OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

💬 Chat

With a broken heart, I inform you that our dear friend and lover of Virtual Worlds, Veritas McMaster, passed away in a house fire trying to save her beloved cockatoo Sophie.

Derrybeg Arabello: I did not know Veri .. very well, only chatted in passing. She seemed to me like a very sweet and caring person, and of course, she'd care enough about her bird to go back for it. We need more peo... 2 years ago
Plötzlich und unerwaret schlief am 4.12. mein liebster Rudi unser Grid Vater ein

Ich bin nur ins Zimmer nebenan gegangen.
Nichts ist passiert.
Alles bleibt genauso wie es war.

Ich bin ich, und ihr seid ihr, und das alte Leben, das wir so liebevoll zusammen lebten, ist unberührt und unverändert.
Was auch immer wir füreinander waren, das sind wir noch.
Ruft mich mit meinem alten vertrauten Namen.
Sprecht von mir in derselben selbstverständlichen Redeweise, die ihr immer benutzt habt.
Macht keinen Unterschied im Ton.
Erzeugt keine gezwungene Atmospäre der Feierlichkeit oder des Kummers.
Lacht, wie wir immer über die kleinen Späße lachten, die wir gemeinsam genossen haben.
Spielt, lächelt, denkt an mich, betet für mich.

Lasst meinen Namen immer vertraut und alltäglich bleiben, wie er es bisher auch war.
Lasst ihn ohne Anstrengung gesprochen werden, ohne einen geisterhaften Schatten.

Das Leben bedeutet alles, was es vorher auch bedeutet hat.
Es ist dasselbe wie es immer war. Es gibt absolute und ununterbrochene Kontinuität.
Was ist dieser Tod anderes als ein vernachlässigbarer Unfall?
Warum sollte ich aus eurem Sinn sein, nur weil ihr mich nicht mehr sehen könnt?
Ich warte in der Zwischenzeit auf euch, irgendwo ganz in der Nähe, gleich um die Ecke.

Alles ist gut.

Nichts ist verletzt; nichts ist verloren .
Ein kurzer Moment und alles wird so sein wie früher.
Wie werden wir über die Mühen des Abschieds lachen, wenn wir uns wiedersehen!

Tatum: I've known rudi a little bit (under different avis), but I do remember one of the nicest and most kind people of OS. Rest well my friendly friend! My condolences to friends and family! 2 years ago
🥳We, at R. Lion Stores, hope the magic of Christmas fills every corner of your heart and home with joy — now and always.🥳
According with Santa's nice List, this year the ladies were the best behaved, so our gift is for them:😇
The new LaraX Mesh Body is available now at our new Avatar's components store, for you to get. Come quick!

SheaButter: Happy Holidays, to you and your family. Thank you, for sharing all those wonderful items. 1 years ago

Your grid and users are not welcome here anymore. Your users have been harassing and messaging racist slurs at opensimworld users for years. You have harassed me personally and my family *in real life*. You keep doing it despite warnings and temporary bans

From now on you are permanently banned from listing and advertising anything from your grid in Opensimworld. Your regions are inactive anyway, they will be removed.

Your abusive accounts will be frozen. Do not attempt to create new ones , they will be removed.

Please advertise your grid etc on: Facebook, Twitter, Mewe, Discord, wherever, anywhere but NOT HERE . Enough is enough, you are not welcome here.

It is with a heavy heart that I announce the passing of one of our long time grid members Trizzy Hunter. All of us at Virtual Beach are devastated and sadden by this news, please bare with us while we grieve.

If you knew Trizzy or visited one of her many regions, you knew how much work she put into them. She took time to create stores and such for all to love. Trizzy was a great friend to all who knew her as well as helping someone in world when they needed it. She helped me a lot when i messed up my terrain or needed something in world. She will be truly missed.

Trizzy's memory will live on forever at Virtual Beach, please continue to honor her legacy by visiting one of her many regions listed below that is open all year long.

RRD Fashion Exclusives
Christmas Dreams
Dagger's Edge
Rayvn's Roost Concourse
Spooktacular Wood

After the New Year a memorial will be held in world starting at the cemetery and ending at daggers edge for a dance party to remember and honor her legacy. Date and details to be announced soon.

