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Wolf Grid Art Gallery at welcome with our new exhibit.

In the 7th grade, in physical science class, I got a hard paddling with a wooden paddle with holes in it. Our physical science teacher had just explained that the universe was created by a big bang. I asked if God created the big bang. I was the only one in class with a question weighing heavily on my heart as my parents had raised me in church, and my belief was in direct conflict with what the teacher was saying. I was not rude, I didn't ask with a smirk on my face, or with ill intent. I asked as a question of curiosity. I was beaten so hard that I cried - in the 7th grade. I still wonder and marvel at the origin of the universe, often reflecting about it in my mind. Scientists thought all the stars in the universe would be pulled back together into a ball every so often, and tremendous forces would cause it to explode apart again. This way the universe was forever a constantly repeating explosion and contraction that had always been this way. Around 2017 the greatest minds in the world decided after analyzing their collected data that the universe does not go back together in a "big crunch" after the "big bang" but that it is expanding forever. Scientists then decided that to explain the big bang that the universe was empty, but b/c it was so empty the possibility for matter to exist was very high, so all the matter in the universe created itself out of nothing... That's the current theory of the creation of the universe. It just appeared out of "thin air" so to speak... I call that magic, and I am aware of the famous saying that "All significantly advanced technology will appear as magic to primitive people". In some ways the bible and science are similiar. Science says in the beginning was a tiny spark of light that exploded into all matter and all things. The bible says in the beginning God said "Let there be light..." Religion is often the way of primitive people to explain the world around them, and where you are born in the world can largely determine what you believe. I have a book that lists over 4,327 Gods and Goddesses in the world, each bound to the geographic area of their worshippers, except where the boundaries move due to war, or evangelism. That's not counting the over 2,000,000 hindu indian gods, they have a new one every so many months, e.g. a person born with a long tail. We are biological entities in a physical universe. Lifeforms, but we are also very special, we are gifted with knowledge & wisdom, and with knowledge comes the knowing of right & wrong. It's the same in most all religions, but here again opinions vary, and that's ok. We are all entitled to our own opinion. Because nobody knows for sure, if there's a God, if there's a krishna, ra, zeus, odin, big bang theory, etc. It's ALL a belief. The evidence seems to favor a big bang theory, and scientists looking up say everything is flying apart which supports the explosion idea. When I look up at night, I see stars that swirl imperceptibly slowly in the celestial realm. I know that more people have been killed in religious wars, than in all world wars combined. I know earth is a small blue ball of water, precariously suspended near a giant fireball. Last night I didn't sleep. I had been sick for days with a cold, and was literally up all night scripting things to help people as many people come to me all the time asking for help scripting something. At 5:30 am eastern standard time, I woke my partner and drove him to the hospital in the dark for colon cancer surgery. It was raining, the windows fogged up. The hospital was more like a sprawling university campus of buildings. There were no signs, and finding the right building involved parking in various parking lots walking a quarter mile to a building in the pouring rain, only to find we were at the wrong building yet again. My glasses were covered on the inside by rain, as I had forgotten my umbrella. I could not see clearly, and had nothing dry to wipe them with. Frustrations ran high as we had made it to the hospital at 6:30 am after a long drive on the interstate. We walked around the hospital in the cold rain for 50 minutes. It was 7:20 am and his surgery was supposed to start at 6:45. Headlights cutting us off on the campus and cars blocking the path to the next building. My partner started yelling and cursing at me. I started yelling and cursing back. Finally I just stopped and said "God please help me."

Arcfury: Years ago, after just a few weeks of study I was able to notice that there was never a "big bang". It is just difficult for some to admit that they were wrong, and so the big bang theory is stuck wit... 7 months ago

besides St. Patrick´s ...everything you need for a good easter shopping experience..

NEW Furniture

Light Plants

A new attraction on Stark Straits, a gallery of AI art that does not take itself too seriously, being created from fantasy and desires by a complete novice!!! You will love it or hate it, it is the marmite gallery!!!!!! It it is called Niki's Checkerboard Museum of AI Art.

Sodasullivan: Woosh! a very fun and wild experience. I recommend a visit 7 months ago
Feeling empty today. Monkey sits still and quietly and looks worried. Not a normal morning in Caribou.

My partnership ended last night. I want to tell openly about it as it brings some changes to Caribougrid. And I hope that it can help others who have gone through the same.

I am so happy that Andron remains in Caribou. He will be less here because of other obligations and responsibilities. And yes, we will stay close friends. Andron will continue to help me with the difficult tech issues. We share our home here and I see that there are always fresh flowers and something to eat in the kitchen.

