FEATURED GRPG Welcome Center 0 Users 5 0 This is the place where you can find any and all information about the Genesis Roleplay Grid as well as tutorials for new grid members and any other new arrivals to Open Sim. We're here to help you h... |
Passion Jumanji: Hotel California - Yep Yep ;) My fav song ;) Hmmm What's Xe been up to! ;) GRINZ*! ;) Giggelz Snortz! ;) 6 months ago |
A short video from me about the danger of AI Ironically, created by me using several AI programs.^^
John Sheppard: I'm interested in the standing stones with mystical gems... some awesome stuff! You've inspired me to keep going on the Blender classes... because I LOVE shiny things and I have plans to put stuff out... 6 months ago |
RemmyRavenhurst: Im not a big rap fan but I am enjoying digesting this with you! :) 6 months ago |
SilviaFrey: Buenas noches. Sería tan amable de indicarme el hop donde se encuentra la boutique y también el de Yin Yan. El tp de la estación no me responde. Muchísimas gracias. 6 months ago |
Sing Smith: Big or small, short or tall, thin or thicc, we're all one big happy adult opensim family. 6 months ago |
A small video created by me with the help of several AI. English subtitles available
LaviaLavine: Beautiful work as always Jimmy! 6 months ago |
Khaos Reign: I'm really struggling to get to the store, it keeps dropping me in the water and when I cam about I can't seem to find it :( I haven't had a chance to get to any of the stores that you have. Hopefully... 6 months ago |
Ankhsenaton: "Welcome to my world, won't you come on in? Miracles, I guess, still happen now and then..." or "Welcome to the jungle!"... In this virtual world in English, incomprehension and lack of kindness are t... 6 months ago |
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Parx Paradise 2 A 7 0 |
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NakedWorldz Family Area 0 0 |
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Shinobar Annex 65 19 |
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Whispering Creek 2 0 |
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Lbsa Plaza 190 38 |
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Westmeer A 2 0 |
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Trianon Complex A 95 23 |
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Wolf Workspace 3 0 |
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SciattiShopClothes A 59 3 |
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AMV Welcome 102 0 |
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Valeria's Avatars 2 70 14 |
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Shopping FUN A 7 0 |
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SciattiShopCenter 31 1 |
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Gentle Fire Grid 65 6 |
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Xenotown A 15 0 |
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Glenys Bieler✦ 10 hours ago @Arielle, how about checking for anyone that was born on a day with the letter D in the name? | |
Glenys Bieler✦ 10 hours ago I've always said you were such a mean woman Harper :D | |
HarperHeld 11 hours ago Who needs a script? I blacklist everyone except for those I know I want around. Ya'll let strangers in? How gauche! | |
Pagane 15 hours ago @Arielle some of us already try similar script and alive. Your dreamed liberal democracy is only next level of ex-USSR socialism and Gulag. We alive after guns and prisons, your scripts cannot scare us:) | |
Dorena Verne✦ 16 hours ago Nobody is banned from our house. Just like in real life, I don't want to have any closer contact with everyone. | |
CherylFurse 17 hours ago I recommend the movie "The circle" with Tom Hanks and Emma watson. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Circle_(2017_film) | |
CherylFurse 17 hours ago yes @Arielle. For tolerance and peace, we need maximum transparency and control | |
Arielle✦ 17 hours ago We need a script that checks everyone entering a sim to determine if they are a copybotter, a child avatar, their political stance, their religion and if they are a coffee drinker or teatoteler, before allowing them in. Anymore cards that need to be put on the table for the "tolerant" among us? | |
Pagane 23 hours ago A long, long time ago, far, far away one CIA boss say: "If elections could change anything, we would have canceled them long ago"... Keep up the world stupidity and hate! | |
HarperHeld yesterday I encourage others to do the same; that way none of us waste our time. :) | |
HarperHeld yesterday Who's proselytizing? I'm talking about putting cards on the table so folks can walk away or not as they please. :) | |
Arielle✦ yesterday Prostelyzing one's ideologue tends to alienate others more then attract them. | |
HarperHeld yesterday "OpenSim just isn't a terribly effective place to do any kind of activism or change a single person's mind about it" Agreed -that's what I was trying to say when I talked about inworld politics affecting the real world (which I may not have written as clearly as I should have) | |
Hyacinth✦ yesterday I have very strong political beliefs. OpenSim just isn't a terribly effective place to do any kind of activism or change a single person's mind about it. In the meantime, there are people I disagree with pretty strongly, but are otherwise worthwhile human beings. | |
HarperHeld yesterday Now believing that inworld politics affects the real world? That, as the meme says "is a special kind of stupid" | |
HarperHeld yesterday Naw, the assertion that opensim can be apolitical and that it doesn't affect people here is demonstratably false. Partisians are partisan inworld just as much as they are here. As well they should be -politics doesn't stop affecting us simply because we go to the land of make-believe. | |
Frank Hurt yesterday Also: you had me at "bacon". | |
Frank Hurt yesterday I appreciate your sentiments, Hyacinth--both about the concept of trying to keep Open Sim apolitical, because we're already a fragile, fragmented, tiny community as it is without further dividing ourselves based on idealogies which really don't have a direct impact on our digital life here. |
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