Micawood: I'm very sorry to hear that. She was someone who helped me a lot when I started in open sim. I hope she is calm and at peace wherever she is now 3 months ago
Hi everyone! Starchild Shoppe has its new location at Sanctum Astra Grid.
As mentioned back in December, the re-do of the website was the first step to put the store in its own place/grid: this should help with any potential lag, HG TP issues etc.
As you can see there's is a new grid behind: No big plans for it, will probably keep it small, maybe add a club if there's demand? We will see.
But, for now, I hope this helps with struggles some people faced in the past about access etc!
There's also an OSW hop page there. Feel free to leave your reviews and comments.
HUGE thanks to @SciattisiGrid for helping to set it up: If you need help to get your very own grid running, please do reach out to him!

Sorcha: C'est super merci pour ce que vous faites 19 days ago

hi this is jami its with a heavy heart that dj James badass has Passed away in Rl he was my soul mate on here and in rl this is his rl photo

Jude Connors: I am sorry for your personal loss and the loss of a great to the community. 4 months ago

Everytime I go to @RichardFairplay 's R.Lion store is like a going there for the first time, finding more and more stuff! Best store *by far* in OS!

PinDeluca: Yes I have to say R.Lion is one of my Go to stores ! Truly fantastic, there is everything and more! 5 months ago
For the last 3 weeks, I have dealt with a intermittent issue on my grid that has about driven me nuts. I have tested, and eliminated possibilities …..without luck.

Yesterday two of the largest grid owners in open sim, Lone Wolf from Wolf Territories and Josh Boam from Aviworlds, took time from their busy schedules to help finally fix this issue. In addition , Rafael from Wolf Territories assisted. I cannot say thanks enough!

Although I work with Josh’s hosting business, this involved much more. Josh would not give up and recruited Lone Wolf.

In my opinion, maybe this is what opensim was designed to be: sharing of knowledge and helping each other.

Lone Wolf and Josh did not have to give up their time to help a tiny grid…..but they did!

Maybe we can all learn from these individuals!

Sharing knowledge is Caring

FYI. The default setting of 2 threadsets can cause major headaches depending on your region….it is way too low in some cases. You all probably know that…but I learned.

thedeeferry: So, OpenLife has me blocked, so I cannot reply directly to its comment. Nor can I send it a private message which I prefer. I apologize to any others if what I type now offends you. This is directe... 1 years ago
All I ever did when I was here was build, create magic huds, create oars, and try to help people. I was harassed a lot by a band of trolls, constantly picked on and lied on by others who will say and post and do anything. Even fake made up stuff. Many of you have asked me to come back and keep creating. I will think about it. I did have some more oars I designed and it would be a shame to see them languish on an old hard drive and not get shared. I'm not sure if they survived the last ssd failure on my system. But to date they have not been seen by anyone but me. Perhaps I will come back in a few weeks. I am thinking about it - in the very least to upload the other fantasy oars I have made if they survived.

JamieWright: Happy New Year Cyber. Do what makes you happy:) 3 months ago

Congratulations Arkham, the second year, Happy Anniversary

BeckySwanson: and when it says that the region does not exist ?... what would be the problem? 3 years ago
Arkham Grid 5th Anniversary Celebration
A Special Thanks to Our Community,in these five years our success has been built thanks to the support and active participation of our amazing community. Every piece of feedback, every idea, and every suggestion has helped us to improve and perfect Arkham Grid.
Let’s celebrate a past full of achievements and look forward to an even more exciting future. Thank you for being part of this incredible journey. Now, get ready for the new, thrilling adventures that await! Arkham Team

Emma Florido: Congratulations Felix and your Team for the amazing work you have done at your Grid! 30 days ago

Rigged 3D models for use as avatars or animesh. Open to commissions, send me a notecard inworld with your request.

Antonia Ling: Wonderful stuff! Love it... 3 years ago

Tierra de Volcanes wishes you an excellent new year, see you in 2025!!!!

