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New men's clothing pack with hud included !!

The Snowfall Expanse
to access you need to join the Region group, contact me to join

Go with skates and scarf, you can have fun in the snow, it is very big you need time to visit it, there are ski slopes in the mountains, then you can go to the Christmas market, visit the castle and the house of Santa Claus. Don't be in a hurry or don't enjoy this region, have fun, thanks to everyone it was a great job.
The Snowfall Expanse
shopping, Christmas market
Opening December 6th
At 1:00 pm a live music event will begin, singing in the snow.
OUT NOW! The new Stark! magazine with the famous Nice Minik as photographer and model! I can promise, you'll see new sides of OSGrid's most popular photographer. Definately worth a closer look!

Get your copy of the magazine and vendors at the Stark landing point.

Kingman City Region

Kingman City Region

Enjoy and share!
YAY Region

Working on a whole line of Native Clothing outfits for Men and Woman more traditional spanning 5 different tribes. I only just started but im doing a very large Native build right now and there wasnt much to choose from. hgusss ill put them all out in the WEST STORE as soon as im finished. Some parts i had to make from scratch so.... be patient lol hugss

Kingman City Store Stuff

#teleport #center #arkhamgrid

Enjoy and Share :)
YAY Region

Heather Shrub SCULPTED PACK new release: Available for FREE and FULL PERM at GARDEN AREA , BOX 01. This is a special shrub found at cold areas. The flourish time happens on late July until November and they are very resilient to freezing weather conditions // Shrub available (and its seasonal textures) at Wild weed n shrub box.. Enjoy :)
SFposer is now 2 weeks old! Beta 0.8 fixes a lot of bugs, improves menu layout.

SFposer now has built-in support for: Pose Editing, Props, RLV, Lockguard chains, Expressions, NPCs, Sequences, Sounds, child prim properties, Giver, addons, remote operation, , event filters etc, all easily configurable in notecards

Find out more @
Enjoy and Share ;) Harbor Conglomerate City Store Body / Bento / Baches On Mesh


Store AO/Bento/Animation/Dance Arkham City

10 year rezz day of Lani region on 1 May 2020

Hi Folks
It gives over 100 new houses on the sim Free house Market II
Feel free to visit and enjoy it. There are also whole compositions.
Governor Heron

le retour du marche pirate en construction
pirate shop returned underconstruction

Liebe Freunde,
bald ist es wieder soweit – die fünfte Jahreszeit steht vor der Tür, und wir können es kaum erwarten, sie gemeinsam mit euch zu feiern! Dieses Jahr erwartet euch ein kunterbuntes Programm voller Spaß, Musik und guter Laune.
Los geht’s am Donnerstag, den 27. Februar, mit unserer großartigen Kostümparty. Kommt in euren kreativsten, verrücktesten oder elegantesten Outfits und startet mit uns in die Karnevalstage. Für die perfekte musikalische Stimmung sorgt unser DJ Marlon, der euch mit den besten Klängen den ganzen Abend über begleitet. Tanzen, lachen und feiern ist angesagt – das dürft ihr nicht verpassen!
Weiter geht es am Montag, den 3. März, mit dem Höhepunkt der Karnevalssaison: dem großen Pangea Rosenmontagsumzug in Köln. Freut euch auf farbenfrohe Wagen, beeindruckende Kostüme und die einzigartige Karnevalsatmosphäre, die Köln so besonders macht. „Kamelle!“ und jede Menge Spaß erwarten euch in den Straßen der Domstadt – seid dabei und feiert mit uns diesen unvergesslichen Tag!
Den Abschluss bildet am Dienstag, den 4. März, die traditionelle Nubbelverbrennung. Gemeinsam verabschieden wir uns von den Karnevalstagen und lassen mit dem Nubbel symbolisch all unsere „Sünden“ zurück. Lasst uns diesen Moment nutzen, um die festliche Zeit mit einem Lächeln ausklingen zu lassen.
Markiert euch die Termine im Kalender und bringt Freunde, Familie und gute Laune mit. Wir freuen uns auf euch und eine unvergessliche Karnevalszeit!
Alaaf und Helau!
Euer Pangea Team
Dear Friends,
The time has come – the festive season of Carnival is just around the corner, and we can’t wait to celebrate it with you! This year, we’ve prepared a vibrant program full of fun, music, and great vibes.
We’ll kick things off on Thursday, February 27th, with our amazing Costume Party. Put on your most creative, wacky, or elegant costumes and join us to start the Carnival festivities with a bang. To keep the party alive, our fantastic DJ Marlon will be spinning the best tunes all evening, ensuring a night full of dancing, laughter, and unforgettable moments. Don’t miss it!
The highlight of the season awaits us on Monday, March 3rd, with the grand Pangea Rose Monday Parade in Cologne. Get ready for colorful floats, stunning costumes, and the unique Carnival atmosphere that Cologne is famous for. Shouts of “Kamelle!” and pure joy will fill the streets – come and be part of this spectacular day!
Finally, on Tuesday, March 4th, we’ll wrap things up with the traditional Nubbel Burning. Together, we’ll bid farewell to the Carnival days and symbolically leave behind all the “sins” of the season. Let’s enjoy this special moment and end the festive time with smiles and good spirits.
Mark these dates in your calendar, and bring your friends, family, and good vibes along. We’re looking forward to seeing you and sharing an unforgettable Carnival season!
Cheers and let’s celebrate!
Your Pangea Team
Gracie and Dexter's Community Dump is Open to Public - Everyone Welcome

