OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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Just a touchy-feely ... a friend of mine wanted to know about an online witch-coven, I would consider building it, to help her out.... just want an opensim feedback first... please leave your comments

OpenSimUser: Woo-hoo, witchy woman See how high she flies Woo-hoo, witchy woman She got the moon in her eyes 3 years ago
Extraordinarily Ordinary
Not all of us can be superstars. This is an outfit for those of us who strive to be great at the ordinary things in life. Getting out of the house on time instead of late as usual. Unloading the dishwasher. Remembering to bring cloth bags to the grocery store. Taking the elephants out for a walk. Did I say elephants? Silly me. I meant aardvarks.

And, as is ordinarily the case, this oh HELLO outfit is full of fat-packs. Hair? Fat-pack. Jacket/Shirt combo? Fat-pack. Pants? Yup, them too. Oh ya, and the boots. What about the boots? Pay attention pumpkin. Fatpack!

Oh HELLO: Outfits For Elephants. Or was that Aardvarks? Sorry. "Outfits with Options."

Thirza Ember: wait... have you got a lil crush on Aaack? 3 years ago
I THOUGHT that I had found it! The PERFECT nude beach in opensim. Okay, not PERFECT maybe, but close enough to DO, with a few tweaks here and there that I thought the owner could do quickly and easily. And GLADLY, in that they would improve the experience for ALL users.

My requirements for the perfect nude beach are simple and few.
1> clothing optional. While I'm perfectly happy nude, I realize SOME people are NOT, and I would like a beach that is inviting to as many people as possible. Opensim IS a social experience after all, and it's difficult being SOCIAL while sitting alone on a deserted beach. I can do THAT at home!

2> Attractively decorated. Being a HOPELESS landscaper myself, this is important to me. I want to be in pleasant, realistic, IMMERSIVE surroundings. I want to FEEL like I'm sitting on a sunny, windswept beach, with the sound of waves breaking on the shore when possible.

3> Human only. Call me a hater if you like, but this is simply an extension of my IMMERSIVE requirement. I have nothing against non-human appearing av's, or those who choose to play them. I count them among my friends in probably a similar proportion as they exist in the general opensim population. But they DON'T EXIST in reality! So that pretty much conflicts with a realistic environment. And YES!! I realize this contradicts my desire for a sim that appeals to as many AVs as possible, but SOMETIMES you just have to make some hard CHOICES.

4> Adult only. This one I think should go without saying, but sadly it can't. I'm no lawyer, not even an RP one in world. But I live in the U.S.A. And here, to the best of my understanding, I'm committing a felony by even VIEWING a DEPICTION of a naked minor. It makes NO difference whether or NOT they are engaged in sexual behavior. It makes NO difference if it's actually 2 70 year old guys 'expressing themselves' or 're-living their childhood' by going at it. It makes NO difference if I AGREE with the law or not. I really don't believe the FBI is going to track me down and prosecute me for being on a sim with a naked child-like av, but what, on the other hand, do I stand to GAIN even if they DON'T?

5 Activities. Chat is great, but at this point in time, even the BUSIEST regions in opensim are going to have considerable periods when NO ONE but you is there. And nude regions are, and probably always will be, FAR from the busiest sims. So having things to do when you are alone there is important. Often I spend such times multi-tasking, working on something in RL while in OS too, but if one is not paying attention, this makes you just another AFK avatar, something that OS is TOO full of already. Plus it's fun to have some joint activity (beyond sex!) when other AvS are there. Activities also tend to hold visiting AVs in the region somewhat longer, thus increasing the likelihood of AVs meeting up there.

5 Listed in OSW Okay I KNOW some people have issues with the OSW way of doing things. But, like it or not, it has the largest audience of opensim users I know of. And this is important in that virtually all nude beach sims are going to start out having VERY few visitors. To have traffic there, one will have to build it up and the best way to DO that is for AVs to see that there's OTHER avs already there. OSW is ideal for that. They say that misery loves company, well so do opensim avs!! Aside, of course, from the lonely builders lost in the joys of construction on their own sims!!