VLive -Social Network Managment : Happy New Year 3 months ago
Hold onto your virtual hats, folks, because we've got something that will knock your digital socks off! 🧦✨ Our OpenSim store is offering a mind-blowing selection of top-notch products for FREE and FULL PERM! Yes, you heard that right – no strings attached, just pure, unadulterated awesomeness.

Why are we doing this, you ask? Well, our virtual warehouse is bursting at the seams, and we need to make some room. Plus, spreading joy in the virtual world is kind of our thing. 🎉

So, whether you're a virtual hoarder, a savvy bargain hunter, or just someone who enjoys free stuff (and let's be honest, who doesn't?), now's your chance to grab these goodies. This deal is as rare as a unicorn on a hoverboard! 🦄🛹

But wait, there's more! With FULL PERM, you can modify, copy, and transfer to your heart's content. Want to give your best friend a gift? Go for it. Need to make some tweaks? Have at it. The possibilities are endless, and the fun is guaranteed.

So, what are you waiting for? Teleport on over and snag these treasures today! 🎩🐇✨

(Disclaimer: We are not responsible for any addiction to free virtual stuff that may occur. Side effects may include excessive happiness, spontaneous dance parties, and an uncontrollable urge to tell everyone you know about this amazing deal. Use responsibly!)

Bebe: hahahahha you are the best dear Jimmy 8 months ago
New release of v3.2 the animesh horse script (can be worn or rezzed as vehicle) and optimized it for PBR viewer compatibility. I did some efforts to make the script more ubOde friendly (yes, with room for improvement) and the horse now has many new features for you to play with.

Xenon Darrow: YAY!!!! tytytyty Roland! I AM SO EXCITED! 9 months ago

VickiJoanne: There's a problem with the very concept of "hate speech" and that is WHO exactly gets to define it? In The Box we've seen the recurrent appearance of one or more people who are clearly either trollin... 10 months ago
When I think of Rudi and Nasti the first memories I have of them have always been incredibly supportive and encouraging from the moment I met them. With the news of Rudi's passing, I felt an immediate loss to our community, I cannot imagine how difficult this is for Nasti. It is with sincere condolences to Nasti and the family, I created a pendant in his memory. For those that were touched by Rudi and his kind spirit, this is for you to remember that spirit.

I miss you Rudi, much love to Nasti Jewelry

Jamie Wright: Beautiful tribute:) 2 years ago

RIP Torben.

KarinBecker: Rest in peace and condolences to all his friends and loved ones. 3 years ago

Here is a new update of the Horse & Horse Rezzer script v3.3. This is a bugfix release. Enjoy :)

Hicks: beautiful objects made with care, I like it a lot tank you . 5 months ago
*OPENSIM FIREWORKS V7 (VERSION 7) UPDATED RELEASE (less complexity than the previous version and effects now look more real - All you see on that picture is mesh! With sounds and animation! Available for FULLPERM and FREE at PARTY SECTOR inside a box for fireworks. Enjoy :)

P.s Version with particles available as well, if needed.

Ankhsenaton: Thank you, I will to to see that :-) (I hope you took lots of photos for the Daily Planet ;-) 10 months ago
Recently I have had a number of people requesting that I allow child avatars at friends-grid and I want to discuss this openly and honestly.

It is not my place to try and push my morals and values upon others....however, as a grid owner, it is my place to learn the laws of every country involved. In this situation, I need to understand the Child pornography laws of not only where our servers are located, but I also had to research and learn the laws of every country we have residents and guests from. We currently have residents from 30 countries and guests from another 35. People who say "laws dont apply " are incorrect on this subject. You may have servers in one country.....but all the laws of your resident's countries come into play also.

A good thing to remember is that because you have gotten away with something for 10 years does not make it legal. You may never get caught....and then again.....somebody with a grudge may turn you in.

I want to point out a recent post by Jerralyn Franzic . Jerralyn showed the cutest childs outfit ever! ....and she also made the wisest statement ...."I don't understand the hatred towards child avis in Open Sim. Sure, they shouldn't engage in adult activities and maybe not hang in Adult sims but otherwise, what's the problem?" Personally I would love to see kids riding ponies at my farm....and having fun being mermaids. If everyone in child avi were to abide by Jerralyn's statement, there would not be an issue.

