to be gaining ground in the fantasy depth. Anyway, this outfit is... *jaw drops* 9 months ago