This isn't an exhaustive list of desirable features and isn't meant to be. There are others. And there are CERTAINLY many factors that can make for a toxic environment notwithstanding the presence of these GOOD ones. But by and large, I think this is a good baseline of REQUIRED features in my search. But even these aren't immutable though. If you are dealing with an amiable sim owner who is open to suggestions on how to improve their sim and make it provide a better user experience, many negatives can be turned totally around.

But then again, sometimes NOT! And this is where the latest subject of my search sadly falls short. Cayo SW in the Alternate Metaverse Grid is a beautiful sim with MUCH to offer everyone but especially nudists. It has a large clothing optional area and is beautifully landscaped with wide white sandy beaches. It has what appear to be setups for holding live events(nakie beach parties, anyone?) and activities galore!! Dune buggies, a really fun balloon ride, water slides and surfing. Well... sorta, anyway. It's THERE, in part. Surfboards that appear to work, but no WAVE to ride.

On the few occasions in the past when I have brought some issue to sim owners' attention, they have always been appreciative for the information and quickly resolved it. Which makes sense. Often user feedback is the only way an owner CAN learn of a problem. The owner in this case was very friendly and we had a pleasant chat. To be fair, she never SAID, in so many words, that the surfing would be fixed, but what she DID say led me to believe it would be. My bad I guess, since several days have passed now and nothing has changed. It's really not about the surfing itself. That would be a PLUS for the region, but it's not a make-or-break issue for me. However I think it DOES reflect on a sim owner's attention to their regions. If an owner isn't willing to do the small things that MIGHT turn what APPEARS to be a dead sim (in all my visits I've yet to see anyone there other than friends I have urged to visit) into one that might generate some traffic for the grid, then why should I spend MY time on it?

There are other issues as well. Such as having a landing zone that drops you out in the middle of the ocean, a LONG way from anything that matters and no signs POINTING you to them. AND a water front that suddenly drops from @19m to @5 as soon as you step into the water. It's like 'watch out for that FIRST STEP!!!' This can make swimming and surfing (assuming it ever iS working again) awkward at best. Minor things, true and easily corrected. But seeing how my request for having the surfing fixed was received, I've felt disinclined to even ASK about anything else!! All in all it's a lovely sim with GREAT potential; it's just a shame it doesn't receive the love it deserves.

As or me, the search continues!!

Jupiter Rowland: What you've written addresses quite a number of issues, some of which apply to beaches in general. Clothing optional, well, I'd say that every sim in OpenSim that allows nudity is clothing-optional e... 3 years ago

de retour, mais plus avec tous mes objets, désolée !
back, but no longer with all my items, sorry!

Kashi Takeshi: Welcome back :) 3 years ago
My first 3D picture of ViBel's Neiferleaf Castle
Taken with the new Firestorm
3D view on Flickr

(Just in case you would want to know how to take a 3D picture with the new FireStorm: - It proves that anyone can)

Kelso.Uxlay: Real nice 3 years ago
My computer fried apparently, while I was yet again having a wrestling match with death. It seems I won yet again! haha! :) I am trying to fix PC but still mostly in wheelchair ATM, n outta money currently. I apologize guys n gals. I am so very sorry my worlds are down. I dunno if I see well enough to overhaul my 96 Gb dual 6 core workstation, or no, but I/when I get me debt down with a now 1k a month income, and 18k of debt... lol :O I will certainly TRY HARD to fix it, and get worlds back up. Prayers, love, hugs, and high 5's everyone. Be well, be happy. :)