However, lets talk about reality. Not all child avis are simply riding ponies and playing in the water. The simple truth is that many (not all) of these child avis are having sex. Some grids use this to boost their traffic. In some countries, including US, the graphic illustration of a child online having sex is 100% illegal. You see, it does not matter if the person behind the computer is 12 or 52......the visual computer generated depiction of a child (child avatar) involved in sex is very illegal in a number of countries. 18 U.S.C. § 2252 Many people will say their countries are different....and this is stupid. I did not make laws........but I need to abide by them. Before people jump on this and criticize me ....I would suggest you read the laws of your country....your servers country...and the laws of all your residents or guests. There are many misinformed people on this subject. I am not saying the laws are right or wrong......but learn the laws.....then comment. You need to learn laws for your servers country...and all your guests countries. This post is not about is about laws....of all the countries involved.

I have spent over 200 hours reading international laws. Some countries allow things that others do not. However, you have to consider all the laws because of guests.

In I hate kids and kids avis......nooooooo. I would love to be able to allow them to come to friends grid. However, this is a less than perfect world in which we live, and I have to look at the potential liability of allowing those child avis. Because of that, Child avis are not allowed on exceptions! I am sad....because there are some wonderful people in kids avis that I do not get to have visit.

Friends-grid is an Adult community and we are looking for adults, with adult avi's who want to make this their main opensim home.

Sodasullivan: I think this is the proper way to address this issue Safine. You are setting the rules YOU are comfortable with on YOUR region. I am fine having my region open to everyone as long as they agree to fol... 12 months ago

Happy Christmas everyone!

thedeeferry: Best to you also sweet Wolf and to all who love you and all you love. Stay sweet, sweets! (ɔˆ ³ (ˆ⌣ˆc) my sweet Friend Did I mention how sweet your are? lol 1 years ago
All - Earthquake in Marrakesh Update 10/09/23

We have moved from our badly damaged home in Marrakesh to the capital Rabat - our power/broadband/telephone is very patchy but I have managed to make contact with Alex (Princess Alex), who will run the ILU side of things with Bobbi Fox, while we assess damage and living arrangements for the family.

Its just been announced over 2000 deaths and hundreds of injured - one close friend hasnt made it but he pulled his parents out of their wrecked family home.

Please pray for us and all those affected by this disaster.

We will see you all soon I hope.

Debz, Malik, Karen and Bethany Mansour

PinDeluca: This is just terrible ... My heart is with you. You Never know how strong you are until strong is your only choice. Take courage. God Bless you all. We will all meet again soon XXX 2 years ago
Danke für eure liebevollen Worte und Gebete. Danke allen, die in dieser schweren Zeit mir beigestanden und unseren Rudi das letzte Geleit gegeben haben. Danke auch für die vielen Blumen- und Kranzspenden, mit denen ihr eure Anteilnahme und Wertschätzung gezeigt habt.
In tiefster Dankbarkeit

OtterLandMGM: 2 years ago

Upgraded sky with EEP, new clouds,rainbow,planets,milkyway

sharanncousine: greetings peter 3 years ago

May the Easter Bunny bring you all baskets of love and eggs full of positive surprises. Happy Easter!

Wish you all your Nasti

AleksanderDesousa: Frohe Ostern euch allen 1 years ago
Tired of people coming to ur SIM/region/parcel just for copying stuffs? After u had a loot of work on doing it and all u see is.... avatars with arm stretched copying from A to Z? So the "COPY MY ASS" 3D sign is perfect for u.. Available for FREE and FULL PERM! Enjoy :)

Sabrinastav: Excuse me, I'm not understanding, you complain because people take things from your sim ?... or do you complain because people copy your sim's stuff? 3 years ago
The region Freebies is totally redone, my own original art freebies are displayed in different rooms : VOID, PLANT, BRUSH, RED, CUBE.
Some accessories I made, EEP, at SOUP.
All Fest'Avi avatars at FESTAVI.

