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Young farm girl.

By request I'm doing the large Japanese home next, but this time I'm going to make it in situ, where it will be displayed once finished. It will take about a month and those interested in my building process can visit and see the progress as I go along. I sketched out the plans yesterday then did my space planning on site today. Pictured is how that looks. You can see it at the Emporium. In the lobby click the Japanese teleport sign and you'll see the build area in the far back.

Open Now!!!! Moonrose Male Shopping
Male Clothes for Gianni, Legacy, Jake

We have been having a ton of fun at the Gracie and Dexter's Community Dump! If you have items to share we accept everything except Skins, Mesh Bodies and Hair, I love shoes so you can add shoes lol shhhh and Dexter's Community Dump Do you have a dump you'd like to connect to the network? Join our group to learn how to make it happen!

Shoes! Outfits, Male and Female, Costumes, Bodies, Heads, Hair, Jewelry, Clothing, Avatar Enhancements/Attachments/Reborn Reimagined, top designers, exclusive content, Makeup, Skins.

Wasserfälle in Candoranien

News! hop:// De Volcanes/91/110/3827
*** auto-hide Legacy body***

I put out the avatar clone machine, that we had discussed earlier. It is a concentual "donate your body to the dance machine" script. A person who wishes to donate types "clone-me" in chat. It generates a preview, and the person types "confirm" in chat again to finish donating their appearance. It's at our club on the welcome region. Follow the paw prints. :) There is a vendor box next to it, that will give you a copy of the board for your own use.

Littlefield Grid: This is awesome Hyacinth! Thank you for sharing this! 2 months ago

Kammy new avatar!!

**Reid Skin Fatpack for CAMDEN EvoX Head**
Out at the store is another face skin fatpack:
- Shape shown on Camden EvoX Head (available at Sciatisi Grid [LM inside])
- Comes in 10 different tones matching the 'Jupiter' body skins also at the stores
- Brow and browless options. All versions have neckfade incorporated.

**Uber:** hop://

Bespoke on Immersive 3 at Pangea

nyxbreen: There are no prims or scripts used on the 4x4 sim; it uses only EEP and terraforming. That's it, people. It will blow your way, guaranteed. 2 months ago

Hello, come to my new shop in Nabila world. I have some clothes for the legacy body :-) There are new clothes and shoes.

We invite everyone to attend the celebration of life and memory of Trizzy Hunter on Wednesday January 29th 4-6 pm CST aka 5-7 pm EST time. After the service there will be a dance party in honor of Trizzy at her region Daggers edge. Lavia Lavine will be your DJ host for the party. Please come and remember the legacy that is Trizzy Hunter. Beach Memorial Gardens
Howdy traveler!
You need a good weapon on your way west.
Are you expecting a fair trader for your new gun or a hat to protect you from the merciless sun?
You should visit Fort Sand. Here is the best gun shop
in the whole west.
You´re traveling by stagecoach? Then show the coachman this ticket:

News!! Matilda Full Avatar hop:// De Volcanes/354/236/5002

Last night I watched the movie "Bullitt" again and I couldn't resist taking this image to my favorite grid for driving kilometres

Hicks: I was right yesterday when I said you had a wild side ;p. you prove it 2 months ago
Hi everyone, I hope you've had a fantastic start to the new year. Numerous texts informed me that no one was allowed to enter Dallas. I apologize for not realizing I was down. However, Dallas has returned, and as soon as I can finish cleaning up the Christmas and other stuff, a lot of modifications and new goods will be arriving. Come in and get the New Year's boxes if you haven't already, before they drift into space.

Gentle Dragonheart: Glad to see you back! 2 months ago
EUROPA FARM now with its newest vertical farm system - feeding aliens on planets around 10 light years distance!
To go there, go to SIM EUROPA, then at MAGABAGA INTERSIM station, teleport to there or other regions.
Enjoy :)

Xenon Darrow: I love your art, Jimmy!!! 2 months ago


Tailor Nova: achhh neee wie schööönnnnnnnnnnn is dat 2 months ago
Yesterday I was honored to have Thirza Ember and the awesome HG Safari group visit Aquamica. Thank you to all who came and a reminder to any who visit, you cannot tp a friend to a negative number here. Just rise up off the floor of the ocean and then you can tp others fine. Also, you cannot make lm at a negative number. Rise up off the ocean floor to make lm.

Why are there negative numbers in my ocean depth? It involves a certain blonde bulldozer driver (who is not a goddess) who enjoyed digging a bit too much and screwed up. ; )

Here is a link to my underwater store where most things are now available for you to build your own reef: hop://

or you can simply go to Textures, Trees & Scripts Trees, & Scripts

and then click on tp stone and select underwater store.