Misty_Falls: My prayers for you, speedy recovery. 3 years ago
I just placed a new Mesh Avatar in the Rigged Avatar Store-Free-Full perms. Please meet Lil Col Sanders, Sanders in his youth lol, I created this avatar one year as my Halloween costume to trick or treat at @Jamie Anna Wright region. It was such the fun night that I thought I would offer him. He comes with a crispy attitude! You can find the Rigged avatar store here

Jamie Wright: Loved it then and still love it now Mari:) Great work! 3 years ago

Updated Avi-eater, with goggling eyes

Justyn Tyme: Is he/she up for grabs? 3 years ago

Sometimes i dont know why i bother,,,,,,

James Delphin: Sending some hugs 3 years ago
Phantom Rose Grid, Steam Region's Water power Clock, with Chateau du Coeur, in the background. There is a lot to explore on this region. You can use the steam powered boats to explore via the massive water ways or ascend to the Conservatory and use the public balloons offered for guests to float over this beautiful region. You can go to the main dock and start an Adventure Quest to Mysterious Island and win a great prize or explore the undersea beauty of Mermaids of the Mists. There is a hidden cavern under the Graveyard, with some interesting challenges! There is no need to be bored in your virtual life, when Phantom Rose Grid offers many interactive activities 24/7! Hop to Steam via Opensimworld, or use your viewer and paste in:, which brings you to the public Welcome Region. From there you can use the Interdimensional Portal (IDP) to travel throughout the Grid.

Steampunk Siouxsin: I havent been, but this looks fantastic, very well done! 3 years ago
Celebrating Jails Everywhere?
I joke around a lot, but, as unbelievable as it may seem, this not a joke. According a business blog, the "National Play Monopoly Day" is a time for families to gather together to play the game that celebrates "Park Place, Boardwalk, and the jails located anywhere in the world". WTF? Celebrating jails?

This new outfit at oh HELLO only celebrates fun, fashion, and, ironically, anti-capitalism. (It's free). Smash the State and Storm the Bastille in style with this Monopoly themed skirt, graffiti top and "wild heart" platform boots.

Oh HELLO: Outfits With Options

rayne: love your outfits and your sense of humor :) 3 years ago
Party at Club Equinox today, in about 45 minutes.

This party is meant to be the final party on 'old' Equinox Grid.
DJ Golbez returns spinning his hard metal, baby metal, etc. 3pm to 4pm grid time.
A Mystery DJ will follow DJ Golbez 4pm to 5pm. Club Equinox

Harmony Beningborough: LOVVVVEEEEEEE YOUUUUUU!!! 3 years ago
January's Party at Club Equinox.
3pm to 5pm GT.

This party is meant to be the final party on 'old' Equinox Grid.
DJ Golbez returns spinning his hard metal, baby metal, etc. 3pm to 4pm grid time.
A Mystery DJ will follow DJ Golbez 4pm to 5pm. Club Equinox

Mistressdalgato: are you switching to a different grid? 3 years ago

Blog post about Metropolis

Jupiter Rowland: And this is what happens when you (read: I) can't shut your (read: my) yap at OSCC. Don't ask. That said, I have to agree: Metro has got one of the most gorgeous landing sims out there. It's still my... 3 years ago
Some guy was annoyed by my posts about outfits I assemble. Sorry darling, these clothes aren't for you. Anyways, the grid was down for a bit and is now back. Assembling outfits to annoy easily annoyed guys is happening again!

oh HELLO: Inspired by Fashionista. Accessible to all.

New artwork in the gallery

.inspired by Rene Magritte
(2nd floor)

OSGrid | The Art Factory

This Dinkie cloth is only for opensim. It will not work on the Dinkies in Second Life. The topology and weighting is different, although they look the same.

Come in and find out !!!!

ahhhhh, a cozy place.. but wait..what happened to Santa?

Where: Xinashi
When: 3 years ago [11 Aug 2021 12:00 SLT]

oh HELLO is here to help you look your best. Looking for outfit ideas? Landmarks of good places to shop? Have an outfit you are assembling that you'd like help with? Have an outfit you'd like to show and share? Well then, come to the oh HELLO SHOW AND SHARE Event on the second Wednesday of each month at noon. The next event is this coming Wednesday, August 11th, at noon.