Just select a room from the teleporter. Please remind that for a best experience, enable EEP and advanced lighting model.
There's no stream but scripted sounds (not everywhere yet) all from Morlitam.

photo displaying VOID room

FinjaFlux: An inspiration! Your art is like fireworks and animates new ideas! Another wonderful work from you!!! Thank you!!!! 3 years ago
This AviTron Shop Is Great--If You Want To Pay For Stuff That Should Be Free.
CopyKat Grid is home to Grimm, where you can get the pictured outfit, and many more, free and full perm. Or you can go to this AviTron shop and pay TR$10 for the item (changed to no transfer). You can see Jimmy, owner of Grimm, still listed as the creator of the item. (Oops). The shop owner got this--free--at Grimm.

To be fair, I think about everyone has made the mistake of setting an item for sale and forgetting to change the default price of $10 to zero. But a full perm item someone else created, with the sale price already set--to $0 ('t change to a no transfer item sold for $10--unless the new owner changes it on purpose. This was no accident. And this "not an accident" happened to items from Grimm at least 20-30 times at this AviTron shop.

You will see many residents from the great grid of AviTron shopping at Grimm and the countless other quality freebe shops on the CopyKat Grid. Now I know at least one reason why. You never know what you will find on the CopyKat Grid--but one thing is sure. It's gonna be free.

Visit Grimm for your free stuff. Special sale for AviTron members--100% off of Grimm's already low low price of $0.

LATE EDIT: I have now looked at a random selection of other AviTron shops and find they are not charging for items. If you find any, let me know. But for now I'm changing the post to target just this one shop.

Sweetgrl: I love Grimm. 3 years ago

Lately I have noticed a lot of drama, hate and bashing towards other people. I try to ignore most of it but lately it has become to much. Why do people feel the need to use hateful words or put someone down.

No matter what religion we are, gender, political views or whatever it is, cant we just agree to disagree.

I have seen a lot of people in my time in Opensim do amazing things, anyone that can DJ, build, script and anything else, is awesome to me. For the ones that constantly tell everyone they are awesome its because they are. They do a lot of things i do not know how to do or cant.

So in conclusion, I would like to say thank you to all creators, builders, scripters, and etc, because without all of you, my regions wouldn't look as good as they do. I may take things and place them and put them together but the credits go to the creators, builders and scripters.

Instead of name calling and tearing people down, lets be a little kinder, lets ignore the negative and worry more about spreading positivity.

Comment's welcome but please be kind :)

Mistressdalgato: Any negative and or bashing comments will be deleted 8 months ago
Mein geliebtes Weib, meine Siwas
Ich will versuchen dir nur zu versprechen was ich auch halten kann.
Ich kann dir die Welt nicht zu Füssen legen, sie gehört mir nicht.
Ich werde dir keine Sterne mehr vom Himmel holen denn das habe ich schon und du hast deinen Stern.
Ich habe damals gesagt dieser Stern soll dich beschützen und über unsere Liebe wachen. Das hat er getan und uns nach unserer Trennung wieder zusammengeführt.
Vielleicht merkt man erst bei einer Trennung was man wirklich verloren hat.
Wir sind wieder zusammen und nun will ich dich endgültig als meine Frau und werde alles tun dass wir zusammen glücklich sind und unsere Liebe für immer bleibt.
Siwas, du warst immer, du bist und du bleibst für immer mein Baby,

Hange: félicitations plein de bonheur 2 years ago

No comments here... 3D sign says all lololol
Available for FREE and FULL PERM. Enjoy )

Emily Sear: O M G! Too funny ..Famous last words should be posted on all grids.. shut up and just take it! 2 years ago
Opensimulator is FREE but not a "free-for-all" **

I have noticed there are a number of people who use the Opensimulator server software but they do not fully understand the true concept of it's OPEN nature.