Also.....thanks to Thirza & HG Safari for the amazing write up and videos!

Luna Lunaria: This was such a cool underwater space, thanks for having us :-) 2 months ago
Way back in the day, people "donated" their likeness to be used as the NPC dance partners that we all know and love. They are stored as simple notecards inside of our dance machines.

What I would like to propose, is a project where people can CONSENTUALLY donate their NPC clone notecard for use in everyone's dance machines. After being checked for quality (no missing parts) they would be available as a collection for anyone to use in their dance machines. I think everyone would appreciate some new NPC partners. :)

I know avatars are deeply personal, and people are sensitive about it. Maybe people can come dressed in an old outfit/look to donate a clone? What I am thinking is a machine that you click, and it asks for permission to clone you. It could be at several locations on different grids. Then we can get together periodically and pool our notecard collections.

Hyacinth: I think demanding any kind of exceptional moral purity would be beyond the scope of this project. This would be distributing single notecards, not all of the associated assets. The assets are alr... 2 months ago
Expo Center on Big City Life
My little showcase in Opensim on Big City Life sim for what you can do with AI software. In this video you see first AI generated video with Runway Gen 2 by me. Those are old right now. But you can see then the new work of Nicolas Neubert made with Runway Gen 3 alpha. I made some background film music with AIVA AI to round it up matching for the whole video. The Music of the Hoarfrost video is origin soundtrack of Ninja Tracks. This promo shows how fast and easy you can see the AI video installations in Expo Center just by walking in the square, if you have your mediaplayer in Firestorm on auto play. You walk in the square on ground and the video is showing directly. In Expo Center are right now 3 videos of Nicolas Neubert on tape you can choose with blue menu by clicking on the tape.
I try to update the newest development and show now also an example of Veo 2 (text to video) of Deepmind, which is astonishing what you can do already. The AI is developing rapidly and exponential. You can say already that new AI for video especially is changing every month. For all the AI software you can get and use I recommend to go in my AI research Center. You get all information about different AI and purposes with links to the websites there.
In the Expo Center you find also a lot of other works. Artists in opensim show their AI generated pictures like Pat Babii and Sergio Rodriguez but there is also analog art made in rl like oil painting of ieko and acryl painting of Essensual McMahon. If you are fan of classic artists like Caspar David Friedrich or Vincent van Gogh you will find it there, too.
You can reach directly the expo center with blue bus and train at Zoo railway station. From there just follow the hostesses that walk the path from railway station to expo center and you can even talk with them, while you both walk the path. Or drive by yourself with car and follow the signs to Zoo. Then you will come automatically to Zoo, open air pool and Expo center.

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/91/110/3827
*** auto-hide body***

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/95/129/3827

@JamieAnna Wright reminded me this morning of my art exhibit I created when she placed her Dali clock out at the Dingleberry Dump! OH Yes!! I remember I created an exhibit titled Persistence of Memory by Dali. I rezzed it at SkyRealm and can be viewed here:

Thank you Anna for perpetual inspiration 💗

Marianna : 2 months ago

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/151/278/3462
( tp ----->Animations )

Aurora Starchild: 😍😍😍😍😍😍 2 months ago

Men's store update #kingmancity

Exotic Hyper-Grid Portals Set v2.0
This is a set of 3 different Hyper-Grid Portals, they use an easy to update destinations notecard, just touch and select your desired destination and simple walk through! Enjoy!!
hop:// Isle/381/212/22

Happy New Year my best dear friends

Happy New Years OSW!!!

This ad is for all the guys that wear Legacy Male body, just in time for the new year's parties, my friends at "The Silo" have donated a very hott Tux for you to come grab! > hop:// Isle/382/263/22
Enjoy and Happy New Years 2025
♦Tara Exotic♦

Aurora Starchild: Yaaaay! 3 months ago

oggi si aggiunge alla compagna il Tritone verde

Wolf Workspace Co-Working in RL in World Pomodoro, FREE offices for participants

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/98/135/3827

Merry Christmas, dear friends! From the sparkling world of Vesti, we send our warmest wishes. Indulge in the beauty of Simona/Athena and Xara/LaraX, where bodies come alive. Steer clear of imitations - only the original will do justice to your radiance.

Sylvia-Koeln: Merry Christmas for you too ♥ 3 months ago

Enfin, nous sommes arrivés... pour ceux qui célébrent Noël.
Francebuildouille vous souhaite un
Joyeux Noël et bonnes fêtes de fin d'année.

Hyacinth: Merry Christmas! *hugs* 3 months ago

Santa will soon begin his world tour
At the observatory we will follow him
With the help of NORAD

I wish you all a nice start into the Christmas week. :-)


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