But our partnership? It did not get a real chance, for many reasons. And the future? We see what it brings.

There are some changes in Caribou. Three 2x2 large regions are now away or empty. Monkey and me are starting to repair them and we hope to have Caribou back in shape soon.

Friends are welcome to help of course.

Caribou will remain open for all 18+ Avatars from all regions and grids. There will be no changes.

I hope that you will all continue to respect this so that we can serve as a meeting point for everyone, outside any grid conflicts.

My younger sister Christina Lion is 19+ and will help me in Caribou. Yanny who is a wee bit older likes to be a fairy so better that Christina takes the responsibility.

'Little Lion' Christina cried, but was happy that Andron and her cousins will stay, even if they can come more seldom.

So, at the end it did not turn out to be as bad a day as I had expected. But yes, an empty and lonely feeling came over me, which Monkey understood.

I still suffer from the exclusion that I wrote about earlier, and am always here to lend a listening ear if someone wants to talk about these things.

Looking at Monkey, I smile. I love you and need you.


AVs from all Grids Welcome

Shemale Ladyboy TG 18+ M F Women Men Neko Furry Others

Best Shops - new mesh bodies, outfits, animations - Petite Reborn Legacy Athena. GRIMM

18+. Short or tall. Ask Jeanne. No groups.

Be safe as 18+.

Free Private Homes, Islands, Hideaways for Caribou Grid Avatars. Others Ask Jeanne. Full Owner Rights.


Lilly Pond: Dear Jeanne I just can give you a hug! “Keep a little fire burning; however small, however hidden.” 7 months ago

new clothes with hud

FreshVirtualWorld: Thankyou. 7 months ago


Aurora Starchild: Wow, qué pasadam :O de "chupa la punta!" 7 months ago

----- NEW -----

Hier ein paar impressionen vom Karneval in Köln. Danke allen die ein Teil davon waren.

Here are a few impressions from the carnival in Cologne. Thank you to everyone who was a part of it.

thedeeferry: Absolutely magnificent presentation! ヽ(°‿ °*ヽ)ヽ(*゚ー゚*)ノ(ノ*゚ー゚)ノ awesome party! 8 months ago
Pictured is a panoramic view of the entire Emporium region which is all at ground level, with Luxor visible beyond the Castles area. The central store is large, with multiple rooms that include themes such as Christmas, Gothic, Vampire, Arcane Magic, Castles, Steampunk Airships, Medieval, Japanese/Asian, Greek and Roman, Statuary, Decor, freebies, large architecture in multiple styles, and large Venues.

Surrounding the central rotunda are large viewing parcels where you can walk through all of the structures available for purchase. They can be accessed by teleport boards, bridges, flying, or taking a boat ride. There is a freebies section inside the central store with several items free to anyone. Also available for free are the Ruth 2.0 and Roth 2.0 mesh avatars along with the current huds and accessories.

Important Note: Use Shared Environment and higher graphics to see the region properly. As you explore the various parcels, the sky settings will change to fit the theme.

Many of my products can also be found on the Kitely Market here: and can be delivered directly to your inventory on your grid, but if you don't mind hypergridding, those same items are 20% off Kitely Market prices if you get them directly from my main store.
ATLAS is pleased to host the HG Safari on Wednesday, Feb. 21, 9 PM UTC. This event is brought to you by Thirza Ember

ATLAS aura le plaisir d'accueillir le HG Safari Mercredi 21 Février à 22 heures, heure de Paris. Cet évènement est organisé par Thirza Ember

LadyKa: J'ai hâte d'y être !!! A tout à l'heure :-) 8 months ago
Introducing The Magic Society. A group dedicated to magic in the metaverse. Meetings are at the Arcane Academy on Wizardry region every saturday morning. You must be a magical being to join. Elf, Fae, Pixie, Witch, Wizard, etc. Magical items designed by myself and others will be shared in the group, as well as discussions on improving life in the metaverse for magical creatures.