I added Giraffe Family today and Fred added his excellent camels!

@FerdFrederix thank you for adding your rideable camels so that we can ride here 🐪🐫 and Dexter's Community Dump

Caribia: Thanks camel was working fine to me usually I get all kinds of bug's :P 9 days ago

Getting the venue set up for our white party

Aurora Starchild: Love it! I made a script for the tiles to light up on collision if you want it (it does require a script on each tile tho, so might be a bit laggier) 12 days ago

Enjoy the breathtaking view of the surrounding nature and wildlife at Eden.
Ride the orca, sail a boat, walk around wild animals, visit the Mermaid lair and much more to discover!

Marianna : This is indeed breathtaking, very beautiful 💗 13 days ago

i added some animeshs have fun

harthelie: tres bonne idee cette sim j'ai pris l'araignee 12 days ago

Hicks: c est fait 12 days ago


we're almost there, the pregnancy will also be out soon, you can already find some outfits

KayceeBlack: @Ludo, Take your personal attack on Pagane elsewhere. OSW doesn't need your troll activity seen on a totally unrelated region. This is a nice, adult only SIM and not involved in your "white-knight" ac... 19 days ago

Willow Outfit For Legacy_Perky_Classic_Pregnancy_
Out Now!

Happy New Year set #arkhamgrid #available
Kingman City


Zoey Cutey: I love your creative avatars, thank you, Happy New Year! 21 days ago


KHIRONAMETZA: I'd love to get there from Trianon Grid, and OsGrid (Aviworlds is not allowed to go) but the only thing I get, when I get there is this and I re-logged about 5 times in ea... 25 days ago

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/102/288/3827

Aurora Starchild: Oy dios lo nesesssitooo 25 days ago

Lise: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Nice photo! 25 days ago

Happy Holidays from Wicked Way!

Hugabug: Merry Christmas Wicked & a safe wonderful New Year! 26 days ago
Hello everyone!
We are excited to announce the opening of the new New Life Italy store! We invite you to join us for an evening filled with music and fun. Don't forget to wear your best holiday attire!
Here’s the program for the evening:
Dj Ana; 11:30 - 12:00
Dj Tombeur: 12:00 - 12:30 SLT
Angel Dark - Dear Santa: 12:30 - 13:00 SLT
Dj Luna Nera - Live Singer: 13:00 - 13:30 SLT
Vivi Vivian - Live Singer: 13:30 - 14:00 SLT
DJ Giovy: 14:00 - 14:30 SLT
Dj Lala and Dj Lyzio: 14:30 - 15:00 SLT
We look forward to seeing many of you there to celebrate together! Don't miss it!

AnaKathy: Gerne hätte ich die Mall besucht, aber leider war sie geschlossen. Wurde sie nur für die Veranstaltung geöffnet? 28 days ago

Arkham Grid 2024 Holiday Gifts