Wear an outfit you are working on and get ideas and items from us all to help complete it. Or wear a completed outfit to the event and pass it on to all who'd like a copy. (As we do in the oh HELLO shops, box up the outfit with a pre-set body alpha HUD and all items of any in a fat-pack) Even if you don't have anything to show or share, come to the event to get outfit ideas and landmarks of good places to shop.

Hope to see you at the oh HELLO SHOW AND SHARE Event at noon on this and future second Wednesdays of the month.

I'm trying to keep pace with places using babe-watch bikini pix to promote their events. But no, no "Best of Bikini" event at Xinashi. But yes, I am looking for DJs for other events. Check out one of our dance event venues, the Xinashi Rocket Club, where we answer the question, "Why does Jeff Bezo's spaceship look like a penis?" hop://

Kingman Furniture Design

This is a beautiful Heart Bezel solitaire in Ruby. It is bento rigged so it increased the LOD it is a bit heavy. The mesh was reduced 50% prior to rigging too. For those that demand bento, and to the ones who scream at me for being heavy, I have to say, sorry but had to do it!! You can find it in the Bento rings section in the Foyer. Jewelry

Spend Sunday afternoon @Alternate Metaverse! Join us at AMV Events on Sunday, July 24th and become enchanted by KHIRON AMETZA, a seasoned performer who has been singing in virtual worlds for a dozen years! Khiron is Fun & Friendly and WOW what a voice! Her provocative singing is the result of a lifetime of professional musicianship in her real world in Brazil. Contemporary Ballads, 70's & 80's, 90's, 00's, Rock, Disco, and more. You'll recognize famous covers and fun danceable tunes!

Map us Events

Why there are people they give their avatars names like "Nazi German" and "Adolf Hitler"?
Why they visit a sim like Stark and say they hate gays and threaden people to find them in real and kill them?
Why are people so full of hate?
Why can't they stay away from Stark and let live people their (virtual) life in the way they want?
Lots of questions that I don't have an answer to!

But one thing is absolutely clear for me:


So please stay away and spread your hate somewhere else. Or better: Don't spread it anywhere!

And stop crying in the Stark OSW review section because we banned you several times. We would do it anytime again!

We wish all residents, visitors and friends a happy easter.
The Soul-Grid

"The New & Improved Arkham Grid is now re-open, we are locked and loaded back and better than ever! Welcome to all friends!"
grid hop

why i become if i sell somthing no points im chat come only bad passwort

Arch Cape is moving. A new adventure is on the way. Stay tuned!

...wir hatten Besuch ...
...well we got a visitor...

Teleport Arkham City

I gave it a good go but the rigging of the jewelry caused the avatar cost to go up too much. I have decided to pull some of the bento because of complaints about the avatar cost. Before rigging the jewelry is decimated until it loses it's detail, so I am decimating as much as possible. I will keep playing with it until I can get the cost down. Thank you Typhaine.Artez for taking the time to help me perfect the jewelry. It has been a battle because it is such fine details which cost huge on some pieces no matter how much I decimate, or clean up. The other issue is, when clients wear mesh shoes, hair, clothing their avatar cost is up there, then by wearing my jewelry it goes up let's say the same as a pair of shoes, but because the jewelry is usually added last, the jewelry is to blame!! It is all adding to the avatar cost. Back to the drawing board. Thank you for all the support!!



Searching for magical flowers at Brigantia--Isles of Myst RP.

There's three ways that love can grow. That's good, bad or mediocre.

Ladys what I have for you all?..i am sure you would love to have the tummy talker feel the pregnancy and feel your baby in your is the time to have it...tummy talker with hud is in the store...come all and take it ...

Arkham City Halloween land