Sodasullivan: wonderful! the elves and gypsies of Avedon Park are very excited about this! 8 months ago

YAY! suuuuuper sexy >.< ... GET me outfit! Bra, Panties and Top , Athena - Perky - Reborn with color replacement hud

Aurora Starchild: Como se nota la crisis....el aceite de oliva y ahora el tejido :P Gorgeous! 8 months ago

NEWS! Empire outfit, Legacy/Athena, with color replacement hud

The Awesome Greeter. Why is this Greeter awesome? Well. It is full perm. But it also has a lot of features other greeters do not have. It gets a list of everyone in the region and if there are new people in the list then it greets them. But not like other greeters do. It greets each individual person by getting their Key and using the special function called llRegionSayTo(). This creates way less lag in the simulator, as the script only speaks to ONE person and doesn't llRegionSay for the entire sim to hear. Normally people use llRegionSay, instead of llRegionSayTo, which is a lot more laggy. Another reason it's so great, is it plays a nifty little alert, and it updates the list every 5 seconds. If someone leaves it removes their name from the people-that-are-here list within 5 seconds. Then it will greet them again when they come back with a nice pleasant tone. It's at Once you set it down and leave it alone, you can make it invisible or tiny or stick the script & the sound in some other statue or something.
Many greeters use laggy llSensorRepeat() function with a short range. But really don't you want someone to be greeted whether they tp into the middle of your grid, or on some far corner?

alexa maurer osw: the greeter is good, just a suggestion, where it says Welcome to xyz! replace xyz with llGetRegionName() overall very useful. 8 months ago

Tidal beach at Madrigal

Lillysparks: Looks amazing. Let me know if you would like some surfable waves and a surfboard rezzer. xoxo 8 months ago
It took me about 3 years and 3 grids to finally get this castle built. Starborne Keep will take some time to explore. There is so much to see in The Land Of Xzar, plan to stay awhile. Please, don't just stand there and cam. You won't hear the sounds of the land and you won't see the details. You can get a notecard with Landmarks to help you get around at the landing. Use them, walk around, explore. If I am on, say hi. Strangers are only friends you have not met yet.

JayR Cela: This looks great. 8 months ago

News! Pink Flamingo - Dress & pantie, Legacy Perky/Athena, with color replacement hud hop://

New out at the store: Woohoo Armchair
Named it after the couch that's already in the store, because of the same look, but some different animations. Sits up to 2 people with +200 animations and 9 different textures to choose from!
Local Uber: hop:// Boutiques/358/367/23
Other TP Options:
Ps. Yes, it rezzes the screen that the Game pads 😛
At Marsala Al Kohav, you can find all kinds of things from architecture to landscaping and everything in between. While you are there, use the teleport board to come visit my little shop where you will find things like this. Love and Light! ~Star~

Aurora Starchild: Wow :O 8 months ago
A special thanks to Ellen for all this unique and wonderful content! Welcome to Warehouse 13! Where you can get hundreds of bodies, clothes, houses, & etc Things not even seen in the metaverse before! NEW! AWESOME! AMAZING! A MUST SEE!

CyberGlo CyberStar: Yes! Thank you Ellen for giving me all this stuff! :D 8 months ago

Chillin at Luxor

I'm *thrilled* to finally bring you this one. Has taken me a while because it's PACKED with cute props (90!) that make very nice static scenes, and very funny situations. If it wasn't enough, it was more than 1300 new animations (I bet you haven't seen most before!).
Uber: hop://
Other TP options:

Harleyjannys: Ufff thank you for posting this here, I went there today to get the bed, but the lag is excruciating here, I've never seen anything like it. To get this bed and a pier it took over 10 minutes. I thou... 8 months ago
Dear friends of NewLifeItaly,

Today we proudly end this extraordinary musical journey, our passionate tribute to the Sanremo Festival. Four unforgettable evenings filled with music and friends that made each note even more special.
I would like to extend a sincere thank you to each of you for making this unique and extraordinary event possible.

A warm applause goes to our exceptional DJs Tombeur, Adry, and Angel Dark – you were truly amazing, creating a soundtrack that will linger in all our hearts. Thank you!
A special thanks to our talented friend Luna Nera, whose voice touched the depths of our souls with her volcanic passion for music. Also, heartfelt gratitude to the sweet Anamari, the most beautiful backing vocalist ever, for her dedication, friendship, and the laughter she brings us every day. Thank you, Ana!

I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to Adry, who has always gave me freedom without limiting any project or initiative, supporting my stubbornness with generosity. Thank you for trusting me and appreciating me over the past twenty years.

A heartfelt thank you goes to the Alternate Metaverse Grid friends for their exceptional participation. Clifford Hanger and Cataplexia Numbers, you are extraordinary individuals, genuine and always ready to support a friend when needed.
Your friendship is a precious gift, and I am grateful for it. Thanks also to Ted Junior, an exceptional friend.

Forgive me for extending my thanks, but it is necessary.
With the AMV friends, we will meet again on March 7th for the AMV International 2024 event, ready to share new moments of music, joy, and fun together.
Thank you, thank you, thank you all for the emotions we have shared. I look back at these four evenings with many beautiful memories, each one more intense and precious than the last.
I sincerely thank you all for making these evenings so special.