In real life, I have been contributing to FREE and Open sourced software for well over a decade and I rely on it for most of my day to day computing tasks. I have a full working knowledge of what open source is and the level of freedom it gives to the people who use it. Free software gives you the ability to see the source code, change it, make it better, share your changes with friends and some open source licenses will allow you to SELL your modified code. There are many versions of Opensim such as the OSgrid builds, Arriba, Sasquatch, Isthmus or Halcyon and there is nothing stopping YOU from making your own version. You cannot do this with closed sourced software legally. This is the extent to which Opensimulator is OPEN.

Opensimulator is FREE! Free as in Freedom. You are FREE to use the software in any way that you feel is morally or socially acceptable and there is no defined method on how you should use the software. I see people all the time saying things to the effect of: "You should let everyone in your sim." or "You have no right to block bad people or grids." or "You should give everything away free because that is what Opensim was made for." If any of those statements are true then PROVE IT! Go on and show me where it says this. I can assure you that I have completely read the BSD license and it is SHORTER than this article I am writing right now. Nowhere does the license say anything on how you should use the software because that act alone would nullify the freedoms that the Opensimulator developers have given you. You will not find (and probably never will find) any documentation enforcing edicts on how they think you should use this software. They do however have guides on getting the most out of it's features, it is an invaluable resource.

What does all of this mean? FREEDOM FOR ALL but NOT a free-for-all. You have the right to impose RULES on your sims and Opensim software gives grid operators powerful OSSL code to deal with interlopers and troublemakers. Nobody should walk all over you and tell you how to run your grid, when it is your servers, your money and your resources. YOU ARE IN CONTROL. Grid operators have the ability to block any viewer they want, it is built right in. You define how your grid operates and are under no obligation to obey anyone who hates you for using these features. Some may say "Because a feature exists does not mean you should use it." and they would be WRONG because these settings would not be included if the Opensimulator developers did not intend for people to use them.

I challenge anyone who disagrees with this article to visit and show me any documentation which refutes anything I have said. I will only accept submissions from the aforementioned url because it is the OFFICIAL website for the Opensimulator project and they are the supreme authority governing it's use.

Feel free to share this article when needed.

Peace & Love

** A free-for-all is a situation in which several people or groups are trying to get something for themselves and there are no controls on how they do it.

CyberGlo CyberStar: The great thing about this "live & let live" attitude, is it means we can EVEN encompass the grinches. 2 years ago
Upgraded the horse rezzer script from the popular NPC horse rezzer to an "All-in-One" Animesh Horse Rezzer, with a load of features in the animesh horse.
Tip: to avoid the horse from dying, remove the "animesh horse rez" script, and have it roam around an area of your region or parcel, follow other horses, and other options.

One of the major benefits of the animesh horse is that it can cross regions (if allowed by the sim owner).
When you own the animesh horse, you can wear it an teleport around.

ThundergodThor: Positively awesome, I love it! The horses are so realistic looking. Awesome job Roland! 2 years ago

even today there are 6 more new heads

EllenOptinett: Thank you, very nice things you have 2 months ago

Not dead...working on the new store for all of you!

Jared Seda: Super Excited!!!! 4 months ago
For all of you interested in animesh: I made a new animated free roaming dragon thats now available for testing peer review. Pick up a copy in my shoppie, read the notecard and knock yourself out!
Lemme know if the notecard was clear enough...its a bit tricky with this roaming script....
Have fun!

Caribia: oh that looks cool :D 7 months ago


Jerralyn Franzic: Another sim I must visit soon... :) 3 years ago
Hello, I try to participate by mixing the useful with the pleasant, I wanted to make a gallery of people on Opensim, and I opted for a gallery on Flickr, more easily consultable. For this I need the help of all those who want to participate, without your help, the project will fail because it is about the people of Opensim. I take the photos, I try to capture something special in each of you, if you like it, and to bring out the image of a community in black and white, you have to come into the world to see the colors. Here is the beginning of the gallery. Thank you for your attention, friendly. Send me a message here or in world to help me and dont be shy :)

Luna Lunaria: @Hella Was happy to participate and it was very nice meeting you :-) 8 months ago

8 members


1 members


3 members

Hypergrid International Expo

3 members

Mobius Grid

6 members

Dj Pompom

2 members

Fire And Ice Grid

9 members


1 members

Electronic Club Music

2 members