I hug you all warmly.


new costumes for carnival!

Dear friends and music enthusiasts, it is with great joy that we invite you to the final evening of our tribute to the Sanremo Festival at the Ariston Theater of NewLifeItalia. This evening, February 5, at 12.30pm (S.L.T), we will immerse ourselves in memories, listening to the Festival's greatest hits from 1980 to 1990.
Our esteemed friend DJ Tombeur will host the evening, promising an experience full of emotions, with a special touch the presence of our guest Luna Nera, who will perform live for you.
Don't miss this extraordinary event!
We are waiting for you to share this unforgettable evening together.
An affectionate hug to everyone,

Smart attire is required.

Angeldark: grande spettacolo !!! 8 months ago
This is the main Roman display area, and you can walk through all the Roman structures here. This is one of several display areas at Lunaria Emporium at ground level surrounding the main store. Each area has a theme and has its own EEP sky setting to accentuate it. Make sure you have Shared Environment selected as well as higher graphics to see the shadows and materials.

You can reach this area by clicking the Roman sign in the lobby on the left side, or by taking the bridge, hopping a boat, or flying.

Safinemahoe2: Beautiful work my friend! 8 months ago

The Village of Provincetown is a perfect little New England Village, find house rentals and parcel rentals here all free.

Jamie Wright: Oh that's super sweet looking:) 8 months ago


LE TERRACE- THE only Alien places where one can play greedy, sip an alien coffee and have a view from Jupiter.

Dear friends and music lovers,

We are pleased to invite you to the musical event inspired by the Sanremo Festival, the most loved festival in Italy! Join us for an unforgettable evening dedicated to the passion for music with our DJ Adry, scheduled for Tuesday 30 January at 12.30pm SLT on This special event promises to take you on an exciting journey through different musical genres, from 2001 to 2010, bringing together talented artists for a night of rhythm and harmony.

Event Details:

Dates: Tuesday 30 January
Time: 12:30pm SLT
Dress code: elegant attire
We would be honored by your presence to celebrate musical diversity and enjoy an evening filled with good music and great company.
We can't wait to share this unique musical experience with you. Get ready to sing and create unforgettable memories!

I hug you all,


Angeldark: gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 8 months ago


Harmful Paranollas
I'm writing here because they don't even let me defend myself. Today I found out from a friend that a certain Cyberglo says that I am a certain Priscilla. Totally false. Not content with that, he has publicly exposed my IP and named the grids where I stay. Exposing an IP publicly goes against data protection and privacy. I implore this website to remove this information immediately. I don't care about the rest of the crazy article, since nothing is true and I have nothing to fear. He is a harmful being.Excuse my google English. Thank you.

Nico Kalani: It appears the post was deleted by OSW due to the reports or because people's comments on it were making him out to be a fool, 9 months ago
Hello everyone, hope everyone came good into the new Year 2024.

Yes, we still working on the Mall but as always Real Life crossed our Plans :)

We just released new Stuff for Gianni and Athena, as well as Tattoos!
Feel free to come around and check them out.

We opened our Winter Wonderland as well on Christmas. You had allready check it ? We just made a custom Ropeway inspired by the Ropeway Oberwiesenthal in Saxony/Germany.

Have a great Sunday.
Amelia & Hertha

Max Hill: Palast der Winde is a very beautiful region, it is a festival of colors, a real pleasure for the eyes. The atmosphere is successful 9 months ago
Late Night Parties begin at 10pm-1am
Early Morning Parties 6am-8am
DJ's Include:
DJ April McKenna
DJ Tyler Mathews
DJ DragonLady
DJ Sofee Supermarine
DJ Ted Junior
DJ Dave King
DJ Clan Escotia
And the occasional various guest DJs!

Put on your dancing shoes and come on down to AMV Welcome!
Join in the fun, socialize and share Snacks & Drinks from the Cafe'.
Greedy is available for anyone wanting to have a game!
We are looking forward to seeing you all here :) Welcome

The story so far...

Aurora Starchild: I *know* I still have to visit. But work is crazeh and little time I have I am using to bring some more pretty things for you folks 9 months ago
This is the small farm at Black White Castle. It's still missing a few chickens. I have to make sure I find some that lay white eggs and not brown ones ... ;)
* * * * *
Das ist die kleine Farm auf Black White Castle. Ihr fehlen noch ein paar Hühner. Ich muss aufpassen, dass ich welche finde, die weiße und keine braunen Eier legen ... ;)